Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 591

Goodbye to Angelina, no tears of solemn vows, no intense enthusiasm, only a touch of warmth of hugging together.

Here is Angelina\'s assigned rest area, which is equivalent to the Space Fortress of a small continent. The complexity and precision in it are far beyond Locke\'s imagination.

More than a week ago, when Locke first came to the digital world, Angelina\'s room was damaged. After paying a good fee, the two moved into a new room.

The war continues. Angelina\'s mission to garrison the magician is a rotation of three days. Today is her break time.

With the continuous use of magic cannon, the sequelae of mental exhaustion added a morbid beauty to Angelina\'s pale face.

In order to relieve Angelina\'s fatigue, the couple just met were warm for a moment. Locke suggested that Angelina take a break and make her some food by herself.

"Taking this will make your recovery quality better." Locke puts his negative energy fusion beads into Angelina\'s hands.

Angelina is no stranger to this small black bead, but the little white halo added on it makes the negative energy fusion bead very mysterious.

Although it is not clear that there is a force of law in it, the peace of mind brought by holding it in her hand let Angelina know what function this bead must have added.

As for this, Angelina is more curious about Locke\'s experience in recent years.

But she didn\'t ask in a hurry. Locke would always say something to her. Angelina, holding a negative energy fusion bead, stepped into the meditation room assigned to their two rooms in the space fortress and began to recover her mental strength.

Angelina recuperates and recovers inside, while Locke makes a big meal for Angelina outside using the Ancient Aliens he harvested in the micro plane.

"Maybe I can be a cook in the future." Locke\'s mind suddenly crossed this idea. With the precise control of strength by formal knights, Locke has developed a good cooking skill after living alone on the ectopic surface for several years.

Many of them were taught by the aboriginal Zhang Ling of the last position. I don\'t know what happened to this woman after Locke left. I want to have the physique of practicing Taoism and the care of commander MA in the settlement. I won\'t live too badly.

After dinner, the two close lovers snuggled together and told each other about their experiences over the years.

When Angelina is in danger in Locke\'s negative energy storm and is afraid of banishing the ectopic side through the time-space window, Locke is also in a cold sweat for Angelina\'s thrilling promotion test on the west coast.

Angelina\'s promotion to a first-class magician is not smooth. The help of her mentor Kayla is just an introduction. Whether she can take that step after all still needs Angelina\'s own efforts.

Thanks to Angelina Suoxin\'s wisdom and profound knowledge of magic, she gained a lot on the west coast and saved all the opportunities to be promoted to a formal magician at one stroke.

"You know what? The Warlocks on the west coast are very proud!" With her lover around, Angelina\'s long lost proud attribute germinated, and she coquetted Locke.

"Really? I met a group of blood warlocks on the road. I think they are OK." Locke said strangely.

"Which blood warlock did you meet?" Angelina asked.

"The leader of the nidro giant lizard family is a small dwarf, and there is a variant among them." Locke introduced her experience to Angelina.

"The nidro giant lizard family is a small family in the sail tribute Federation on the west coast. It is said that their family leader is a powerful three-level giant lizard Warlock." Angelina is worthy of being a walking dictionary. She opens her mouth and comes.

"Then you\'ll have more luck. The children of the black man Viper family I met will be much more annoying, insidious and cunning, and very lecherous." Angelina\'s face is a little bad. She should have been sad.

"See you next time. I\'ll teach them a lesson!" Locke made every man\'s angry expression after meeting this kind of man.

"The black Viper family is a medium-sized family on the west coast. It is said that there are level 4 warlocks in their family. You\'d better not be rash." Angelina was satisfied with Locke\'s response, she said.

"Then I\'ll knock on the stick and kidnap. I\'ll do it quietly." Locke sneered that one big difference between him and traditional knights is that he will not be bound by rules, which has a lot to do with his experience of civilian origin.

"You!" Angelina pointed the onion at Locke\'s head and smiled.

Those Heiman Viper family children who harassed Angelina should not be something that can be brought to the table, otherwise Angelina wouldn\'t show such disdain.

Remember the information of several Heiman Viper family children in his mind. Locke doesn\'t think he will happen to meet them in the war, but Locke will never give a good face when he meets the Heiman Viper family in the future.

After talking to Angelina, Locke gradually began to be careless. He hasn\'t been a woman for several years. Thanks to his strong willpower, he just endured it. Now when he sees beautiful people around him, Locke can\'t sit still.

"Don\'t move. I have to operate the magic guided gun tomorrow. Can I do it when the regional war is over?" As soon as Locke showed an expression, Angelina knew what was wrong in the heart of the goods. With a red face, she pushed Locke\'s salty pig hand away from her chest.

"Well..." Listening to Angelina, Locke poured a basin of cold water on her head.

Seeing that Angelina is still in a weak state of mental exhaustion, Locke can\'t force her. Now it\'s wartime. Locke can\'t hurt his beloved woman because of his selfish desires.

With Locke\'s strong physique of quasi-level II, this guy has held it for so many years. It\'s likely that one night will pass. Angelina is promoted to a level-1 magician. Afterwards, she absolutely has to lie in bed for two days without discussion.

Locke didn\'t say that he would only do such stupid things once, because he didn\'t believe it himself.

There is only one case where Locke can\'t restrain his desire, that is, in bed, when Angelina and grace and other women were cheated by this guy, they spent a week to recover.

The magician\'s physique was weak. Locke couldn\'t help thinking that if a first-class female Knight came with him, "it\'s another miscellaneous fish passing through the fire net ~" Locke sighed.

In front of a wall shining with element halo, the car flipped the magic lever on the wall several times, and through the infrared identification of the magic array, "pa Da!" A pipe leading to the top appeared on the wall.

Inspire fighting spirit to fly to the pipeline, and the surrounding magic array quickly retreated. About two minutes later, Locke reached the end.

Open a protective shell on the outer layer of the space fortress and fly out of the pipe, Locke knows that he is now on the outer layer of the exhaust port of the wind element power furnace on the left chord of the space fortress.

Through the gray clouds, Locke can see the huge vortex fan hidden in the inner side of the cloud not far away. Every time he observes the grandeur of the Space Fortress, Locke will marvel at the magicians\' creative ability.

But now Locke has no time to sigh. He flies to an injured digital beast less than 200 meters away from himself.