Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 593

But in this mixed commercial street, it\'s enough for Locke to buy what he wants.

"How\'s my armor making?" Entering an alchemy shop with a constant tinkling sound, Locke asked an old man at the front desk.

The old man\'s deep breath is much more powerful than Angelina\'s fledgling first-class magician, not as good as the original assar magician, but close to master Kaila a few years ago.

The old man also works as a part-time alchemy room. He and his old buddies opened this shop in this business district. Because it is a mixed area of knights and magicians, the old man\'s business is mainly for knights.

Magicians\' staff making and robe upgrading will naturally be carried out in the trading area where only magicians are active.

That place is much more advanced than here. Unfortunately, Locke has no permission to go. Angelina can go, but without Locke, it is difficult for the alchemist to make armor that meets Locke\'s body size and satisfies him.

"Yes, but you came a day earlier than scheduled!" The old man said that he had more dealings with the knights, and the old man also brought some impatience with the Knights.

"I can give you more money." Locke laughed.

"It\'s not necessary. Go and see your armor!" The old man glared and Locke said.

It\'s hard for the magicians to change what they believe. It\'s as much as it should be. This is especially true for the old die hards who adhere to the principle of equal value trading.

It is precisely for this reason that many strong people in the ectopic plane are willing to trade with this group of madmen who control the power of elements without exposing their own plane coordinates.

The shell is light blue with obvious grinding marks. The surface is coated with a layer of Kela giant cicada mucus, which makes this armor have good corrosion resistance.

Locke touched it. He used some fighting skills, but there was no change in the armor surface, which could resist the attack of ordinary level-1 energy intensity.

Good defense is only the basic characteristic of this armor. The biggest difference is that the several element light bands linked at the armor joint increase Locke\'s fighting spirit allocation rate by 20%, and there is a micro magic array at the armor\'s fist.

The mini magic array can let Locke summon an ice shield once a day, and the defense of the ice shield is not much worse than Locke\'s fighting shield.

This armor, which cost Locke ten first-class energy essence, is worth it.

If Locke had such a armor in the battle yesterday, he might have suffered a lot less frostbite.

After paying the balance, Locke put on the armor on the spot.

Since it is a magic armor, of course, it has the ability to summon and put it away at any time. Under Locke\'s control, this magic armor is transformed into a safety goggle in a flash of light and pasted on Locke\'s inner armor.

"The energy level of the material you provided is not high, but the element compatibility rate is good, and it seems to contain some special substances. We old guys are very interested. Can you sell us a little and the price is easy to discuss."

As soon as Locke finished testing his armor here, an alchemist in the store over there came over.

In the world of magicians, old age does not necessarily mean strong, but it must mean erudition. Facing the query of the magical old man, Locke carefully replied, "this is the only biological material I have. It\'s what I got from a digital beast in the dark tornado mountains."

The old man was only slightly disappointed by Locke\'s words. He did not doubt the authenticity of Locke\'s explanation.

"It should be a variant of the digital beast. You\'re a lucky little guy." The old man said that his strength may not be as strong as Locke, but his age is there. Locke doesn\'t dislike calling Locke a little guy.

"I heard you still want a long gun. Are you interested in ordering one here? Our store products are very popular with you Knights!" The old man turned to Locke to sell his own equipment.

In the world of magicians, money is also indispensable.

Even if noble magicians are not much worse than a philistine businessman when they are short of money, the only thing Locke doesn\'t need to worry about is that these magicians rarely sell fake goods.

"No, I don\'t need new weapons for the time being." Locke waved and refused. For this armor, he not only paid for his harvest in the dark tornado mountains, but also borrowed some money from Angelina. Now he has no spare money to buy new equipment.

Magicians are famous for their genuine workmanship and expensive selling. Locke spent ten first-class energy essence for the first time.

If he hadn\'t paid for the raw materials of his armor, the price would probably have doubled.

After touching the armor made from the remains of ancient Kraken, Locke is confident that his life-saving ability will be improved by several%.

Locke\'s broad blade sword has been with him for nearly ten years. Thanks to the fine workmanship of magician bosh, it has been used by Locke until now.

Fighting on the outer deck of the floating ship, the quality of the wide blade sword itself is heavy. Coupled with the atmospheric pressure of the surrounding air flow, it is a drag on Locke\'s speed, and the long gun is suitable for Locke at present.

Locke\'s gun skills also haven\'t fallen over the years. Just wait to do the task for another period of time and save enough money. Locke will buy a long gun.

Long guns and other weapons are much cheaper than magic armor and other protective equipment. They don\'t need very good weapons. A few energy essence grades are enough for Locke to use now.

After walking out of the alchemy store, Locke strolled around again before returning to the rest area.

While gaining security on the Space Fortress, Locke has fewer ways to make money. If he fights on the battlefield below, Locke believes that it is easier to harvest dozens of first-class energy essence with his own ability.

There is also a suitable wind system biological blood, which he has paid attention to these days, but nothing satisfactory blood appears in the market.

If you encounter good biological blood, in order to break through to the ground knight as soon as possible, Locke doesn\'t mind shooting several missiles in the space ring in advance. This disposable prop with level II or even level III power level will trigger looting as soon as it appears.