Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 588

The warlock standing in front of Locke put down his hood and showed his true face.

In addition to his low height, the Warlock is very different from ordinary people, mainly in his right arm and face. His right arm is completely an animal claw, and green spots appear on his face one after another.

These spots seem to be the cuticle of Warcraft skin. The violent energy fluctuations of warlocks are mainly emitted from these places.

From the perspective of Locke\'s Quasi second-class knight, the sudden cuticle of Warcraft on the skin is likely to be one of the sources of power of this group of warlocks.

"I\'m asking you! Don\'t you hear me, knight?" Adhering to the caster\'s consistent temper, the warlock was a little unhappy when he saw that Locke had been paying attention to his appearance.

That\'s why warlocks wear cloaks. It\'s hard to be watched.

It\'s impolite for Locke, who has recovered his mind, to take back his sight and stare at others all the time.

"These two digital animal eggs don\'t sell for money. They are only used for exchange. If you want, you just need to help me make a pair of magic armor." Locke said.

Considering the limited value of the eggs of the two female demons, Locke added, "the demonized armor doesn\'t need to be particularly precious. It\'s enough for me to use temporarily."

Hearing Locke\'s condition, the dwarf in front frowned. He was not a magician good at alchemy, and he didn\'t carry any magic armor.

"You wait." The dwarf said a word and took out a crystal ball with red light.

Rubbing his green claw on the crystal ball for a moment, the warlock seemed to be communicating with others.

After a while, several cloaks appeared in front of Locke\'s booth.

"Dadani, you can try this exchange." A cloaker looked at Locke, then at his companion, and took out a bottle of muddy gray reagent.

"The saliva of the petrified lizard?" The dwarf in front of Locke screamed. When he saw the leather armor Locke was wearing, he understood what his companion meant.

"This thing should be useful to you. After application, it can strengthen the epidermis of any scale creature and make them have stone elements for a short time." The dwarf gave Locke the gray reagent.

Looking at the gray reagent in his hand and his own volcanic salamander skin armor, Locke agreed to the deal.

Also to verify whether the gray reagent was really useful, Locke took off his leather armor on the spot and poured the saliva of the petrified lizard on it in front of the group of warlocks.

The dark red volcanic salamander skin armor makes a "zizizi" sound after contacting the turbid gray liquid, and the color of the skin armor changes slowly, changing from red to gray in two minutes.

After the transformation, Locke picked up his leather armor again and tried hardness and resistance. The strength of the quasi second-class knight can only pinch a shallow finger mark on it. As for element resistance, his wind fighting spirit obviously felt the stable stone elements in the leather armor.

Overall, this leather armor is still a failed demonized armor, but it is barely enough for Locke now.

"If you think you can, our transaction will be over." Dwarf Warlock is very professional. He didn\'t speak until Locke finished testing his armor.

"Of course." Locke nodded.

However, he spent one night in the fortress. The next day, in a wind eroded rock valley outside the howling land, Locke saw dadani and his party of six.

Their number is a few fewer than what Locke saw in the fortress yesterday. It seems that they are not all acting together.

Out of the fortress, dadani and others no longer hide and show their true appearance one after another.

Like ordinary humans, they are humanoid creatures, but either one arm is a beast claw, or they have horns on their head, or they have a beast tail. The appearance of these blood warlocks still opened Locke\'s eyes.

"We are all members of the nidro giant lizard family. Briefly, this is Harvey Ni, this is bruken, this is Sivan, this is wadsay, and this is rogmorgan." Dadani introduced Locke to his five partners.

"Hello, I\'m Locke." Locke politely shook hands one by one.

This group of people, without exception, are all first-class blood warlocks with animal characteristics. They also have blue spots and cuticle on their faces. They look terrible.

Fortunately, Locke hasn\'t seen any scenes and doesn\'t show any different color.

His eyes mainly focused on the first person introduced by dadani, Harvey Ni. She was a woman with long light pink hair and tall figure. She should have been a beautiful woman, but the cyan cuticle on her face destroyed the beauty and made people a little unbearable to look directly at her.

By feeling the breath, Locke knew that this man was the blood warlock who agreed to join him yesterday.