Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 587

In the roar of the element power furnace on the floating ship, Locke stepped on the temporary fortress through the long ladders on both sides of the floating ship.

The fierce dark tornado in the howling land in the past is now the main power source to maintain the defense magic array of this temporary fortress.

Magicians use their wisdom to create a more comfortable environment for knights and magicians as much as possible with the help of geographical advantages in this low-level plane full of deep malice to outsiders.

The oxygen concentration reaches 33%, the humidity is 12.4, and the air temperature is 15 ℃ Under the pen of many magic array masters, the environment here is close to the three western islands within the energy protection cover of howling wind land.

Compared with the war outside, there is a little more stability and peace here, but there is also an atmosphere of tension.

Locke, who had just stepped off the floating ship, had passed three 15 member Knight teams, led by deep breathing ground knights.

Their goals are the same. They are the front battlefield of the dark tornado mountains.

As Locke could see, more knights were gathering.

Knights with Space Fortress above their heads and advanced magic communication technology can obey the orders of the upper knights at the first time and accurately support the corresponding places within the specified time.

In addition, knights and magicians who attack, surround, block and transfer, have more advanced systems and have more powerful war potential and heritage, and have come before the digital beast everywhere.

Although the war damage rate remains high and the blood belonging to Knights and magicians sprinkles on this strange land all the time, more surviving knights and magicians firmly believe that victory belongs to them.

Like other planes occupied by them, the low-level aborigines of this plane will eventually succumb to their iron fist and absolute repression.

Feeling the restless rhythm of war in the air, Locke took a deep breath. The knight\'s life is full of adventure and battle. Growing up in killing and rebirth in death is the road that every knight who wants to pursue a higher level will go through.

"Locke, this is what Lord munstor gave you." Behind him, a knight came forward and handed Locke a box of wooden box. There were two oval animal eggs with dense element light waves and a dark yellow coin composed of pure fighting spirit.

Locke is no stranger to the oval beast egg. This is the egg of the female demon beast family he has seen. Unexpectedly, after parting, montore gave Locke such a small gift.

As for the dark yellow coin condensed by fighting spirit, Locke contacted the senior knights in the temporary fortress to obtain the certificate to go to the space fortress.

Now that he has owed monsore a great favor, Locke didn\'t refuse to face the two female devil eggs, but he couldn\'t figure out the real value of this thing.

Put away the digital animal eggs, and Locke went all the way to the headquarters of the knight hall.

There are two demigods and dozens of heavenly Knights guarding the headquarters of the howling wind place Knight hall. It is not as luxurious as the knight Hall branch in Princeton, but there are many Knights stationed.

In the huge Hall of the knight hall, the number of knights walking in it alone is estimated to be no less than 1000, let alone the number of knights in the whole howling land.

Take the fighting coin given by montore, find the second-class Knight he told, and give his identity plate to the bald man.

"Your identity is indeed right." The bald man looked at the crystal ball with normal green light in his hand and said.

Before Locke showed any other emotions, the knight continued, "but you have to wait a while to get to the space fortress."

"How long will it take?" Asked Locke.

"A week." Said the bald man.

It\'s wartime now. Both the howling place and the Space Fortress are in a very intense and tense battle. It\'s difficult for the knight Hall of the howling place to dispatch a floating ship to escort Locke to the space fortress.

Although there must be floating ships communicating with the space fortress in the howling wind place, most of these floating ships are engaged in combat or transportation tasks. In wartime, the knight palace cannot spend too much energy because Locke is a small first-class knight.

It\'s only a week. Since he went to the dark blue prison fire world and turned to the micro plane of the earth, how can Locke, who hasn\'t seen Angelina for several years, wait for this week.

"During this time, you can wait at the howling wind fortress, or you can take some scattered tasks by yourself." The bald man added.

Angelina is worthy of Locke\'s help. The bald man has learned the identity of the knight stationed in the Space Fortress through Locke\'s identity nameplate. Angelina must have asked someone to help get this identity.

As far as the bald strong man knows, many children of large families are willing to put their nephew generation into the space fortress for comfort. He also regards Locke as such people. The strong man believes in the strength of Locke\'s Quasi second-class knight.

"Hum, I don\'t know how much precious medicine was wasted to feed to this state." The bald man didn\'t see Locke\'s hand. He just thought this man had nothing to show. He even complained that his old friend montstock gave him such a second ancestor to cause trouble.

However, from the appearance, the bald man didn\'t show a different color, and Locke didn\'t know the rich psychological activities of the local knight standing in front of him.

When Locke was about to leave, the bald man suddenly said, "if you want to perform a temporary task, I suggest you buy a suitable armor as soon as possible. I\'m afraid your leather armor can\'t even prevent the claws of the digital beast in its infancy."

Looking down at his homemade volcanic salamander skin armor, Locke smiled awkwardly and shouted to the bald villa, "thank you for your kindness. I\'m going to do this."

With that, Locke left here.

Seeing Locke go away, the bald man shook his head and sighed, "the young Knights of the three western islands are getting worse and worse. I don\'t know how his elders teach him. Wearing such a rotten leather armor, he dares to participate in the plane war."

Out of the hall, Locke recognized the way and walked to the more lively west side of the fortress.

In order to ensure the smooth passage of floating ships, level-1 and level-2 knights and magicians are strictly prohibited from flying in the sky. Only level-3 sky Knights have this privilege.

The war atmosphere in the west of the fortress is a little lighter, but everyone carries a lot of blood. Locke has seen several wounded knights. While setting up stalls here to sell things he can\'t use, he bandages himself and takes recovery medicine as if no one else.

Not everyone is as idle as Locke. Many of them have tasks. They just take out the leisure between tasks and come here to exchange some useful props for themselves.

After walking around, Locke, who sells armor weapons, didn\'t see it. Instead, he was full of stalls selling medium and low-grade materials. These nine Chengdu came from the digital world.

Locke was not discouraged when he didn\'t find his favorite object. He also saw a group of people with strange shapes in the howling land.


Looking at the impetuous cloaks scattered in howling fortress, Locke tried to match the few blood warlock information in his mind with these strange people.

Seeing a cloaked man stretch his arm out of his sleeve by chance, Locke widened his eyes, because it was a hairy and muscular arm, which was close to the thickness of his calf.

It is absolutely impossible to be the blood transformation ability of the earth knight, because Locke only feels the energy level of first-class creatures from that man.

However, the information of human life in the wizard world revealed on his body undoubtedly made Locke more curious about these blood warlocks.

This group of blood warlocks seemed to be walking aimlessly, but in fact Locke found that they would stop for a long time in front of stalls selling digital animal eggs.

Blood Warlock can be regarded as a caster, which is equivalent to the partial branch of elementalist, Summoner and other professions in the magician profession. The number of magicians in the whole howling land is limited. Locke wants to make a pair of armor, which is difficult without the introduction of acquaintances.

As soon as his head turned, Locke paid attention to these blood warlocks.

Following the practice of the man who set up a stall next to him, Locke took out a gray square cloth from the space ring, put the items he planned to sell one by one, and applied a layer of gas shield on the outermost layer.

Most of the things Locke sells are from the fire world in the deep blue prison. Most of them are fire and thunder materials. Apart from these, the rest are two female devil eggs, as well as a growing female devil\'s wings and skull.

As for the wings of the second level mature female demon beast, Locke was not willing to take them out.

As soon as Locke\'s booth was set up, business came one after another before he could catch his breath.

"Unexpectedly, brother, you still have pure fire attribute materials here. Do you have Yanyan fruit? Get me three more."

"I want this blazing stone."

"I want to..."

The plane war has been going on for nearly three years. Many knights and magicians\' supplies are obtained through high-power transmission array. Logistics is a very important part of war. The materials everywhere in the digital world are not precious, but the materials transported from other planes with high transportation cost.

Locke\'s harvest in the dark blue prison fire world was taken out at this time, which happened to make Locke a small profit.

He doesn\'t support barter, only energy spar. Wind energy spar is the best. Locke\'s energy spar has already bottomed out for so long.

The only thing that makes Locke a little depressed is that his female demon beast egg doesn\'t seem to attract the attention of those blood warlocks in the surrounding square.

But it\'s not that there are no such customers. After Locke got nearly 200 high-energy spars, a short cloaked man appeared in front of him.

Pointing to the two digital animal eggs on the stall, he asked, "how do you sell these two female demon animal eggs?"

Locke looked up, his eyes fixed on his exposed dark green lizard claw like arm.