Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 589

Walking on the cliffs full of black and gray rocks, Locke and dadani went to the tribe of steel armor beast.

This tribe is a low-level tribe located in the middle and lower reaches of the dark tornado mountains. It is marked by the knight palace and can be destroyed by any knight team. Somehow, this task fell into the hands of these blood warlocks.

"According to the intelligence, there is no second-class digital beast in the steel armor beast tribe. There is only a steel armor beast leader with the first-class peak. You need Locke and bruken to contain it at that time. Is that all right?" Asked dadani.

Knights have always been responsible for positive compression, while magicians are responsible for long-distance output. Locke has no objection to dadani\'s task assignment.

The blood warlock named bruken was also nearby and said in a muffled voice, "don\'t worry!"

Different from the dwarfism of dadani, bruken is a burly man two meters high. His left arm is no less than the claws of real Warcraft. Locke has a feeling that light is more powerful than strength. He should not be as powerful as bruken\'s left arm.

In short, the way Knights melt powerful biological blood is very similar to that of blood warlocks. They all borrow the power of others and turn them into themselves.

But the specific difference is not what Locke, a small first-class knight, can say.

Which is better or worse still needs specific events and specific analysis.

Relying on the seven of them alone, it was somewhat reluctant to destroy a whole armored beast tribe, because the blood warlocks of dadani were outsiders. The headquarters of the knight\'s palace in howling wind did not assign any slave creatures to them.

And dadani and others obviously don\'t look like carrying slave creatures themselves.

I\'m sure I can fight. The only thing that worries Locke is that those armored beasts are going to run away. I\'m afraid they can\'t stop them.

When Locke said his doubts, dadani showed a clear look, then pointed to havini and said, "she is a rare variant of our nidro dragon family. Just give her the fish that escaped."

Along dadani\'s fingers, Locke looked. If havini was different from other warlocks present, the most obvious thing was that the animal parts of dadani and others were in the arms or legs. An old brother had an animal tail, and havini\'s animal was a pair of meat wings.

"Variants of the nidro giant lizard family..." Locke looked at Harvey, who was walking in front.

The battle fluctuation of the dark tornado mountains often appears not far from Locke and others. Without a clear signal for help, the party did not delay any time on the way.

The armored beast tribe described in the mission arrived soon.

The armored beast has only one level of strength in maturity. It belongs to the middle and lower digital beast of the dark tornado mountains. It is a vassal of the upper race mahlio.

The machrio beast is the first superior digital beast defeated by the knight\'s palace in the dark tornado mountains. Even the breeding place is lost. They can\'t protect themselves. How can they protect the lower digital beasts such as armored beasts.

"The armor beast\'s defense is very high. At that time, you will be responsible for dragging the leader, and I will be responsible for the attack." Burly bruken said to Locke.

The fighting spirit of the wind system is a little weak in terms of lethality. Locke, who wants to test the ability and means of blood warlocks, certainly agrees with bruken\'s suggestion.

This is a dark and deep mine cave.

The armored beast family has a strong gold preference. There are gray masses and viscous colloids everywhere on the ground. These are the feces pulled by the armored beasts.

Being able to digest the metal to this extent and looking at the colloid in front of him, Locke felt it necessary to reassess the actual level of the digital beast.

But before Locke thought too much, the first armored beast appeared in front of them.

Growing up, the armored beast has an ordinary level of strength. Seeing the invaders like Locke, the armored beast didn\'t want to attack at the first time, but turned around and ran away.

The intelligence of first-class creatures is generally no worse. This guy should want to run back and report.

The dark pit seriously affected Locke\'s sight. The strong metal magnetism around also interfered with Locke\'s spiritual exploration.

Just a trance, the armored beast disappeared. When Locke thought he was escaped by this guy, it was Harvey who took the lead in reacting and catching up.

As soon as his wings vibrated, a strong airflow blew through the cave and chased the armored beast in the direction of escape.

Similarly, dadani and others are not slow. The dark environment does not seem to have a great impact on their vision, and rushed up one by one.

Although Locke was one of them who was greatly affected by the environment, although he could not see the armored beast, he could sense the breath of dadani and Harvey, so he also caught up.

The users of the wind fighting spirit still have their advantages. Locke, who is at the back of the team, soon overtook dadani and bruken, and went straight to Harvey Ni and the fleeing armored beast.

"Still want to run?!" Locke cursed in a low voice and gradually adapted to the darkness in the mine. Locke condensed a fighting long gun from his hand and took the ready attack of the quasi second-class knight, just like a silver light in the night, shooting at the armored beast.

"Ming Wu ~" a burst of pain howled. The armored beast drew a long blood line and finally stopped.

Locke\'s success and strength surprised dadani and others. They agreed with Locke.

"Not bad, Locke." Dadani praised.

"Better than the first-class top Knights I know." Said wadsey in the team.

"No, no, thanks to Harvey hurting the armored beast first, I had the chance to hit it." Locke said modestly.

The fluorite for lighting was taken out. Sure enough, on the half dead armored beast, dadani and others found a wound the size of a finger hole in its horn.

The wound was not as big as the penetrating wound caused by Locke\'s fighting gun, but the victory was to hit the head, which made the armored beast slow down and let Locke hit successfully.

"Then even if this armored beast is the booty of havini and Locke, do you have any opinion?" Dadani said to the people around him.

Dadani has a high prestige in this blood warlock team. Everyone, including bruken, who puts great pressure on Locke, listens to dadani\'s command. Naturally, there is no disagreement about dadani\'s distribution.

Havini didn\'t seem very interested in the value of a growing armored beast. She looked at Locke and continued to walk at the front of the team.

The booty was collected by dadani and distributed uniformly only when the task was over.

Locke finally found out why these blood warlocks could see things in the dark. A layer of retina with light green fluorescence covered the eyeball epidermis of dadani and others.

This is definitely not magic, nor is it natural to humans. It should be a special organ that they inherit the blood of nidro lizard.

I don\'t know what effect that layer of retina has besides photosensitivity.

Is it because after a long time of experimenting with the magician Ashar, Locke suddenly wanted to explore.

The armored beast killed by Locke in front is the sentry of the armored beast tribe. His howl before his death didn\'t disturb other armored beasts in the cave.

Just in case, dadani decided to take havini and bruken as the pioneers. Locke responded from the side and rushed into the hinterland of the armored beast cave at a faster speed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" After three blue and white huge element energy explosions, Locke and others broke into a stalactite cave through the broken rock wall.

The gorgeous element ore on the top of the head illuminates the general scene in the cave. There are about 12 digital beasts, including six in infancy, five in growth and one in maturity.

In addition, behind the mature armored beast leader, Locke also saw rows of digital eggs with painted black patterns.

These digital beasts are surrounded by their leaders and looking at the intruders. From their intelligent and spiritual expressions, Locke can see the panic of these digital beasts.

"It\'s a little less than expected. Did you go out to look for food or were you recruited by the full-body digital beast?" Dadani is a little strange.

He is not like when he first entered the cave. In order to speed up his progress and give full play to his full strength at the first time, all six blood warlocks, including dadani, burn their blood and return to the ancestral nidro giant lizard. Now they are half human and half lizard.

Locke was amazed by the great changes in appearance.

He also found one difference from the transformation of the land knight from the return of these blood warlocks, that is, the thoroughness of the transformation.

Of course, with the essence of the semi divine creature of the nidro giant lizard, if dadani and others are completely transformed and successful, they can\'t have only a level of strength.

"Go! Crush them!" After rent back, dadani\'s physique soared from 1.5 meters to 2.5 meters, and his temper also contained the irritability of nidro dragon lizard.

The fastest runner this time was not havini with fleshy wings, but bruken whose physique soared to four meters.

With his thick lizard legs and a powerful tail behind his ass, bruken rushed to the mature armored beast first.

If dadani and others had different animal parts before their return, Locke was really surprised by their appearance of half man and half lizard after their return.

This surprise is not only their appearance, but also their strength.

After the blood changes, the Knights have limited blood biological ability, especially the element attack means. Only a few talent abilities can be copied, and these blood warlocks can be different.

Don\'t forget, their main occupation is caster.

One after another, the ice hockey balls with blue light roared out of the mouths of the half man and half lizard. After returning to their ancestors, they seemed to have abandoned the growth of the magic wand and made the most primitive attack like Warcraft.

The most prominent among these blood warlocks is the variant havini. She has a pair of flesh wings. Her physique does not soar like other companions, but becomes slender and streamlined, which is more convenient for her to fly.

Flying in this cave, the small and deadly ice element magic ball runs the track of death and hits every shivering armored beast.