Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 584

The battle ended much faster than Harrick thought.

Thanks to the help of Locke, a sudden first-class strong man.

In the past, harlek was conceited because he rarely met an enemy among his first-class knights. Now he saw the scene of Locke waving to strangle the first-class digital beast. Harlek sighed that, sure enough, one mountain is higher than another in the world.

The strength of Locke\'s Quasi second-class knights, needless to say, has naturally been recognized by this knight team.

Coupled with Locke\'s Knight hall identity badge, no one doubts his origin.

"Brother Locke, are you a lone knight?" After the battle, a knight didn\'t clean the battlefield, but came up and asked curiously.

Lone knights are a group of high-level knights who are extremely confident in their own strength. They rarely act in teams. Instead, as powerful nodes on the battlefield, they have the authority to support any regiment at any time.

Such Knights generally have to have the strength of second-class knights.

Of course, there will be some first-class knights who are powerful and have very special and powerful abilities to undertake such tasks.

This kind of mission, because it is operated alone, has a high risk factor, and participates in the battle to support others. It is difficult to divide the spoils after the battle, so the knight hall is responsible for supplying and subsidizing them.

"No." Locke shook his head and inserted the bloody wide bladed sword into the ground.

His armor is much more primitive than those knights. The self-made volcanic salamander armor is not as good as the demonized armor made by alchemists, so his arm was unfortunately attacked by female evil Warcraft and cut two holes.

This little injury is insignificant for a formal knight, as long as the dark elements in it are controlled not to spread to the whole body.

Looking up and drinking a bottle of intermediate recovery medicine, Locke walked to the leader of the team, where Harrick was.

This is the center of the evil female monster tribe and the center of the arc front composed of more than a dozen evil female beasts.

On the ground, there are 20 eggs with complex black patterns, as well as more than a dozen and a half large small demon beasts with their heads cut off.

These eggs were well preserved, only a few were damaged by the aftermath of the battle, and most of them still showed a breath of life.

"Take down the useful materials from these young demon beasts, and then contact the nearest floating ship to come here and transport these digital beast eggs as soon as possible!" Harrick said to one of his knights.

Locke looked down and observed the dozens of intact digital animal eggs for a while. As the eggs of first-class Warcraft creatures, they had no characteristics.

Locke stopped looking when he stopped looking.

When he saw Locke coming, Harrick turned to give Locke a knightly salute and handed him something he had already prepared.

A pair of sparsely feathered black wings and a semicircular Black Skull came from the female demon beast that Locke helped harick kill.

"Brother Locke, you deserve it." Maybe he was worried that Locke would refuse, Harrick said directly when he came up.

Black wings are the power source of a female evil monster, similar to the magic core of Warcraft, while the Black Skull is the essence of a female demon animal, and is the best quality alchemy material.

Locke accepted the gift without changing his face, and then asked his most concerned question, "do you know how long this attack on the dark area will last?"

As the temporary leader of the more than ten knight team, Harrick should know some of the inside story.

With a slightly confused expression, Harrick said honestly, "according to the Convention, the purpose of this attack is to push 1 million kilometers towards the hinterland of the windy mainland again. According to the progress of each theater, this attack will last for two months."

This information was told to Harrick in his spare time by the captain of the team, the knight montstock.

More than a month ago, the fourth level magician Panama and the fourth level Knight Gaia personally launched the attack horn. Relying on the Space Fortress as the war platform, the Knights and magicians once again launched an attack on the wind continent of the digital world.

This time, their goal is very clear. They point to the dark area and challenge the clown emperor, one of the four emperors of the digital world.

At the beginning of the attack, the holy tower and knight palace shared the cake with the blood warlock family on the west coast. The three western islands were responsible for the attack of the mainland of the digital world wind.

The blood warlocks with stronger strength attacked and invaded the rest of the digital world, including the moon continent, the mountain continent and the sea area.

The puppet beasts of the moon continent, the mechanical evil dragon beasts of the mountain continent and the steel sea dragon beasts of the sea area, as other three emperors of the digital world, also have the energy level of level 4 creatures.

Not only that, the stronger level 5 dragon warlock among blood warlocks has dragged down the guardian of the world\'s strongest digital beast holy angel beast.

Therefore, in terms of opponents, the three western islands are much easier this time. After all, they only need to face a level 4 strong man and his forces.

But is that really the case?


The strength and intractability of the digital beasts are far greater than the Centaur world plundered by the three western islands.

Moreover, among the four strong men who came to the digital world to plunder this time, only the Panamanian magician and the Gaia knight, and the other two four knights on the three western islands failed to do so for various reasons.

The clown emperor is also known as the strongest of the extreme digital beasts and the first of the four emperors.

With one against two, he fought with two level-4 knights and magicians several times in two years, and never fell into the disadvantage.

The tide of attack on the three western islands was kept out of the dark area.

This attack is a ready blow for the three western islands to erode all the areas around the wind continent. It is also a foundation war for winning in the future. Both Panamanian masters and all first-class, second-class and third-class knights and magicians at the bottom have the belief of absolute victory.

It is the most direct order given by several deputy commanders of the theater to push forward 1 million kilometers in four months and close to the clown emperor\'s nest.

Locke did not expect that he had just come to this position when the war was the most dangerous.

Looking up, he could vaguely see the huge war platform in the sky - Space Fortress, but Locke knew he couldn\'t go there to meet Angelina in a short time.

Soon the nearest floating ship arrived here. When Harrick and others were busy collecting the spoils, Locke jumped up and flew to the place where the battle was still taking place in the black rock valley.

That\'s the top of the black rock valley, where the land Knight montore fought with the mature female demon beast leader.
