Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 583

Because of the forced destruction of the space gate, resulting in the disorder of the elements of the magic array, Locke was randomly transmitted to the dark tornado mountain far away from the space.

The main offensive force responsible for the dark tornado mountains is the knight palace. In terms of the intensity of the war, it belongs to the second battlefield of the battlefield in the dark area.

Just walked out of the space channel and became familiar with the more active element energy of this plane, Locke took a greedy deep breath.

Every pore of the body is trying to absorb abundant element energy.

In this way, the element concentration is really only available at the low-level plane. Locke can\'t enjoy the last barren micro plane.

In the eyes of the little Knight below, there were circles of element ripples around, pouring into the central Locke.

The fighting spirit consumed by colliding with the portal is recovering rapidly, and the strength and mental strength are also slowly improving.

When absorbing a limit, Locke stopped his action. He hasn\'t forgotten where it is. In addition, with his current constitution, he doesn\'t dare to completely saturate his internal energy.

"Second level Knight..." Locke said to himself, "it\'s still worse."

After that, Locke\'s body flashed like a white light, and disappeared from his place in the shocked eyes of the first-class Knight below.

Flying in the low altitude area of the dark tornado mountains, Locke secretly looked at the war situation in this theater.

In fact, he has not been fully promoted to level 2. The level 1 knight was only misjudged by the huge energy carried by Locke.

As for why you can\'t see Locke\'s actions clearly, it\'s just because Locke\'s cultivation method is fighting for the wind.

As a knight who uses the wind system to fight Qi, speed is Locke\'s biggest advantage.

Wandering in this valley full of black granite, Locke has a panoramic view of the war below. Generally speaking, the knight palace has a certain advantage, and the territory belonging to the digital beasts is being eroded step by step.

However, the progress of encroachment was somewhat slow, and the attacks led by the knights were tenaciously resisted by these digital beasts with the same strength.

Locke dared not go higher in the dark tornado mountains. There were secondary and tertiary explosion energy levels, and red, blue and gray magic flames and fighting spirit erupted in the sky from time to time.

There are also battles for Level 2 and level 3 creatures on the ground, but they are less than those in the sky.

It seems that the high levels of both sides intend to avoid the battle area of low-level creatures in order to reduce their own losses as much as possible.

Locke knew that this unwritten battlefield rule would be broken when the result of the high-level duel between the two sides appeared.

It will be a one-sided massacre belonging to the victor.

Locke has seen this scene in activating the goblin plane.

The situation is almost understood. Locke joins one of the following first-class creatures.

I don\'t know how long the attack horn belonging to the knight hall will last. Since Locke appears here, of course, he can\'t ignore it rashly.

Hundreds of sand scorpions rushed to more than a dozen growing female demons in front of them regardless of death in the pain of being whipped and calcined by the soul fire.

As the upper race of the dark tornado mountains, each female demon beast will have combat strength comparable to that of first-class creatures when growing up.

These sand scorpions are only the strength of high-level and quasi level Warcraft. How can they be the opponent of female demon beasts.

Involuntarily, this is the low-level creatures whose souls are controlled by Knight magicians. In this level of war, their role is only cannon fodder.

The desperate attack of hundreds of sand scorpions looks quite spectacular, but in fact, the results are very weak.

Female demon beasts form an arc defense line to keep the sand scorpions out.

Several dark storms were generated from the black wings of female demon beasts. When the wings were pushed, countless sand scorpions were torn and turned into pieces of yellow acid.

Outside the sand scorpions, a cavalry team of more than ten people is observing here.

In addition to these more than ten knights, there are four slave creatures with first-class strength near them, which can be temporarily recruited and used unconditionally.

"Harrick, come on, Lord monstor has helped us entangle the mature female demon beast." One of the Knights said to the leading knight.

This is a standard combat team led by a land knight, and their captain\'s land Knight monstor seems to have gone to drag the leader of the female demon beast tribe.

"How are the vassal races of the evil female Warcraft of this tribe cleaned up? Are there any other high-level digital beasts nearby?" The knight named Harrick is not a reckless man, he said calmly.

"Peter and samoli are leading the slave army to pay off. There are only one kier beast tribe and one red spider beast tribe nearby. The leader has only first-class strength. It\'s no problem for them to deal with it." Said one of the knights, in a tone of great relief to Peter and samely.

"Since there is a female demon beast tribe in this black rock valley, it should be impossible for other high-level digital beasts to exist. You know, the digital beasts have a strong sense of territory." Another knight continued.

"Stupid! Can you guarantee that there is no support from other high-level digital beasts? This is not the situation when we first attacked the world two years ago!" Harrick cursed.

"Wallace, Goth, you two go to one direction to guard." Harrick turned to his team, and two knights with strong perception commanded.

"Others, call slave creatures and prepare to go with me. We\'ll make a quick decision!"

In addition to the four headed level Warcraft slaves, there are many miscellaneous high-level and quasi level slave creatures around. Under the burning pain of the slave contract in the soul, these ferocious guys with only fighting and eating left in their mind were driven by several knights.

The sand scorpions in front are consumed step by step in the dark storm of talent and skills released by the female demon beast.

There are only a small group of sand scorpions around the female demon beast, and the final combat power is still preserved.

Among the small group of surviving sand scorpions, there is a very fat and snow-white sand scorpion. It is the queen of this sand scorpion group. Its combat ability is weaker than that of ordinary sand scorpions, but it is better than that of ordinary sand scorpions. It can manipulate ordinary sand scorpions and has very strong reproductive ability.

Now the sand Scorpion King with quasi level strength is roaring with horror. Several powerful quasi level male sand scorpions trained by it as guards have not stopped the attack of female demon beasts.

"Stab!" In the sound of a burst of flesh being torn, the diamond shaped tail cone of the female evil Warcraft pierced the head of the sand Scorpion King.

After solving the annoying guys in front of them, the female demons had not had time to catch their breath. Dozens of sharp fights came from all directions.

Harrick and others did it.

"Fight for half an hour to solve the battle!" Under a black iron armor, Harrick said in a deep voice.

Other knights who also wore all kinds of armor shouted "OK" under the cover of a first-class Warcraft green orangutan, a red skin salamander, a purple electric light owl, a ground penetrating pangolin and four first-class slave creatures

Waiting for work with ease and mastering the team of knights with absolute power advantage, it is proper to kill this group of mature female demon beasts without the intervention of level 2 digital beasts.

The only thing that the team leader Harrick cares about is that he hopes no companions will be injured or even killed.

Of course, zero war damage is impossible. Obviously, these female demons still have a lot of spare power. What Harrick can do is to support others as soon as possible after solving his opponent in front of him.

Not only did harlek think so, but also the other knights present.

This plane war has been going on for two and a half years. They have lost too many friends and partners around them. No one dare say that they will survive until the end of the war.

Both for others and for themselves, they all want to have a back to rely on.

"It seems that I came quite coincidentally." Looking down from the sky, Locke chose a medium-sized battle group to join in.

Twelve first-class knights, plus four first-class Warcraft slave creatures and several low-level slave creatures, against 14 female demon beasts and other low-level digital beasts?

After calculating the risk factor in Locke\'s mind, he suddenly aroused a fighting storm and went straight down from the sky.

His goal is the growing female demon beast faced by harryk, the strongest of the twelve knights.

In Locke\'s vision, only this powerful female demon beast can see.

Locke, who suddenly rushed into the battle group, not only tightened the hearts of the belligerent Harrick and the female demon beast, but also attracted the attention of other knights and digital beasts.

In large-scale combat, it is difficult to distinguish the intruder from the enemy or the friend. The cautious Harrick did not relax his vigilance because of Locke\'s obvious sign of fighting spirit.

Ignoring the new thoughts of Harrick and others, Locke intends to take this first-class digital beast as his knife test stone to see if he has taken a step.

"Sword Qi finger!" Three parallel fights appeared out of thin air. When Locke pulled his hands forward with claws, he shot at the female demon beast.

"Shield of darkness!" In the roar of the female demon beast, her wings are folded, and a black eggshell shield appears on her body surface.

The three fighting spirit exercises hit the shield of the female evil beast at the same time. The shield was broken, and the hard black scale was torn by the sharp fighting spirit exercises. Even the hardest black porcelain skull on the female evil beast was not spared.

The hot brain, like rotten cotton wool, fell from the air, red and white, scattered all over the ground.

Just at the moment of the fight, a growing female demon beast, a humanoid digital beast comparable to first-class creatures, died in Locke\'s hand.

The fall of the female evil Warcraft was only in the midst of lightning, stone and fire. Locke, who killed the digital beast without much fighting spirit, did not stop and soon joined the nearby battle.

Strong strength makes Locke experience the pleasure of killing.