Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 585

Let Locke have confidence to participate in a battle between secondary creatures. In addition to having confidence in his current strength, more capital comes from the metal and iron pimples in his space ring.

After getting this thing, Locke used it once or twice. The power of each explosion made him palpitate. Locke now wants to know whether the power of this explosion really matched the biological energy level. In front of him, the female demon beast leader just acted as the first white mouse.

The battle scene of the local Knight montore is more open and close than that of the first-class Knights such as Harrick. Holding a fan-shaped battle axe, montore looks like a Tauren. It looks like an earth fighting user.

Dark yellow light waves of fighting spirit shot from the axe tip. The target of chopping is the female evil Warcraft leader hiding in the sky.

A slow-moving earth knight, against a second-class digital beast that can fly quickly and high, no wonder monstor hasn\'t solved the battle for so long.

Looking at the two sides still in a stalemate, Locke secretly said that he and harek and others could kill more than a dozen first-class female demons so easily, mainly because the female demons never retreat and hardly leave their own defensive front.

The reason is mostly for the eggs of the juvenile demon beast and female demon beast guarded by them in the tribe.

The war is cruel. Locke won\'t waste any tears because of these digital beasts who died for their offspring. He is an aggressor. Locke knew where he stood from the moment he joined the knight palace.

At this time, the battle between the two sides was dominated by female demon beast attack and montore defense. Perhaps the information of family destruction and family death came to the female demon beast. The attack momentum of this female demon beast with a wingspan of nearly three meters was a little crazy.

This is just in the arms of the land Knight montore. Defense is his strength. The hate attack of female evil Warcraft is completely within the limit that he can resist.

Don\'t think mengstol is just defending. Looking at the Tianshan sword classic and reaching the quasi second level knight, Locke can clearly see mengstol\'s killing opportunity hidden in the back of the axe.

As long as the female demon beast leader shows fatigue, it will die.

A steel axe full of the full strength of the knight can\'t be carried by the weak body of the female evil Warcraft.

However, since Locke arrived, montore didn\'t have to bear it. The power of quasi second-class Knights was as conspicuous as a lighthouse in this black rock valley.

Locke was less than a second-class knight and couldn\'t put his breath back and forth freely. Therefore, after approaching the battle situation of montore, Locke decisively put forward the joint information and took the lead in launching the attack.

Another thorny enemy appeared, and the female evil Warcraft leader blinded by hatred sobered up. Just like the guardian words circulating in the mouth of every high-level digital beast, the digital world is at a critical moment of life and death.

Every fellow digital beast is a valuable combat force in the digital world. Only by abandoning the hostility of the past and uniting all races can we get through this crisis.

The mature female demon beast leader with level II strength can better understand the earnest instructions in the words of the guardian adult, preserve strength and wait for counterattack, which is what the digital beasts on the weak side should do.

So the female demon beast leader was thinking of retreating.

There are many evil female Warcraft tribes in the dark tornado mountains. This tribe is only one of the medium-sized tribes. It has a lot of strength and can go to the large tribes with complete female demon beasts.

With the help of powerful compatriots, you can also avenge your own people.

The female evil Warcraft leader who figured out all this shook her wings and was ready to leave the battle.

How can Locke, who has been staring at the action of the female demon beast leader, make it happy.

"Be careful, don\'t let it run away!" Montore\'s muffled voice came from his huge cow\'s head. He also found the intention of the female demon beast.

But speed was not his strong point. He could only hope for the quasi second level knight who supported him.

Level war is not only a purgatory furnace belonging to the bottom creatures, but also a place full of treasures and success. In each level war, many Knights fall, but as a result, many Knights break through the shackles and promote to a higher level.

Locke, a first-class knight with strange breath, didn\'t surprise montore. He just thought it was a lucky little guy who touched the second threshold.

In the plane war, there were many people like Locke who achieved quasi second-class knights. Montore had seen several. They could enter the land Knight realm that all first-class Knights dreamed of only waiting for a matching high-level biological blood.

The fighting spirit of Locke\'s style reassured monstor that he didn\'t need Locke to do anything. He just helped him hold the female demon beast leader for a moment and let his long-standing "dark axe" chop.

Montore, who is extremely confident in her cards, believes that this "mysterious axe" will definitely make the mature female demon beast leader lose her fighting ability.

The fact was not much different from what montore expected. The only thing that made him confused, even funny, was that the little guy who was only qualified as level 2 sent him a message at that moment and asked him to be careful not to be affected by the attack he was about to release.

"Better get out of here? Ha ha!" Montore, who looked like a huge tauren, couldn\'t help but raise his hair and laugh.

This laughter is because his "dark heavy axe" fights the spirit and the vigorous wind accurately goes to the mature female demon beast leader. In the next moment, he will be able to hit the female demon beast and cause heavy damage to it.

Some people laughed at Locke\'s "overestimation" and just touched the threshold of second-class creatures. The little guy who became a quasi second-class Knight doesn\'t seem to understand the real horror of second-class creatures.

Worry about yourself? Montore felt that Locke should worry about not being hurt by his "mysterious axe".

However, montore, who had a deep understanding of power and realized that lifting weights like light, believed that his killing move would not hurt Locke.

"Ha ha..." Montore\'s laughter gradually disappeared and was replaced by the "roar" of a huge explosion.

The yellowed bull\'s eyes stared huge, and montore was stunned for a moment by the sudden burst energy fluctuation in front of him.

"Isn\'t he an air fighting knight? How can he release such a powerful fire attack?!" Monstor\'s voice of doubt has not spread far. The first wave of energy turbulence caused by the explosion of intercontinental missile has hit monstor.

The center of the explosion was not here, but he could still feel the extreme manic power.

How is that possible? Is this really just a quasi second class knight?!

Is it a disposable magic prop? Munstol thought silently as he resisted the aftershock of the explosion radiation.

It is worthy of being an experienced veteran who has lived for hundreds of years. Montstock realized that Locke, a quasi second-class knight, could not use such powerful attack means alone. He must have used some other tools.

After understanding all this, montore was not happy for the first time, but secretly scolded Locke for losing his family.

The magic equipment comparable to the full strike of level 2 creatures is the most precious life-saving card placed on his local knight. Why did he use it so hastily.

Just join hands with him and kill the female demon beast.

After ruminating about Locke\'s defeat, montore had to honestly resist the aftershock of the missile explosion.

The center of the explosion is not here, and the super defense power generally possessed by the users of the earth fighting spirit allows montore to resist this wave of impact with a more relaxed attitude.

However, he was not much better. He turned into a red blood ox demon. One third of the ox hair on his body surface was burned in the explosion. No wonder Locke summoned him to be careful not to be injured by mistake. This is really not a lie.

If another fighting knight is on the edge of this explosion, he will suffer a heavy loss if he is not careful.

Other creatures in the black rock valley, especially Harrick and others at the bottom of the valley at this time.

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud in the sky, Harrick and others fell into a long shock.

"Is there any other knight support? Or the magic of the second level magician?" Someone asked.

Such a huge fireball and the huge mushroom cloud did not seem to be the attack means of the knights, so he asked.

"I don\'t know. This is the theater of our knight\'s palace. It\'s unlikely that there will be magician support." Someone answered.

"As long as it\'s not caused by the coming digital beasts, clean up quickly. Let\'s go to monstor. I believe monstor has solved the mature female demon beast after such a large-scale explosion." Harrick said in a deep voice.

The battle is certainly over.

After Locke released a missile and hit the female demon beast accurately with the rapid mobility of the wind system, the result of the battle can be obtained.

Ten minutes later, Locke, who opened his gas shield, found the body of the female demon beast leader in a pile of flame debris.

Musculoskeletal six Chengdu burned to ashes, only the female demon beast with the hardest part of the body still hung a breath and struggled with her body to avenge Locke, which made Locke sigh about the vitality and defense of secondary bioterrorism.

If you let him face such a terrible explosion, it is absolutely difficult to carry it down. It is possible to be gasified directly.

"Your boy, you suddenly used such a big killing move, which startled me!" The voice of the land Knight montstock came.

He didn\'t open his gas shield like Locke. His resistance after blood transformation alone was enough to face the fire and temperature.

"Bang!" With an axe, the female evil Warcraft\'s head was separated. Montore sat on the ground like nothing. He said to Locke, "divide it. Take whatever you like!"