Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 582

Space is the fifth level magician Einstein\'s theory of relativity. "Time and space are relative."

When Locke was exiled from the dark blue prison fire world to the distant ectopic plane, the time of passing through the space window was two years.

This time, Locke has enough nuclear power, and Angelina has also provided enough energy to accept Locke\'s space channel. The time spent has been shortened to two months.

However, through the energy consumed and such a long time, we can also find out how far the two planes are from each other.

Not to mention the fact that Locke\'s "quality" is not high.

Locke is glad that his biological energy level is still at the first level. If he really breaks through to the second level knight, it will take more energy and time.

From Locke\'s perspective, he naturally entered the black vortex and continued to move forward along a road composed of fog. In his subjective consciousness, the passage of time was absolutely no more than ten minutes.

At the end of the fog passage, the \'door\' with white shimmer is the element array set up by Angelina.

In a surge of magic, "crackling" electric arc sounded, and the portal slowly opened in Angelina\'s room.

"Hoo!" A huge energy storm came from the other side of the space channel, blowing away all the items in the room, leaving everything in a mess.

"Creak, creak!" A sound similar to the friction of pig iron came from the inner side of the transmission door.

"Oh, why can\'t I get out?" After trying for a long time, he almost rubbed off his skin. Locke found that he couldn\'t get out of the door!

It\'s not that there\'s something blocking him on the portal, but from Locke\'s perspective, the portal is too small With only a half square portal, Locke can hardly squeeze out even if he squats.

What\'s going on? Locke is a little silly.

Through the light and smell from the portal, Locke was sure that this was Angelina\'s room, and with a sensitive nose, he smelled a trace of Angelina\'s body fragrance.

However, due to the limitation of the portal opening, Locke was blocked in the channel!

"What the hell is going on!" With a strange cry, Locke kept pounding the narrow portal and tried to squeeze it out, but with little effect.

Through negative energy fusion beads want to contact Angelina, but Angelina should be entangled in something and has no response to Locke\'s call.

After several unsuccessful attacks, Locke became angry, ran the strong wind, and began to mobilize his strength to break through the door.

The chaos and turbulent energy storm in Angelina\'s house are caused by the explosion of Locke on the other side of the space channel.

His initial energy leakage had little effect on the portal itself, but it caused great damage to Angelina\'s room.

In fact, Locke is trapped in the space channel and can\'t get out. In the final analysis, it\'s strange that Locke didn\'t explain his situation clearly.

He didn\'t tell Angelina that she had reached the first-class peak knight and mastered the state that a quasi second-class knight could have.

On Angelina\'s side, the maximum limit of element array is only the best among the first-class knights, which is almost the level of HALS.

Just as it is difficult for an adult to pass through the exclusive channel suitable for children\'s height, Locke is embarrassed to be stuck here.

If you want to pass, either contact Angelina to increase his energy supply and \'open the door\'; Or you have to use brute force to open the door.

Needless to say, Locke\'s choice is naturally the second way.

At Locke\'s current energy level, if you want to support the energy channel for him to pass through, you have to use the element pool of at least eight magic guide cannons. Now Angelina doesn\'t know how to help him.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


The huge impact sound was generated on this side of the space channel. Locke used his 10% strength to stimulate all the fighting spirit and hit the narrow portal recklessly and tirelessly.

The fighting raged, the energy was vented, and the light spilled to the other side. The fluctuation in Angelina\'s room almost destroyed all the furniture.

Fortunately, this room is a standard room for every magician in the space fortress. The alchemy platform, specimen warehouse and other things in it are not the private property of magicians. Angelina doesn\'t have to worry about it in the future.

But an expensive compensation is inevitable.

Because of Locke\'s fierce collision, the element Dharma array became extremely chaotic. In a roar, the disordered transmission Dharma array was finally knocked away by Locke.

Before Locke could open his white teeth and show his smiling face, the "sudden" flash of the portal took Locke in the space channel to the dark area battlefield below, the dark tornado mountain in the southwest.

Dark tornado mountain is a huge ring mountain inhabited by digital beasts such as evil female Warcraft, evil female beast, black lion beast and mahlio beast.

Now it is one of the main war zones on the battlefield of the dark region, which blocks the knight\'s palace from attacking the horn to the hinterland of the dark region.

Here, the knight palace of the three western islands has invested nearly one million troops. The slave creatures reduced to cannon fodder welcome the sharp teeth and claws of the digital beast and make their most primitive contributions.

With the slave creature sea, knights are slowly encroaching on the home of digital beasts.

He also cut off the head of a growing black lion beast. This first-class knight, who is good at hiding his whereabouts, had just collected his booty. An energy wave that brought him palpitation was generated on his head.

Is it a secondary mature black lion? The first-class knight felt cold.

Before he could make any defense, a black energy vortex appeared. On the other side of the vortex, a rather surprised voice came, "here is... Where?"

"Bang! Bang!" Stepping on the sky, it produced a huge atmospheric explosion, and no longer hinted to the first-class Knight all the time that this is likely to be a powerful land knight in front of him.

Locke was angry and tried his best to hit the door. Now his breath is still a little unstable. He can\'t control his terrible strength.

No wonder the first-class Knights need to choose a powerful biological blood to fully control the second-class power. Locke\'s body after being quenched by the plane law can\'t stop the car, let alone other knights.

Fortunately, Locke\'s body was tempered by the law and was not hurt by his manic energy.

"Sir, this is the dark tornado mountains, the 87th theater. Are you the land knight from the support?" The knight inquired carefully. There were several slave creatures around him, which should be the cannon fodder distributed to him by the knight\'s palace.

Locke frowned, not for anything else, just feeling Why is the first-class knight so weak in front of him? There seems to be a big gap between himself and him?