Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 581

The mainland of wind is the home of the most powerful digital beast in the digital world and one of the four kings, the clown emperor, while the dark area can be called the headquarters of the clown emperor.

When people work in their hometown, they open the space fortress to the door of the clown emperor. The real situation of the digital beasts is not dominated by them like the information spread in ordinary digital beasts.

Why is the Space Fortress called a war platform? The countless magic guided cannons standing on its surface are simply a sharp weapon for harvesting life.

Every minute, countless digital beasts fall from the sky and turn into broken debris, forming an insignificant part of this blood continent.

The Space Fortress where the magicians\' alchemy level has reached the limit is called the "God\'s creation" war platform by the aborigines of the ignorant and backward world. Only this low-level plane with stronger carrying capacity can withstand such havoc.

Under the space fortress that blocks out the sky and blocks out the sun, a battle that is several times more tragic than in the sky is carried out here.

Millions of creatures are fighting here, among which the slave creatures belonging to the wizard world have an absolute number advantage.

The relatively small number of digital beasts can not be underestimated. They use their bones and muscles to form a steel wall, dragging the attack tide of a large number of slave creatures here.

Among the slave creatures, there are more powerful wizards, world knights and magicians, and powerful level-1 and level-2 knights, leading a large number of slave creatures to tear open one gap after another in the steel defense composed of digital beasts.

The magicians who attack with more violent and changeable means sing their most proud magic, trying to expand the fruits created by the Knights.

A powerful level-2 land knight, who had just torn a mature sea lion in front of him in half with fighting spirit, was seriously attacked by a Dilu beast hidden behind him for a long time.

The great trauma in his heart didn\'t make the secondary Knight fall down. After an angry roar, the body shape of the burly Knight changed greatly, bone spurs sprouted from his shoulders, and broken wings sprang from his back.

The palm becomes wide, the fingers are dark, and the eyes turn red. Barbarism and fear coexist.

"Lord garrix has changed. Get out of here!" Several level-1 knights who reacted quickly hurried to avoid.

Anbershad purgatory demon can also be regarded as the top biological blood among the second-class creatures. The biological blood obtained by this land knight is just like this.

After transformation, strength is strengthened, the total number of fighting spirit is doubled, tireless, pain is reduced, and some purgatory demon abilities can be used.

The only sequela is that it will fall into a short period of rage at the beginning.

Garix, who turned into a successful man, looked at his hands, or his two claws. From his beating scarlet eyes, it can be concluded that the powerful land knight has not completely lost his self-consciousness due to rage.

However, the breath around him fluctuated greatly and seemed to have been suppressed to the limit.

"That\'s why I hate transformation so much. It\'s so ugly ~" garrix looked at his transformation with dissatisfaction.

Not only garrix, but also most of the Knights are difficult to accept the appearance of their blood after transformation. Therefore, in life, few Knights will start their own transformation form, and most of them regard themselves as human.

Among them, female knights are the most important.

The right claw crushed the head of the sea lion in front of him, stretched out a black tongue with sharp barbs and licked the brain with a trace of fishy smell. Garrix turned to look at the guy who attacked him with a grim smile.

"Dilu beast?"‘ In the sneer of Jie Jie, garrix waved his wings and jumped at the Dilu beast whose face changed dramatically.

Not only here in garrix, but also on the battlefield in the dark area, there are countless powerful knights and magicians.

In the battle area of the Space Fortress H138, the first-class fire element division yerusha, who operates five magic guide cannons, just assisted an outside second-class element division to kill a digital beast of the same level. Before taking a breath, he continued to fill with energy spars and then went into battle.

Protected by the iron walls of the space fortress and the magic array, the magicians fighting inside are less dangerous than the Knights and magicians outside, but they have more work.

Almost every moment, a crystal ball sends a message calling for fire support.

You know, at the beginning of the war, the magic crystal cannon on the Space Fortress hardly stopped firing.

Thanks to a sufficient number of alchemists stationed in the Space Fortress, these overused magic crystal guns did not explode frequently.

Taking advantage of the gap between dressing and filling the energy crystal, Yale sand turned to the beautiful female magic mage who was also filling the energy crystal and said, "Angelina, are you tired, too? I have a spring of vitality to restore spirit. Would you like some?"

"No, I have my own recovery potion." Angelina, wearing a pale gold magic robe, shook her head, took out a pale blue potion from the space ring and drank it up.

Operating the magic guide cannon consumes not the magicians\' magic, but spiritual power. Each element beam representing the first-class peak energy level is emitted, and the consumed manipulator\'s spiritual power is no less than calling an ordinary first-class magic.

Looking at the beautiful female mage in front of him, he didn\'t want to talk too much with himself. Yale Sha was disappointed.

Angelina\'s identity is no secret in the battle area of this space fortress. The martial nephew of the semi divine strong, coupled with her outstanding appearance and good character, makes many single first-class magicians itch.

Magicians treat feelings more specifically than knights. Most magicians follow monogamy. When Yale sand accidentally heard that Angelina\'s husband was a knight, don\'t mention how uncomfortable the magician was.

Fortunately, he didn\'t know that Locke had other women, otherwise the high-ranking magician might go to Locke to duel.

Don\'t think dueling only happens among knights, and magicians have a lot of conflicts with each other.

Angelina was unknown in the holy tower before she was promoted to the first level. Many magicians above the first level may not have heard of her. Only some magicians with a wide range of ways can know the existence of this magic apprentice because of Angelina\'s backstage.

After promotion, Angelina\'s exposure will be much greater than before.

In addition, mage Ashar and mage Kaila are also celebrities in the holy tower. Angelina\'s identity as a disciple of mage Kaila soon spread in the battle area of the space fortress.

In the past, we were still half god magician Jos. We doubted whether this martial nephew, who has only one level of strength, took too much care of him, but an instruction from the deputy commander of the theater two months ago dispelled our doubts.

To be the deputy commander of this large theater in the dark area, the second-class strong people walk everywhere in the theater, and the third-class strong people often have. The deputy commander must have at least semi divine strength.

In fact, it was indeed an instruction from Angelina\'s martial uncle Jos, who agreed that Angelina would transfer the energy of the element pool of five magic guide cannons.

Now it\'s wartime. The normal use of the five magic guide cannons can save the lives of many low-level knights and magicians. It\'s small to shoot out an element beam and kill a digital beast. It\'s big to save a knight and magician who is about to fall under the claws of the digital beast.

This is for two months. If Angelina wasn\'t supported by a semi divine martial uncle on her head, the level-3 magician in charge of the combat area would have been unable to see it.

In fact, it\'s just the right to use the energy of the element pool of the five magic guide cannons. Angelina can do it with any level-3 magician. He wanted to find his "prospective aunt" Michelle.

However, Michelle, who had just been promoted to level 3, was sent to the front line to fight with the clown emperor\'s nightmare army together with several other level 3 magicians.

So Angelina had to trouble uncle Jos, who was busy.

Five Space Fortress magic cannons comparable to the full attack of first-class creatures, and the energy of the element pool spent in two months, I\'m afraid there must be nearly ten second-class energy essence. Yale Sha thought of it.

He wondered what Angelina was doing with this energy.

But the most taboo of magicians is to inquire into other people\'s secrets, so Yale sand can only hide this curiosity in his heart.

After taking a mental recovery medicine, Angelina rubbed her temples to relieve her fatigue.

The magic guide cannon here has been charged, and the crystal ball is also flashing a rapid glimmer, indicating that the coordinate point needs fire suppression on the battlefield below.

Angelina threw her spirit into the five magic guide cannons again. When she was ready to continue the battle, she habitually looked at the element array in the room reflected in her crystal ball.

The element array with magic aura has five energy source nodes, corresponding to the element pools of five magic guided cannons. Now, the color of the element array has changed from cyan to red, which means that the space channel is about to be opened.

"Isn\'t it?" Angelina\'s face was happy, and then she turned pale with a "ouch", which was a mental reaction to hastily interrupt the casting process.

When operating the magic guide cannon, magicians need to be as focused as casting magic, not to mention that each level-1 magician needs to operate five magic guide cannons.

The pain of the mental power counterattack did not hide Angelina\'s heartfelt happiness. Regardless of the sequelae of the interruption of the spell, Angelina quickly transferred her magic to map out the element Dharma array in her room and observed it carefully.

"Objective α 534.17, 75 elemental beams are needed! Assist Lord mollid, the level 3 sky knight, to strangle the research body digital beast! Come on, is there a free magic guide cannon that can provide fire suppression! "

At this time, a magician in the theater shouted through the public channel of the crystal ball.

Yale sand nearby hurriedly manipulated his magic guide cannon to participate in the shooting.

After looking back and forth on the crystal ball, Angelina hesitated. Finally, she closed the crystal ball picture and forced five magic guide cannons to help the sky Knight strangle the level-3 research digital beast.