Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 578

The rules of the temporary guardian of the plane have not been completely removed from Locke, so Locke can find some details that ordinary people can\'t find.

If he didn\'t feel wrong, the young man standing in front of him was the son of the micro plane.

The son of the plane that activated the goblin world at the beginning was Arnold, a banana man. In just a thousand years, he was promoted to the top level 3 to activate the goblin and understood the meaning of the knife.

The son of position is your favorite name for the son of heaven born in the face of standard.

It represents the most talented and potential individual in the plane, which is different from the guardian.

Just like when the world tree that activated the goblin world died and the plane was on the verge of being enslaved and perished, the title of guardian did not come to the stronger banana man Arnold, but to the sunflower sacrifice who contributed more to the activated goblin world.

One is the beloved who takes care of the plane will and adds congenital advantages, and the other is the unselfish person who struggles and devotes his life to the mother world.

This plane will be too miserable, Locke sighed.

He thought that the leader of the sharp mouthed owl was the future son and guardian of the micro plane. Unexpectedly, the son of the micro plane appeared in the most hostile human aborigines.

Interesting, really interesting. Locke is looking forward to what this plane will look like in the future.

Locke observes Dong Qing, and Dong Qing also observes Locke.

Dong Qing did not find that the man standing in front of him was the dark shadow in the sky that he saw at a glance one night in Shangyuan city.

However, Dong Qing didn\'t take it lightly at this time. On the contrary, he was sweating cold on his forehead.

The vitality field of Locke\'s first-class peak knight, even if it is not deliberately released, is not what Dong Qing can face up to.

Sure enough, Locke, who saw through Dong Qing\'s qualifications, nodded quietly.

This is just an episode. Whether Dong Qing is the son of a plane or anything else, it has little to do with Locke at this time. He is about to return to his family.

"Good job, young man!" Patted Dong Qing on the shoulder. In his tone, old Locke said to Dong Qing meaningfully.

Locke, in his forties, can be regarded as Dong Qing\'s predecessor, but just looking at their looks, they are similar young people. Locke\'s words made people around him feel very strange.

"Let\'s go home. My brother brought you something good to eat." Locke picked up the little girl Zhang Ni and let her sit on her shoulder.

There was an indisputable meaning in Locke\'s words. Zhang Ni wanted to play more with her good friends, but looking at Locke\'s appearance, she finally lay down on Locke\'s shoulder and waved to Zhao Zhenzhen.

After a long distance, Locke pinched the little girl\'s face and said, "you don\'t care if you make friends with your brother, but try to stay away from that man in the future."

Locke, of course, refers to Dong Qing.

The little girl is still young. She doesn\'t understand what Locke means to stay away. She just plans to make friends with Zhao Zhenzhen and her big brother.

Zhang Ni still listened to Locke.

The human aborigines in this world will definitely have a fight with the plane will. Antarctica has a large number of mutant beasts in addition to the sharp billed owls, which are the cards of the plane will.

Locke will not intervene in this protracted hostility, not to mention that he has long promised his will not to meddle in the affairs of the human natives of the world.

The son of this plane is a variable. Locke doesn\'t want to hurt the few people he cares about in this micro plane.

Locke can also get rid of the son of the plane, but he doesn\'t need to do so. His body is quenched by the force of the law, and there is a ray of law left in the negative energy fusion bead. If he destroys the son of the plane, what unexpected outcome will happen.

Locke\'s gain is not worth the loss.

Walking with Zhang Ni in Wuxiang military camp, the most elite soldiers of commander Ma are stationed here. In the deepest part of this military camp, it is the residence of commander Ma\'s family, and Zhang Ling lives in a single room not far from commander Ma\'s home.

"Brother in law, what delicious food are you talking about?" Seeing the people around who didn\'t notice them, Zhang Ni whispered in Locke\'s ear.

The little girl was influenced by Locke and became a snack. Her meals with Zhang Ling are among the top among the survivors of Wuxiang. Meat can often be eaten. If you are lucky, there will be canned fruits and vegetables.

Looking at the curious eyes of the little girl, Locke smiled and said, "have you eaten squid?"

Zhang Ni thought with her fingers for a while, shook her head and said, "No."

"No, I\'ll take you to eat once today. There are starfish." Locke spoiled and pinched Zhang Ni\'s face.

The squid he said was actually the remnant tentacle of Kraken, and the starfish was the giant starfish he killed in the Bermuda Triangle.

The benefits of Warcraft tempered by laws, not to mention its meat quality, are far more than ordinary Warcraft.

About to leave, Locke intends to do one last help for the people he knows.

Dinner is at Zhang Ling\'s house.

Seeing Locke coming back, Zhang Ling was not as excited as her sister Zhang Ni and Ma Xiaoxiao. She just nodded blandly, and then the familiar waiter picked up the pots and pans and planned to make a reception banquet for Locke.

Sitting at Zhang Ling\'s house waiting for dinner today, not only Zhang Ni, but also Ma Xiaoxiao\'s family.

Together with her father, commander Ma, and mother Li Yue, they were called here by Locke.

"I let my men do what I want to eat. There\'s no need to do it myself." Commander Ma looked strangely at Locke who was busy on the stove and said.

"Do you need me to call chefs from two star hotels?" Li Yue is more direct.

"You can\'t get this!" Locke rolled his eyes angrily.

Then in everyone\'s surprised eyes, his hand released a silvery white flame.

The second level knight has the ability to change blood and fight Qi to imitate things. Locke doesn\'t get the blood of wind creatures, so it\'s impossible to change, but he already has the ability to imitate things.

This silvery white flame is essentially a pure wind fighting spirit of Locke, which represents the purest source of Locke\'s power.

The food rotating and barbecued on the silver flame is a tentacle of the sea monster Kraken.

"I haven\'t baked anything for a long time. Anyway, I\'m leaving soon. Let you try my craft." Locke laughed.

After that, he took out a pile of spices unique to the three western islands of the wizard world from the space ring. Several of them are still precious magic materials.

He spread the spices on the octopus meat.


This plane is coming to an end, because a wave of powder has fallen off when writing this plane. I can only say I\'m sorry, because I want to write my own things.

Of course, I dug some holes in this plane. These holes will probably be filled in the middle of the novel.

Yes, it\'s still the early stage of the novel. After all, Locke has only the first level peak, or quasi second level. Don\'t spray me on QAQ. The pace of my writing is slow. I\'m trying to speed up the progress as much as possible.

After all, writing a novel for the first time has many shortcomings. I hope readers and friends can encourage each other!

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