Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 579

Ma Xiaoxiao looked at Locke with a complicated complexion when he saw Locke take out a huge tentacle and saw an incredible silver white flame burning.

Up to now, Ma Xiaoxiao is not the college student who didn\'t understand anything at the beginning. He has the tips of his parents and his own own seeing and judgment. Ma Xiaoxiao already knows that Locke is not an ordinary person.

Or whether Locke is a "person", the old female researchers under commander Ma doubt it.

With one hand summoning hurricanes, hard anti missiles and magical space equipment, Locke\'s everything is as mysterious and profound as a black hole.

At the dinner table today, Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mood is not like before, but has become a little low.

Commander Ma and his wife Li Yue saw the changes of Ma Xiaoxiao. They sighed and said that they had opposed Ma Xiaoxiao\'s love before, but after seeing Locke\'s terrible strength and endless cards, they actually admitted in their hearts that this man was completely worthy of her family Xiaoxiao.

It\'s just what Locke meant by "leaving soon anyway". Two old guys who are familiar with the world and good at guessing people\'s hearts have verified something from Locke\'s brief words and behavior.

In the small room, everyone\'s heart hides a worry. Only Zhang Ni, a little girl, doesn\'t know anything. She stares at the delicious food turned and roasted in Locke\'s hand and waits for a while to eat it.

The body of Warcraft tempered by the plane law has a low energy level and is a great tonic for any creature.

Locke can improve his cultivation physique by virtue of the power of law. Of course, Ma commander and other earth natives can also.

The stumps of clarken and the giant starfish, Locke, were taken out only a small part, not even one percent.

With Locke\'s physical improvement medicine, everyone on the table was red after dinner.

Circles of white mist rose from their heads, which was empty and unfilled.

When commander Ma and others felt the great changes taking place in their bodies, Locke explained nearby, "I\'ll give you something to eat. You can take it as a pill to change your physique. From now on, you also have the ability to practice Taoism."

After that, Lockton took out several low-level energy spars from the space ring and pushed them in front of several people, "with these things, your strength will improve quickly. This is what I can do for you at last."

Commander Ma picked up one of the energy spars and looked at it curiously. On the other side, Ma Xiaoxiao said excitedly, "what do you mean, do you want to leave?"

Locke was silent for a moment, and then said, "I believe you also have guesses. I am not an aborigine of your position. Now my beloved is in danger, and I need to go back."

Ma Xiaoxiao couldn\'t understand the meaning of "plane" and "indigenous" in the first half of the sentence, but she understood the second half of the sentence, "do you have a girlfriend?" Ma Xiaoxiao asked sadly.

Locke nodded. "Yes, there\'s more than one."

Monogamy prevails in the human aborigines of this micro plane of the earth, which is a completely different rule system from the wizard world where Locke is located. Taking the kingdom of faustan where he was born as an example, nobles can marry a regular wife, three flat wives and several other concubines, excluding lovers.

Locke said this to dispel the slightest thought in Ma Xiaoxiao\'s heart. He is not a stone man. Naturally, he can feel Ma Xiaoxiao\'s sincere intention to him. At that time, when he went home with a slim future, Locke did move his mind to accept the girl.

But knowing that Angelina is in an extremely dangerous situation in the war, how can Locke only care about himself at this time.

Moreover, the combination of ordinary creatures and first-class creatures is fruitless. Ma Xiaoxiao\'s weak constitution can\'t withstand the impact of Locke Warcraft.

The beautiful flower of love is on the verge of withering before it blooms. Ma Xiaoxiao looks gray and doesn\'t know what he\'s thinking.

Locke couldn\'t bear to see the once lively girl with two ponytails become so depressed, but he knew that long pain was better than short pain, which was the best choice.

Moreover, the dangerous plane war is not controlled by a small first-class knight. Even if he insists on taking Ma Xiaoxiao away through the transmission channel, what is the future of meeting Ma Xiaoxiao.

Spend the rest of your life in an unknown world without relatives and friends?

Locke is amorous, but not amorous. How could he do such a thing.

Like Ma Xiaoxiao, Zhang Ling was depressed. Even Zhang Ling didn\'t realize why she felt a faint pain when Locke said she wanted to leave.

It should be to be grateful. After all, Locke helped her a lot and did a lot for her.

The little girl Zhang Ni was much more direct and frank than the two women. She took Locke\'s palm and said, "brother, are you going? Can you not go?"

Touching the little girl\'s head, Locke said softly, "my brother is going to a far place to save your other sister, so I have to go. And my brother has to find his own family."

"Oh." Zhang Ni said with her mouth.

Hearing Locke\'s explanation, Zhang Ling and Ma Xiaoxiao had another meal in their hearts. They didn\'t know what it was. They felt uncomfortable and confused. They were more reluctant to leave Locke.

As an outsider, commander Ma and his wife Li Yue didn\'t think so much. They were concerned about a series of consequences after Locke left.

"If you leave, do you want to take the giant too?" Commander Ma asked what he was most concerned about. Now Wuxiang settlement can have such a large scale and tenaciously resist the impact of mutant animals and living dead for many times. Locke\'s pet Hellfire giant AI Gong is indispensable.

"Of course." Locke deserves to be in charge.

"Can you..." Commander Ma looked worried and wanted to say something.

But Locke interrupted, "it\'s your own business for the natives of the earth. I\'ve helped you for so long. As for the things you installed on Hellfire, I\'ll give you another reward."

If Locke wants to take Hellfire giant away, does he need the consent of these human natives.

With Commander Ma and his wife Li Yue inside, Locke walked outside the Wuxiang military camp.

It has been a year since I came to this micro plane in the blink of an eye. I haven\'t spent as much time in this plane as in the dark blue prison fire world, but in terms of perception and harvest, it is far more than what I get in the dark blue prison fire world.

Every high-level Knight\'s life must be accompanied by ups and downs of adventure and endless difficulties and challenges. This micro plane is just a scenery on Locke\'s road to a higher level. When Locke looks back on his life a few years later, I wonder if he will remember this micro plane called "Earth".

I should remember that because of this position, he not only gained the opportunity to be promoted to level 2, but also gained a warm and interesting experience.

Two days later, everyone in Wuxiang\'s settlement did not realize that the "giant" they regarded as the patron saint had been collected in an insignificant dimensional bag by its owner.

There is a cliff outside Wuxiang. Looking down from a distance, it is still a corner of the ruins of tens of thousands of living dead in Wuxiang.

"Take this thing and take it when you break through the fourth layer of Qi training." Locke threw some red potions to commander ma. These are the last low-level potions in his space ring to help improve the realm, which Locke used before.

Flustered indirectly several valuable potions. Commander Ma handed them to a guard accompanying him. Seeing the guard put the potions into a password box, he turned and looked at Locke.

Locke left very low-key today, including Ma Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ling. Only commander Ma called Locke out because he wanted to find him.

The ancient times left behind a kind of flesh and blood nourishing and sufficient low-level energy spar. Locke is not worried about the future achievements of Taoism by Zhang Ling and others. At least it can match the low-level attendants.

Now with the help of these potions, you can become a friar with four or five layers of Qi practice. You can easily match the strength of middle-level attendants.

After doing so, Locke can safely leave.

Of course, these things were not given in vain. As a price, commander Ma dispatched a small team of Chinese researchers to Locke.

"What the hell are you taking us for?" She is still the old researcher, but today she is wearing a pair of silver spectacle frames.

Without the classic dignity of black spectacle frame, there is a trace of noble luxury.

Locke looked at the left ring finger of the familiar female researcher. There was a simple low-level space ring, which Locke gave her.

I wanted to make fun of the woman, but when I found that it was getting late, Locke put it out.

Compared with Ma Xiaoxiao\'s youth and Zhang Ling\'s simplicity and diligence, Locke is essentially more interested in the opposite sex with mature female temperament.

The party boarded the military transport plane that commander Ma had already prepared, and flew to the distant sky with Locke flying in front.

There is a huge biological position of Locke\'s first-class peak creatures. No matter civilized mutant birds or uncivilized mutant birds, they dare not go wild in front of him.

This is also the first time since the end of the world that human Aborigines have climbed into the sky again.

Watching the military transport plane gradually disappear in the field of vision, commander Ma sighed for some reason.

In the transport plane, the mature female researcher took the radio headset and the Locke ditch channel flying in the sky, "you\'re going to take us to North America. Are you sure this transport plane has enough oil?"

In the upper atmosphere, Locke said, "what\'s on your hand?"

After looking at the space ring on her finger, the mature female researcher shut up and stopped talking.

Why is it that Locke\'s harvest in this micro plane is far more than ever before? If the things in his space ring are brought back to the three western islands, it will definitely have a great impact.

"What shall we do with you?" At this time, the leader of another researcher in the plane was very strange.

"I need a lot of energy. I need you to help me intercept enough energy from nuclear power plants in North America."

As soon as Locke\'s voice fell, everyone in the plane was shocked.