Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 577

The rascal has been doing well recently, thanks to his old monitor Wang Jun, who is now making progress in the army.

Because of the above appreciation, Wang Jun soon took off the hat of acting platoon leader and became platoon leader after a bloody battle on the first night of the doomsday.

The end of the world has dealt a great blow to the military. He is a mechanized brigade. In the end, less than 1000 soldiers survived. Other combat forces are even more worrying.

People can be recruited when they are gone. What the military needs most now is cadres.

So only three months later, Wang Jun quickly took off his platoon leader\'s hat and was promoted to battalion commander.

Battalion commander Wang in Dong Qingkou is Wang Jun.

Why Wang Jun can make such a rapid progress is not that he got the head\'s daughter, nor is he really so talented, but that he is a rare young officer with good Taoist cultivation qualification among the soldiers in the barracks.

The power of Taoism became more and more obvious when the vitality of heaven and earth gradually recovered. Commander Ma was already deliberately cultivating a Qi practitioner who was completely obedient to his orders.

Old man Zhou of Maoshan sect is the best master. They also have the best skills. Commander Ma quickly got the consent of old man Zhou and others after making some concessions.

Wang Jun was lucky to become the first batch of military noncommissioned officers to practice Taoism.

After practicing Taoism, Wang Jun\'s ideas and concepts have changed a lot. He believes that guns are no longer the first sharp weapon to dominate mankind. Dong Qing, who has a mutant animal pet, makes Wang Jun very interested.

It was also his way to give Dong Qing the right of residence, and keep the mutant dog outside the settlement.

It\'s just a low-level mutant dog. Animals that can be handled with one shell are very powerful for ordinary survivors, but it\'s really nothing for the military with tanks and artillery.

Hundreds of mutant beasts are killed by the Army soldiers every month.

Otherwise, there would be so much meat supply in the settlement.

Those who called Dong Qing in the past were just rascals.

Now only Wang Jun is still calling the nickname of a scumbag. Of course, others have to call him by his name. Now he is "platoon leader Li".

Wang Jun became a battalion commander of the mechanized brigade. He had to take care of himself, the only surviving brother. The scumbag is now a deputy platoon commander.

"Platoon leader Li!" Dong Qing pulled captain Liu over with a smile.

Dong Qing, who has experienced so long in the end of the world and tasted the warmth and coldness of human relations, is not the house man at the beginning. He should have worldly sophistication and friendship. Dong Qing will not give up foolishly.

The rascal nodded to Dong Qing and looked at captain Liu again.

Captain Liu has heard of this rascal. He is barely one or two small roles at the bottom of the military blacklist.

The men and horses loyal to commander Zhao have long been cleared. They either died at the mouth of mutant animals or were sent to the post where birds don\'t shit. Captain Liu was not involved because he didn\'t have a deep relationship with Commander Zhao.

The rascal used to be a military ruffian, but his brothers died in the end, and there was a variation. Now only the old monitor Wang Jun is still alive, and the rascal\'s mind has changed a lot.

He knew that Captain Liu was not bad. In the face of Dong Qing, he didn\'t mind pulling him. Moreover, he saw the people in the team under captain Liu and several women with scars. The rascal turned his head sideways and said to his men behind him, "bring captain Liu four guns and some grenades."

Those scabby bastards know him. He still has several places on his body. They are all bitten by mutant animals.

"Thank you, thank platoon leader Li!" Captain Liu sincerely held the rascal\'s hand and thanked him.

There, when Dong Qing and captain Liu were leading the equipment in front, Zhao Zhenzhen, the little girl behind the team, finally saw her friend.

"Nini, Nini, here, I\'m here!" The little girl shouted excitedly at a corner of the square.

Zhang Ni, Zhang Ling\'s fifth sister, is also the only friend Zhao Zhenzhen knew in Wuxiang military camp.

Zhang Ni didn\'t come alone. She was protected by an accompanying soldier.

Zhang Ling has the relationship between Locke and Ma Xiaoxiao. At ordinary times, five or six soldiers are stationed outside her camp for protection. Today, Zhang Ni told her she wanted to go out and look around. Zhang Ling asked one of the soldiers to watch Zhang Ni.

But now there are many soldiers in military uniforms in the square. No one cares that the soldier is specially protecting Zhang Ni. He just thinks it\'s a soldier who happens to patrol there.

Seeing her good friend, Zhang Ni ran over happily. In Wuxiang settlement, Zhang Ni had only Zhang Ling as a relative, and few people spoke at ordinary times. After meeting Zhao Zhenzhen occasionally last time, the two girls with little age difference soon became good friends.

The two little girl films are still very conspicuous in a group of bloody out searchers, especially the two girl films look good.

Some evil minded guys have moved their minds. It is not only the world but also the people who blacken the end of the world.

Any distorted event can happen here, but it is hidden under the appearance of peace.

Before these guys got close to what they wanted to do, the shining charge gun of the soldier behind Zhang Ni and the poor wrists of several strong men in captain Liu\'s motorcade made the group of elite The worm brain guy calm down.

Madder is still a hard stubble, a few salty Wet guy scolded secretly in his heart.

If they want to kidnap and sell two little girls, they have to weigh whether the guy in their hand can bear the consequences.

The noisy Wuxiang settlement ushered in a new day in the early morning. For Wuxiang settlement, where their future is, they need to struggle and strive with their own hands.

When everyone, including the soldiers stationed around the settlement, did not find it, Locke had quietly stayed in the clouds over Wuxiang.

"It\'s developing well." Locke sighed that commander Ma\'s current means reminded Locke of his brother-in-law, Foster\'s current king kensel.

Both of them are people who can play the game of power and have a certain ability of governance.

If Locke is given such a camp, or let him be the king of a country, he will never play around, which is embarrassing him.

"Can I only be a Wufu all my life?" Locke scratched his head. Inadvertently, he said something that many Knights often said when they were young in their lives.

If Locke loses his motivation for promotion in the future, in his later years, like other old powerful knights, he returns to his motherland and becomes a superior duke or marquis. Within ten years, he will definitely become an officialdom veteran.

The environment affects his character. Locke now has unlimited potential. He should pursue a stronger way of chivalry. Those human intrigues will come to naught in front of Locke\'s absolute strength.

Kneading his fist and feeling the power of terror, Locke has planned to be promoted to the local knight after returning to the wizard world.

"My fighting spirit quality and quantity have reached the limit of first-class wind knight. As long as I have a suitable wind system creature blood, I can be sure of promotion." Locke said in a low voice.

"Eh? That\'s..." By chance, he caught a glimpse of two little girls jumping and playing in a square below. Locke laughed.

Jump and fly down.

Zhang Ni, who was playing with the little girl Zhao Zhenzhen, suddenly shocked because a man appeared beside her and put her palm on her shoulder.

Without waiting to observe and pay attention to captain Liu, the motorcade moved in groups. The armed guard nearest to the little girl raised his submachine gun and had to point at Locke to drink.

"Brother in law... Oh, no, brother! Is that you?" Zhang Ni turned around excitedly.

She didn\'t see the people behind her, but just smelling the familiar smell, the little girl could guess who it was.

Locke was not astringent, but she was recognized by Zhang Ni. She was still very happy. She picked up the little girl and said, "well, it doesn\'t hurt you in vain. How\'s the cultivation of Taoism?"

It\'s Locke that Zhang Ni can react so quickly, which is due to her starting to practice Taoism with Zhang Jiong.

"It\'s OK. The master said I have average qualifications, but God rewards diligence. I can still make some achievements." The little girl pursed her lips and said in the tone of Zhang Jiong.

"Ha ha." Locke was amused.

When the two joked, the guard who had been protecting Zhang Ni quickly recognized Locke. The guard was not high-level, but the people he contacted were very senior. Locke\'s identity was very clear to him.

"General Luo, you are back!" The guard saluted Locke.

He knew Locke\'s experience of leading his soldiers to successfully complete many tasks, and he also knew that in Wuxiang military camp, the "giant" like a patron saint was actually his pet.

So the guard didn\'t dare to be presumptuous.

Locke is still hanging the little horse commander gave him The rank of general is just a virtual position. It\'s useless. Locke doesn\'t see this power of the earth\'s indigenous people.

Nodded. Locke talked and laughed with the little girl Zhang Ni as if there were no one else. What happened in Wuxiang these days when he left.

The soldiers with guns were so respectful, and some general\'s name came faintly. The gang under captain Liu hesitated and finally didn\'t have the courage to come over.

Touched Zhang Ni\'s head and looked at Zhang Ni\'s good friend Zhao Zhenzhen. Finally, following Zhao Zhenzhen\'s eyes, he saw Dong Qing coming from the crowd. Locke frowned. This person

It was told that a mysterious man appeared next to the little girl Zhao Zhenzhen. Dong Qing hurried back from team leader Liu.

Dong Qing has some ideas about Zhao Zhenzhen. It\'s the end of the world. Monogamy before the end of the world has long been ignored. You have the ability to raise three wives.

Dong Qing\'s careful thinking didn\'t dare to tell Xiaoya that every otaku has a loli cultivation plan in his mind. The little girl Zhao Zhenzhen has long been regarded as his own private property by Dong Qing.

This man seems to be the surviving aborigine I saw when I went to Yuanshi, but his other identity

Locke had some ideas in his mind.