Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 576

Dong Qinggang swallowed a big cake and the soldiers from the "hair guy" over there came.

There were three armored transport vehicles, surrounded by nearly 100 armed soldiers.

Among the armored transport vehicles, only the door of the middle one is open, revealing the neatly stacked weapons and equipment inside. Most of them are rifles and bullets, and only a few boxes of high-power killing weapons such as grenades and rocket launchers.

Food and drink are a big problem for the living materials of more than 8000 people in Wuxiang. Commander Ma\'s troops often go outside to clean up grain depots and urban areas, but they are still a little short of money to maintain the daily needs of 8000 people.

As long as you work hard and do a job, you can get the life-threatening relief food.

If you want to be full and eat well, you can\'t work alone. You still have your life!

Take weapons and go outside to search for supplies. Fasten your head on your belt and work hard with mutant animals and the living dead. You can live better than ordinary people.

Now people in the square are all such outlaws, both men and women, who are ready to go out and do a big job.

The military will exchange food stamps for military equipment for those who have made great contributions to enriching materials in Wuxiang.

Of course, these equipment can only be used outside. When these people return to Wuxiang, they have to turn in their guns and bullets, which is a disguised rental service.

At the beginning of designing this plan, the military considered whether someone would be bold enough to stand up for independence after holding a gun, and become the king of the mountain in the end of the world and break away from the control of the Wuxiang government.

However, this plan was implemented through many obstacles.

Some people want independence and think they can build a settlement with guns?

You have to ask whether the military in Wuxiang agrees or not. Unless the gunman flees Wuxiang and goes to other provinces, the tank artillery belonging to commander Ma will run over your door on the first day you rise.

Moreover, the military is not a fool. Every time the bullets for the team going out to search for materials are strictly controlled, they can only be used once or twice, and they can\'t be consumed for a long time.

"Platoon leader Sun, this, this is too little. Five guns, seven cartridges and bullets. Our team is a big team of 30 people!" Captain Liu\'s voice came from the front.

Dong Qing, who finished eating the cake in the back, winked at the second daughter, and then squeezed into the crowd in front.

On the long table in front of the armored transport vehicle, Captain Liu was pointing at several guns and arguing with an officer wearing a military cap obliquely.

"Just five guns, do you like it or not! Don\'t go away and don\'t bother me!" The officer\'s tone was not good.

Captain Liu\'s face was green and white, but he dared to be angry.

Other convoys, with more than 20 people, can exchange food stamps for seven or eight guns. As for more large convoys with 30 or 40 people, the number of rifles exceeds double digits, and they also have the right to buy grenades.

Only captain Liu\'s team is a special case.

As soon as captain Liu made such a fuss here, the sound of "buzzing" around sounded.

Gossip is inevitable everywhere. Dong Qing went out with Captain Liu several times. He knows why captain Liu\'s team is so miserable.

This reason also has to start with the contradiction between commander Ma and commander Zhao, the actual leaders of Wuxiang military camp.

After commander Ma took charge of Wuxiang, commander Zhao also escaped from Shangyuan city after a night of hardships, and captain Liu was the captain of the armed police branch that protected commander Zhao and some citizens at that time.

Commander Zhao finally died. No one knows how he died. The mutant beast attacked the team. The scene was too chaotic. When the army sent by Wuxiang successfully controlled the situation, everyone found commander Zhao dead.

As soon as commander Zhao died, the soldiers he had brought over were scattered and reorganized on the spot. Now they are the worst in the army.

Captain Liu survived the animal tide. It is precisely because of this reason that Captain Liu, a little man who may not be cared about by the people above, dare not be a "good man" by the middle and low-level officers below.

It should be suppressed. Who makes you follow the wrong person.

Captain Liu is a righteous man. It can be said that 30% of the credit to the group of citizens who escaped from Shangyuan city was attributed to captain Liu. You know, commander Zhao planned to leave ordinary citizens and only cover himself and others to escape at that time.

It is precisely because of Captain Liu\'s righteousness that his current team is basically formed by citizens who fled from Shangyuan city.

Captain Liu\'s lips moved. What did he want to say? He tried to ask the quartermaster to rent several guns, but in the end it turned into a long sigh.

The platoon leader surnamed sun has told captain Liu with an expression that there is no way.

"Brother Liu, it\'s all right. Five guns are enough, and me." At this time, Dong Qing, who squeezed in from behind the crowd, said to captain Liu.

Captain Liu looked at Dong Qing and nodded helplessly.

"You are the little Dong with a mutant dog pet. Are you interested in joining the army?" Platoon leader Sun, who had just put his face on captain Liu, said to Dong Qing with a smile this time.

"Thank platoon commander sun for his kindness. Battalion commander Wang asked me last time. I plan to report to battalion commander Wang after a while." Dong Qing said humbly.

The survivors who brought a mutant dog to Wuxiang settlement caused a great sensation at the beginning, especially the mutant dog seemed to listen to him.

I still remember that after a lot of trouble, Dong Qingcai and Xiaoya settled in the settlement of Wuxiang, while ah Huang, who came with them, was strictly controlled and detained outside the settlement.

Battalion commander Wang was a middle-level military officer Dong Qing met at that time.

"Battalion commander Wang, hum!" The platoon commander surnamed sun snorted coldly. Naturally, he knew which battalion commander Wang was in Dong Qingkou.

Now Wuxiang military camp is not the original mechanized brigade. With the help of Locke, commander Ma rescued several groups of his own soldiers one after another. After reorganization and reorganization, Wuxiang military is now composed of a mechanized brigade and two divisions.

These three troops are under commander Ma\'s command and obey the leadership led by commander ma The team orders, but there will inevitably be some friction between them.

This platoon leader Sun was not a member of the mechanized brigade in Wuxiang, but a member of the second division after the reorganization of other divisions.

"Xiao Dong, call your friends over. I\'ll give you two more guns." At this time, a lazy voice came from another armored Quartermaster vehicle.

Dong Qing looked happy and pulled captain Liu and his brothers to another armored Quartermaster vehicle.

Where there are people, there is struggle.

These three armored transport vehicles, which provide weapons and equipment to survivors who go out to search for materials, also represent the three forces of the Wuxiang military, the first division, the second division and the mechanized brigade.

It was the forces represented by the mechanized brigade where battalion commander Wang was located that asked Dong Qing to go.