Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 575

However, no matter what the plane, taking "walking against the sky" as a means of cultivation, Locke dared not judge whether it was good or bad.

Can the plane will of the world really stand the tossing of the creatures raised by themselves?

Shaking his head, Locke stopped thinking about others and flew to China.

It is now April. At this time in previous years, huaguojin province has ushered in a humid and mild spring. Everything is sowing and vibrant.

But now, the whole Shanxi Province is dead and silent. The black clouds in the sky can\'t disperse for a long time. A chill penetrating people\'s hearts lingers in the hearts of every human on earth.

In the Wuxiang settlement, early in the morning, all the survivors ushered in their new day in the harsh sound of the iron fence opening the door.

No one will complain because their dreams are awakened. The iron fence is one of the powerful barriers to protect them. It\'s too late to take care of them.

In order to resist the invasion of mutant herds and the living dead, under the decision of the leading group headed by commander Ma, Wuxiang military camp has only set up two gates for people to enter and exit.

The front door is a general-purpose door, which is mainly used for incoming and outgoing survivors to enter and exit the settlement. The back door is a special door for the military. Tanks and armored vehicles usually go out to perform tasks through that door.

Genius is bright. The sundry square outside the front door is as chaotic and noisy as a vegetable market.

Some went out to form teams to search for supplies, and some set up stalls to sell things.

There are many types of bargaining in the voice, and there are few one hammer deals.

At present, each member of the team who goes out to search for materials is basically fixed. For their own lives and the safety of the team, the leader of the team hardly pulls in any new people temporarily.

If there is a situation that Xiaobai doesn\'t understand and is fooled into by others, it\'s false to become a teammate. It\'s true to be used as cannon fodder and bait.

The materials traded are also very messy. From the canned beef rarely seen by military soldiers in the past to a handful of heibula wiped wild vegetables and bark, it is simply a large flea market.

The money people use is not pre - apocalyptic paper money, but just last month The minimum denomination of Taiwan\'s food stamps is five Liang and the maximum denomination is one hundred jin. This is a temporary food ticket led by commander Ma\'s wife Li Yue Politics Something made by the government.

Commander Ma is in charge of military affairs and his wife Li Yue is in charge of internal affairs. This family seems to have become the number one family in Wuxiang settlement.

Some middle-level people who know the inside story of top officials privately call commander Ma "emperor Ma".

No, commander Ma is absolutely right now in Wuxiang.

Some people wonder why there is no opposition. Dictatorship can\'t go in modern times.

Some good people spread rumors that opponents were fed to the "giant" by commander ma.

"Giant" is the name given to AI by all the survivors in Wuxiang.

Several mutant herds invaded Wuxiang camp. In the counterattack, there was the figure of Hellfire giant AI, with towering physique, solid muscles and terrible power. The emergence of Hellfire giant surprised all the survivors who came to Wuxiang through difficulties and risks.

Is there such a powerful creature in our country?

The reason explained above is far fetched. "The latest generation of biological weapons in China". This funny sentence really frightens everyone. Both college students with higher knowledge and old vegetable farmers believe it.

Because there is really no better reason for them to believe except this explanation.

A thin, medium-sized man with short hair, wearing a specially cut leather jacket, walked on Qianmen square.

The man was not handsome, but many people looked at him with bright or dark eyes.

In contrast to the ordinary short haired man, he is surrounded by two women, one on the left and one on the right. One is well-looking, convex and tilted, and the other is a little Lori with short braids, which is very cute.

Not to mention anything else, just from the clean and full faces of the three people, we can see that they are the better ones in Wuxiang.

At least not hungry.

Even the soldiers in the barracks sometimes have to earn some gray income in order to eat, let alone ordinary survivors.

Commander Ma can only try to keep all the people in the settlement hungry. It\'s a little difficult for him to let everyone eat. He can\'t turn out rice flour out of thin air.

"Brother, why does everyone look at us?" The little girl behind couldn\'t hang her face first and pulled the short haired man in front.

"They all said they wanted you to stay at home and have to go out with me." The man rolled his eyes.

"Sister Xiaoya can go out with you. Why can\'t I?" The little girl was angry and unwilling to say.

"Xiaoya and I are together because rhubarb listens to her best. What chaos do you fill in? We\'re going to search for supplies, not play." The man said silently.

This man is Dong Qing, who fled to Wuxiang with his two daughters in his narrow escape from the demolition area of Shangyuan city.

"Last time rhubarb let me ride it, and now rhubarb listens to me." The little girl raised her chin and said.

Some of Dong Qing was defeated by the little girl, but several months of sharing weal and woe and some ambiguous measures with the little girl on the way of escape made Dong Qing ashamed to teach the girl a lesson.

"You know the mutant animals and the living dead are powerful. You\'ll hide in the car at that time. You can\'t run out without me." Dong Qing said to the little girl seriously. He had said this many times since he got up this morning.

"I know, I know." The little girl waved her hand, and then walked around like a curious baby. "My new friend said he would come to see me today. Why didn\'t he see anyone?"

"You have friends here, too?" Dong Qing doesn\'t think so. The contact area of the little girl is very narrow. Dong Qing doesn\'t remember that there are children of the same age as the little girl in the family near her home in the settlement.

"Hum, the last time you took sister Xiaoya out to search for supplies, I knew someone who was one year younger than me." The little girl said ostentatiously.

Patted the little girl\'s head. Without waiting for Dong Qing to say anything, a strong man came up and talked with Dong Qing.

"Captain Liu, you still get up so early today." Dong Qing greeted with a smile.

This captain Liu is Dong Qing\'s first friend in Wuxiang settlement.

More than a month ago, he and Xiaoya were entangled by mutant animals on their way to Wuxiang. Captain Liu led his brothers to help Dong Qing get rid of the siege. Dong Qing always remembered this.

"Well, go to the team to find Aunt Wang and get some cakes. I don\'t think you have eaten." Captain Liu is not good at words. He usually has a black face. From the appearance, he is a strict and rigid person, and the fact is true.

In addition, Captain Liu has a scar the size of a baby\'s fist in the corner of his eye, which makes him more terrible.

But this man is cold outside and hot in the heart. Everyone is used to it.

"Well, I\'ll take them now." Dong Qing smiled and took the two women to captain Liu\'s team.

Captain Liu\'s team size is average. Different from other search teams in the square, one-third of the members here are women.

The delicate and beautiful women in the last world are like canaries, raised in the homes of upper class people. The women in the search team have no good stubble.

There are several women with scars on their bare arms, and two with broken faces. People with eyesight can see that they were bitten by mutant animals.

Women are vulnerable groups everywhere. One third of Captain Liu\'s team are women, which is really wonderful.

Aunt Wang was a middle-aged woman, dressed in gray cloth. When she saw Dong Qing coming, she eagerly greeted them and brought them a hot coarse grain cake.

Aunt Wang\'s left hand was wrapped in a circle of gauze, but her movements were very neat.

Dong Qing knew that Aunt Wang had only three fingers left. She didn\'t dare to let Aunt Wang work too hard. She hurried to take over the coarse grain cakes.

"How lovely the little girl is. Come and try my aunt\'s craft." Aunt Wang said to the little girl Zhao Zhenzhen with a smile.

Although the little girl knew that Aunt Wang was a good person, she was still afraid of strangers, which was completely different from the proud and charming in front of Dong Qing.

"Thank you, aunt." The little girl took a bite of the cake and said crisply.

"Ah, that\'s good!" Aunt Wang smiled.

One third of the members of Captain Liu\'s team are women. It\'s not that Captain Liu doesn\'t accept male members, but the men of these women, who used to be captain Liu\'s brothers.

Aunt Wang\'s son used to be a brother of the police force with Captain Liu. He was bitten off a leg and an arm by a mutant beast. He was completely disabled and had to lie at home waiting to die.

Captain Liu is a righteous man. Every time the team goes out and gains something, he will spare some to the families of such brothers.

This is silly. In the eyes of other survivors in Wuxiang, Captain Liu is a typical 250. One day he will drag himself down.

But this kind of silly person, but everyone is willing to make friends with him, because there is no need to worry about being stabbed in the back one day.

Many families under the care of Captain Liu are sincerely grateful to captain Liu. If there are men at home, they will help captain Liu\'s team. If there are no men, women can come.

It doesn\'t need much strength. Just be brave. If you dare to help the team move things in the villages and towns where the living dead are rampant, Captain Liu will ask for it.

Only Aunt Wang and his disabled half paralyzed son were left in Aunt Wang\'s family. Aunt Wang was a little old. It was not appropriate for her to rush to transport living materials with a group of young and strong people in the disaster area. Captain Liu handed over the cooking work in the team to her and several other careful women.

Looking at Aunt Wang\'s kind face, Dong Qing wanted to say something to help Aunt Wang\'s family, but he didn\'t say it, because he knew Aunt Wang wouldn\'t accept this kind of charity for no reason.

"Aunt, our team must have a good harvest this time. Ah Huang is here. The mutant animals around the grain store in Jiaokou, Heping County absolutely dare not approach. We just need to kill the wandering living dead." Dong Qing said to Aunt Wang.