Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 574

Compared with Locke\'s departure more than two months ago, Antarctica has not changed much. The development and growth of the sharp billed owls continue in a good trend.

Under the influence of the plane law, it seems that this race has a great tendency to become the next plane leader.

The premise is to drive the human aborigines down from the primate position of all things.

Kraken, one of the strongest ancient relics, fell under the explosion of two low yield nuclear bombs. Locke didn\'t believe that the sharp mouthed owls had room to turn over.

However, these are not what he needs to consider. The fetters brought to him by this position are not deep.

It was also the huge sinkhole in the center of the continent. Locke met the leader of the sharp billed owls.

This time, the plane will did not have the body of the general\'s sharp mouthed owl leader. It woke up for a long time and frequently. It was not a small trauma to the plane will of a micro plane. The previous one can be called a reflection before death.

After Locke helped it get back many lost powers, the plane will has begun to repair itself in a planned and regular way.

Not surprisingly, the leader of the sharp mouthed owl is the next guardian of this position.

Locke squinted at the mutant penguin, which was one size bigger in front of him.

The blessing of the temporary guardian, Locke said that indifference is false.

Under normal circumstances, a guardian of a micro plane can get a strength bonus of level 3 and semi God. Fortunately, this plane is too broken and Locke doesn\'t enjoy it, otherwise he will be more uncomfortable.

However, Locke benefited a lot from the strong feeling that he was comparable to the second-class knight.

It will save him a lot of detours.

Looking at the leader of the sharp billed owl, Locke had the idea of taking the sharp billed owl into a slave creature for a moment.

He has two more slave creatures. In any way, the leader of the sharp billed owl is undoubtedly the most potential and valuable slave creature.

Using the plane guardian as a slave creature? This idea was only a circle in Locke\'s mind, but it was not taken seriously.

With the blessing of the plane law, unless Locke has the strength to surpass level 4, he can not forcibly control the will of this creature protected by the law.

The third level demigod can kill a third level guardian, but he can never enslave the will of a third level guardian, which is against the whole plane.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how weak the will of this micro plane is, Locke can\'t take it lightly.

After Locke took out his broken negative energy fusion bead, it put the cracked bead on its throne.

A touch of pure white light shines directly into the negative energy fusion beads. The negative energy fusion beads are repairing at an unimaginable speed, and the starlight on the surface is brighter and deeper.

This is the second time Locke has seen the power of the law with his own eyes. He knows that this is the threshold of power that can only be touched by the third level demigod. Locke opened his eyes and didn\'t miss a millisecond.

The repair time was very short, and the plane will didn\'t have much law power to give him to use. A few seconds later, "Ding!" With a sound of, the bright black beads fell on the throne.

The result was a little different from Locke\'s imagination. Didn\'t you directly open the transmission channel to pass Locke? With a slight frown, Locke walked forward and picked up the negative energy fusion bead.

After experiencing the spiritual power, Locke learned the new function of the negative energy fusion bead after being blessed by the power of the plane law, and also learned the last few words left to him by the plane will.

The following are the new functions of negative energy fusion beads.

Negative energy fusion bead (passive blessing of the force of law):

1、 Black shield: a negative energy shield that can instantly resist 25000 degree attack. The maximum radiation area of the shield is 20 square meters.

2、 Tianting: it has the function of cross plane long-distance communication, and the communication energy consumption is directly proportional to the distance and communication time of both sides.

3、 Transmission: it costs huge energy. The user can transmit himself to the specified plane coordinates. The energy consumption is directly proportional to the transmission distance.

4、 Quenching body: a trace of the force of the law remains. Users can obtain the force quenching body of the law by wearing it for a long time.

The four functions, say more or less, are absolutely many. This negative energy fusion bead, not to mention others, is enough to be ranked in the top three-level alchemy props by virtue of these four functions alone.

Black shield and Tianting are the original functions of negative energy fusion beads. Locke noticed a little difference, that is, the original negative energy fusion beads can only provide 20000 degrees of defense shield, while the current one is 25000 degrees.

As for the third and fourth functions, it is entirely the reward and gift brought to him by the plane law.

The plane law does not directly help him open up a space channel to return to the original world, but just now, Locke has learned how to start the third function of negative energy fusion beads.

Huge energy, how much energy is needed to send Locke back. The energy spar on him must not be enough. He paid attention to the indigenous people of the earth.

Nuclear power is Locke\'s best choice at the moment.

Now, after the baptism of the doomsday disaster, there may still be intact nuclear power plants on earth, only North America.

Locke doesn\'t care whether the plane will intend to kill with a knife or whether it\'s a coincidence. No one can stop him from going home.

If the energy of a nuclear power plant is not enough, there will be two, and if two are not enough, there will be three. Even Locke will forcibly grab the energy he needs to go home from North America.

As for the fourth function, it is the compensation that the plane will did not fully realize the initial promised Locke conditions.

Users can obtain the law quenching body if they wear it for a long time. From Locke\'s point of view, of course, the third function is the most important for him at present, but from the most rational point of view, this magic guide can rank among the top three-level alchemy props, and its fourth function is indispensable.

"Give it to Christine when you get back." Locke thought that the effect of body quenching was very obvious for the promotion of knights. Due to Christine\'s double cultivation of magic and martial arts, the promotion was relatively slow. With the help of regular body quenching, she could greatly speed up the promotion of her knights and magicians.

Finally, looking at the leader of the sharp billed owl next to the throne, Locke jumped up and left the huge pit.

Finally, the plane will leave him a few words. First, it is not easy to ask Locke not to touch its guardian and cultivate a quasi level sharp mouthed owl leader. Second, it is hoped that Locke will not interfere too much in the development system of the plane\'s human aborigines.

The battle between the plane will and human beings on earth is a protracted war. Is it the rise of human waste land and entering the interstellar era at one stroke, or the plane will win and restore this plane to the original peak of elemental energy.

It will take a long time to evolve.

It may take hundreds of years, or thousands of years.

In addition to these, the plane will also tell Locke a message that the monastic system was not developed and invented by the earth\'s indigenous people, but introduced from abroad.

Just as Locke\'s fighting magic is an external power system, the monastic system is not a local specialty of the world.

There is a more powerful plane behind this.

Is it comparable to the medium and large planes of the wizard world? Locke thought, but no one could answer his question.


There are four chapters on the beginning of this month, with an average of 11000 words per day. I\'m sorry, there\'s no next time, I promise.