Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 571

"Boom!" The explosion was deliberately controlled in the metal valve by Locke. After the flame dissipated, a "door" that can be walked by people was formed.

The gas shield blocked the dripping hot molten iron. Locke entered the metal cage and looked at the goal of his trip.

The monster milagen, in European mythology, is a terrible giant with a height of 12 meters and six hands and three heads. Now what appears in front of Locke is a flagging and dying semi disabled giant.

Looking at milagen\'s shriveled muscles, two of the three heads have completely shrunk into a mass of sarcoma. Locke put on an expression that he thought was kind and said to milagen\'s last intact head, "are you okay? Come to me and I\'ll take you out."

Locke waved to milagan and took out a bottle of low-level recovery medicine.

But milagen was like seeing a ghost, shivering and crawling back, as if Locke was a terrible existence.

"Well, the wisdom is not low. It\'s much better than those two guys of scura and Sphinx. They are a little timid. Have they been experimented and psychologically shadowed by the enamel people?" Locke guessed, touching his chin.

For human beings in the last few centuries, milagen is a terrible monster that they can\'t resist. For human beings who have entered the modern era and control large equivalent combat weapons such as thermal weapons, on the contrary, they are terrible monsters that milagen, an ancient relic, can\'t resist.

The atrophic sarcomas on both sides of milagen\'s shoulders were full of needle eyes. An unpleasant sour smell floated from it. Locke smelled a similar liquid in the culture tank.

It seems that those beastly people were made by Europeans from milagen\'s blood, Locke thought.

A spiritual impact stunned the three giants who were wandering in the high-level attendant stage, and Locke sealed them into the space ring.

He was not in a hurry to kill this ancient relic. Locke had a decision in his mind about why Kraken, a Norwegian Sea Monster, came outside.

After collecting millagan, Locke jumped out of the underground laboratory.

Once the gold coast, now the purgatory furnace, countless biological limbs and broken arms are scattered here, including human, living dead, mutant animals and sea animals.

The blue sea water was dyed blood red. Twenty nautical miles around the sea, the smell of blood rushed straight to the nose.

The following scattered Europeans did not notice that a black figure flashed over their heads and flew in the opposite direction of their flight.

Kraken, a Norwegian Sea Monster, is one of the two ancient relic species emphasized by the plane will. He had the strength of advanced Warcraft before the end of the world, and has been hiding in the deep-sea rift valley without being found by human detection instruments.

Only in some myths and legends can there be a word about this guy.

Now, baptized by the negative energy storm, with the surge of element concentration in this plane and the blessing of the plane law, Locke is ready for a fierce battle.

"Hiss ~ a big octopus with a body size of 600 meters?!" After a round of mental detection, Locke was shocked and sighed.

Although the length of the sea demon Scylla is 500 meters, it is a sea snake after all. Its volume and body shape should be slim. How can this big octopus hiding under the deep sea shock Locke.

With the gradual recovery of the element concentration of this volume of sea beast, not to mention the first-order Warcraft, that is, the second-order super order Warcraft, Locke is also 70% sure that it can break through.

It seems that before the development of the scientific and technological system, there was definitely a civilization comparable to the micro level cultivation system.

These ancient relic species are the lucky ones who have been surviving since the end of the law when the element concentration is decreasing and the plane will gradually dissipate.

They are lucky that they have finally withstood the element downturn. As long as they are given hundreds of years to recuperate, they will definitely become this dominant life individual.

But they are also unfortunate because they met Locke.

Locke, holding a broad-edged sword, was not in a hurry. The crisis warning signs belonging to the first-class creature and the temporary guardian of the plane frequently reminded him. After holding his breath and lurking for a moment, Locke finally found the source of danger.

Five cone-shaped missiles with white smoke at the tail and harsh roar were launched from the distant sky.

"MD, run!" Locke fixed his eyes, quickly turned around and ran to the underground base where millagan was held.

The five missiles gave him a sense of crisis far more than ever, even when he narrowly survived in a negative energy storm.

Needless to say, there must be nuclear weapons that belong to the boundary of three-level energy explosion.

This is also what Locke happened to catch up with. The damage and destruction caused to Europeans by the Norwegian Sea Monster Kraken has reached the limit of tolerance of the EU. A total of six first tier cities that have just been cleared and liberated by the EU army have been slaughtered by sea animals.

Since the end of the day, the European population has plummeted by two-thirds. This time, Kraken has done it again. Compared with the number of survivors before the end of the day, there is no one in ten. How can this not make the head of the authorities angry.

Two of the five missiles are nuclear weapons, and the remaining three are intercontinental missiles comparable to the full attack of secondary organisms. Considering that there are still civilians in several cities near the sea, they dare not mess around.

The two nuclear weapons are only the smallest model. Their targets are very clear and go straight to Kraken, a sea monster hiding under the sea.

Of the three intercontinental missiles, two fell directly into two coastal cities completely ravaged by mutant animals and sea animals, and the other was unfortunately aimed at Locke\'s city.

If the city is damaged, it is a big deal to rebuild. As for those citizens who have not escaped from the missile, they can only mourn for them for three seconds.

Kraken is one of the two monsters with the strongest strength and the highest degree of wisdom promotion among the twelve ancient heritages. He led his sea animals to attack the city this time for the three giant milagen.

There is also the phenomenon of mutual phagocytosis among ancient relic species. The residual plane law in Mila root is a great tonic for Kraken.

But now Kraken can\'t afford to catch milagen. How can the "little guy" who will reach the peak of quasi level Warcraft resist the nuclear weapons that even Locke can\'t resist.

The plane law has hardened its flesh for nearly a thousand years, which does not mean that it can run rampant and ignore everything.

Intercontinental missiles alone are enough to kill them, not to mention nuclear weapons, or two!

In fact, the main purpose of these two nuclear bombs is not to kill Kraken, but to kill all sea animals within 50 nautical miles around Kraken.

Warcraft always has the habit of summoning a large number of vassals. Now there are at least hundreds of thousands of low-level sea animals attached to Kraken.

Using two nuclear weapons and more than 10000 coastal civilians affected to exchange the lives of hundreds of thousands of sea animals is a very cost-effective deal in the eyes of the EU authorities.

Life is just a string of numbers in the eyes of the upper class.

Several death threatening missiles were fired from Kraken\'s frightened eyes. Without any hesitation, they immediately sank into the sea. Kraken tried to reduce the lethality of the missiles through the barrier of the vast sea.

Unfortunately, the time is too short.

Kraken, hidden under the sea, had not waited for it to dive hundreds of meters, and a scorching explosion had occurred.



Two mushroom clouds appeared over the sea, accompanied by towering waves.

Locke, who hides in a secret base in the suburbs of the city, is much luckier than Kraken.

The missile did not explode centered on him, and Locke, who opened his gas shield, just felt a strong shock because of the solid defense of the secret base and the natural advantages deep underground.

After staying underground for about half an hour, Locke flew out of the secret base again and flew to the offshore where clarken was located.

Once the city turned into ruins, full of burning flames and non dead mutant creatures.

Because of the negative energy storm, the evolutionary direction of the vast majority of mutant organisms is the dead spirit system and the dark system. These two kinds of organisms are also known for their hard life, representing the explosion of secondary biological energy level. The damage shared equally has made many lucky people survive.

In terms of pure energy, the earth\'s missiles are much stronger than the full burst of the second-class land knight. Even if the second-class magician opens the element\'s real body, it may not be able to achieve this degree.

But foreign objects are foreign objects after all. No matter how strong the missile is, it is only a prop. It needs to be hard to make iron. Locke knows his direction very well.

The missiles in the space ring are just auxiliary props for him to reach a higher level. He doesn\'t do business at the expense of the basics.

The situation around the offshore area is a little worse than that of the city.

The sea is full of broken corpses, and the blue sea turns red today. How much blood does it take to do this.

The strange sea animals around didn\'t attract much attention from Locke. With the guidance of the dark, Locke flew in the direction of Kraken\'s fall.

The gas shield is open.

It\'s not that Kraken is not dead, but that the strong radiation around him makes Locke uncomfortable.

"It means a bit of radiation stone." Locke whispered.

This is the aftereffect of the nuclear bomb explosion.

The silvery white gas shield firmly separates Locke from the radiant energy of the outside world. Inspired by Locke\'s gas, the red sea gradually separates a road, and Locke plunges into it.

At about 6700 meters under the sea, it was dark around and there was no light source. Locke could only rely on the information reflected by his mental power to understand the surrounding conditions.

Dozens of thick The big "sea snake" cruised around Locke without any breath of life.

These things are not sea snakes, but the tentacles of the sea monster Kraken. Unexpectedly, this guy has not been completely gasified.

Defense is good. Locke waved and collected several tentacles and put them into the space ring, and then silently summoned the plane will in his heart.
