Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 572

Obviously, it\'s not the first time to feel it, but Locke is still amazed by the miraculous scenes around him.

Countless bright spots appear around Locke. Each spot seems to represent a symbol, rotating slowly and faster.

Since he had the status of temporary guardian, Locke understood that these spots are actually embodied plane laws, which constitute the most basic elements of a plane.

The rotating light spot slowly converges into a white light, which is directed upward through Locke\'s body. Only Locke can see this light column across the world. In addition, other life individuals who have not reached the semi God level cannot see it.

This is the power of law.

The end of the light column is at the south pole, where the plane will linger. With the return of fragments according to the law of Kraken, the process of plane will recovery is one step closer.

It is self-evident that Locke\'s body has brought benefits. The scura and Sphinx he saw with his own eyes are living examples. Apart from others, Locke\'s appalling defense ability is enough to be greedy.

The muscles become stronger and stronger, and the hidden wounds and scars on the body are repaired silently. A comfortable feeling is unprecedented.

He pinched his fist, and a burst of explosion occurred at the bottom of the sea. Locke is not sure which class he is among the first-class knights.

It should be the peak level. At least Locke hasn\'t felt this oppression from the "black bear" HALS. Even the first-class peak knights who only have nodding friends, Locke thinks he won\'t be inferior to others at the moment.

This transaction between him and the plane will is a win-win outcome. He helps the plane will get back the lost power, and the plane will gives Locke the crown of the temporary guardian, and recovers the broken plane law through Locke\'s body.

The law hardens the body, which can only be mastered by the strong above the demigod level and the guardian of the plane. Now Locke enjoys it in advance.

The benefits of this not only make Locke unimpeded on the road to the third level, but also stimulate Locke\'s biological potential to the extreme.

The reason why Kraken can grow to hundreds of meters is that the plane law improves Kraken\'s passive evolution ability.

"By the way, and this." Locke thought of something and released another creature.

Milagen, who had just come out of Locke\'s space ring and had not yet reflected what was going on around him, turned into a pool of blood mist under the dual effect of the strong water pressure on the seabed and Locke\'s angry extrusion.

Milagen, who has been imprisoned for many years, is much weaker than Kraken. He barely reaches the energy level of high-level Warcraft and should also be the bottom of the twelve Warcraft.

Locke didn\'t expect much about the plane law he could contribute.

Sure enough, it\'s just to make the light column formed by Kraken\'s residual body more solid. This absorption of the power of the law is Locke\'s most comfortable one. The great leap in strength gives Locke a beautiful illusion of breaking through the shackles and invincible.

"Well, I won\'t break through to the knight at one fell swoop." Locke narrowed his eyes and thought comfortably.

The users of wind fighting spirit are level 1 wind knight, level 2 hurricane knight and level 3 storm knight. If Locke wants to become a hurricane knight, it is not enough to absorb enough energy to match the level 2 creatures. He also needs to find a matching powerful wind system creature blood.

Because it is difficult to control more than level 2 energy by human constitution alone.

Therefore, knights and magicians pursue and explore a set of promotion system suitable for themselves.

The Knights seek to integrate the blood of powerful species and obtain the ability of blood transformation, while the magicians have developed and studied the body elementalization. The element real body of the secondary magician is a terrible nightmare in the eyes of ectopic creatures. No matter how they attack, it is difficult for the secondary magician to die as long as the element energy is not exhausted.

"There are eight more. We have to speed up." He clenched his fist forward and felt the power of internal explosion, Locke thought.

He hasn\'t figured out what\'s going on with Angelina. Locke has been contacting Angelina through negative energy fusion beads these days, but he hasn\'t replied. Based on his understanding of Angelina, the situation should be very critical.

"Next stop, Siberian snow field!" Feeling the position of the next ancient relic, Locke rose to the sky and flew East.

When the satellite is scrapped and the remaining human beings can only rely on backward communication equipment such as radio, the sky is completely occupied by mutated birds, and Locke can run freely at high altitude in this plane.

A flash of streamer crossed the sky.

A month later, at the foot of Tianshan Mountain in huaguoji province.

In the past month, Locke passed through Asia and Europe, hanged the ancient relics, and then passed through north and South America. So far, Locke has stopped on all continents of this micro plane.

At present, there are two ancient heritages that need to be solved by Locke. One is in the territory of China and the other is in the South Sea area of China. Locke also means to end with China.

The last one killed was an ancient relic named Baqi serpent, which lived in the lava of Shengshan volcano in the island country of Japan. In order to get this big guy out, Locke directly threw a missile under the crater.

The power of the missile explosion not only awakened the Baqi snake from its long sleep, but also triggered an earthquake and tsunami that spread across the Japanese island country.

It\'s just a quasi level Warcraft. Even if it has eight heads, it\'s just a quasi level Warcraft. You have to die if you cut off your head.

"I knew I had brought AI." In order to kill a quasi level Warcraft, Locke was distressed to spend a two-level missile.

Hell fire giant aizhuang Baqi snake, a Warcraft living in the lava of the volcano, if AI came out, it\'s impossible to take a bath in the lava after killing this quasi level Warcraft.

In the process of Locke\'s blessing by the fragments of the law of the plane, AI, as Locke\'s only magic pet in the plane, also received some shadow of the law.

Although it is not clear how strong AI has become, through the vigorous soul fire in the master-slave contract, Locke knows that Hellfire giant AI has also ushered in her rebirth this time.

"Tianchi water monster..." Reciting the taboo of this ancient seed, Locke walked at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Ten ancient relics carry the refining of law fragments. Even Locke himself doesn\'t know what step he has taken.

To be sure, it has gone beyond the scope of ordinary first-class creatures. If you stimulate all your strength, Locke is confident to defeat or even kill HALS, the best of first-class knights.

First level creatures can be easily erased, not to mention the Tianchi water monster whose strength is at the quasi level.

The only thing that can arouse Locke\'s interest is the Taoist sect, Tianshan sect, which also lives on Tianshan Mountain. As one of the four major sects in China, Zhang Jiong once introduced him to the sword cultivation of Tianshan sect, which represents the peak of force in the Taoist sect.

Old man Zhou is regarded as the first person in Taoism. His accomplishments are placed there. He simply oppresses people by realm. If both sides are of the same level, old man Zhou may not be able to beat the leader of Tianshan sect.

After killing the water monster living at the bottom of Tianshan lake, Locke went to Tianshan sect himself.

The corpse driving skill of Maoshan sect and the double cultivation skill of Emei sect. Locke wants to see what surprises Tianshan sect can bring to himself.

After helping Tianshan sect drive out one of the most threatening mutant beasts and giving them two low-level energy crystals, Locke was introduced to the forbidden area of Tianshan sect - Jiange.

A total of 71 sword scriptures are the most precious records collected by Tianshan sect since its establishment.

Locke stayed in Tianshan sect for two days. After turning over all these sword scriptures, he found that his trip was not empty.

Maoshan\'s corpse driving skill will be studied by master assar at that time. The effect of double cultivation can only be felt after he and Angelina use it. This sword classic of Tianshan school is just used by Locke.

The lack of war skills has always been Locke\'s weakness. Locke has gained a lot from the sword scriptures of Tianshan school.

"When these things are taken to the knight\'s palace, it is estimated that they will be fired to hundreds of high-level energy spars." Locke lamented that there are two sword classics that can be used by even first-class knights.

The only embarrassing thing is that Locke\'s weapon now is a wide blade sword, and the sword moves of Tianshan sword school are famous for their flexibility and elegance.

The scene of Locke\'s battle is more like Lun cutting people with a door panel than with a sword.

After leaving Tianshan sect, Locke flew south.

"Master, didn\'t you say that the sword scriptures of our Tianshan sect are not handed down to outsiders?" Asked a sword repairman wearing a hairband and holding a long sword.

He was a young disciple who had just started for two months. After the end of the world, his parents and relatives died. His current master saved him from the mouth of mutant animals and living dead people.

"You just started and don\'t know anything. In terms of prestige, he is the only teacher in his life. I\'m afraid he is a great power in the foundation period." Said the middle-aged man.

After saying that, he shook his head, "no, even the foundation period should not be so strong. We are like clouds and mud. Is it on the foundation..." The more the middle-aged man thought about it, the more terrible he felt. How could there be such a monk in the world.

The level above the foundation has lost its record in the end of the law era for thousands of years, but the middle-aged sword repair is more and more sure that Locke is about to reach even if he doesn\'t reach that level!

"How\'s the cultivation of your sword Sutra? Tomorrow I\'ll let you and your senior brothers assess together." The middle-aged sword Xiu simply stopped thinking about the origin of Locke\'s great power and asked his little apprentice instead.

The doomsday is the doomsday for ordinary people, but it is a new life for practitioners like them. Abundant element energy makes every Qi practitioner full of confidence in the future.

Tianshan sword sect was the first of the four sects to cheer up after the initial panic and loss.

Sword cultivation is famous for its attack power, which is not a lie. The target of Tianshan sect can barely ensure that there are no mutant animals and living dead within five miles around the sect.

It can be regarded as having a little base and self-protection in the last world.

"There\'s already a sense of Qi, but it\'s worse than the second senior brother." The disciple whispered.

Tianshan sword sect used to have only 21 people, and the inheritance of the sect is about to break, but now it has nearly 50 people.

Apart from more than ten foreigners of Yuan Dynasty, the remaining forty or so people are all new disciples like this disciple.

After bathing in fire, there must be nirvana.

The situation of Tianshan sect can also be compared to several other Taoist gates.