Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 570

Leaving the south pole, Locke went straight to the nearest target.

He gave himself a deadline to help him kill the twelve Warcraft within two months.

Not only is he eager to go home, Locke has to go back and help Angelina and them. If anything happens to Angelina, he will suffer all his life.

The first flight is the Cape of good hope on the Cape Peninsula of South Africa.

After the negative energy storm hit the earth, all organisms began to mutate on a large scale. Today, Africa is the hardest hit area second only to South America. Besides the living dead, there are a large number of mutated animals that ravage the surviving humans.

Today\'s Cape of good hope is not as lively as tourists in those days. Groups of mutant birds fly over the peninsula and hunt for all edible creatures below.

Wild and ferocious mutant sea animals also lurk in different areas of the offshore and deep sea. For the beasts, the earth environment after mutation is more dangerous and bloodthirsty than before.

In a coral reef about 500 nautical miles away from the Cape of good hope, at noon, a big explosion suddenly occurred here, forming a huge amount of hundreds of meters.

After the explosion, countless mutated dead fish and shrimps fell from the sky like dumplings, forming a beautiful rainbow rain.

"Cut, the power is not very good." Above the clouds, Locke looked at the explosion and glanced at his mouth.

Just now, he used a small No. 1 missile in his space ring to search from so many military bases in Shanxi Province. Locke can\'t only take missiles comparable to class II and class III missiles. He also played with more than a dozen ballistic missiles equivalent to the full attack of class I creatures.

The power of the missile can only make Locke give him a passing score. After changing to strong wind fighting, Locke\'s strength soared. This kind of ballistic missile that used to pose a great threat to him is only barely enough to see now.

A missile exploded in the sea, causing quite a lot of noise. Countless low intelligent sea animals who felt the energy level of terrorist creatures and the power of explosion fled here madly, with the exception of a big guy.

Locke\'s missile almost hit his forehead. He was awakened from his sleep by a ballistic missile. The sea demon scura reached the edge of rage.

Since the negative energy storm hit the earth a few months ago, scura, who survived in the human mythological epic, has launched the era of great evolution like other species.

With a stronger physique, a longer life span, and some plane rules passively accepted, skura was a 100 meter long water snake that lived nearly 2000 years before the mutation. After the mutation, his physique jumped to nearly 500 meters.

It is the overlord of this sea area. It usually makes waves, and no sea animal dares to disobey it.

"Roar!" A roar of anger came from under the forming Sea vortex.

This is the best time to belong to its ancient heritage. If it dared to make such publicity before the end of the world, the missiles of various countries would be smashed. I\'m afraid it would only become a specimen in the laboratory, but after the end of the world, countries are too busy to care about it.

After a month of deep sleep, the sea demon scura shed another layer of skin and felt that he had become particularly powerful. He couldn\'t wait to teach the guy who disturbed his dream.

"Barely to the quasi level strength, strong defense, is it the role of the plane law?" Ignoring the little spot that was just a large loach to him, Locke mused.

This is at least a ballistic missile, comparable to the explosion of the first-class peak energy level. Even if the sea level weakens its explosion power, resulting in only 70% of the energy transmitted to the sea demon scura, it should not only cause such a little trauma.

Steel shrapnel were inlaid on his forehead, and his skin tens of meters below his neck was burned by a hot missile explosion. Skula looked miserable now, but Locke, who had a broader field of vision and direct mental detection to assist in observation, knew that the sea beast only hurt 30% of him at most.

"The plane will tells me that in the process of helping it recover its power, I can also get the benefits of law refining. Let me see what these powers belong to the top three creatures can master." Locke rubbed his hands and pulled out his wide blade sword that hadn\'t drunk blood for a long time from the space ring.

"Little fellow, let me see your qualities!" With a roar, Locke jumped down from above the clouds and went straight to the big water snake in the center of the Sea vortex.

The beast instinctively gave a crazy warning and felt the powerful individual above his head. The heart of the sea demon scura was directly cold to fart Eyes.

"What the hell is going on! I just woke up! " The sea demon scura twisted his huge body madly, trying to get rid of Locke\'s spiritual lock.

Unfortunately, this is a unique fighting skill of first-class creatures, which can not be understood by the small water snake who has just touched the threshold of quasi first-class creatures.

"Roar!" Scura raised his head and made a huge roar, which reflected with Locke\'s falling into the sky.

The color of the sky is the color of blood.


Two weeks later, Locke came to northern Europe.

When Locke passed through Egypt, he solved the Sphinx, a sphinx that had been sleeping for nearly a thousand years in the underground palace 3000 meters below the bottom of the pyramid.

Maybe he slept too long. Sphinx just woke up from his dream and didn\'t see the "Kraken, the sea demon? Why is it here? It\'s useless for me to find it." Locke said strangely.

However, he didn\'t hurry to look for Kraken\'s bad luck on the offshore side, but first turned to an underground secret building located in the southeast area of the city.

"This should be the experimental base of the enamel people." With psychic detection and breath locking, Locke sneaked into the underground laboratory without twists and turns.

The laboratory is in a state of neglect. The scattered documents on the ground and the occasional traces of blood tell Locke that the people here were in a hurry.

Surrounded by cylindrical dark green glass covers, Locke looked at them with his probe under curiosity.

"Beast man bi307." Looking at the label next to the glass cover, Locke read slowly. He basically learned most of the words on this plane when he was in his original University.

A humanoid creature in the glass cover lies quietly in the fluorescent green nutrient solution, with vigorous hair, four tusks turned out at the corners of the mouth, dark nails and bulging muscles. From the appearance, it looks like an orangutan rather than a human.

"The aborigines in this plane are interesting. They have made so many things." Locke commented on the dormant animal man lying in the nutrient solution.

In his opinion, this beast man barely has the strength of an entry-level attendant.

Without staying here for a long time, Locke went deep into the laboratory and explored further down.

Two hours later, he broke the neck of the monster. Locke threw it aside like garbage.

There are still a lot of living creatures in this experimental base, most of which are similar to the mutant beast man just killed by him.

Before the mutation, the beast man had the strength of an entry-level attendant. After undergoing negative energy transformation, this man-made man had touched the threshold of a low-level attendant. Except that both ends were sealed and put into a space ring by him, the others were killed by him.

Looking at the huge iron valve in front of him, through the alloy steel plate with a thickness of five meters, Locke can feel the other side of the iron valve. The third goal of his trip - the monster milagen.

With his arms open, Locke held the two handrails of the iron door, took a deep breath, and suddenly pulled to both sides after the energy accumulation was completed.

"Creak! Creak!" This is the pain of metal, and the iron valve gradually distorts and deforms under Locke\'s great force.

Two minutes later, a space that can accommodate one person\'s height, LengSheng asked Locke to pull it out of the iron valve.

"This guy is really poor. I don\'t know when he was caught by the Nordic and stuffed into such an all metal cage." After lamenting the tragic experience of the monster milagen, Locke burst a quasi level magic scroll, tore it open and threw it into the space he had just opened up.

Not all ancient relics are as lucky as the scura and Sphinx killed by Locke. They can hide in a corner invisible to humans. This milagen is a tragic man who was caught by the Nordic people for laboratory slicing research.