Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 569

Before the white light is exhausted, the negative energy fusion bead is transformed from a pile of fragments into a ball.

The potholes on the surface did not disappoint Locke, but aroused his infinite confidence that he could finally go home.

Just came to this position for more than a year. Locke was as hard as spending several years. Without familiar friends and friendly family, everything was so out of place.

"The space-time landmark... Is broken... It hasn\'t been completely repaired... I won\'t be able to..." The voice belonging to the plane will continues to come, and finally disappears directly into the invisible.

Locke knew that the half repaired negative energy fusion bead was only a deposit paid by the plane will. After he killed all the powerful individuals who robbed the plane will power, the plane will help him completely repair the negative energy fusion bead and send him home.

Through the short communication with the plane will, Locke also learned that the space-time window he passed through had been completely crushed by the huge negative energy storm to form a through door.

Without semi divine strength, he could not get close to the door, which was a dangerous place full of space cracks.

In addition, the individual situations that the plane will need Locke to kill were also sent to him, with a total of 12 heads: Norwegian Sea Monster Kraken, sea demon scura, Sphinx Sphinx, Tianchi water monster, Baqi snake

Among them, the weakest one also has a high level of Warcraft, and the strongest one has faced the threshold of breaking through the quasi level of Warcraft.

No wonder the plane will invite Locke, who has no malice to it. In these countless years, the powerful individuals who robbed it of power, one by one, are powerful and terrible. How can the sharp billed owl leader cultivated by it alone be defeated.

The task list of the twelve high-level and quasi level Warcraft did not cause much trouble to Locke. If they were really like the plane will, the law was only a passive blessing, and Locke really didn\'t need to be afraid of anything.

He has killed all the first-class Warcraft. How can he worry about more than a dozen high-level Warcraft and quasi first-class Warcraft.

These Warcraft are scattered in all parts of this plane. Locke just needs to break them one by one.

After telling Locke these news, the plane will withdraw from the body of the leader of the sharp billed owl, and Locke can no longer feel its existence.

The awakening of the plane will do great damage to the whole plane. It should fall into a deep sleep again. When Locke recovers his power next time.

Without the faint sense of oppression anymore, Locke glanced at the leader of the sharp billed owls standing in front of him, jumped and left the conical pit where the sharp billed owls were located.

Outside was a vast expanse of white snow. Locke saw an iceberg with a rare breath of life flying away.

He dug a cave on the iceberg between waving his hands. After entering, Locke couldn\'t wait to start using fighting spirit to stimulate negative energy fusion beads.

Faint faint light was emitted from the surface of negative energy fusion beads, and there was no communication picture expected by Locke.

"Not enough energy?" Locke frowned slightly. After he changed to the fierce wind fighting, the total fighting capacity was more than increased. He could maintain communication in the dark blue prison fire world. Why not now.

"Is it because it\'s too far from the wizard world?" Locke thought.

He took out several high-level energy spars one by one and put them around the negative energy fusion beads. Locke also held two wind energy spars in his hand.

Once again, the negative energy fusion bead began to vibrate violently this time. The crack on the surface has not been completely repaired. Looking at it, Locke is very worried that it will break up in the next second.

Fortunately, this worry did not come true in the end. After a burst of element distortion, the familiar element light screen appeared in front of Locke.

After the picture, it was Angelina I hadn\'t seen in more than a year.

"Locke, is that you?" After the light screen, Angelina came with a choking voice and a surprise voice.

"It\'s me. How are you now?" Looking at the familiar people, Locke was also a little excited.

"I\'m fine. We\'re all fine. Where are you? I was scared when I just heard that you were living in a different world. Fortunately, the knight palace hasn\'t announced your body meteor notice, otherwise we don\'t know what to do." Angelina said that what she said "we" naturally includes women such as grace.

Being worried by the woman he likes, Locke was warm in his heart. He just wanted to tell Angelina about his experience this year. Suddenly he found that Angelina had been promoted to the first level, "have you successfully promoted to the first level magician?"

Cross plane light and shadow communication magic requires people on both sides to stimulate energy at the same time. In the past, Angelina relied on her mentor\'s element pool. Now Locke can feel that Angelina uses her own energy.

"Yes, two years ago, with the help of my tutor, I was successfully promoted to a first-class element teacher." Angelina said.

"Two years?" Locke felt something was wrong.

"How many years have passed since my mission failed?" Locke asked hastily.

Looking at Locke\'s surprised and serious expression, Angelina also felt something wrong, but she honestly said, "three and a half years have passed."

"Three and a half years..." Locke closed his eyes and meditated. He didn\'t know that the time he experienced when he passed through the window of time and space was not the moment he thought.

The relativity of time and space made Locke cross countless light years to this distant ectopic surface, which also took him two years.

After thinking for a while, he didn\'t understand. Locke put it aside for the time being. It\'s good to go home. He doesn\'t care what to do with the lost two years, but in this way, he\'s two years older.

He was forty-three years old when he left the dark blue prison fire world, so he is now forty-six years old according to the time of the wizard world?

Years are unforgiving. In the blink of an eye, Locke became a man of five.

"Grace, what about them? How are they doing? Have they been promoted one level?" Grace and her sister Leah are several years older than him. This age is the golden age for a magician to be promoted to the next level.

In a few years, the magic elements in the body will go downhill. At that time, the threshold for promotion to the next level will be higher and higher.

"Grace is already preparing for promotion to the next level, but sister Leia has just reached the level of quasi magician, and Christine and Raffi are almost the same. Now she is in the level of quasi level." Angelina replied.

It has been eight years since Locke left the wizard world to go to the dark blue prison fire world. Eight years have made all Locke\'s women reach the quasi level strength, and Angelina has become a first-class magician.

(it should have been the past six years, and two years passed when Locke passed through the space-time window.)

Locke doesn\'t worry about Christine and Raffi for the time being. They are still young. They are quasi knights and quasi magicians in their thirties, which can barely qualify for the title of genius.

Only his sister Leah worried Locke.

"This time I\'m going back to smash money, and I\'m going to smash Leah into a first-class magician." Locke said angrily that the more than ten missiles with two-level and three-level explosion power lying in his space ring must be loved by many knights and magicians.

Locke\'s neurotic words made Angelina curious about what he had experienced over the years, but before she asked specifically, there was a sudden turbulence on the light and shadow screens on both sides.

The reason is not from Locke\'s side, but Angelina\'s side.

"What\'s the matter?" Locke looked at Angelina with a slightly nervous expression and asked. He had always noticed that Angelina was a magician\'s standard combat equipment at this time.

"The digital beasts have attacked the Space Fortress again. My tutor asked me to help her now." Angelina said quickly.

The warning of the crystal ball became more and more urgent. Angelina put away the sundries on the test-bed and explained her current situation to Locke.

A new round of plane war!

The cooperation between the three western islands and the blood warlock family on the west coast!

Scratch and plunder a small world called digital plane!

The world is not as small as the activated goblin world war that Locke participated in. There are four space fortresses opened by the three western islands and the blood warlock family!

1、 Level 2 knights are cannon fodder here. Their survival ability is only better than slave creatures. Thousands of level 3 magicians and sky Knights have been put into this position by two forces!

Half god level strong man, now there are more than ten people who show up!

The six strong men above level 4, including Panamanian master, Gaia knight and powerful dragon Warlock of blood warlock family, presided over and participated in the plane war!

Among them, there is also a clan leader of a partial branch of the Dragon warlock family. His five-level terrorist life level is a well deserved overlord life body in this level war!

In this level war, Angelina, who had just been promoted to the first level, was taken care of by her martial uncle Jose and placed in the Space Fortress, a mission post with a relatively low casualty rate.

Sure enough, Locke looked carefully. The style of the laboratory was not like Angelina\'s usual habit. The standardized and standardized magic laboratory was a low-level laboratory standard for every magician in the space fortress.

Angelina left in a hurry. The war over there was very fierce. Even the terrible weapon of war like space fortress was shaken, and I wanted to know the extent of the tragedy.

After Angelina removes her magic power and leaves, the light and shadow screen dissipates completely. Before leaving, Angelina asks Locke not to worry. She will find a way to find uncle Jos and ask him to use the space-time landmark in the negative energy change bead to pull Locke back from the distant ectopic side.

Through the repair of the will of the earth\'s plane, the negative energy fusion bead has restored more than half of the space-time landmark, which can barely drag Locke directly from the earth to the digital world.

But Locke is not as simple as Angelina thought. He brought Locke from the earth to the digital world through magic transmission. I\'m afraid the energy required for cross plane transmission will drain Jos.

Now is the most intense moment of the plane war. Even if Jos is able to do so, he will bear the risk of the next magic weakness period.

Instead of pinning his hopes on others, Locke prefers to control his destiny in his own hands.

Help the plane will of the earth get back its power as soon as possible, and then let the plane will send itself over!