Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 566

Ah Huang, a mutant dog, was lying on the ground, drooping his tongue, his stomach rising and falling, panting heavily.

Under the dark sky, the green eyes stared at Dong Qing tightly.

If it hadn\'t been for the bright red blood and deep visible bone trauma that attracted Dong Qing\'s attention, he wouldn\'t have run away.

"Hurt?" Dong Qing moved slowly towards the stairs against the wall. He was a wounded mutant beast, which he couldn\'t deal with now.

Ah Huang just looked at Dong Qing. His injury was a little more serious than expected. Let alone breaking up and hurting people. It\'s hard to stand up now.

No one knows why ah Huang came to this yard. When Dong Qing stepped on the iron stairs to the third floor, he knocked on the door quickly and was picked up by Xiaoya\'s second daughter.

"What\'s going on?" After entering the house, Xiaoya affectionately changed Dong Qing\'s clean clothes, while Zhao Zhenzhen turned the big bag of things Dong Qing brought back curiously.

"I don\'t know. He came back from the outside with an injury two hours ago." Xiaoya shook her head.

Shen Jun\'s ah Huang mostly left Maicheng today. His yellow hair fell in bits and pieces. It seems that he was bitten by other mutant animals. White stubble bones can be seen on his belly.

This degree of trauma is still alive. When he ran back, he had to lament the strength of the vitality of the mutant beast.

When Dong Qing was still thinking about the mutant dog ah Huang, the cheers of the little girl Zhao Zhenzhen came, "Yeah! There\'s ham!"

Hearing this, Dong Qing smiled with relief.

Xiaoya also looked at it excitedly, and her throat muttered.

Let\'s have a good meal tonight Dong Qing said to the second daughter.

Tonight is Dong Qing\'s best meal in more than a month.

The kitchen has been vacated for a long time. Now it is cooking by fire. Some firewood are furniture and some are inedible bark. They live directly in the kitchen. There is a simple support stacked with ceramic tiles around the fire, and a black pot on the support is boiling.

It was Xiaoya\'s noodles.

Simple noodles, plus two ham intestines for one person, three people lie on the sofa full after dinner and don\'t want to move for a long time.

Drinking water is limited. With the two bottles of water brought back by Dong Qing, there are only five bottles of water at home, and three of them are spent on this pot of noodles.

Of course, Dong Qing made such a luxurious decision, not a loser, but he felt it necessary to eat a good meal to raise the hope of survival.

There is indeed a shortage of water, but Dong Qing has the property of those bags of noodles. As long as he goes a few more times these two days, slowly transports those bags of noodles back, takes out some of them and trades with other survivors, he is not afraid of no water to drink.

Dong Qing looked at the three bags of noodles. If they all came back, the three of them would save some food, but they would have no problem eating for four months.

But this process will be very long. Taking two plastic bags at a time, he has to say less than half a month after moving the three bags of flour.

In fact, will the goddess of luck take care of him for another half a month? How is this possible.

Take one step and see one step. This is Dong Qing\'s helpless choice at present.

Dong Qing, who was full of food, stood up and took his bag again.

Looking through it for a long time, Dong Qing handed Xiaoya a roll of toilet paper and a bag of biscuits.

Knowing what Dong Qing meant, Xiaoya blushed and hurried to take the toilet paper and put it away. When the little girl saw the biscuits, she jumped up happily and kissed Dong Qing\'s face.

"Woo woo, bear biscuit, I didn\'t expect I could eat it." The little girl is reluctant to open the biscuit bag now. She wants to keep it and share it with Dong Qing and Xiaoya when she is hungry tomorrow.

"Eat. I\'ll find you something else delicious next time." Dong Qing smiled.

Of course, he won\'t tell the second daughter that the box of biscuits was found from the body of a dead survivor. It\'s for nothing to create an embarrassing atmosphere.

After a break, Dong Qing and Xiaoya discuss the mutant dog ah Huang in the yard.

After all, ah Huang is a mutant animal. Now it is not divided between enemy and friend. Dong Qing doesn\'t want to hand over his and others\' lives to an animal.

Not to mention, they still have food, which is the capital to live.

"Do you want to help it? I think it\'s badly hurt." Xiaoya frowned and said.

"Can you promise it won\'t bite us back?" Dong Qing asked.

When ah Huang, a mutant dog, looked at him just now, his eyes were green and secluded. They were more terrible than wolves. Dong Qing still has lingering palpitations.

"He hasn\'t touched us for two months. He didn\'t bite you when you went upstairs just now." Xiaoya doesn\'t die.

Do you think she\'s kind or stupid.

"It\'s too badly hurt to bite me." Dong Qing shook his head and disagreed.

"Then leave it alone?" Xiaoya always listens to Dong Qing. Although she wants to help ah Huang this time, Dong Qing has to make up her mind in the end.

Dong Qing bowed his head and mused. If ah Huang, the mutant dog, died, they would be unsafe. There would certainly be living dead people moving here. After living here for two months, Dong Qing knew that there were too few places around for the three of them to live. He didn\'t want to change places.

The survivors of the west coal mine are also ready to move. Without the deterrence of mutant dogs, they don\'t know when to bully them.

When Dong Qing thought of the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "save! But not now. When it is too weak to save tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Dong Qing is leaving a way for himself and others. At that time, if the seriously injured and dying mutant dog wants to be unfavorable to them, his weak body can\'t support him.

Dong Qing is sure to avoid ah Huang before he shows his intention to bite.

Two days passed in a blink.

Dong Qing didn\'t go out these two days, but he went to the yard next door.

Since the mutant dog ah Huang came to them, the yard next door must be empty.

Not to mention that there was still some food and water in his original home, only the materials left in several families were enough to attract Dong Qing to break in.

Dong Qing didn\'t go to the old man Liu\'s house, including the rotten old man Liu\'s body in the corner of the yard.

Just as Xiaoya is the pulse of Dong Qing, old man Liu is the whole of the mutant dog ah Huang. I don\'t know whether the loyalty of the dog has broken through the bloodthirsty character of the mutant animal, or whether ah Huang is a unique individual. He has always been loyal to his former owner, old man Liu.

"Maybe it\'s because old man Liu saved ah Huang when he was dying, so he remembers to repay his kindness." This is Xiaoya\'s explanation.

"Then aren\'t we saving it now? Will it repay it?" Dong Qing asked.

They are now in the yard. Their hands are blood red, all from the mutant dog ah Huang.

The wound in ahuang\'s lower abdomen has begun to fester after two days. Dong Qing is responsible for cutting off ahuang\'s necrotic rotten meat, while dexterous Xiaoya takes a needle and thread to repair ahuang\'s wound.

They don\'t have much orthodox medical knowledge. They can only rely on this method to try to pull ah Huang back from the gate of hell.

"I don\'t know, but it has protected our residence for so long. We should help it." Xiaoya shook her head.

"Well, I hope don\'t avenge him when he gets better." Dong Qing patted ah Huang on the head.

Two days ago, he had never dared to do this, but two days later, ah Huang was dying, with more air out and less air in, and it was difficult to turn his eyelids.

To tell you the truth, their "pseudo surgery" is too much in front of regular veterinarians. They don\'t even consider the simplest disinfection. They are really crazy.

This is also due to conditions. Otherwise, where would Dong Qing go for alcohol disinfection.

This side cut off the last piece of rotten meat, and Xiaoya also sewed ah Huang\'s abdomen completely.

This girl used to mend Dong Qing\'s socks and underwear. This skill is now used in surgery. It looks like that from the appearance.

"We can only help him do this. He has to carry the rest by himself." Dong Qing patted ah Huang\'s head and said to Xiaoya.

"I want to feed him some food, can I?" Xiaoya asks Dong Qing for advice.

Now their food includes not only flour and ham sausage brought back by Dong Qing, but also some miscellaneous food from the original yard, including instant noodles and Chinese cabbage frozen in winter.

The food was a little richer.

Dong Qing thought, "OK, dogs are not picky. I didn\'t turn out the sardine cans that were expired yesterday. They were fed to them."

With the collapse of the medical and health system, Dong Qing knows that he can\'t even get a minor illness now. If he can\'t eat expired things, he won\'t eat them.

If you eat bad and get sick, where can you get medicine.

A few days ago, when they were worried about something, they would not care whether it expired or not. They would die if they were hungry, but now the conditions are not good.

In addition to food, there is water. Aunt Zhang downstairs usually stores a large water tank. Dong Qing went to see it yesterday. There is still half of the water in the tank. The coke broke Dong Qing.

They are all readily available materials. It\'s a pity that those who were deterred by ah Huang did not dare to take them. Dong Qing patted ah Huang\'s head with emotion.

Before the end of the world, he always patted ah Huang\'s head. After the end of the world, he dared not. Unexpectedly, he experienced another one today.

Well, fluffy, his head is wider than before, and one hand can\'t touch it completely.

After the operation, ah Huang was very weak. In the afternoon, he went into a coma without saying a word. Looking at ah Huang, a variant dog the size of a calf lying on the ground, Dong Qing secretly said that it depends on your own luck.

It was also ah Huang\'s coma, which made Dong Qing take the opportunity to boldly enter old man Liu\'s house.

In the past, Dong Qing was the last to go to old man Liu\'s house. He was small and shabby. He didn\'t even have a place to go.

He came here today mainly in the habit of "scavengers" and thieves not leaving empty, to see if there is anything he can use.

Unfortunately, there\'s nothing. There\'s a lump of dough in the closet, but it\'s rancid. It\'s green and nearly two centimeters tall. It can\'t eat at all.

There was nothing. On the top of the wardrobe, the only furniture in the room, Dong Qing found a pocket radio.