Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 565

The fierce fight came faster than Dong Qing imagined.

The fight of wild animals is often more decisive than that of humans. Several fierce things fight and kill.

The living dead bite directly into the eyes of the mutant mouse, and the mutant mouse often aims its front teeth at the throat of the living dead.

Seeing the fighting between two groups of creatures gradually spread to him, Dong Qingxin knew that he should take advantage of the chaos and run away.

Moving to the side bit by bit, Dong Qing plans to slip away from the shops next to the street.

The dilapidated fruit shop didn\'t even have a vegetable leaf. It was in a mess. Dong Qing\'s eyes lit up. He saw a transparent window, which was about one square meter, and could barely let him through.


The once bustling Shengli road street is now dilapidated to the extreme. A series of rear end cars have blocked the main road of the street.

Many cars have been charred and lost their last use value. What can Dong Qing find from the ashes of the car wreckage?

Without staying in place, Dong Qing half bent over and went to the established goal.

Ten minutes later, under the eyes of the two swimming living dead, Dong Qing entered the shop dangerously.

His clothes full of gasoline smell are really helpful. The living dead mainly rely on the smell to find food. If the end of the world just comes, the living dead may come to have a look because of his gasoline smell.

But now the streets are full of scrapped cars, and the smoky smell of gasoline makes the living and dead people avoid it. These animals don\'t have a brain, but they still have the ability to make simple judgments.

After being smoked by gasoline for many times, these animals will gradually stay away from places with gasoline.

Compared with Dong Qing\'s last visit, this small shop has changed a lot. The rows of toilet paper in the window are missing and replaced by a pile of paper scraps.

Dong Qing\'s face is a little ugly, which indicates that new survivors have found this place.

The small shop is located in an alley at the door of the community. Usually, it should do business against a window facing the street. Now the window is blocked by the front of a rear-end car. Dong Qing thought this place would not be found.

We still can\'t underestimate others. Dong Qing sighed. He didn\'t give up looking in.

Anyway, the small shop is also a place to sell things. He doesn\'t believe that it was emptied by others in just three days.

Although there was only one thing when he came last time

Kung Fu pays off. When Dong Qing was rummaging around looking for food, an iron plate hidden under the table was touched by him.

"Cluck!" The sound of the iron plate hitting the ground made Dong Qing discover this secret place.

There is an iron lock hanging on the iron plate. Isn\'t it Dong Qing? He took out the slender crowbar from his sleeve. Dong Qing stuffed the crowbar into the iron lock buckle and rubbed a twist with his arms.

"Up!" Dong Qing blushed and used all her strength.

"Snap!" The iron lock was broken from the inside.

"Huhu" Dong Qing gasped and recovered. His wound had just been torn open a little.

There was a bit of crisp pain in the tear, which didn\'t slow down Dong Qing\'s speed. After recovering his strength, he quickly opened the iron plate, and there was a cube space below.

With an area of one square meter and a height of 1.5 meters, it seems to be a temporary small warehouse of the store.

Dong Qing\'s face flushed with excitement because he saw three bags of white flour and two boxes of ham sausage.

After not eating meat for more than two months, Dong Qing\'s mouth faded out. He picked up two ham intestines and ate them in three or two mouths.

Two ham intestines just make Dong Qing\'s abdomen slightly hot. He doesn\'t dare to eat too much, which will affect his running speed.

Looking at the bags of noodles, Dong Qing was worried. The bag of noodles was estimated to be forty or fifty kilograms. He could carry it on his back, but he didn\'t have to run away with it. He just went to the living dead and waited for death.

Finally, after considering for a few seconds, Dong Qing took out a plastic bag from his backpack and filled it with a full bag.

Dong Qing estimated that the flour in such a plastic bag would only be enough for the three of them to eat three or four meals. Even if they had one meal a day, they would eat it quickly.

Something called greed breeds in Dong Qing\'s heart.

Gritting his teeth, he put another plastic bag. Dong Qing put the flour from the two plastic bags into the bag on his back.

Back to back, Dong Qing shrugged, a little heavy, which undeniably affected some of his running speed.

In addition to flour, Dong Qing took out two bundles from the box of ham sausage.

Xiaoya is hungry and thin, and the little girl Zhao Zhenzhen is seriously malnourished. Dong Qing feels it necessary for them to make up for it.

After taking all this, Dong Qing covered the cellar with an iron plate again.

Everyone is selfish before the end of the day. In order to avoid being discovered again, Dong Qing took great pains to move a broken sofa and press the iron plate.

The canteen is messy and messy everywhere. If you don\'t leave snacks, you may not be able to notice where the broken sofa is.

Dong Qing can only bet that the survivors who came here did not find this change.

Food was found, and water was a problem. Dong Qing then searched.

In the past three days, the gang that came to the shop should be a big gang. When he came last time, he saw a whole bucket of Goff spring. Now he can\'t even see a bucket.

A small Gang with only one or two people can\'t move such a large bucket unless they don\'t eat and only take water.

There may be survivors in the community, and only they can have a high probability of knowing the location of this small shop.

Dong Qing almost turned over the shelves of bottled drinking water, but he still couldn\'t find a bottle. Finally, he touched the toilet of the small shop.

In the spirit of never letting go when he came, Dong Qing opened the toilet cover and checked it again.

There\'s water!

A little clear water appeared in the sink.

Dong Qing hurriedly took out two bottles and a straw to get water.

The water in the toilet sink should be stored before the end of the world. Two months later, only the last layer evaporated.

Fortunately, it\'s winter, otherwise the water evaporates faster.

Finally, he barely picked up a bottle and a half, and Dong Qing could no longer suck water.

This toilet is completely dry.

Dong Qing was pleasantly surprised by the bathroom. He found half a roll of unused toilet paper in the paper drawer next to the toilet.

When Xiaoya came last month, she used rags to calculate the days. Her aunt is coming this month. This half roll of toilet paper came just in time.

He stuffed toilet paper into his bag. Dong Qing looked at the sky and knew he should go.

The journey out was as thrilling as when I came.

Dong Qing paid for his greed after all. When passing through a small alley, the slight sound of drum bumps rubbing against the wall attracted the attention of a living dead man.

In addition, after such a long time, the smell of gasoline on his body was almost gone. The living dead man shrugged his nose and rushed into the alley.

Dong Qing, who was hiding in a corner of the alley, scolded and ran away.

Two bags of flour in plastic bags and two bottles of water slowed down Dong Qing\'s speed at this time. Such a speed is the difference between life and death.

Feeling the more and more fishy smell of the living dead behind him, Dong Qing\'s ghost took a big risk.

There is a corner ahead. If he can\'t get rid of the living dead, he is likely to face the pursuit of a group of living dead instead of one.

At the critical moment, Dong Qing\'s mind was unprecedented clear.

This time, Dong Qing prepared to burn in advance The bottle shows its usefulness.

He hurriedly took out the burning bag from the small ridge at his waist Bottle.

Regardless of whether he would light the same gasoline residue on his body, Dong Qing pressed the lighter several times before igniting it Toilet paper at the mouth of the bottle.

"Die!" Dong Qing whispered, throwing his right arm and smashing the bottle burning in mid air at the living dead.

"Boom." The moment the lean gasoline touched the living dead, it began to burn violently.

Dong Qing\'s accuracy was good. He hit the bull\'s-eye. The living dead who were roasted by the hot flame fell into chaos for a time.

It runs around, trying to put out the flame on its head, but no matter how it swings, the flame just doesn\'t disperse.

Dong Qing here didn\'t get well. He was still set on fire. A flame was generated on his shoulder. Seeing that the flame would spread to his whole body through the residual gasoline, Dong Qing decided to lie down on the ground, and then the dirty soil began to roll continuously.

Wisdom is much more useful than brute force. When Dong Qing extinguished the flame, the living dead over there had been half cooked and hung there motionless.

The head is the only weakness of the living dead. I\'m afraid the living dead is already in danger.

There was a lot of fighting between Dong Qing and the living dead in the alley. Many cruising living dead began to approach here. Dong Qing gritted her teeth and hurried away from here, enduring the burns on her shoulder and the old wounds on her back.

Fortunately, it\'s just an ordinary living dead man, not the speed living dead man like a gecko he injured on the first day.

Dong Qing, who escaped from the robbery, fled home with the help of the intricate shop facade on both sides of the street and the wreckage of the car.

Back to the intersection, an hour ago, there were three mutant rats and four living dead fighting. An hour later, there was nothing here except a few more black and red blood stains on the ground.

It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time. Dong Qing raised his feet and was about to leave. Next to the well cover, he saw a smaller human skull, which was the brain of the living dead.

It\'s none of his business whether the living dead won or the mutant mouse won. Now he just wants to run home and have a good sleep.

It was getting dark. Looking at his watch, the pointer pointed to 7:10. He had been out for nearly four hours. If he didn\'t go back, Xiaoya and they should worry about themselves.

With heavy steps, Dong Qing returned to their small courtyard.

Just after entering the courtyard, Dong Qing\'s hair suddenly stood up. He saw a terrible mutant animal the size of a yellow calf lying in the middle of the yard. How did the mutant dog ah Huang come here.