Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 567

In modern society, television and computers are becoming more and more popular among the people. Only old man Liu, who is picking up junk, who lives at the bottom of society, still uses the old object of more than ten years ago, such as radio.

Dong Qing curiously pressed the switch of the radio, "Sha Sha..." The sound sounded.

"Hey, there\'s electricity." Dong Qingle said and immediately installed it.

Now there are no entertainment activities. Dong Qing found several tapes next to the radio and was going to take them back to relax with two women in the evening.


At 11 pm, sitting in front of the sofa, Dong Qing stared at the radio in front of him.

Next to Xiaoya and little girl are almost the same. They are also stunned.

"You, you just heard?" Dong Qing dared not set the channel.

"Yes." "Yes." The two women couldn\'t help nodding.

Just now, after listening to two boxes of music tapes, Dong Qing adjusted the frequency of the radio. It was unintentional. I didn\'t expect him to call up anything.

Human camp! Survivor base! Military protection!

What did they hear? They even heard the radio say that there is a camp established by Shanxi Province at this stage in Wuxiang, dozens of kilometers away from Shangyuan city!

This is also the only large survivor base in Shanxi Province.

The sweet female voice on the radio said that there are nearly 6000 people in their camp!

Six thousand people! What concept is this! Dong Qing has seen less than 30 living people since the outbreak of the end of the world.

"Go or not?" Xiaoya gives Dong Qing the right to choose. Now he is the pillar of the family.

"Go! Why not? Haven\'t you noticed that the living dead have been around our house since yesterday. Ah Huang can\'t control them at all now." Dong Qing calmed down and said in a deep voice.

"When shall we leave?" Xiaoya asked, she is more willing to go to a crowded place than three people living in this closed space.

After all, humans are social creatures.

Dong Qing considered for a long time, and finally decided to say, "first prepare the food for half a month, and we\'ll start in three days."

They are also lucky. The demolition area is on the edge of Shangyuan city and very close to Wuxiang. Dong Qing and Xiaoya went on a spring outing before.

It takes two hours by car before the end of the world. After the end of the world, they have to walk on one leg and prevent the attacks of mutant animals and the living dead. Therefore, Dong Qing and them have to prepare food for half a month.

"In half a month, we don\'t seem to have enough..." Xiaoya Dai frowned.

"I\'ll get some flour tomorrow. You and Zhenzhen will make them into portable steamed bread cakes." Dong Qing said with a hammer.

"What about ah Huang? What about him?" Xiaoya hasn\'t forgotten ah Huang at this time.

Along with Xiaoya\'s eyes, Dong Qing looked at the courtyard. The canned sardine, which was opened, was not what he had eaten.

Dong Qing couldn\'t believe the resilience of the mutant beast.

But ah Huang was still very weak and lay there unwilling to move.

"Let\'s go. The surplus flour is made into cakes and left for it. We can\'t care too much about it." Dong Qing said.

Taking two women is enough to challenge his physical limits. With another sick mutant dog, he can\'t live.

And Dong Qing didn\'t say anything. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Ah Huang, who was seriously injured, really doesn\'t need their care.

Through the dark night, Dong Qing saw the twinkling stars in the sky. This time, he was eager to reach the human settlement and live with Xiaoya carefree.

"Hmm? What\'s that? Am I dazzled?" Dong Qing rubbed his eyes. Just now he saw a dark shadow flash through the sky.

When you look in that direction again, it becomes empty again, only the stars shine.

"Is it an illusion?" Dong Qing muttered.


"I didn\'t expect anyone alive in Shangyuan city." On the clouds in the sky, Locke sighed as he looked at the city where monsters roared one after another.

Through the exploration of the spiritual power of first-class creatures, the light below indicates that each intelligent creature is still active.

Just now, Locke found a very interesting thing. There were three indigenous humans living peacefully with a mutant dog.

The situation of Dong Qing\'s family is just an occasional thought flashed by Locke passing by. It will be forgotten in a few seconds.

Commander Ma always wanted to recover Shangyuan City, but he didn\'t even see enough spare parts to feed the living dead in Shangyuan city.

In the whole Shangyuan City, Locke roughly estimated that there must be nearly 1.3 million living dead.

Dong Qing\'s demolition area is only a special case. In the most prosperous downtown, the living dead are crowded and full of "people".

The fierce wind spewed out, Locke turned into a residual shadow and flew south.

His trip is guided by the plane will in the dark to the South Pole.

Commander Ma and others don\'t know where Locke is going or what he is going to do. As indigenous people of the earth, they don\'t know that there is a plane will in this world.

Locke can\'t wait to see the plane will for his way home. The change of negative energy fusion bead is becoming more and more obvious. This bead not only provides energy shield, but also has the function of long-distance communication.

At the beginning, Locke realized communication through the special ability of negative energy fusion beads in the dark blue prison fire world and Angelina on the three western islands in the wizard world.

Locke did not ask the bead to send him directly back to the three western islands. It was enough to restore the cross plane communication function.

I believe that with the wisdom of knowledgeable magicians such as Angelina, master Kaila and master Ashar, Locke will be able to return to his hometown again.

Eager to go home, Locke almost raised the speed to the limit.

According to Locke\'s normal flight speed, it took one month to travel from China to the south pole, but in the end, Locke crossed the journey day and night and assisted with enough energy spar to shorten this time to 20 days.

"Since the negative energy storm, this plane has produced many powerful creatures." When passing the Pacific Ocean, Locke felt some high calorie individuals under the deep sea and sighed.

The variation of these marine organisms is more complete than that of terrestrial organisms.

The larger they are, they can bear more energy elements. The more energy elements they \'eat\', the higher their level.

Several intermediate Warcraft level sea beasts have appeared. Locke even felt an advanced sea Warcraft from the depths of the ocean.

However, the guy was very cunning. He seemed to know that Locke was not easy to provoke, so he hid tens of thousands of meters below the seabed and refused to come out.

At that depth, even Locke, who has the blessing of fighting shield, is not willing to go deep into it.

Not afraid of the high-level Warcraft, but Locke has little experience in naval warfare. For a few times, he is still fighting with the sea Naga in the wizard world.

The sea Warcraft didn\'t annoy Locke, and Locke was not interested in killing people. His goal was directed at the South Pole.

On the snow covered glacier, you can have a panoramic view. The world wrapped in silver is very beautiful. Locke has been to the hometown of HALS and Shelley. Their country, Fransa Kingdom, is a country of ice and snow.

Recalling his former partners and experiences, Locke couldn\'t help wondering what they were doing now.

Is it still on mission in the knight\'s palace in Princeton, or go to the ectopic side to experience like him.

The ecological environment of Antarctica is very fragile, which is reflected in the lack of species. Accordingly, it also shows how the will of this plane is at the end of the mountain and water.

The fluctuation of Locke\'s spiritual power is as obvious as the torch in the night. Just after he arrived in Antarctica, he saw the "special envoy" sent to him by the will of the plane.

"Hiss, is there only a low level of Warcraft?" Locke gave a mocking sneer.

A sharp billed owl with a height of three meters drilled out of the glacier and permafrost and made a bow invitation.

With the wisdom of low-level Warcraft, it can never be so humanized. It seems that the plane will control it behind it.

The plane\'s will is so weak that Locke doesn\'t need to be afraid of anything. Instead, he wants to see what the plane\'s will called himself for.

Following the mutant penguin, Locke went deep into the hinterland of Antarctica.

As he approached Antarctica, Locke found that the continent was not as down as he thought.

In addition to a large number of penguins, there are many species such as seals, sea lions and dolphins.

Locke even found a 50 meter long dark blue whale under an island through the deep ice.

It seems that the plane will of the world is not waiting to die. She is maintaining her control ability at the navel of the world as much as possible.

These Antarctica sea mutants have one thing in common, that is, there are few guys whose brains are burned by negative energy storms. They are not as bloodthirsty as the mutants in other parts of the world.

Since plane will can deepen the mutation probability of human beings and promote them to mutate into living dead, it can naturally reduce the side effects of mutation for sea animals who obey themselves.

Two days later, Locke followed the leading owl to the center of Antarctica, where there was a huge cone-shaped hole with no bottom.

"Is this where the plane will lead to a negative energy storm? Hum!" Locke sneered and jumped into the pit.

The concentration of energy elements in the giant pit is quite high, mainly dark system and dead spirit system. On the jagged walls around the giant pit, Locke even saw some condensed dark energy spars.

It\'s just that the grade is not too high. It\'s just the quality of low-level magic crystal ore.

Some young sharp billed owls crawl around those low-level magic crystal mines like worship, and absorb the pure element power contained in the energy crystal with their clumsy skills.

The more energy spar absorbs, the larger their body size, the narrower their sharp beaks, and the more grumpy their breath is.
