Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 564

The "scavengers" are the survivors of this group searching for supplies among the ruins of Shangyuan City, earning themselves a nickname.

It is unknown who first mentioned the name, but now it is recognized by the vast majority of survivors.

Dong Qing himself is a scavenger. Unlike other scavengers, he still has two girls to feed.

Finally, I looked at the next room. In addition to the corpse, there were several bitten raw white bones. Dong Qing also knew that several of them came from humans.

It\'s humans, not the living dead.

Ah Huang hasn\'t attacked them for such a long time. Dong Qing guesses that it is Xiaoya\'s credit. The beast is still reading about his old love.

Dong Qing can\'t guarantee that ah Huang will eat them all one day, but he knows this worry is superfluous.

Anyway, it\'s hard for them to survive. It\'s understandable that they were eaten by ah Huang for so long.

Dong Qing is too tired. Sometimes he wants to die, but every time it is Xiaoya\'s voice and appearance, which makes Dong Qing rise his desire for survival again.

Let him persevere from difficulties and dangers again and again.

After patting her face, Dong Qing cheered herself up. Then she opened her bright eyes and ran out quietly.

There are no more materials to search around here. Almost all the places where there are things have been visited by survivors, and the places where Dong Qing doesn\'t dare to go.

For example, Dong Qing and other survivors of a family did not dare to go, because the low roar from time to time declared that the owner was not easy to provoke.

It\'s been more than two months and hasn\'t starved to death. Can the living dead die without eating? Dong Qing once thought.

Strictly speaking, the living dead are a kind of dead creatures. Their desire for flesh and blood is due to their nature. When food is not supplemented, the living dead will maintain their life by relying on the weak dark and dead elements in the air.

If you want to starve a necromancer, you have to calculate the time in \'years\'.

The demolition area had many houses before the end of the world, but few people lived, and most people moved away.

This makes it the place with the least number of living dead in Shangyuan city after the negative energy storm swept Shangyuan city.

There are no fools who can survive the disaster. In the past two months, survivors have moved here one after another. Anyway, there are enough houses. It\'s too easy to find an empty house without a master.

More houses don\'t mean more materials. Many houses are really just "empty houses". In addition to dust, only cement floors are left. Therefore, if you want to live, you have to search outside.

Dong Qing is going to Shengli road street between the demolition area and Heping District in the south.

That is the junction of the two urban areas. The number of living dead is less than that in Heping District and more than that in the demolition area, which is barely within the range that Dong Qing can cope with.

There should be a small shop hidden in folk houses on that street. No one found it. Dong Qing got his bread there last time.

The only thing to worry about is that the shop is next to the gate of a community. Dong Qing has to be careful. If he leads out the living dead in the community, nine lives will not be enough for him to escape.

He crept out of the alley and Dong Qing went all the way south.

He walked and stopped to avoid danger.

For example, there is a living dead man with a big stomach eating in the middle of the cross road. There are only half of the bodies under him. I don\'t know which poor survivor he belongs to.

Dong Qing\'s eyes were fixed on the backpack next to the half body. From the open backpack, Dong Qing saw a box of biscuits.

Licking his lips, Dong Qing did not dare to make any exposure. He lowered his breath and hid behind the alley like an insignificant stone.

In the face of these living dead, his mood changed from fear at the beginning, to hatred later, and then to calm now.

Any special mood fluctuation will change Dong Qing\'s breath. The nose of the living dead is working. He has learned several lessons.

So he had to overcome his fear and imagine that it was not a terrible living dead man, but a cat and dog.

Dong Qingru is the same patient hunter. He is waiting for the living dead to leave after they have had enough to eat and drink.

According to his experience, half a human body can be eaten by the living dead in only 15 minutes.

The fact is not much different from Dong Qing\'s prediction. To be on the safe side, Dong Qing waited for half an hour until the living dead ate up and left and disappeared.

Rush over, no matter what\'s left in the backpack, pick it up and run.

"Hoo, Hoo ~" Dong Qing, who was hiding again, gasped. Just a short sprint made his lungs burn.

"I didn\'t expect to be so lucky today." Dong Qing was very happy. In addition to a box of biscuits, there was half a bottle of water in the backpack.

The package of biscuits is still relatively complete. It seems that the survivor was unlucky. He was eaten by the living dead before he took a bite.

The half bottle of water was a little muddy. Dong Qing didn\'t care. He opened it and smelled it, and then took a sip with his head up.

Comfortable vomited turbid air. Dong Qing carefully put water and biscuits on the inside of his backpack behind him.

There is not much water at home. Xiaoya gave Dong Qingzheng a hot towel yesterday, but he directly used up half of the last water. Dong Qing had to take two bottles of water back this time.

A box of biscuits and half a bottle of water. If Dong Qing had lived alone, he could go home now, but he still had Xiaoya and them, so he had to take risks today.

Through the wreckage of one car after another and through the broken shop facade after another, Dong Qing walked south at a steady speed.

Along the way, I couldn\'t see any other creatures except the living dead I could see everywhere.

There are many survivors in the demolition area. This "many" is relatively "None". There are No. 20 or 30 survivors in the demolition area of nuota. This number is indeed much higher than the number of survivors surviving in other urban areas.

Dong Qing doesn\'t expect to meet the same kind as soon as he comes out. Each of these scavengers has his own hiding place, and outsiders don\'t know where it is.

For example, where Dong Qing lives, no one thought he lived next door to a mutant beast.

Even if they know where Dong Qing lives, most of those people don\'t dare to fight the autumn wind. If those people in the west coal mine want to deal with Dong Qing, they have to weigh whether they can do a mutant dog.

Now Dong Qing is crawling under the chassis of a red car.

The red car may have been other colors, but now it is red, and the human blood is covered with the skin of the car.

The fishy smell and a pungent smell of gasoline perfectly mask Dong Qing\'s breath.

Dong Qing made the smell of gasoline himself. He opened the car\'s fuel tank.

One is afraid of exposing himself, and the other is that he has to get some gasoline.

Gasoline has many uses, whether it\'s cooking on fire or making a steam Oil bombs are good choices.

As mentioned earlier, Dong Qing is a technical house. He knows a lot of things, including gasoline The production method of the bomb is very simple. The only trouble is to pay attention when lighting it. If it ignites the fire, it\'s a big joke.

The living dead are not afraid of fire, but they hate flame, and the temperature of the flame is enough to scorch them.

Well used, this is a big killer.

There wasn\'t much oil in the car. Dong Qing took it for a long time and only received two-thirds of the bottles.

Stuffed with cotton and a piece of toilet paper as a lead, a simple burner The flask was quickly made by Dong Qing.

He carefully put it in the small bag at his waist. Dong Qing lay on the bottom of the car and quietly observed all around.

On the street ahead, there are two swimming dead people on the left and one on the right. They are walking aimlessly.

It was getting darker and darker. Dong Qing was worried.

He chose to come out in the afternoon. The day is the world of mutant animals and the night is the home of the living dead. The period from 3 p.m. to nightfall is the best time for him to come out for activities.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, the pointer pointed to 5:30 p.m.

In another 15 minutes, if not, I can only go back today. Dong Qing thought.

He can live so long. A rational mind is his greatest advantage. He rarely acts recklessly.

Five minutes later.

"Creak!" "Squeak!" "Squeak!"

A quick cry came, and Dong Qing stared at the manhole cover somewhere on the right front road.

The movement of the living dead was only a little slower than Dong Qing\'s eyes, "whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" A series of four living dead rushed out from all directions and rushed at the well cover.

Good guy, it\'s four, not three. Dong Qing praised his calmness.

In addition to the three living dead on the street, there was another one hidden in a broken house on the side of the road, which Dong Qing had not found before.

The four living dead rushed to the well cover and hit it.

Below are their eager fresh flesh and blood. The actions of the living dead are very barbaric, "boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of impact came as if it were not their bodies.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!" The voice is more urgent.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" This time, it\'s not just the top hitting, as if there\'s something urgent to come out below.

Dong Qing\'s heart sank. He hurried to the bottom of the car. Ignoring the pungent smell that made him dizzy, he rolled back and forth in the gasoline beach.

He has heard this sound more than three times in the past two months. Ah Huang, a mutant dog, often brings this prey back.

"Bang!" The stone well cover was finally broken by the great force of diplomacy.

Three brown and black fluffy mutant creatures burst out in an instant.

Mutant mouse!

Looking at three mutant mice the size of previous domestic dogs, Dong Qing leaned down.

The two front teeth of the mutant mouse were like two sharp daggers, shining cold yellow and orange.

As soon as he appeared, he fought with four living dead.

Not only the living dead use mutant mice as food, but the three mutant mice also use the living dead as their own rations.