Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 561

Hellfire giant\'s master Does the big foot fall from the sky and hit them, bring despair or hope?


Two weeks later, Locke, who was sent out by commander Ma to command many missions, was annoyed, "what do you want me to do this time?" Locke\'s tone is a little bad.

"Pick up one of my divisions. Now they have only one regiment left. We must save them!" Commander Ma said.

After looking at commander Ma\'s indisputable tone and looking down at his space ring, Locke said, "then you have to mark me some more bases with missiles."

Commander Ma\'s face trembled slightly and said in a low voice, "yes."

After rescuing those people two weeks ago, Locke took Hellfire giant AI and cooperated with Commander Ma\'s troops to rescue five or six waves of people.

These people either escaped from Shangyuan city or survived in the surrounding villages and towns.

Wuxiang military camp has also increased from more than 1000 to nearly 2000.

Soldiers\' casualties are inevitable. Locke is not a God. It is impossible to show off and take care of everyone.

However, the military civilian ratio is close to 1:1, which makes commander Ma\'s gloomy heart more cheerful these days.

At this stage, soldiers are responsible for going out to search for supplies and rescue survivors, while the rescued ordinary people are organized to build fortifications.

Meals are provided uniformly without salary, and everyone eats the same. No matter whether you are a business tycoon or a street worker, you have to repair the fence to get a meal.

Women and children have to work.

A few days ago, several people made trouble. Their end was to be driven out of the camp. Some people refused to accept it. They wanted to complain to the top. Li Yue, commander Ma\'s wife, was responsible for handling government affairs in the camp. It was not easy for her to do this.

The resistance was ineffective. Now the whole military camp can be said to be surnamed "Ma". The soldiers are no longer human in the implementation of militarized management The people are fighting, they are fighting for themselves, in order to let themselves live, or even live better.

Without the horse commander to lead them, without the wise command of the horse commander, they would have become the feces in the stomach of the living dead and mutant animals.

Even Locke had to admit that commander Ma did have a hand.

"I wonder if you knew in advance that the end was coming." Locke once asked commander MA in a strange tone.

This guy\'s adaptability is terrible. Less than half a month after the end, he dared to completely overthrow the previous rules and systems and let everything in Wuxiang go according to his plan.

"This is because the armed forces in the barracks belong to me, so I can suppress all opposition." Commander Ma said in a flat tone, "this is only temporary. You see, when there are more and more people here, there will be new trouble."

"I\'m sure you\'ll find a way to solve it." Locke said.

Wuxiang military camp is becoming stronger and stronger, and he is also good. A few days ago, commander Ma lent his old female researcher to Locke for one night. (don\'t think about it)

Rock took the woman with him all night, and went to a secret base somewhere seventy kilometers away from the barracks of Wuxiang. There was a backup power supply in the base. After the death of more than 100 dead people in the base, Rock got it. So what do you make complaints about?

In addition, the comment area should be careful to leave messages. Don\'t bring sensitive words. I don\'t want to eat a blade, thank you.

At the beginning of this chapter, you can see that the plot will speed up. First, to catch up with the progress, and second, there is really no important plot to write.

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