Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 562

After coming out of commander Ma\'s family, Locke went to find Zhang Ling. There are not many people who can worry him about this position.

Zhang Ling has been haggard for two months. Her hair is also a little yellow. The camp is short of water and food. She implements distribution according to needs. Every time she fetches water, she must send a battalion to escort the fetching team to the river. It is difficult to drink water. There is no extra water for people to wash.

Only the horse commander\'s family, a privileged class, will have additional food and water supplies.

Zhang Ling has a lot of light from Locke. If she wants to wash or eat better, it will definitely meet her requirements, but she is a little decadent.

After the doomsday broke out, Zhang village was also in trouble. The mutated living dead were put aside first. Every family in Zhang village has a tradition of raising animals. Monsters such as mutated chicken, cattle and sheep changed from herbivores to bloodthirsty beasts overnight, killing Zhang village inside and outside.

Zhang village\'s good life has just passed a few days. It\'s very sad to be hit by this great disaster.

At Zhang Ling\'s request, Locke flew to Zhang village two months ago. The ending was similar to what he expected. The whole Zhang village was turned into ruins, and the mutant animals relaxed on the ruins of Zhang village.

However, there was no harvest at all. Locke went in time and found some survivors under the cellars of every family in the village.

Including Zhang Ling\'s youngest sister.

The little girl is only seven years old this year. She was just at the age of primary school in the village. When Locke rescued her, the poor child had been hungry in the cellar for two days. If Locke hadn\'t given her a low-grade energy medicine, Zhang Ling might have lost her last relative.

"Cheer up, your sister still needs you to support! Go and cook me some food." Locke\'s voice contains some spiritual shock skills.

This sentence made Zhang Ling\'s distracted eyes recover a little.

Now the only thing that can motivate her is this sister. If Zhang Ling\'s five younger sisters are not alive, this woman may not be short-sighted.

Not only Zhang Ling, but the more than 2000 ordinary people rescued by the army also have this pessimism, family affection and love. This is a problem that no perceptual creature can escape.

Locke saw and felt the suppressed pain and resentment of the earth humans who had lost their loved ones and loved ones.

Locke can\'t help thinking of the initiator of the outbreak of Doomsday - plane will.

With the passage of time, the feeling in his heart calling himself is getting stronger and stronger. What does the plane will want him to do at the navel of the world.

A week ago, Locke\'s negative energy fusion bead had some reaction. Its direction was at the south pole, so Locke couldn\'t wait to leave Wuxiang and go out.

After all, he is just a passer-by. The struggle between this plane indigenous human and plane will has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and they will continue to fight next.

It\'s none of Locke\'s business whether the plane will win and destroy all mankind in the doomsday, or whether mankind will rise again in the wasteland and stand on the top of the world. Going home is what he wants most.

Locke\'s appetite is still great. His space ring seems endless. He takes out the same cooking utensils and even a small diesel generator.

The roar of the generator began to ring out in Zhang Ling\'s camp. Zhang Ling turned on the electromagnetic stove and made Locke his favorite hot pot.

"Little girl, come on, come and have hot pot together." Locke waved to Zhang Ling\'s five younger sisters who were lying on a corner table studying.

Locke, in his forties, has no children so far. He has a special love for Zhang Ling\'s five younger sisters.

Adults were pulled out to work, and children were no exception. Commander Ma made the best use of the active labor force in the camp.

Of course, Zhang Ling\'s fifth sister doesn\'t have to risk going out to work. She\'s too young. Zhang Ling wants her to study and read. Zhang Ling hasn\'t forgotten why she went out to work at the age of 14.

Even if the end comes, it must be good to learn more.

"Let her finish her homework first. It\'s not urgent." Zhang Ling\'s hair was a little soaked in the hot air of xiangteng hot pot. She pulled her hair aside and said.

Ma Xiaoxiao left her homework. The girl has nothing to do now. Because she is deeply in love with Zhang Ling, she is responsible for the teaching of the little girl.

There are no textbooks. Ma Xiaoxiao teaches the little girl to read now.

The meal was cooked quickly, and the three people sat together like a family.

Locke picked out a piece of fat and put it on the little girl\'s plate. "Eat more meat and see how thin you are."

Zhang Ling\'s fifth sister is Zhang Ni. Like Zhang Ling, she is very thin now.

"Thank you, brother-in-law." The little girl said cleverly.

Locke and Zhang Ling went back to Zhang Village pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend. The zhangjias had long regarded Locke as their son-in-law. Under the influence of their parents, brothers and sisters, the little girl skillfully called Locke brother-in-law.

However, Zhang Ling knows that Ma Xiaoxiao is interested in Locke, and the number one person in the whole military camp is Ma Xiaoxiao\'s father, so Zhang Ling usually strictly requires the little girl not to call Locke her brother-in-law in front of outsiders, especially in front of her "temporary teacher" Ma Xiaoxiao.

This is the only way. When they have only three people to eat together, the little girl can speak freely.

After swallowing another piece of sausage, Locke said to Zhang Ling, "you can send your sister to Zhang Ji to study. I think your sister seems to have some cultivation qualification."

Zhang Ling\'s eyes lit up and said excitedly, "really?"

"Well, but qualification can only be inferior." Locke nodded.

This level of cultivation system attaches great importance to the qualification of Qi practitioners, and the severity is close to the selection of magicians in the wizard world.

"Let her learn some Taoism and have more ability to survive in this world." Zhang Ling whispered.

It\'s settled. There\'s no need for Locke to come forward. Zhang Ling\'s own face is enough for Zhang Jiong to accept the apprentice.

Unfortunately, this indigenous human being is not the same kind of creature as the human beings in the wizard world. Strictly speaking, we are all "humanoid" creatures, but they look alike in appearance, but there are great differences inside.

For example, ordinary humans in the wizard world, their spine is composed of 32 vertebrae, while the human spine on the earth plane is composed of 33 vertebrae.

The human skeleton in the wizard world is broad and solid, and the human skeleton on the earth plane is fine and compact.

This is only one of the differences. More differences are reflected in meridians, blood composition, internal organs and so on.

This is what Locke found just after he came to this plane.

If not, Locke would like to teach the eagle fighting spirit directly to Zhang Ling and others to protect their lives. Knights\' Cultivation of fighting spirit requires much lower requirements. Most people have the qualification to learn.

After Zhang Ling was full, Locke thought, put down a low-level medicine to improve her physique, and then got up and left.

"Don\'t give it all to your sister. She hasn\'t grown up and can\'t bear too much medicine. It\'s mainly for you." Before leaving, Locke, who was very familiar with Zhang Ling\'s character, didn\'t forget to remind him.

Zhang Ling\'s physique is not suitable for cultivation, and there is no way to cultivate fighting spirit. Locke can only use this way to improve her physique and let her have more self-protection ability.

In the last week, Locke couldn\'t live in peace. Commander Ma seemed to want to extract his last value. Today, he had to lead a regiment to rush the food from a grain station 30 kilometers away from Wuxiang.

The new year has passed, and now it is mid February. Shanxi Province is in the north of China. It is still quite cold here. The population of Wuxiang is increasing, and the corresponding food consumption is also increasing. Commander Ma dares to ensure that there will be no starvation in the next three months.

The quality of the accompanying regiment\'s weapons also declined significantly compared with two months ago. There were only two cartridges per person, three tank vehicles and five armored vehicles.

Not only food, but also the exhaustion of weapons and ammunition requires commander Ma and his think-tank to boil the white head.

In fact, what is more lacking is oil. Both tanks and armored vehicles are oil tigers. Commander Ma has hinted to Locke more than once and asked him to help get some oil.

Locke is not a saint. How can he do his best for these indigenous people? He is willing to help commander Ma every few days.

In return, commander Ma almost marked the military bases that can be targeted in Jin province to Locke, and he also marked several military bases in Hebei Province next door

Locke now has seven intercontinental missiles and three atoms in his space ring Play He prefers hydrogen It bounced, but there was no military base in Shanxi Province. Commander Ma told him implicitly to go to a large province in the northwest of China.

(it\'s pure intention. Lust, brothers, rational book review, don\'t let me eat the blade.)

Commander Ma is so interesting that Locke has to repay him a little. He completes the tasks assigned to him by commander Ma every time.

Locke, dressed in red volcanic salamander skin armor, stood on the tank, "how far is the grain station?"

Surrounded by fragments of the living dead.

Seeing the custom, the head who shot in front of him swallowed his saliva, took a look at the map and said, "there are still five kilometers left. The grain station is on the National Road outside a county city."

According to commander Ma\'s meaning, Locke cooperated with tanks, armored vehicles and other heavy weapons to stop the attacks of the living dead and mutant animals, and bought the remaining soldiers half an hour to carry food.

Leave immediately after the grain is transported. Don\'t provoke the living dead in this county.

"OK, let\'s go!" Locke jumped out of the tank and took the lead.

Hellfire giant was strongly requested by commander Ma to stay in Wuxiang military camp in case of unprepared. Locke needs to undertake this task alone.

On the third floor of a house in a demolition area in Shangyuan City, Dong Qing, who had just escaped from three dead people, took a heavy step and fled back to his nest.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A moment after the rhythmic knock on the door, the door finally opened, revealing two dirty women inside.

Dong Qing, who wanted to say something, just opened his mouth. He was black and completely fainted.

Xiaoya and Zhao Zhenzhen, the little girl who reacted, immediately hurriedly pulled Dong Qing back to the room.

"Bang!" This is the loud closing sound of the security door.