Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 560

"There is no way for tanks to go on the next road, and armored vehicles can barely pass." The battalion commander pulled another battalion commander behind the team to discuss.

"There\'s no need for tanks in this situation. Just tell the brothers to hurry up and don\'t recruit the living dead on the other side of the town."

"I hope the drug warehouse has not been destroyed."

"Even if the top collapses and asks the brothers to dig, we should dig out the medicine under!"

Locke used a fighting storm to wreak havoc in Wuxiang all night. He plowed the West and south of the town. Only the East and north of the town survived. Now there are only those two areas and the living dead with action ability.

In front of the spiritual exploration of first-class creatures, the living dead with strong hiding ability can\'t escape in front of Locke.

"Leave two companies and look at the tank! The others go with me!" A battalion commander stepped into the armored infantry vehicle and greeted the soldiers behind him.

"Maybe this mission is a little easier than we thought." Old man Zhou\'s fifth younger martial brother came over and said that his iron corpse King general was left in the camp by him. One is to absorb the earth atmosphere and recover the physical trauma, and the other is to protect his wife.


On the other hand, Locke, who stepped on the shoulder of Hellfire giant AI, led a battalion of human soldiers to a position less than two kilometers away from commander Zhao and others.

Along the way, commander Qian of the battalion was dizzy.

AI\'s quasi level creatures and huge physique force the mutant beasts to be afraid to get close. I thought the living dead with low intelligence would have a great impact on their team. In the end, battalion commander Qian thought too much.

All the living dead, whether ordinary, speed or power, were cut off by a flash of white light when they rushed 200 meters in front of them.

The white light blade is the fighting wind blade condensed by Locke.

The speed of fighting spirit in the wind system is well deserved first among all fighting spirit. Battalion commander Qian saw a smooth blade only because his naked eye speed could not keep up with Locke\'s fighting spirit speed.

This is not what shocked battalion commander Qian most.

More than ten minutes ago, two powerful living dead cruising nearby rushed towards them. These two living dead didn\'t know how much flesh and blood they ate last night. Their stomachs were extremely large. At the same time, their height broke through the limit to four meters.

Seeing that a hard battle was going to be fought again, battalion commander Qian was ready to call for the tank shells to be loaded. When the rocket launcher was ready, Locke pushed his right hand forward, and a dark green hurricane came out in his hand, turning bigger and bigger, and finally reached a terrible 20 meters.

Man made tornado?!

Battalion commander Qian hasn\'t reflected what the situation is. The two huge and terrible living dead over there have been turned into piles of meat by the powerful cutting blades of Locke\'s fighting hurricane.

His heart became more and more respectful to the Taoist who could subdue the "dark blue giant". Battalion commander Qian had regarded Locke as the second person to convince him besides the commander.

"Dark blue giant" is the name given by the soldiers of the camp to Hellfire giant AI. AI was very powerful last night and indirectly saved many soldiers. All the soldiers are grateful to this terrible looking giant.

Another living dead man with pale skin and dark eyes rushed to the team. This time, not to mention battalion commander Qian, he didn\'t even blink the eyelids of ordinary soldiers.

Sure enough, when the dead man was less than 50 meters away from the team, AI picked him up like a chicken.

The living dead man with open teeth and claws is dishonest when AI catches him. He scratches with his claws and bites with his mouth open, but AI doesn\'t care at all.

The power of the living dead doesn\'t even tickle AI.

Maybe he was tired of playing with the little dots in his hands. AI threw the living dead into the sky, then looked up and opened his mouth.

When the living dead fell into AI\'s huge mouth, AI gulped his neck and swallowed it.

The soldiers who witnessed this scene were all a little hungry. These living dead had just mutated one day. Many of them were still wearing human clothes. AI felt like eating People.

"Is there a village near here?" Locke asked casually. His voice was not high, but every word reached the battalion commander completely.

"Yes, master, there is a Liu Zhuang nearby." The battalion commander opened his mouth and came. Their brigade\'s residence is here. What happens in this area at ordinary times has long been clear.

At the smell, Locke nodded. After they came out of the military camp in Wuxiang, they met few living dead people. This is not an urban area. How can there be so many people.

There are many mutated beasts, but these mutated beasts with intelligence are frightened by AI\'s breath and dare not get close easily. The mutated beasts without intelligence are now in AI\'s belly.

AI suddenly became so edible that Locke was worried about her. Unfortunately, Angelina wasn\'t around. Otherwise, with the wisdom of the magician, I\'m not sure I can see AI\'s problem.

"I can already feel those people surrounded in front. Speed up. The living dead in Liuzhuang should be there!" Locke said faintly to battalion commander Qian.



"Hold on! Hold on! Reinforcements are coming soon!" Shouted a strong man in a bulletproof vest and a black helmet.

"Captain, another big man comes up here!"

"Come on! Stop the mutant!"

"Bullets! Give me two more cartridges!"

"Lao Zheng, you go there and give me a hand!"


This is a team of about 300 people. Two hours ago, when they asked for help from the Wuxiang military camp, there were still 500 people, but an hour later, there were only 300 left.

In addition to the living dead who followed up all the way, another group of living dead suddenly killed by Liu Zhuang became the last straw to crush the camel.

In addition, some mutant animals emerging from the mountains and forests also made the team worse.

However, these mutant beasts suddenly put in a foot, which is good or bad for the human line that has fallen into a desperate situation.

Because these mutant beasts, in addition to dragging away more than a dozen unlucky ghosts, they help humans attract the attention of a large number of living dead people.

The living dead are full of longing for fresh flesh and blood. Their tiny intelligence is difficult to distinguish between human beings and mutant animals. Even some living dead with more sensitive sense of smell rush to kill mutant animals.

Because the blood gas carried by the mutant beast is much stronger than those frightened humans.

"Captain Liu, how\'s the situation?" At the center of the team, in addition to a group of ordinary citizens, commander Zhao, who was protected by more than a dozen armed police, asked a strong man in front of him.

"Commander Ma, the situation is very bad. There are too many living dead. There should be a village nearby!" There were three deep black scratches on the strong man\'s face. Commander Zhao, who was very close to the man, could even smell the corrosive smell from the scratches.

"Can you rush out? Wuxiang military camp should be less than seven kilometers away from here." Commander Zhao frowned slightly.

"No, there are too many casualties, and my brothers don\'t have much left. They can\'t protect everyone at all." The strong man shook his head and refused without thinking.

Among their 300 people, only 40 armed police, 30 police, 60 fire officers and soldiers and a very small number of traffic police can be regarded as combat effectiveness.

The remaining two-thirds are ordinary people. Among these ordinary people, the men with handlebars have allocated weapons. Now they resist together and protect women, children and children in the middle.

If these men don\'t stand up, they can\'t escape here from Shangyuan city.

Commander Zhao\'s face was so heavy that he could wring water out.

He wanted to give up this group of ordinary citizens, but he swallowed his words again. Commander Zhao could only summon the last ten people who were killed and injured by the close guard. He had to rely on the martial artist in front of him Police branch The captain of the team took him out of the siege.

After a night\'s flight and fierce battle, commander Zhao has deeply realized the enthusiasm of Captain Liu. It can be said that if captain Liu had not made his own decisions and had to pull the people to escape with them, commander Zhao would have arrived in Wuxiang long ago.

"Xiao Hao, give the rest of the grenades to captain Liu. We must tear a hole right away!" Commander Zhao ordered his guard platoon leader.

In the end, the old guy who has participated in the war and gone to the battlefield is much better than captain Liu in terms of courage and determination.

Commander Zhao did not dare to fight, but years smoothed his edges and corners. The high-level power struggle made him smooth and cherish his life.

However, when forced to a desperate situation, the lion is still a lion. Even if he is old, he will not give up easily.

"Give me the submachine gun. What we need now is morale!" Commander Zhao said to his guard.

The guard wanted to persuade him, but when commander Zhao stared at him, he obediently handed over the gun hung on him to commander Zhao.

"Go!" Commander Zhao ordered more than ten subordinates around him.

A new force poured out from the inside, which not only enhanced the resistance of this group of human beings, but also greatly aroused the desire of surviving human beings to survive.

Many people know that the old man is a commander. They don\'t dare to ask what the commander is. However, looking at the more than a dozen robbers around him, they know that the old man\'s identity is not low.

Now, even the commander of others has personally mounted the horse. What else can they advise? Go ahead. People die and birds face the sky. They will not die for thousands of years. Fight!

All human males, at this moment, burst out their last dignity.

Even the women hiding in the middle of the team were infected by the blood of the same kind around them. Among them, a brave woman laboriously waved a bloody fire axe and cut off the living dead who jumped on her.

"Yo, we\'re here at the right time!" A faint voice came out in the distance.

"Boom..." The sound of the tank track squeezing the ground came. The first time I saw the towering barrel on the tank, all the survivors surrounded were happy.

But then their faces were stunned and finally turned into fear.

Next to the tank car, a dark blue giant up to 10 meters high stood there like a demon God.

The tank car that brought them infinite sense of security was as ridiculous as a toy at the feet of the giant.