Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 559

When Locke left Wuxiang military camp, commander Ma sent him a battalion to follow him.

Hellfire giants AI and Locke are too publicity. Commander Ma believes that the combination of these two killing gods can save the hundred people, but he can\'t guarantee that the hundreds of people will agree to follow the strange two people to Wuxiang.

The battalion was disabled after a night of fighting. There were only more than 100 people left, and half of them were slightly injured.

However, there is no way. Commander Ma can no longer dispatch more people.

This battalion is also the official person sent by Wuxiang to rescue the team. The battalion leader is the direct subordinate of commander ma.

Locke only needs to ensure that commander Zhao died in the siege of mutant animals and the living dead, and the battalion commander has more people to be responsible. In addition to commander Zhao, other threats that may pose a threat to commander Ma will be erased one by one.

Now the world is in chaos. Big fists are the last word.

Commander Ma wants to build Wuxiang into an iron bucket that he can command completely. He doesn\'t need colleagues to divide power with him.

If Locke, who had terrorist force and rescued Wuxiang military camp from crisis, was a hero, commander Ma was a well deserved hero.

The ability of the person to adapt quickly, the means to be harsh, and the decisive action are horrendously apparent.

Not long after Locke led a battalion to leave, commander Ma called the people of Maoshan again.

"Now camp rich is short of medicine, and the soldiers are more or less injured. I\'d like you to go to Wu township hospital and bring back the drugs in the hospital warehouse, especially anti-inflammatory drugs." Commander Ma sincerely said to old man Zhou, the leader of Maoshan people.

The wounds caused by the living dead and mutant animals to human soldiers are mainly physical tear wounds and corrosion wounds of energy elements.

Especially for the living dead who are overdrawn by negative energy transformation, their claws and teeth contain trace dark system and necromancer system energy elements.

The earth has not studied the use of energy elements before, so it is impossible to apply the right medicine to this new scar.

However, when several military doctors in the barracks applied medicine to the soldiers, they found that anti-inflammatory drugs could have a great resistance to the corrosion of dark and necromancer elements.

As for laceration wounds, anti-inflammatory drugs are more needed. Now the negative energy element of the earth is very high. A little virus and bacterial infection can make the wounds purulent and fester in a very short time.

Several elders of Maoshan sect looked at each other. Finally, old man Zhou stood up and said, "we are willing to go to Wuxiang, but there are many living dead in Wuxiang. Just dozens of us go, aren\'t we..."

"I\'ll send two battalions with you, and you don\'t need to go deep into Wuxiang. You can return immediately as long as you get the medicine in the Zhenxi warehouse." Commander Ma said quickly.

Old man Zhou was silent for a moment. To tell the truth, he didn\'t want to go. The soldiers were tired and scattered after a night\'s battle. They were all in Maoshan.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is bullshit. Suddenly, the end of the world erupts. It\'s good to live. Who cares about others.

Commander Ma winked at Old Man Zhou\'s second younger martial brother. Master Duan also smiled bitterly and wanted to talk about Maoshan and politics Fu Du has a great relationship with him. It\'s not good to stand up and speak for anyone at this time.

In addition, master Duan is biased towards Maoshan in the bottom of his heart. The friendship of the seven martial brothers practicing martial arts in the broken hall at the top of Maoshan for decades was stronger than real gold.

"Let\'s go and ask commander ma. You can give us some equipment." Old man Zhou finally nodded and agreed.

If the situation was not extremely bad, old man Zhou believed that commander Ma would not make the decision to let them die, not to mention the soldiers of two battalions would follow them.

Now, after the mechanized brigade in Wuxiang has been disabled, every soldier left is a treasure in commander Ma\'s hand.

"That\'s no problem, Xiao Chen. Take master Zhou to the armory and choose whatever you want." Commander Ma said generously.

According to commander Ma, old man Zhou looks better. Their true Qi can resist the enemy, but if they hang a layer of bulletproof clothes, who is willing to use their true Qi to resist bullets.

After a night\'s bloody battle, old man Zhou practiced his six layers of Qi. He was also a little weak, not to mention his disciples and grandchildren.

Now there are more than 30 people in Maoshan. Old man Zhou has regarded them as the hope of Taoist tradition inheritance.

Old man Zhou saw the strength of those mutant animals. He could deal with them when they appeared alone. More than ten heads or even more rushed together to form a beast tide, which he could not resist.

Among the 70 people left behind in Maoshan sect, the foreign disciples of the factotum account for more than half, and the rest are mostly Taoists in the Qi feeling period. There are only his two younger martial brothers in the Qi refining period. Old man Zhou has no idea what is going on in the general sect.

Commander Ma\'s men and horses were quickly mobilized to Maoshan people. It was related to the cost of medicine in the camp. The soldiers had to be more active. They didn\'t want to lose their brothers, who had lost more than half of their comrades in arms.

Looking at the two open Tiger tanks in front of him and the three armored vehicles on the side, old man Zhou was wearing bulletproof clothes and hung with grenades and other equipment around his waist. This time, he had a lot of confidence in the task of rushing into Wuxiang to carry medicine and materials.

"By the way, Locke said that he has solved half of the living dead in Wuxiang. Although he doesn\'t know the specific situation, this action should be easier than expected." In order to encourage the morale of Maoshan sect, commander Ma said.

"Well? That\'s great." Old man Zhou looked happy.

The sound of heavy tracks rubbing the ground occasionally provokes the living dead hidden in the dark.

In front of the strong lineup of two tanks, three armored vehicles, hundreds of soldiers and more than 30 Maoshan Taoists, these small characters did not cause much trouble to the marching team.

The transformation of human beings on earth by negative energy storm is rough and gradual.

Rough madness is reflected in the fact that once you don\'t resist the baptism of energy, you will become a living dead person, and step by step, it is reflected in the process of becoming a living dead person. Some people change fast, while others change slowly.

In fact, most of the variation processes are relatively slow.

The faster the variation, the stronger the adaptability of the transformed body to negative energy elements. The slower the variation, the worse the performance.

Genius always refers to an individual, and mediocre people still account for the vast majority in this world. This sentence also applies to the living dead.

Now the ability of the living dead who obstruct the marching team is average, but their speed is a little faster than that of normal people. In the metal storm formed by bullets and steel sheets, their immortality does not have much room to play.

It was directly twisted into pieces. How did this end meet with Locke\'s fighting storm.

"Report! No force and speed variants were found." A sentry reported to the battalion commander sitting in the position of the tank silo machine gunner.

"Move on, we will arrive at the drug warehouse in the west of Wuxiang town in half an hour!" The battalion commander ordered.

"Boom!" Another grenade detonated in the center of the living dead who rushed up together at both ends.

After the explosion, old man Zhou walked forward slowly and cut off the head of the living dead who was still struggling and twisting.

Hot weapons are better than real Qi. Old man Zhou\'s real Qi has not recovered yet. He can use grenades and other items, so he will never use real Qi.

Several soldiers who saw old man Zhou kill two living dead people in the flow of clouds and water envied old man Zhou\'s skill. With their strength and eyes, they didn\'t see enough in front of the living dead who were fast and agile.

Even Qi practitioners with minor Taoist skills, after mastering hot weapons, their combat effectiveness rose slightly. No wonder Locke never forgot about intercontinental missiles and nuclear weapons in this plane.

The admiration and envy of several soldiers did not escape the perception of old man Zhou. The old man was a lot of age and was a little proud to eat this set.

It\'s a pity that Locke didn\'t do it last night. Just let him do it, or you\'ll be more surprised. Old man Zhou thought.

Friars practicing Qi can kill more than 3000 armor, so friars in the foundation period must have a higher level of strength.

Thinking of this, old man Zhou flashed again what commander Ma said to them before he left. Has he solved half of the living dead in Wuxiang?

That\'s five thousand! It\'s only one night. Is it really possible.

"Foundation... Foundation..." Old man Zhou murmured in his mouth like a demon, and then sighed again.

He is too old to reach the Ninth level of Qi practice in his lifetime, that is, burning high incense, not to mention the foundation period, and the twelve levels of Qi practice are perfect, which he dare not expect. (the Ninth level of Qi training corresponds to the high-level attendants of the knight system.)

The team is not moving very fast. The radar has temporarily failed after being disturbed by cosmic rays. Scientific and technological personnel are repairing it. Their only high-tech now is to contact the Wuxiang military camp through the radio in the armored vehicle.

Suddenly, the advancing speed of the team was.

"What\'s the matter?" The battalion commander at the position of the tank machine gunner said strangely.

"Chief, sir, look at that!" A soldier in front ran over and stammered in the distance.

The battalion commander had deeper doubts on his face. He climbed out of the well, stepped on black leather boots, stood directly at the mouth of the tank barrel, raised his telescope and looked into the distance.

The sight under the telescope made the battalion commander wipe his eyes twice in a row. He was not sure whether he was dazzled.

The road leading to Wuxiang has been completely destroyed. The hard and flat asphalt gravel road seems to have been ploughed with a hoe. There are overturned debris everywhere, including earth bags and gravel.

In the wreckage, the battalion commander even saw half of the living dead. Its body was pressed by boulders and it was difficult to move, let alone jump out and bite.

"This..." The battalion commander\'s mouth opened quickly and could put two fists into it, because in the distance, he saw Wuxiang completely in ruins.

"This is the power of friars in the foundation period!" Old man Zhou, who also saw the scene in front of him, couldn\'t help sighing.