Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 558

Last night\'s war, the most famous and striking was Hellfire giant AI, followed by the people of Maoshan.

Since ancient times, there have been many records of Taoism and Taoism among the Chinese people. There are also rumors of true immortals in the past dynasties. Even the former 95 emperor was superstitious about it, not to mention the big soldiers who had not read these books.

This is not true. Now many soldiers point out to the people of Maoshan sect. They mainly pay attention to old man Zhou and the fifth martial uncle of Zhang Jiong.

The negative energy storm broke out in China in advance last night, which was a great disaster for ordinary people. It was a new life for Maoshan Taoist who practiced Taoism and protected his body with true Qi.

The Taoist who was transferred from Maoshan by Ma commander is at least a good hand in the gas sensitive stage. The thirty people gathered the essence of Maoshan.

The negative energy storm had little effect on the physical transformation of Maoshan Taoist priests. They didn\'t need Locke\'s physical enhancement medicine. Maoshan people carried it with their own quality.

On the contrary, the weather vitality caused by the impact of negative energy storm on the earth has increased sharply, which makes Maoshan people who are difficult to advance inch by inch see the hope of promotion again.

Old man Zhou, in particular, today\'s vitality of heaven and earth is dominated by the energy of dark system and dead spirit elements. These element particles are not beneficial to Maoshan skill, but through the automatic reconciliation of the plane, the energy of other elements is also slowly increasing, including the most important wooden elements for Maoshan Taoists.

"Master, I\'m sure to break through the seventh layer of Qi training in two months." Old man Zhou said proudly that the reason why he was so confident came from a low-level energy crystal given to him by Zhang Jiong yesterday.

It is the dream of every monk in the late French era to break through the realm and move forward to a higher level. The seven levels of Qi training matched with the knight stage is only the midstream goods among the middle-level attendants, but this is enough to excite old man Zhou.

The seventh floor of Qi training is here. Will the eighth floor of Qi training be far away?

When people are old, they are more open-minded. They can\'t be fat in one bite. Old man Zhou is well versed in the way of steady and progressive progress.

"Younger martial brother, how is your iron body recovering?" Old man Zhou asked his fifth martial brother.

"There are still two penetrating injuries. The others are small problems." Zhang Jiong said in a deep voice.

Compared with old man Zhou\'s hard bullet resistance and several in and out among the living dead, uncle Zhao\'s iron body was a highlight last night.

The iron corpse King general, who is about two meters tall, is invulnerable to weapons and water and fire. He is simply holding hands when dealing with the "close relatives" of the living dead.

The agile king of the living dead may not keep up with his speed, but the powerful king of the living dead is not at all.

The three meter tall power type living dead, ordinary soldiers need to take rocket launchers and C4 bombs to deal with, but General Wang can hold two alone.

Those powerful guys need the same dominant opponents in power to restrain them.

Moreover, through the battle last night, martial Uncle Zhang Jiong found that his iron corpse has the deterrent ability to ordinary living dead. Of course, this special suppression effect has little effect on the three meter tall power living dead and the fast agile living dead.

Speaking of it, several penetrating wounds on the iron corpse general were caused by human soldiers.

Apart from powerful firearms such as rocket launchers and C4 bombs, heavy sniper rifles can cause objective damage.

When this sniper rifle hits a person, it is the wound of limb explosion, and when it hits the living dead with strong defense, it is a blood hole the size of a fist.

Of course, this heavy sniper gun is not something that ordinary soldiers can play. It can only be done by snipers trained through special training. Otherwise, the recoil force fed back by the heavy sniper gun alone will be enough to knock ordinary humans apart.

The accidental injury of human soldiers did not cause too much sequelae to General Wang, so martial Uncle Zhang Jiong was not too angry. After all, it was too chaotic last night, and it was still at night, which quite tested the sniper\'s actual combat ability.

As long as it doesn\'t hit the heart and brain of the iron corpse, no matter how serious the other injuries are, they can recover slowly by absorbing the earth Qi.

And now the dark and dead spirit elements contained in the vitality of heaven and earth are the favorite of zombies and other species, which is much more than the earth Qi. General Wang will recover completely in two days.

In the sky, Locke glanced at the iron corpse general, and then flew to the Hellfire giant AI.

After a night\'s slaughter, Locke only "wasted" half of the living dead in Wuxiang. He is a man, not a machine. There are nearly 10000 people. If Locke didn\'t master the top skills such as wind fighting spirit, his fighting spirit would have been exhausted.

It\'s also the end of a powerful crossbow that can maintain flight now. There\'s no fighting spirit. Next, you need to meditate and recover before you can continue to move.

Locke thinks he is not a good man, but he is a man of his word. Since he promised commander Ma to solve the trouble in Wuxiang, he will try his best to do it.

"Try to finish it all by this afternoon." Locke squinted and set himself a time.

"Abolishing" is not killing. Under Locke\'s angry hurricane and the angry blade, all the living dead who touched Locke\'s angry attack were broken into piles of corpses.

Locke doesn\'t need to kill all the 10000 living dead, and he doesn\'t have the patience to kill 10000 dead creatures, but Locke can do it by "abolishing" 10000 living dead.

In the face of the living dead whose limbs are completely useless and only one mouth remains. Let alone the weak human soldier, she is a woman. As long as she overcomes her fear, she can easily erase the neck of the living dead with a knife.

Commander Ma didn\'t know Locke\'s great achievements last night. He strode to Locke\'s resting place.

Outside the camp, in a deep pit, Hellfire giant AI is sitting in it and munching. Like Locke, this guy has an iron stomach and can eat it all night. It\'s incredible for the human soldiers watching her around.

If you look carefully, you will find that the muzzle of these human soldiers point to Hellfire giants intentionally or unintentionally.

Also, it is not our race that has a different heart. In the face of the sudden emergence of this behemoth, even if they help their friends, these humans still have to stay.

On AI\'s shoulder, Locke is sitting cross legged on it, holding two high-level wind energy spars to accelerate and recover his fighting spirit.

There is nothing wrong with the human soldier\'s practice. Even he didn\'t fully believe in the natives of the world, otherwise he wouldn\'t come to AI to recover his strength.

Although AI was eating hard there, she had already been reminded by Locke that if these human soldiers dared to make any dangerous actions, it would never be AI and Locke who were injured at the first time.

In terms of body surface defense, even Locke, a first-class knight with a fighting shield, dare not fully admit that he has surpassed AI.

AI suffered a heavy blow by forcibly coming to this micro plane, but after the heavy blow, he was reborn. AI once fused half of the heart core of the first-class Hellfire giant. Even AI couldn\'t tell what benefits he got after the serious injury.

She only knew that she was stronger than before and could eat more

Commander Ma\'s visit surprised Locke a little. He slowly opened his eyes and said, "there are only half of the living dead in Wuxiang who have the ability to move. Don\'t worry, I won\'t break my promise. Just ask your soldiers to collect the body directly this afternoon."

"Only half left?" Commander Ma was slightly stunned. He didn\'t come to Locke for this, but Locke said so, and a huge wave rose in his heart.

This is even ridiculous for the earth\'s indigenous people who have developed the scientific and technological system, but it is normal for the wizards who have developed magic and fighting spirit.

Otherwise, why do the holy towers and palaces of knights on the three western islands make repeated orders to strictly restrict the strong above level 1 from fighting in front of ordinary people.

Now, as the negative energy storm continues to deepen the transformation of this plane, this plane will also appear in the future.

Pressing down his fear of Locke, commander Ma said, "now I have a favor to ask you for help. Don\'t worry. I won\'t ask you to do it for nothing."

After several conversations with Locke, commander Ma found that this person did not enter into oil and salt by means of coercion and inducement. The only way to summon Locke was equal trading.

Commander Ma can only ask commander Zhao, who is surrounded, for help.

"Go ahead." Locke was curious about what else commander Ma could offer himself.

"Ten kilometers southwest of the barracks, there is a surrounded..." Commander Ma began to introduce the details of the mission to Locke.

After listening patiently, Locke asked casually, "all saved?"

"No, you can do what you can. For Wuxiang, you are more important than hundreds of people." Commander Ma is a good hand in winning people\'s hearts.

If Locke is a native of the standard, he will probably shed tears because of this heartfelt remark. Unfortunately, he is not.

Seeing through too much life and death, Locke was not affected by commander Ma\'s soft words, and his mood fluctuated too much.

Moreover, Locke is not able to save them all. He is a person, not a whole army, and it is impossible to take care of everyone in all aspects.

After slapping the Hellfire giant under his body, Locke said, "don\'t eat. There\'s work now."

AI listened to Locke\'s words very much. As soon as she threw the remaining half of the magic cow aside, she was about to stand up with her hands on the ground.

Looking at the demon cow with only half of its skeleton, commander Ma twitched slightly. He still remembered that a large part of the reason for the formation of the animal tide last night was due to the predecessor of the skeleton in front of him.

"By the way, one more thing." Commander Ma said that he took out a photo. "If you find this person alive when you go to save someone, I hope he died from the attack of mutant creatures or living dead people."

The photo shows a middle-aged man with a wide face and a military uniform.

He took a look at Locke, remembered the man and replied, "I see."

Take people\'s money and eliminate disasters with others. Since commander Ma is equivalent, he is hiring him. Locke must have a little professional ethics. He won\'t even ask who the man in the picture is.