Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 557

This morning is so soft and dazzling for the soldiers of Wuxiang who fought all night.

Although it is winter, the warmth contained in the morning light makes all the soldiers who feel the temperature unload their last strength and enjoy the tranquility of this moment.

The former neat barracks ground is now covered with blood, red, black and white.

After a night\'s fermentation, these extraordinarily viscous things have become hard pieces after pieces. It\'s disgusting to step on them.

"This component is very strange. Collect it quickly and start testing after I return to the laboratory." The old lady with black glasses was a strange creature in the military camp. When all the soldiers were tired and didn\'t want to move, only this man was very energetic after staying up all night.

A group of white coats went up to collect various samples, mainly the blood of the living dead and the internal organs of the mutant animals.

In a sealed glass container, there is a living dead body that has no lower body and only half of the shoulder, neck and head, but is still full of vitality and wants to bite.

There are smoke and flames everywhere. The remnants of the battlefield last night have not been cleaned up yet.

The heavy and heavy machine guns in the distance are still roaring. Their target is not the living dead and mutant animals, but the threat from the sky.

The bloody Wuxiang military camp has attracted a large group of bloodthirsty mutant birds to come here for autumn wind.

AI can crush the mutant herd on the ground, but there is no good way for the birds in the sky. She can\'t fly.

However, it is precisely because the Hellfire giant AI is here and the huge biological power is there that this group of waiting mutant birds dare not make too much publicity.

It\'s hard for those exhausted soldiers to sleep so sweet in the rumble of guns.

Among them, many low-level officers have not slept yet.

Wang Jun is a monitor and used to be.

He is now the acting platoon leader, because after his platoon leader became a living dead man yesterday, he was the first person to react, subdue and cut off the head of the living dead man.

So the company commander looked after him and made him acting platoon leader.

Getting promoted and getting rich is the dream of every soldier in his heart, but Wang Jun, who has just completed his dream, is not happy and excited.

There are eight people in his class, a monitor, a deputy monitor and six big soldiers. They are usually brothers who sleep in a dormitory.

Last night, only he and two other soldiers survived the negative energy storm. In the last night of the bloody battle, only he and a 20-year-old boy named rascal survived.

Wang Jun and his brothers gave the boy the nickname "second rate", because he was always lazy in training. He was a few minutes late for morning and evening exercises every time. No matter how Wang Jun dealt with him, he couldn\'t change it.

However, after this war, the rascal became his last brother.

Wang Jun can\'t forget the scene that the rascal picked up a light machine gun to cover himself last night. He can\'t forget that after his other brother Zhao Han was bitten to death by a living dead man, the rascal picked up a grenade and rushed to take revenge.

Walking behind a potholed fortification, many soldiers staggered here to rest. Many dead bodies on the ground didn\'t have time to clean up, and no one cared, because they were all their comrades in arms.

In a sunken crater, Wang Jun found a rascal.

The bastard is sleeping with a "person".

After patting the bastard, Wang Jun handed him a dough cake. The camp had just begun to distribute food. Wang Jun took two cakes first with the identity of acting platoon leader.

"Monitor, I don\'t want to eat yet. Zhao Han said he was cold." Said the rascal.

Wang Jun looked at the body held by the rascal. Tears couldn\'t stop flowing down from the tough man\'s eyes. Zhao Han was another brother in his class who survived the negative energy storm. However, if the military cap was taken off, you can see that a large piece of flesh and blood from the back of his head to the cervical spine was bitten away.

Usually, the best relationship with rascals is Zhao Han, because only Zhao Han didn\'t look down on rascals, and only Zhao Han used to take rascals as brothers.

"Don\'t talk nonsense! Eat for me! After eating, go to identify clothes with me. Qian Liu and Zhou Wu have become living dead people. They were also our brothers before they died. We can\'t let them die without peace!" Wang Jun scolded the rascal.

As soon as the bastard heard this, he put down Zhao Han\'s body, sat up and silently took Wang Jun\'s bread and stuffed it into his mouth.

The appearance of the living dead after human variation has changed greatly compared with that before they died, and the characteristic that they can\'t die until their heads are cut off makes all the living dead bodies in the military camp in a broken state.

Wang Jun doesn\'t expect to retrieve the bodies of his brothers. Just dig out their bugles and name cards from the pile of corpses. At that time, he will go outside the camp with the bastards and dig a clothes grave for them.

In China, the dead pay attention to peace.

In the whole camp, there were many soldiers who survived such as Wang Jun and rascals. The fierce battle of one night made all of them feel a big stone.

"How\'s the statistics?" In the headquarters, commander Ma asked the two staff officers standing in front of him.

"There are 5327 people in the brigade, and the number of people who have survived is 1265, including 362 seriously injured and 589 slightly injured." A staff officer said.

"There was a serious loss of ammunition and materials. In addition to consuming one-third of the standby warehouse under the headquarters, the biggest loss was the No. 2 and No. 3 ammunition depots that were affected and detonated in the battle." Another staff officer reported.

"Are there only 1200 people left..." Commander Ma murmured, and then he said, "is there enough medicine? I want none of the heavy and heavy wounded to be rescued!"

A staff member was embarrassed, but he truthfully reported that "our drugs are more than ammunition. Now only the headquarters has a little spare. If you want to have enough drugs, you have to go to Wuxiang. There is a town hospital and several small clinics, which should be in stock."

"Wuxiang." Commander Ma looked in the direction of Wuxiang. Locke had been there all night. I don\'t know what happened to him.

"Let the soldiers who still have the power of World War I recover their strength as soon as possible. It\'s not safe here. We need to build more reliable fortifications." Commander Ma ordered.

"Yes!" One of the two staff officers stood at attention, then turned to convey instructions downward.

As soon as they left, someone came in from outside. This time, they are talents in scientific research and technology.

At present, in addition to the soldiers in their early 1000\'s, there are more than 20 scientific researchers and more than 30 people from Maoshan sect in Wuxiang military camp.

"How\'s the cracking work going?" Commander Ma couldn\'t wait to ask.

The man shook his head and said, "it will take another day, but we have restored radio communication technology."

Commander Ma nodded. Now the satellite is scrapped, and the wires and optical cables around the country have been damaged to varying degrees by the living dead and mutant animals. The only reliable means of communication is radio.

"How far is the radiation range of the radio?" Commander Ma asked.

"Due to the interference of unknown factors carried by cosmic rays, the radiation range has been reduced by nearly 20 times. Now we can only guarantee our signal within 10 kilometers."

"Is there any way to increase the use radius?" The 10 kilometer radio is less than one tenth of the distance from the nearest military base in Wuxiang.

The researchers paused and said, "there are two ways, one is to lay out signal antennas, the other is to increase radio frequencies, but the latter will increase our power consumption."

Commander Ma was very disappointed with both methods.

Commander Ma doesn\'t have to think about what\'s going on outside. Now he\'s too busy to send extra troops to lay the signal tower antenna.

Power consumption is even more a problem. Now the barracks use standby power supply. How to generate and produce power is the most urgent situation that commander Ma needs to consider at present.

"One more thing." The researcher said, "ten minutes ago, our radio station received intermittent requests for help. It was suspected that it was commander Zhao."

When researchers say this sentence, their voice is very low and their brains for playing science and technology are not bad. Naturally, they know the fighting power of these two soldiers in the army better than ordinary big soldiers.

"Where are they?" Commander Ma really gave a pause, and then asked.

"Just three kilometers away, they still have about 300 people, mainly armed police, police and fire officers and soldiers, with some citizens, but now they are surrounded by a group of living dead and mutant animals." The researchers said.

This is not suspected to be commander Zhao. With such detailed personnel allocation and current situation, the following departments must have understood the situation clearly before they came to tell commander ma.

This "suspected" sentence is to give commander Ma a step down. Let alone the personal grievances of the two commanders, it is unknown whether their Wuxiang military camp is still capable of rescuing their army.

Even these technical personnel of the intelligence department don\'t want to meddle. If the soldiers sent don\'t come back and lose this available army, they will not be far from extinction.

In the face of life safety, everyone is selfish.

"Armed police, police..." Commander Ma muttered that he was not as short-sighted as the scientific researcher. He valued this group of new forces.

Now the whole Wuxiang has experienced a night\'s battle, and commander Ma is the supreme commander of the army Collar He is fully confident that this team has been in his hands, and it is difficult for commander Zhao to dominate when he comes.

So now commander Zhao is late. Commander Ma is not worried that his old opponent will compete for power with him.

Not to mention whether commander Zhao can win over these soldiers from commander Ma, on commander Ma\'s character and means, he will not let commander Zhao make small moves there.

When commander Ma was still thinking in his heart whether to rescue commander Zhao and other horses, Locke on the other side had returned to Wuxiang military camp.

As soon as Locke came floating in mid air, a special soldier ran to report to commander ma.