Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 556

The rampant AI in the barracks not only scared away the incoming mutant animals, but also helped the soldiers drive away a large part of the residual living dead.

The fierce fearlessness of the living dead means that when they are hungry, the most important thing in the barracks is the corpse. Some full belly living dead are also gradually forced away under AI\'s authority.

No matter how low intelligent creatures are, they also know to save their lives. No creature will be unable to live with themselves, including these dead creatures whose brains are burned by negative energy.

There are still some differences between the living dead and the skeleton. Their human memory is completely lost and replaced by a new micro consciousness and eating instinct.

Looking at the originally fierce battle in the barracks, but now it has been greatly improved by one person\'s action, commander Ma was shocked and speechless.

He had thought that Locke, a strong man in the foundation period, could help hold down part of the attack momentum of the mutant animals and buy them time. Unexpectedly, Locke directly took out such a big killer.

"What\'s that thing? Do you have an idea?" Commander Ma asked the old woman beside him.

This woman is the one who wants to test Locke\'s mental strength. She is a small leader of the special department of Shanxi Province of China and the most knowledgeable person under commander ma.

"Preliminary observation is not an earth creature. I think its skin is harder than the steel skeleton of a tank. It should be an extraterrestrial creature." The woman helped her glasses and said.

Over there, AI laid hands on a mutant horse again, "creak, creak" the sound of broken bones, and "Sila!" The sound of muscle tearing shook their eyelids.

The next stage is AI\'s gluttonous eating stage. I watched a mutant horse with a circle of body growth. AI tore it from the middle and stuffed it directly into her mouth. Her intestines and internal organs flowed out of the air. Commander Ma was better. The mature woman turned around and stopped watching the bloody scene.

"How is the missile maintenance in the base?" Commander Ma asked what he was most concerned about.

"The technicians are still repairing, and the electromagnetic equipment is gradually restored to use, but the signal has not been connected." Said the woman.

"I can tell you clearly that China\'s satellites are now in a scrapped state. What I want to know is when we can cross the previous set of operating procedures and launch missiles directly manually." Commander Ma said in a deep voice.

The woman was silent for a moment before she replied, "it still takes two days to crack the firewall."

"Two days..." Commander Ma sighed and wondered what he was thinking.

Is this human progress or retrogression? China\'s original intelligent missile launch system has now become a national advantage Due to the constraints of the device, when all satellites are scrapped and digital signals cannot be transmitted, launching missiles has become a luxury.

The protective locks previously set up to prevent accidents must be broken before they can regain the right to launch.

Under the mechanized brigade station in Wuxiang, there are no intercontinental missile class I weapons, but there are a lot of secondary class I missiles such as ballistic missiles that have bombed Locke before.

Now these guys are lying in the silo. The baptism of cosmic rays has not had any impact on these big guys. Negative energy storms can transform creatures under the action of plane consciousness, but they can\'t do anything about these "dead metal objects".

Commander Ma first asked Locke to block the mutant creature, just hoping that he could delay himself for some time.

According to commander Ma\'s original plan, if these missiles cannot be launched, he will use them as mines and explosives and detonate them manually.

The explosive power of a ballistic missile can kill or injure half of the three hundred mutant beasts.

If one doesn\'t work, just two. Now life can\'t be happy. Who cares so much.

But now there is nothing left, and the danger of manually detonating the missile is too great. If you are not careful, the whole military camp will be blown up. Commander Ma will never do so.

"Where on earth did this man come from?" Commander Ma looked at Locke who disappeared from the night and muttered.

Commander Ma wanted to know with his ass that Locke was definitely not from earth.

And he noticed that Locke was a dark blue giant out of thin air. When Taoism can have this power, there will be no Chinese national policy What happened to the mansion? At that time, Taoism should be respected all over the world.

Unlike commander Ma, who was worried, the soldiers below were jubilant.

The emergence of such a powerful fighting force in their own family made the soldiers and officers who survived in the barracks burst into a new round of fighting spirit. Under the above command, everyone began to slowly eliminate the residual living dead and mutant animals based on tanks and armored infantry vehicles.

The number of the living dead is now small, and the mutant animals are driven to other places like sheep by AI. Everyone is full of confidence that they can live.

On the other side, Locke, who flew out of the barracks, flew to Wuxiang.

In the sky, feeling the more active element particles in his body, Locke became more and more curious about the future of this plane.

In order to allow themselves to continue, the plane consciousness actively pulls the negative energy storm and adds fuel to the flames. The practice of transforming the standard biology is obviously to interrupt the road of human scientific and technological progress.

Locke doesn\'t care who will win the contest between the remaining human beings and nature. He is just a spectator.

This plane is not his home after all. Sooner or later, he will return to the wizard world and the three western islands.

Now this plane can interest him. Commander Ma told him that the secret military bases were one and the changes in Antarctica were another.

Locke is excited to think of weapons comparable to the explosion of secondary and tertiary energy levels.

If you collect these things and take them back to the three western islands as a card, Ho Ho, Locke dares not to pay attention to the heavenly knight.

This is probably the charm and magic of science and technology. The use authority is very small. He is an ordinary person. As long as he gently presses the launch button with his finger, he can cause a terrorist explosion that can kill tens of millions of creatures.

"Forbidden curse..." Thinking that he would soon have a nuclear bomb equivalent to dozens of mantra scrolls, Locke had less resistance to the coolie work of killing 10000 living dead.

The mantra still needs to be sung, and he just needs to be surprised, throw these nuclear bombs next to level 2 and level 3 creatures and detonate them.

I believe it will definitely be a beautiful fireworks feast.

Tonight\'s Wuxiang depression is terrible. There is no sound of chickens barking and dogs barking. Only the roar of mutant animals is accompanied by the "rustle" of the living dead.

The smell of blood in the air was disgusting, but it had no effect on Locke.

He had seen more massacres than this. How could such a small scene scare him.

Reaching forward, an agile living dead man with a body size of only half a meter, hidden in the dark, slipped into the air with his fighting spirit.

The living dead man should be a child in front of him. Judging from his broken clothes, he is still a little girl. However, this "little girl" is very unfriendly to Locke now. He wants to touch Locke\'s skin, eat his meat and drink his blood.

But I can\'t touch it anyway. It\'s just a waste of effort.

"Hum, it\'s really a dead creature with low wisdom." Locke sneered and stretched out his hand to see how far the living dead man had been transformed.

The little girl finally touched Locke\'s arm, but unfortunately, no matter how hard it used, no matter how sharp its teeth were, there was not even a trace on Locke\'s hand.

After all, Locke is not a magician and can\'t get the most accurate value. He can only judge the variation degree of this living dead man, barely comparable to the entry-level attendant.

This still takes its immortality into account. If we talk about power and speed, one of the entry-level attendants in the wizard world can definitely fight this kind of junk.

Without contrast, there is no gap. It is not that the living dead are too strong, but that the human beings in this plane are too weak.

"However, it is rare to develop a scientific and technological system." Locke could still hear the roar of gunfire and guns in the distant barracks behind him.

The power of howitzers, tanks and rocket launchers has been comparable to that of medium and high-level magic. Even grenades also have the energy level of low-level fireball. Those rifles are hard to judge.

If the Knights inspire fighting spirit, with the aid of armor, with the current firing speed of bullets, they can\'t break the Knights\' defense, but if the fighting spirit is exhausted, they can\'t.

The knight is not a Warcraft. He can\'t catch it just by fighting with his flesh and blood.

Imprison the living dead with fighting spirit, and then throw it into a space ring as a specimen. Locke is ready to start cleaning the living dead in Wuxiang.

"Today, I can finally try how strong the first-class wind knight is, hum." Locke smiled in a low voice in the sky.

One left and one right fighting hurricanes gradually formed on Locke\'s hands. This is a unique fighting attack skill in the strong wind fighting, similar to Locke\'s mastered fighting skill sword Qi finger.

The two hurricanes gradually grew under Locke\'s vigorous support. When the hurricane expanded to seven or eight meters, it finally stopped growing slowly.

Feeling the powerful cutting power and destructive power contained in these two fighting hurricanes, Locke showed his satisfaction.

Purely according to the energy level and attack mode, this can be comparable to the powerful magic of first-class magicians, and this fighting hurricane is also the first large-scale killing skill mastered by Locke.

"Go!" With a push of Locke\'s hands, hurricane Douqi suddenly pushed forward, involving countless bricks, tiles and gravels, and pieces of houses were broken and pushed down under the rolling of Hurricane Douqi.

Like two self-propelled brooms, the fighting whirlwind, under the control of Locke, cleared out two broad roads in the residential houses of Wuxiang.

I don\'t know how many living dead were hanged to pieces by the fighting hurricane, and I don\'t know how many living dead were maimed by flying boulders and rubble.

"The efficiency is too low. I have to deal with it one by one." Locke was not satisfied with the speed of the massacre. With a murmur, his fighting spirit suddenly gushed from behind, and Locke flew to the ruins of Wuxiang below.

There are countless living dead people who need him to solve.