Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 553

Seeing that there was no danger around for the time being, Dong Qing was relieved.

"Goo ~ goo ~" the cry of hunger came. He hardly ate all day. He had just carried out such a series of vigorous exercises. Dong Qing had already exhausted his strength.

Xiaoya was better, but when she heard Dong Qing\'s belly cry, she covered her mouth and smiled, which virtually dispersed a little fear around her.

"Little sister, do you have anything to eat here?" Girls talk well. The little girl looks only eight or nine years old. She should only be in grade three or four. Xiaoya asked.

"Yes, there is a box of instant noodles and a box of cans on the back balcony." The little girl said crisply.

Since it was a dangerous place like the balcony, of course, Dong Qing had to come out. He raised his breath and walked to the balcony at the other end of the house along the direction pointed by the little girl.

Knowing that there was no danger on the balcony through the window, Dong Qingcai quietly opened a crack in the door and asked Xiaoya to hold the door. He ran quickly, picked up the box of instant noodles and rushed home.

When the instant noodles came home, Dong Qing immediately asked Xiaoya to close the door.

"Bang!" The huge sound of closing the door isolated the three people from the outside world, and made Dong Qing and Xiaoya feel a little safe in their hearts.

The box of canned fruit was too heavy for Dong Qing to hold. His hand was still hurt. The skin he took off didn\'t grow so fast. In addition, when he climbed the wall later, Dong Qing\'s hand was swollen like a bear\'s paw.

"Xiaoya, go and make something to eat. I\'m starving." Dong Qing went straight to the floor and said with his head down.

Xiaoya was also a little hungry. She took out three bags of instant noodles from the box and went to the kitchen to cook.

After Xiaoya left, Dong Qing looked around the room and turned to the little girl, "little girl, what\'s your name?"

"My name is Zhao Zhenzhen, and my father calls me Xiaozhen." The little girl said innocently.

Dong Qing is very curtilage. The people he knows around him are only a few people in their yard. The little girl next door really doesn\'t know her.

"Where\'s your father?" Perhaps the little girl was too cute. Dong Qing pinched the little girl\'s nose and asked.

"Dad is downstairs..." The little girl said with a flat mouth.

Dong Qing\'s body tightened. He heard a huge knock on the door downstairs just now. That sound can\'t be knocked out by normal humans.

"How did you get up?" Dong Qing asked with a smile more ugly than crying.

"My father wants to bite me, and my mother asks me to hide upstairs." The little girl said in a low voice.

"What about your mother?" Although he had guessed the possibility, Dong Qing asked.

"My mother wanted to hold my father down from biting me, but my father bit my mother..... Sobbing..." The little girl was really small, but it didn\'t mean she didn\'t understand anything. She began to cry.

Those living dead people are cannibals. Dong Qing doesn\'t have to continue to ask, but also knows what the outcome of the little girl\'s mother is.

"Wuwu... Brother, can my mother survive? Dad, what\'s wrong with him? Wuwu..." The little girl cried more and more. Dong Qing was also very distressed, but he knew that there was still danger around him.

Covering the little girl\'s mouth to prevent her cry from coming out very far, Dong Qing said with a dry throat, "yes, you will live. Don\'t be afraid."

Little girl, although she had been doing well before, she was already on the verge of collapse. Seeing her biological mother die with her own eyes, she was under far more pressure than others.

Xu was tired. After crying in Dong Qing\'s arms for more than ten minutes, the little girl fell asleep, and tears remained in the corners of her eyes.

"Alas." Dong Qinggang sighed here and Xiaoya came out of the kitchen. She also heard what the little girl just said. There were also two lines of tears on her face.

After a period of life and death escape, Xiaoya was obviously mature. She didn\'t cry this time. She brought a bowl of noodles to Dong Qing and said, "there was a sudden power failure in the middle of the hot meal. I found a few eggs in the kitchen, but they weren\'t cooked."

"Make do with it. You can live only if you have strength." Dong Qing picked up the chopsticks and began to eat them.

The egg white is not completely melted, the egg yolk is still soft, and the instant noodles are half wet Hard, in the past, it was hard to swallow, but here Dong Qing seemed to be the most delicious.

In less than five minutes, a large bowl of noodles fell into his belly.

After dinner, Dong Qing burped. He noticed that Xiaoya didn\'t use chopsticks very much.

"Eat, don\'t you have dinner?" Dong Qingqi\'s strange way.

"I can\'t eat some." Xiaoya\'s face was a little ugly. She remembered the three passengers who were bitten to death in the carriage. The scene of swallowing alive Almost refreshed her three views.

Dong Qing stepped forward, took Xiaoya\'s hand, put it in his arms and said to Xiaoya, "anyway, you must eat for me, OK?"

Now this suddenly happens. Dong Qing suspects that there are problems not only in the original city, but also in the whole Shanxi Province. According to the strength of those living dead and mutant creatures, Dong Qing can\'t imagine what happened to his parents in his hometown.

If you really, So Xiaoya is now his only fetter.

Xiaoya didn\'t expect Dong Qing to think so far. She was simply moved by Dong Qing and looked at Dong Qing\'s eyes with love. Xiaoya said, "OK, I\'ll have some."

After dinner, Xiaoya goes to clean up the tableware.

First, the network was cut off, and then the power was cut off. Dong Qing didn\'t guarantee whether the next step was to cut off the water. He asked Xiaoya to contact as much water as possible now in case of emergency.

I paced to the balcony and looked out through the window.

The Shangyuan city tonight is very different from last night.

None of the flashing neon lights in the distance were on. The usual whistle sound of cars passing by was covered up by the roar of monsters.

At that time, Dong Qing could hear the painful cries of survivors from time to time, but I don\'t know when none of these voices disappeared, accompanied by the cold night.

There was clearly no wind in the room, but Dong Qing trembled. He had an illusion that they were not the only three living people in the world?

What about the army? Politics What about the mansion? Will help come? Dong Qing was confused.

"Go back to sleep. I\'ll bandage your palm." Xiaoya\'s soft voice came from Dong Qing\'s back, which made Dong Qing\'s cold body a little more warm.

"Well, sleep for a while. I\'m not sure if you wake up, someone will come to save us." He didn\'t believe Dong Qing\'s words, but he had to say so.

Sure enough, listening to Dong Qing\'s words, Xiaoya\'s trembling arms calmed down. They helped each other and walked to one of the bedrooms.

There are many rooms in the third floor room. The little girl lives alone and he and Xiaoya live in one. In addition, there are two empty rooms.

Through the deep night, Dong Qing couldn\'t help thinking, will someone really come to save us?


"Boom!" A huge explosion occurred in the Wuxiang military camp.

"Da Da!" "Da Da!" "Da Da!" This is the tongue of fire from a heavy machine gun.

"Come on! There\'s another one over there!" The sentry reported to the brothers behind him.

"Artillery! Artillery! Fire!" The low-level officers in command wanted to control the cannons themselves.

"Company commander, we can\'t fire any more. It\'s too close to our No. 2 Arsenal!" A strong man with black smoke on his face said to his company commander.

"You think I don\'t know! Even if we blow up our arsenal, we have to fight! It\'s a big deal that we die together with these animals!" The company commander pulled the shoulders of his soldiers and shook them hard.

The battle was too fierce. The sudden emergence of monsters and a larger number of living dead were beyond the ability of this mechanized brigade.

Moreover, they need to deal with not only external shocks.

The human mutation rate reached 70% of the horror rate. This probability was also not spared in the military camp. More than half of the soldiers became living dead people who were not recognized by their relatives. These guys bite when they see people. They are still very fast and don\'t give people time to react at all.

The mechanized brigade with a population of 5000 changed one after another as soon as the clock struck 7 p.m.

The sudden advance of cosmic rays sweeping the time not only caused chaos in the whole military camp, but also caused chaos in the hands and feet of commander Ma, who had just held the power of the army here.

The first ten soldiers who took the lead in mutation were just a piece of cake. With the passage of time, more and more soldiers showed discomfort. Commander Ma had not had time to explain the situation to the whole brigade, and a wider range of mutation began to occur.

This time, half of the soldiers directly changed. Good guy, as soon as two thousand living dead appeared, they were about to blow up the military camp.

The pain of these living dead is so low that they can\'t kill them if they break their arms and legs. Only by blasting them into pieces with heavy machine guns can they ensure that they won\'t stand up and bite again.

Many soldiers suffered such losses. In addition, these living dead were still their comrades in arms a second ago. Many people can\'t do it temporarily.

If it were not for the sacrifice of more partners that aroused the blood of these men, they would hold up machine guns and resist bravely. I\'m afraid the losses would be more.

"Xiao Zhang, you TM don\'t want to die! Come back quickly!" A platoon leader who lost his helmet shouted at a soldier who ran out of the tank\'s protection.

"Ah! I want to avenge my brother!" The soldier rushed out with a rifle and pressed the button with his fingers, "dada!" The tongue of fire spits out.

The black night and the red fire lit up the soldier\'s blood, both red and black.

These living dead are not invulnerable. Pistols with the least power can break their defense. The difficulty is that the key of these guys is only the head. Unless they hit the head, it is difficult to kill them.

"No! Cover! Cover him!" Before the platoon leader\'s order reached his soldiers, Xiao Zhang, who rushed out of the tank protection area, shuttled past before he had time to change another clip.

"Crack!" Like a broken watermelon or an egg, the platoon leader saw that Xiao Zhang\'s head turned back 180 through the flames of the surrounding machine guns, and a large piece of flesh and blood bone was missing on his face.

"Madder, there\'s another agile living dead man over there! Tank! Come on! Blast over there!" The platoon leader scolded angrily.

The soldiers in the tank behind him began to turn around after hearing the command of the platoon leader.

A side throw, the tank\'s muzzle turned 30 degrees to the direction of Xiao Zhang\'s sacrifice, "bang!" With a loud, heavy shelling!