Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 554

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground came, and the soldiers familiar with the sound changed their faces.

Sure enough, the searchlight of the central sentry tower of the military camp swept over, and several fat living dead three meters away attacked the steel defense line composed of soldiers.

There are no tanks temporarily stationed here, only a few howitzers of general caliber. The battalion commander in charge of commanding the soldiers can\'t guarantee whether these howitzers can hit those big guys.

"Acting head! What should I do?" Some soldiers asked in panic.

"Bazooka! Go! Bring me five more!" His face was gradually ferocious, and the acting head of the battalion commander shouted at the rear.

The regiment commander died, and now the battalion commander has the final say.

"Yes!" Several soldiers hurried back.

The battle started so suddenly and in such chaos that an hour ago all the soldiers were still fighting for the sudden mutation.

An hour later, under the orders and assignments of commander Ma, all the surviving soldiers began to defend around the central tent.

All the living dead born in the center of the camp were killed. Now the ground is full of red blood spilled by soldiers and black blood left by the living dead.

There are few other things about this mechanized brigade, that is, there are many weapons and equipment. Bullets don\'t cost money to fight. There is a small standby warehouse in the center of the military camp. Even if you fight day and night, you don\'t need to worry about running out of ammunition.

The four new strength as like as two peas in the front of the camp, the two batches of sweat were dripping down. He did not forget how he became the head of the regiment. Half an hour ago, he was exactly the same monster as the four guys. He made his regiment a meat ball and swallowed his belly.

Killing those powerful living dead men wasted the soldiers\' strength in the barracks. Later, several legendary Taoist priests helped them kill the enemy.

"Madder, are the five rockets enough?" The battalion commander had no bottom in his heart. He could only hope that the five rockets could blow the four guys to pieces.

"It\'s a pity that there are only a few tanks, otherwise it\'s good to transfer one!" The camp angrily smashed a temporary fortification.

The whole mechanized brigade has 40 tanks and 50 armored infantry vehicles, but now only six are used by them in the center of the camp. The rest are scattered all over the camp, and the engine has not caught fire.

The tanks were so trapped among the many living dead that the soldiers couldn\'t get them.

Moreover, with the increasingly fierce battle and the use of powerful weapons such as rockets and howitzers, up to now, more than one idle tank has been detonated by accidental injury.

Those tanks used to be the treasure of soldiers, but now they have become gorgeous sparks.

Five rocket launchers were soon carried back by several soldiers, and the four living dead approached less than 20 meters in front of the defense front.

These power living dead are slow, but their defense is several times that of the speed living dead, and their larger body gives them stronger strength and anti Strike ability.

"Boom!" As soon as the battalion commander\'s order was given, five rockets shook the white tail flute and went to the place where the four living dead piled up.

Because all the electromagnetic positioning equipment in the military camp failed, whether it was the aiming of rockets or the firing of tanks, it was all aimed by the soldiers.

The past training was not in vain. Even without satellite positioning, five rockets hit four living dead accurately.

"Boom!" The air waves generated by five consecutive short-range explosions directly lifted the soldiers observed by several probes behind the temporary fortification.

The battalion commander, who had been staring at the war situation in front of him, did not retreat, and the flame gradually extinguished. He stared at the situation in the flame, and the height of the flame gradually decreased. Finally, when it burned to a height of two meters, the battalion commander finally saw that there was only a living dead man with half a disabled body, still climbing forward.

"Somebody go and finish it for me!" As soon as the battalion commander\'s order was given, two soldiers rushed out.

They held a pile of explosives in one hand. The explosion strength of Rockets did not completely kill it. Ordinary Grenades can\'t do it at all. They have to use C4 for special blasting.

"Didi!" After a rapid sound, C4 bomb exploded around the power living dead. This time, the direction of explosion was predicted by special engineers and did not affect the soldiers behind.

When the smoke of the bomb dispersed and there was no residue left from the burning of several power living dead, all the soldiers who saw this scene were happy from their hearts.

But the happy time was not a few seconds, and a new monster rushed up again.

"Shit! It\'s a mutant this time! Be careful, don\'t let these animals get close!" The battalion commander scolded angrily.

In front of the defense front, there were seven or eight sheep shaped mutant animals with red eyes.

Commander Ma had decided to come to Wuxiang, but it was a mistake. There was no primeval forest nearby, but there were many animals such as chickens, dogs, cattle and sheep raised by the villagers.

These mutant beasts transformed by negative energy storms have all evolved to a larger size. The sudden increase in size not only increases their blood, but also increases their appetite.

Hungry and eager, they eat everything. There are only a few plants in winter. Soon after they eat up, the animals aim at the soldiers who are fighting with the living dead.

Because the living dead contain too many elements of dark attribute and death attribute in their bodies, except that some mutant animals whose brains are transformed by negative energy like to eat, the vast majority of other mutant animals prefer to eat humans with neutral taste.

So hundreds of mutant beasts began to attack the barracks.

In the command account of the camp center, more than a dozen officers walked back and forth and reported to commander Ma inside.

The negative energy storm has infected a group of people, so that the current headquarters even seems a little deserted.

Desolation means fewer people, but more busy than before.

Looking at the casualty report just sent by the chief of staff, commander Ma\'s heart was dripping blood.

Two thousand soldiers who successfully passed the cosmic ray baptism had a war damage rate of more than 40% in just one hour!

If their opponents were not irrational and human monsters, the team would have collapsed.

It is these ferocious monsters that make the soldiers break out of unimaginable willpower and combat effectiveness in despair.

The fighting was very tenacious. Although there were more living dead and many mutant animals, the soldiers blocked it again and again with machine guns and cannons.

However, this does not mean that the crisis has been lifted. The report of the attack of nearly 300 Wuxiang mutant animals has once again disrupted commander Ma\'s position.

These mutated beasts are generally thick, bloodthirsty and belligerent. Ordinary bullets not only cause minor wounds, but also provoke them!

If one is not handled well, the rest of them must be explained here!

"Have you thought it over?" When other soldiers threw their heads and shed blood outside, Locke lay like a spectator on the chair in front of commander ma.

"I can\'t promise you, because I don\'t have that authority!" Commander Ma said word by word.

What is looting? It\'s called looting!

Commander Ma just seemed to be listening to a madman talking in his sleep. What does this guy want? Ah? What does he want?!

He asked commander Ma for intercontinental missiles! Nuclear weapons!

The quantity doesn\'t need to be too much? Twenty or thirty pieces?!

Commander Ma really wanted to slap the boy who didn\'t know the height of heaven and earth.

His face was black and blue with anger. Thinking that he would rely on this man\'s force, commander Ma took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"You don\'t need to give it to me personally. You just need to tell me where the base for storing those things is. I\'ll get it myself." Said Locke, crossing his legs.

Commander Ma\'s face was still uncertain.

The "roaring" battle sound outside stimulated commander Ma\'s nerves all the time. Whether those mutant animals were about to hit the military camp was what he needed to consider most at the moment.

There are two intact armed helicopters in the military camp, but commander Ma didn\'t expect to use this to save the lives of his family. The endless mutant birds in the sky can\'t be handled by two armed helicopters.

Another huge explosion occurred. This time it was closer to the command post, and even the overhead lights were shocked.

After hesitating for less than half a minute, commander Ma finally made a decision and said calmly, "I can give you some addresses, but I can\'t guarantee how much reserves there are. I\'m not qualified to know some things."

"Brush brush" commander Ma successively marked several points on the nearby map, and then rolled up the map.

He didn\'t rush to give the map to Locke, but said again, "these mutant beasts are not worth the price. There are about 10000 living dead in Wuxiang. I want you to help me block them!"

Wuxiang is at least a medium-sized town. There are 20000 residents living here all year round. Except for some surviving residents and residents who have not been solved yet, there are about 10000 living dead in Wuxiang.

This is commander Ma\'s heaviest burden. If you want to establish a base in this area and gather the survivors, the living dead in Wuxiang must be eliminated.

"Ten thousand..." Locke frowned.

The strength of these living dead people is generally at the entry-level attendant stage. This weak human must rely on guns to fight, and he can hang one piece with a whirlwind of fighting.

The only difficult thing is that these living dead inherit the unique immortality of necromancers, and their brains must be cut off to cause killing.

Even if Locke can run over it with an overriding posture, the more than 10000 heads will be cut off, and he will be tired to death.

But looking at commander Ma\'s serious face, Locke pondered for a few seconds, and finally nodded and agreed.

Commander Ma asked Locke to "block" them. Locke didn\'t have so much time to waste. What he wanted was once and for all.

"Tomorrow afternoon, you let your soldiers go to Wuxiang to collect the body!" Locke left a word and went outside.

"What about these mutant beasts?" Commander Ma chased out, and there was still a rumble of artillery outside.

"Look, all right!" Locke grinned and patted his dimensional bag.

I haven\'t let you out for so long. It\'s time for you to breathe the fresh air in this plane.


From tomorrow to the end of the month, let\'s restore the two watch. The update time will be adjusted back to the evening. That\'s it on the fourth watch of next month.