Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 552

Ah Huang is a wild dog adopted by old man Liu who picks up junk under Dong Qinglou.

On weekdays, Dong Qing seldom has a good look at the dog, because the guy\'s body surface is almost bare, looks very ugly, and may be old and limps when walking.

But now, ah Huang threw away his decadent appearance. The newly grown yellow hair made him look very handsome, and he also stared at the living dead around him.

It is said that biting dogs don\'t bark. Ah Huang is this type.

Listening to Xiaoya\'s introduction, once when he was not at home, a passing child bullied old man Liu who picked up rags. At that time, it was the ugly ah Huang who chased out four or five miles to avenge old man Liu, so that the melon children dared not come here to play again.

Dong Qing didn\'t like ah Huang before, just because he was ugly and lost all his hair. He was disgusted and caused subjective trouble. He was good at picking up rags.

Dong Qing puts the bottles and cans used up at home into old man Liu\'s ragged pocket every time she goes out. Xiaoya is also a kind girl. Sometimes when she can\'t save enough dinner, she will send a copy to old man Liu.

Xiao Ya is much kinder than Dong Qing when she treats the mangy dog ah Huang. She often feeds it leftover cookies and other snacks.

Ah Huang should be a pure Chinese pastoral dog. He doesn\'t choose anything to eat. He has the best relationship with him in the whole yard. Old man Liu is Xiaoya.

I remember the last time Dong Qing and Xiaoya went to eat self-help. Before leaving, Xiaoya blushed and asked the shopkeeper for some bone fragments and leftovers with meat. Of course, this thing is not for them, but for ah Huang. Xiaoya said she loved animals since she was a child.

Dong Qing held her breath and looked behind ah Huang. Sure enough, there was a corpse lying on the ground. Through the obvious sewing marks on her clothes and the iconic gray cloth, there was no doubt that old man Liu.

Ah Huang, like a guardian, stood in front of old man Liu with his tail swinging, blocking the greedy eyes of the three living dead.

Old man Liu didn\'t know whether he was dead or not. He lay there motionless. A pool of blood flowed from under old man Liu. Beside the toilet not far from old man Liu, there was a headless body. Through his white skin and dry hands like branches, the headless body should be a dead living dead man.

It seems that a bad battle broke out here before Dong Qing came back.

The three living dead began to approach step by step. Their nose buds were filled with blood and live meat. There was nothing else in their brain except eating.

Ah Huang twisted up his jaw and began to "hum" demonstrate, revealing the interlaced sharp canine teeth. In the gap between his teeth, Dong Qing saw a stream of dark and shiny blood through the dark moonlight.

It goes without saying that the fallen living dead man was solved by it.

The three living dead moved quickly. After forcing ah Huang into a situation where he could not retreat, they suddenly burst into trouble and jumped at ah Huang from three directions.

Now ah Huang, who has become extremely handsome, was not in a panic. He saw his body bend down and pounce. He stared coldly at the three rushing living dead. When one of the living dead approached him within three meters, he suddenly jumped and stopped the living dead in the air.

Dong Qing knows that the skin of the living dead is extremely tough, but his extremely tough defense is vulnerable to the mutant dog ah Huang.

"Click!" The sound of broken bones reminded me that ah Huang bit the living dead man\'s left shoulder this time, threw his head up and side, and directly pulled off one of the living dead man\'s arms.

Black blood fell all over ah Huang\'s body, but his fur was very smooth. A small part of the blood seeped in, and most of it fell to the ground with his shiny fur.

Ah Huang, who had just succeeded in a blow, had not had time to be proud. The living dead man who had lost one arm by it, with the rest of his other arm, hugged ah Huang tightly, opened his mouth in an incredible arc and suddenly bit down.

"Yiwu ~" ah Huang gave a painful sound. The bite force of the living dead was quite amazing. His mutated body surface fur could not be completely ignored. The red blood flowed out of the wound and swung left and right for a long time before finally throwing the dead man with a broken arm on his back.

And somewhere on its body surface, its fur was also bitten.

The speed of the remaining two living dead is also not slow. These three living dead are good at speed, just like a gust of wind. At a confused moment in Dong Qing\'s eyes, they are entangled with ah Huang.

Ah Huang\'s huge physique was there after his mutation, and he fought with three living dead people at once.

Black blood and red blood filled the small yard. Many sundries in the yard on the first floor were broken. The fierce fighting sound covered the roaring of monsters and the panic and flight of human beings from a distance.

It\'s not the way to spend time here. I\'m sure some guys fighting inside will notice Dong Qing and Xiaoya hiding outside at any time.

Whether it\'s the living dead or the mutant dog ah Huang, Dong Qing can\'t deal with it. Xiaoya keeps shivering in Dong Qing\'s arms. If she hadn\'t been supported by Dong Qing\'s body, the girl would have been paralyzed on the ground.

"Let\'s go!" Dong Qing pulls Xiaoya. He\'s not sure if ah Huang can beat the three living dead, or whether ah Huang still likes them. This place can\'t stay. He must hide with Xiaoya in another place.

After looking around for a long time, Dong Qing finally chose a courtyard next door. The family had a three-story small separate building. Dong Qing liked the third floor that needed to take the side iron stairs to go up.

If you remember correctly, there is no one living on the third floor of that family, and most importantly, the iron stairs leading to the third floor do not need to pass through the yard of that family, just jump over the wall here.

There are three living dead people in this yard. Who knows how many there are next door. Dong Qing\'s skin hurts because of the danger. He must leave this place immediately.

Half pulling and half hugging, Dong Qing pulled Xiaoya and ran to the wall between the two yards.

"You go first, I\'ll push you up." Dong Qing said.

Xiaoya has little strength. She can\'t go up without Dong Qing pushing her below.

Both of them were so frightened that they couldn\'t lift their strength for a long time. After a long time, they finally got on the wall.

"Go!" Dong Qing pointed to the iron stairs in front of the wall and said to Xiaoya.

Xiaoya understood it, held hands with Dong Qing to maintain a weak balance on the wall, and went to the iron stairs at the other end of the wall.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" A loud knock came from the house next door.

Dong Qing was not mistaken. There were also mutated living dead people in this family, and there were blood stains in the yard. There should have been a tragedy before.

At this time, self-care is not flawless. There is no time to care about others. Dong Qing can only hope that they will not meet the living dead in the way.

Perhaps Dong Qing\'s prayer was successful. During the two minutes of hard walking on the fence, there were really no living dead to attack them.

"Open the door!" While staring at the movement around, Dong Qing urged Xiaoya.

"Can\'t open it! It\'s locked inside!" Xiaoya tried for a long time and said with a sad face.

"Damn it!" Dong Qing scolded and wanted to find a suitable tool to break open the door, but after looking around for a long time, he was stunned that there was no guy who took advantage of it.

"Get out of the way, I\'ll break it!" Dong Qing asked Xiaoya to step back and accumulate strength. On one side of her head, she had to bump up with her shoulder.

"Bang!" The door was unmoved by the dull sound.

"Madder!" Dong Qing is very angry.

The houses in this demolition area were all old buildings built before, which were ugly, but they were all solid good houses. At that time, there was no saying of bean curd residue project.

Not only that, people in this place also like to use iron doors, saying that this thing is foreign. What\'s more, a layer of iron mesh is welded on the windows, in which the ornamental effect is greater than the anti-theft effect.

When Dong Qing spit on the palm of his hand and planned to hit the door for the second time, the door opened itself, revealing a little girl with two pigtails.

"Brother and sister, are you human?" The little girl\'s eyes dodged, but her voice asked innocently.

It can be seen that the girl was frightened by the living dead before.

"Yes, let us in!" At this time, Dong Qing didn\'t have time to explain to the little girl. He hurriedly took Xiaoya and rushed into the house, and locked the anti-theft door after entering the door.

Downstairs "Dong Dong!" The sound of knocking at the door continued. Dong Qing was not sure when the living dead locked inside would break through the door.

Even if you break the door, don\'t come to us. Go to the next door to find ah Huang. Ah Huang has a lot of meat. Dong Qingshen\'s hands are folded.

If the mutated ah Huang can die with all the living dead in this area, it is really the best ending, Dong Qing thought.

"I hope the house is hard enough." Dong Qing sighed darkly. A quarter of an hour ago, he was worried that the door was too strong. This quarter of an hour, he hoped that the house could be harder than steel.

Through the security door and the barbed wire wound window, Dong Qing stared at the mutant dog ah Huang who was still fighting there.

The battle lasted for less than half an hour. Three of the dead were bitten off by ah Huang, and two of them died completely. Only one of them fled in a hurry.

And ah Huang\'s state is not very good. There are countless scars all over his body. His yellow fur is completely dyed red, like taking a bath from blood.

A huge scratch extends from the corner of ah Huang\'s mouth to the tip of his nose, revealing white bones and sharp teeth.

Through such a long time of observation, Dong Qing at least judged that ah Huang was still a little rational, because he was guarding the body of old man Liu from beginning to end. Even if he was bitten, he didn\'t let the three living dead hurt old man Liu.

After the battle, ah Huang licked the wound on his body, turned back and lay down next to his former "nest". The former nest was less than 30 cm high and not even a meter long. It was a small nest that old man Liu casually built for ah Huang next to the toilet.

Now ah Huang obviously can\'t get in, but he doesn\'t forget his roots and licks Looking at his wound, he quietly looked at the motionless body of old man Liu.