Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 551

Dong Qing, who had just run outside the bus, glanced around and finally found a shovel in the broken brick corner of the roadside.

At this time, Dong Qing was very glad that this area was the demolition area, and the shovel was left by the workers during the day.

The tragedy in the car is about to be staged. Outside the car, Dong Qing takes a deep breath, blushes, raises his shovel and smashes it at the bus window.



Several passengers who had just escaped death on the bus shouted quickly when they saw Dong Qing\'s crazy behavior.

But they shouted too late. With 12 points of effort, Dong Qing finally broke the unreliable window on the side of the bus.

"Bang!" The huge knocking sound made the living dead approaching forward in the carriage a meal. It turned its head and looked at Dong Qing.

Dong Qing\'s dead soul took a big risk when he was seen by the living dead. He seemed to see those humans eaten alive by them from the dark eyes of the living dead, and he seemed to see that he would be their end later.

The living dead man stopped, bent his hind legs and faced Dong Qing. After accumulating strength for a second, he ejected at him at a very fast speed. He saw half of the hole smashed by Dong Qing "bang!" After a crash, it was completely smashed.

The living dead who got out of the bus also rushed to Dong Qing.

At the critical moment, Dong Qing, who was filled with seven points of fear and three points of anger, felt his heartbeat speed very clearly. People\'s potential was forced out. When seeing Xiaoya\'s worried eyes in the carriage, Dong Qing clenched his teeth and once again exerted all his strength to wave the shovel forward.

The speed of the living dead is too fast. Dong Qinggen couldn\'t catch it. He can only bet that his shovel can hit the living dead.

Fate always favors the wise and the brave. Dong Qing is not a wise man, but he puts life and death aside in order to love a woman, so he can be half a brave man.

"Pa!" The shovel hit the living dead man\'s head accurately and vigorously.

The action of force is mutual. The speed of the living dead when they rush towards Dong Qing becomes the hook and sickle of the living dead after Dong Qing successfully hits it with a shovel.

Under the action of such kinetic energy, like cutting tofu, the shovel was inserted into the living dead man\'s forehead about three centimeters deep. A touch of black blood rushed out of it and shot at Dong Qing\'s clothes.

The badly wounded living dead man twisted his body violently. Unexpectedly, he didn\'t die. Instead, he quickly fled to the distance with his limbs on his stomach. Driven by the living dead man, the shovel escaped from Dong Qing\'s hands.

Regardless of the burning hand, Dong Qing, who came back to his senses, ran to the bus and took Xiaoya in the carriage down from the broken window of the living dead.

"Woo woo, are you okay, woo woo." At this time, Xiaoya completely cried into tears. Her tears were both frightened and moved.

Dong Qing\'s scene of saving herself regardless of life and death left an indelible impression in Xiaoya\'s heart.

"No, it\'s okay." The cold sweat dripped down on his forehead, and Dong Qing said with a lisp.

Looking at Xiaoya\'s tearful eyes in her arms, Dong Qing felt that it was worth risking her life for her.

"Little brother, you\'re great!"

"You drove it away?!"

"Call the police! Call the police!"

"The phone has no signal!"

"This young man is still powerful!"


Those who escaped from the bus will come around and thank Dong Qing.

Because it was night, the sky was dark, and the street lamps beside the street were far away. Under the bright yellow street lamps, this group of human beings covered with blood made Dong Qing full of horror and strangeness.

Fortunately, Xiaoya\'s warm body in her arms can\'t be fake. Dong Qing knows she\'s not having a nightmare.

"What a mess. Three people died and the police call couldn\'t get through." One of the men said.

"Let\'s not go. It\'s convenient to take a statement when the police come." Someone suggested.

Of course, some people show disdain. This place is so dangerous that they don\'t want to stay for a minute. What if the monster comes back again.

"What\'s that thing? How did it appear on the bus?" Dong Qing is worthy of being a college student. He quickly adjusted and asked these people.

"I don\'t know. It suddenly appears, and when you catch someone, you bite." A passenger said, and then looked at his bitten black shoulder. The man was lucky that his arm was not bitten off directly.

"It seems that a person has become, I see it, and it is still wearing clothes." The other passenger interfaces with the channel.

"Yes, yes, I saw it too. The man suddenly rolled on the ground for a long time, then got up and changed his appearance and began to bite." Another said.

These people introduced Dong Qing in a few words. In their opinion, Dong Qing who can drive away monsters is like a patron saint.

"Suddenly?" Dong Qing frowned. He looked up at the person who said this.

It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t look. Dong Qing immediately raised his voice.

Under the dark street lights, more than half of the dozen people around him gradually sunken their eyes, and their eyes became darker and darker. If there was not a little white residue in the corners of their eyes, Dong Qing would think they were going to become monsters.

But now it hasn\'t become, and it\'s fast, because that white eye is slowly disappearing in Dong Qing\'s frightened eyes.

"Little brother, do you know what\'s going on?" The first passenger to speak reached out and patted Dong Qing on the shoulder.

Seeing that the "man"\'s hand was about to touch himself, Dong Qing screamed, pushed it away immediately, and then lifted the shovel at his feet as a warning.

The "semi living dead" who did not know that their bodies were mutating looked strangely at Dong Qing.

As soon as he was stared at by this man, Dong Qing felt tight. He immediately realized that there were people he cared about, and quickly turned his head to look at Xiaoya.

Fortunately, Xiaoya, like the other half of the people here, has not changed, but her face is a little white.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The crash not far away woke up the group of people.

Dong Qing looked over there again. It turned out that it was the first movement in the bus. Thinking of the mutant living dead inside, Dong Qing pulled up Xiaoya and ran to the alley not far away.

Whether it\'s the living dead in the bus or the more than a dozen people on the scene who haven\'t mutated yet, Dong Qing can\'t deal with these monsters.

But at this time, Dong Qing didn\'t just run by himself. He turned his head and shouted, "run! There are monsters!"

Among the dozen people, there are still a few who, like him and Xiaoya, have no signs of variation. Dong Qing can\'t save them, but the reminder of a little effort can still be done.

Sure enough, when Dong Qing said that there were monsters, more than a dozen people stopped in situ and panicked. For a moment, both the mutating semi living dead and normal humans without mutation turned into birds and animals and ran in all directions.

"Bang!" The door of the bus was finally smashed. Several living dead people who rushed out of the bus sniffed in all directions, and then chased each other in the direction of people\'s escape.

They are the first to bear the negative energy storm. There are a lot of living dead. There are only a dozen passengers, which is not enough for these living dead. Hungry, they must find any meat that can fill their stomachs.

Running and running all the way, Dong Qing took Xiaoya, regardless of her bloody palm, and tried to run towards their rental house.

On the way to escape, Dong Qing tried to pick some inaccessible alleys, because he felt that those monsters were human and dangerous to run to places with many people.

After living in the demolition area for a small half a year, Dong Qing had already figured out this area and ran away without dragging his feet.

Xiaoya, who was pulled by him, experienced the initial panic and fear. Now with the protection of her sweetheart, Xiaoya also recovered, propped up her trembling legs and tried to keep up with Dong Qing\'s speed.

Dong Qing was right. What he didn\'t know was that in less than two minutes after he separated from the group on the bus, the group of "semi living dead" had mutated. Some of them landed like lizards, some had bulging muscles in their arms like stunted giants, and some were stiff and slow.

This new group of living dead people are happily following the mutated "predecessors" and starting to hunt and kill the living creatures around them.

A bloody storm floated in the air of the demolition area. Dong Qing didn\'t know whether the disaster occurred only in this area or whether there was unrest in the whole Shangyuan city. Otherwise, why didn\'t the police arrive.

Dong Qing, who took Xiaoya to run to his home, always turned to places with few people. Five minutes away, he ran for ten minutes to see the iron gate of his home.

This is a small courtyard similar to a quadrangle courtyard. The owners have moved out and received six or seven tenants such as Dong Qing. Dong Qing and Xiaoya live in a corner house on the second floor.

Dong Qing gradually slowed down, because he had a sensitive nose and smelled a smell of blood.

Half squatting, Dong Qing silenced Xiao Yabi with her mouth.

He quietly turned his head and saw five or six bodies lying in the courtyard, and three living dead people standing there staring at the one meter yellow haired animal in the courtyard.

Dong Qing\'s heart is tight. He can\'t deal with a living dead man. There are three this time. He and Xiaoya can\'t live.

But if they don\'t go home, where can they go? The whole area is not safe. On the way to escape just now, Dong Qing heard more than ten cries for help and painful howls.

Only the warm nest can make Dong Qing feel a little safe.

He hardened his head and looked into the courtyard again. This time he looked more carefully. The bodies that fell on the ground were former neighbors. Their bodies were broken and their internal organs were missing. It was obvious that they had been eaten.

The ferocious faces of the three living dead standing in the courtyard and the bleeding chin all show that they are the culprit.

Dong Qing looked at the Yellow animals surrounded by the three living dead.

"Ah Huang?" Dong Qing was surprised and hurriedly covered his mouth to keep his voice from leaking.

How is this possible? Is this still the thin, ugly, mangy dog?