Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 550

Today is Saturday. As a junior at a second rate University in Shangyuan City, Dong Qing should have been a tutor. However, yesterday, the child\'s parents called Dong Qing and told him that his child was ill and that he didn\'t have to go.

Therefore, Dong Qing lost the opportunity to earn two days\' living expenses.

"The boy is definitely playing and pretending to be ill." Lying on the bed of a rental house of more than 20 square meters, Dong Qing thought to herself.

His student is a little boy in Grade 6. He is a big kid and his mind is more vivid than adults. Dong Qing is not less teased by this little guy.

From the morning to the afternoon, Dong Qing spent his time in the rental house. He was a otaku. Usually holding a computer was enough for him to spend the whole day.

He didn\'t eat breakfast. He casually padded some biscuits for lunch. It wasn\'t until dark that Dong Qing\'s stomach began to growl.

"Why doesn\'t Xiaoya come back?" Dong Qing looked at the darkness outside and was worried.

He was a middle-class student. He was lucky enough to enter the University and become a favored student. In the school, this guy was nicknamed the stuffy oil bottle, but it was this stuffy oil bottle that quietly soaked a schoolgirl in his sophomore year without the knowledge of the brothers in the whole dormitory.

Xiaoya is one year lower than him. She is a petite girl. Her appearance can only be said to be average. However, Dong Qing thinks that his girlfriend kills class flowers and school flowers. This is probably what people often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In the first half of this year, in order to live a shameless and happy life with her girlfriend, Dong Qing gritted her teeth and moved out of the dormitory to rent a house with Xiaoya.

Even if the house in Shangyuan city is a low rent house of about 20 square meters, it is not affordable for him, a poor student with only a meager living expenses, so the couple have found part-time jobs one after another.

In addition to the tutor he should have gone to today, he will have a class for sophomores tomorrow. That\'s the big head. The money he earns in two hours is enough for him and Xiaoya to go to the self-service hot pot shop for a meal.

In addition, when Dong Qingping was at school, he also handed out leaflets and substitute classes for a better life. He was tired, but Dong Qing felt good.

Looking at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, it was already 7:50 p.m. and Dong Qing looked worried. Under normal circumstances, Xiaoya should come back around 7:10, and then they would pick up today\'s dinner together.

Xiaoya also has a part-time job. She works as a salesperson in a small clothing store. She gets off work at 6:30 on weekdays, and then takes the bus back to their nest.

Dong Qing is very curtily, but he cares about his girlfriend very much. He waited for another five minutes. He was really flustered. The computer here suddenly broke the network. Dong Qing simply fell off the mouse, put on the down coat on the hanger, and went downstairs to the stop sign to wait for Xiaoya.

The temperature at the end of December was really cold, especially in northern cities such as Shangyuan city. Dong Qing stamped his feet in the hope of dispelling the cold.

There are few people around his rental house. This is a demolition area, otherwise he can\'t rent it temporarily at a cheaper price.

But it won\'t be long. The government will send a demolition team in two months. He and Xiaoya will have to rush to find a place to live next month.

The street lights flickered, and a cold wind blew, causing goose bumps under Dong Qing\'s sleeve.

Dong Qing is actually very brave. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t have dared to block Xiaoya at the school gate in his sophomore year and brazenly confess to others. The quiet environment around him didn\'t bring down Dong Qing. At the beginning, he played games all night for several nights.

"Today, those foreign forums are so deserted. Has the website been blocked?" Xu Shi waited for a long time. Dong Qing began to divert his attention and think of the strange things during the day.

Dong Qing is a technical house among otaku men. He often goes over the wall to browse major foreign websites. This guy doesn\'t learn foreign languages well. In many cases, Xiaoya translates for him.

By browsing foreign online forums, Dong Qing can talk with foreign friends about the local culture of his hometown. The network developed by new era technology can connect strangers thousands of miles apart. It has to be said that this is a miracle.

Thinking of the sudden disconnection of the computer network just now, Dong Qing guessed which optical cable was wrong, and there were many rights and wrongs in the demolition area.

There was still no sign of traffic under the street lights at the far corner, and Dong Qing became more and more worried about his girlfriend.

Finally, two buses, one before and one after, came to the stop sign where Dong Qing was located.

"Shit! Is the driver drunk?!" The bus in front of me was moving forward askew, and the headlights kept blinking. Unexpectedly, it hit Dong Qing directly.

Dong Qing dodged flexibly, but he saw the platform behind him suffer, and the bus stop sign was hit by the runaway bus.

Dong Qinggang, who nearly escaped, was ready to scold. He saw the scene that made his scalp numb in front of him.

Through the windshield on the side of the bus, Dong Qing saw what a bloody tragedy it was in the bus.

A middle-aged woman covered in blood stretched out her right hand in pain and seemed to be calling for help to Dong Qing outside the car. Behind her, several "humans" with pale skin and deep eyes, no white eyes but dark eyes, were wantonly digging for what to swallow.

Dong Qing had some nausea because he recognized that those strange looking guys were stuffing the middle-aged woman\'s intestines into his mouth.

His hands trembled unnaturally. Dong Qing stumbled backward. In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged woman\'s lower body was eaten by those "people".

At present, the middle-aged woman is not dead. She is powerlessly patting the windshield of the bus with her bloody right hand, hoping to get help from outsiders.

Dong Qing recognized that the middle-aged woman\'s mouth was "save me", but Dong Qing, who was stunned by the situation in front of him, didn\'t have reason to save people. He looked around the situation in the car through the window, and there were also stumps and broken arms everywhere.

There were about a dozen people in the whole carriage. Now the only thing that is still "complete" is the middle-aged woman who is gradually divided in front of Dong Qing, and the driver whose ears and chin are bitten off.

Dong Qing doesn\'t know whether those monsters who look like demons and ghosts are still "human", but their crazy actions and bloody and ferocious expressions make Dong Qing feel scared of turning around and running.

Trembling, Dong Qing climbed and hurried to his house. Everything in front of him was terrible. Dong Qing had never killed a chicken before. Suddenly, he saw such a bloody and disgusting scene. Dong Qing almost threw up the meal he had yesterday.

Just turned around and ran away for two seconds, a sudden panic scream came. It was the bus behind.

Unlike the drunken route of the bus in front, the bus in the back stopped at the platform dangerously, without waiting to stop completely. The front door opened wide, and several people rushed out of it.



"Let go of my wife!"

"Man eating monster!"



Dong Qing, who could have left the corner in a corner, was stagnant. He heard Xiaoya\'s cry for help.

The pace of running forward gradually slowed down. Dong Qing thought of the middle-aged woman who had just been eaten raw in front of him and the monsters who ate wantonly on another bus.

His face gradually twisted. Dong Qing trembled and shouted, "ah! Xiaoya, I\'m coming!"

After shouting, Dong Qing turned around and ran back.

The scene in the bus behind is obviously a little better than that in front. According to visual inspection, there is only one living dead person with variation.

Now, the living dead man transformed and mutated by the negative energy storm is lying on the floor of the last seat on all fours like a gecko, and under his body, two or three humans lying in a pool of blood are unconscious twitching Move.

While staring at the humans around it with dark eyes, the living dead man lowered his head and bit two. His belly expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the bodies of several humans in the pool of blood were gradually bitten incomplete.

"Ah! Beast! You return my wife!" A middle-aged man with a black beard couldn\'t see it at first. He looked around, pulled a palm sized broken window hammer from the bus wall, the only weapon that could work, and then rushed to the living dead with a strange cry.

The middle-aged man with Blackbeard was probably frightened. His movements were too rigid. Before he approached the living dead, the living dead, as flexible as a lizard, jumped back and jumped from the side like the face door of the middle-aged man with Blackbeard.

"Pooh!" Like a knife blade inserted into a tangerine, or a broken watermelon, the nose and mouth of a middle-aged man were chewed and chewed by the living dead in an instant and swallowed into his stomach.

Staggering for two steps, the middle-aged man finally couldn\'t fall down.

And his pocket broken window hammer didn\'t attack the living dead until he died.

Kill the human in front of you with more rations. The living dead are not in a hurry to kill others in the carriage, but slowly climb back to their original position and continue to eat the food they haven\'t eaten just now.

Dong Qing, who had just run back from the carriage, looked around and saw Xiaoya near the door.

However, Xiaoya can\'t get out for the time being. We all saw the scene of the living dead killing the middle-aged man with Blackbeard in an instant. Everyone is crazy and wants to escape.

No one dares to go to the back door of the bus. Now the only exit is the front door.

Several big men pushed forward, and it was difficult for the people behind to think of it.

Some people want to break the window, but the only broken window hammer is in the hands of the dead man. Now no one dares to move the body.

Originally, even if there were more than a dozen people in it, they just needed to walk in order, speed up and run out in a few seconds, but at the moment of life and death crisis, anyone who still remembered the order wanted to rush out first.

Perhaps the movement of these people was too loud, which annoyed the living dead who were eating there. They kicked away the broken bodies like baskets under their feet, and the living dead slowly approached the others in the carriage.

Several timid girls were stunned on the spot, and several big men were no better. They fought up and down the gums and pushed harder.


"Get out of my way!"


Dong Qing\'s girlfriend Xiaoya has a lot of blood stains on her light blue clothes. It should be contaminated by others. The girl is directly frightened by the approaching living dead.

"Xiaoya! Don\'t be afraid, I\'m coming!" Outside the car, Dong Qing shouted.