Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 549

It\'s three o\'clock in the afternoon, in the city Commander Zhao, who was in the committee meeting, looked at a politician who was talking on the stage Government officials, some impatient.

He should have finished the meeting at 11 a.m. and returned to the military region, but he suddenly issued a notice asking him to attend a meeting at two o\'clock today.

So commander Zhao simply had lunch in the city center and waited for the two o\'clock meeting.

When is the market Politics The relocation of the government also needs the help of their troops. It\'s not a waste of my time. Commander Zhao frowned slightly.

Suddenly, the "beep" of the satellite phone in his waist sounded, looked at the colleagues attending the meeting, commander Zhao said he was sorry, and then walked out of the conference hall without delay.

The caller ID is his old superior, a current top boss in China. Commander Zhao cleared his throat and answered the phone respectfully.

At the other end of the phone, the old superior spoke very fast. At the beginning, commander Zhao\'s face was quite normal, but the more he got to the back, the worse his face became, and a few sweat gradually seeped from his forehead.

"Is this, is this true?" Commander Zhao said to the satellite phone in disbelief.

Just listen to the other end of the phone, "Brazil and South Africa have been confirmed to be occupied. The Boeing plane taken by the two presidents when they fled was attacked and crashed by mutant birds. I don\'t have time to joke with you here!"

"Your task now is very clear! Gather the military forces of Shanxi Province and build a military fortress as soon as possible. I want you to organize rescue operations as soon as possible after the disaster!"

The voice of the old superior on the other end of the phone made commander Zhao stagger a few steps and almost didn\'t stand firm.

The satellite phone was soon cut off, and Kyoto is now in a mess.

There is a gathering point of the Chinese power class, so senior officials at the next level receive news faster. As more and more top-level people know the inside story, some gossip has gradually spread to the people.

Thanks to the people\'s contempt for such absurd events, there has not been a widespread panic.

But time is running out. The old superior just told commander Zhao that the time when cosmic rays swept through China was 12 a.m. at night. Looking at his watch, he still had about eight hours.

"Go! Go back to the West villa first!" No matter where the meeting is not over, commander Zhao directly said to his driver and guard.

Commander Zhao\'s home is also in the villa group in the west of the city. There is not only commander Zhao\'s relatives, but also an organic battalion level armed force.

Calling the troops of the military region to Shangyuan city is to seek death. The old superior told him the human variation rate of 70%, so that commander Zhao knew that Shangyuan city would become a human purgatory, not to mention countless mutant creatures.

Don\'t think there will be no animals in the provincial capital cities. The rats in the underpass, the sparrows in the sky, and the pets kept by urban residents will become the God of death after 12:00 a.m. tonight.


This time, the plane will make up its mind to wipe out all the human races that have harmed itself for tens of thousands of years.

Perhaps after this world disaster, the world will become like the worlds Locke has experienced before, with abundant energy elements, the emergence of three-level life individuals, and the birth of a plane guardian.

This struggle of the plane\'s will is a gamble on its life deadline. Once it fails, the plane will break the rules, decompose and separate, and it will be difficult to have room to rise from then on.

From Locke\'s point of view, this action of plane will actively pulling the negative energy storm is more unsuccessful than successful.

The nuclear weapons held in human hands cannot be resisted by the middle and low-level Warcraft spawned by it.

Even if there are 30% or even fewer human beings who have finally withstood the negative energy storm, there is a base of billions of human beings. As long as they survive this period of disaster, mankind will usher in a new life in 100 or 200 years.

If Locke is the will of the world, of course, he will choose the latter.

As he became more and more aware of the truth, Locke felt that his will to go to the navel of the world should be to ask him to help him complete the "anti drug operation".

At 6 p.m., it will be dark. Locke and Zhang Ling come to the location of the mechanized brigade mentioned by commander ma.

This time, Locke didn\'t hide his strength, but let out the pressure that first-class creatures should have, and entered the barracks through the attitude of flying.

The world has begun to chaos. At present, the Chinese government is too busy to deal with him. Of course, it is impossible to deal with him. Commander Ma is the actual controller of this military camp. Locke believes that he will not be detrimental to himself.

The pressure of first-class creatures was so strong that these ordinary soldiers couldn\'t bear Locke\'s mental strength, and the rifles in their hands didn\'t give them a sense of security.

Seeing commander Ma\'s family, Locke threw them several bottles of medicine to enhance their physique. "Drink it. You must know what will happen if you can\'t consume the negative energy storm."

Energy can be divided into positive and negative. The most symbolic positive energy is the energy of light system and fire system, while the corresponding negative energy is dark system and dead spirit system.

Ordinary beasts that are affected by the energy storm and produce variation also inherit the energy mainly from the dark system, supplemented by other systems. Ordinary people who can not withstand the baptism of the negative energy storm become naked dead creatures.

Commander Ma and his wife looked at the bottles of medicine taken out by Locke and hesitated. With their caution, they wanted to test them first.

Ma Xiaoxiao trusted Locke 100 percent. Just after Locke came to the military camp under the pressure of first-class creatures, Ma Xiaoxiao\'s eyes were full of stars. She finally understood why she was so fascinated by this man. This is the real man.

Looking up and drinking, commander Ma and his wife Li Yue have not reacted.

"I know what you\'re afraid of. You can take it and check it. With your scientific research level, you should be able to find the preciousness of these drugs." Locke sneered.

Commander Ma was embarrassed. It was obvious that Locke was for their good, but they were skeptical.

"Can you take out more of this medicine?" Li Yue, Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mother, stood up and asked whether the medicine was poisonous or not. If it really helped ordinary people survive the baptism of cosmic rays, it would be of great use.

Locke looked at the woman. She had short hair and wore a women\'s black suit. She looked capable. Between her eyes and eyebrows, she was three points similar to Ma Xiaoxiao.

"Although this medicine is nothing to me, I don\'t have much in my hand." Locke shook his head and said that the low-level physique improvement potion was the family wealth accumulated by his knight attendants. After he was promoted to a first-class knight, he never collected these things again.

The two potions were quickly tested. In the Wuxiang military camp, Locke met Zhang Jiong and his second martial uncle.

"How many people from Maoshan have come?" Asked Locke.

If there are still people in the world who can 100% resist the baptism of negative energy storm, these Taoists in Maoshan are a group. They have real Qi to protect their bodies, and negative energy can not change their physique.

"Two thirds of them came. My master and fifth martial uncle all came, but my third martial uncle and fourth martial uncle didn\'t come." Zhang Jiong said.

The vitality of heaven and earth has changed dramatically since last night. At one time, it rose by 10%. This time, even the most rigid people know that things are not simple.

Maoshan Scripture is famous for its peaceful Qi. The attribute of Qi absorbed is also the continuous and soft energy of wood system. However, the soaring vitality of heaven and earth is mainly negative energy. It\'s OK to absorb less of these vitality, but if you absorb more, it will lead to chaos of their Qi.

Second martial Uncle Zhang Jiong, who had received a warning from Locke earlier, was skeptical about Locke\'s words, but as a special department in China, he received the news of the great changes in the southern hemisphere, which was only more than ten minutes slower than commander ma.

Through some special channels, the Taoists of Maoshan sect arrived at Shangyuan airport on this morning\'s flight, and commander Ma specially sent a car to take them to Wuxiang.

"My third martial uncle said he had been taking care of Maoshan all his life, so he didn\'t want to leave."

"My fourth martial uncle is even more an antique. He promised my master to protect the ancestral hall of Maoshan."

Zhang Ji said in a low tone.

At this point, the photos and videos rampant in South America are also open to them. Those mutant creatures, even the Maoshan Taoist who cultivates true Qi, know they can\'t get well. Unless it is master Zhang Jiong, old man Zhou, who is a strong man with six layers of Qi, he dares to face them calmly.

Patted Zhang Jiong on the shoulder. Locke walked to the scientific research office in the barracks. He heard that there were talents from many special departments in Shanxi Province, so he wanted to see what else he had never seen.

"Brother Locke, are you a Taoist, too?" Ma Xiaoxiao asked after Locke.

"I heard brother Zhang say that Taoist people can\'t get married. Is it true?"

"Where are you going? Will you take me?"

Locke looked back and stared at Zhang Jiong. He had to take Ma Xiaoxiao and walked to the barracks together.

Last time Ma Xiaoxiao knew that Locke was right about silk Socks are interested in this matter. It\'s definitely a secret told by this boy Zhang Jiong. This guy can\'t hold the door in his mouth.

He didn\'t explain much to Ma Xiaoxiao. Ma Xiaoxiao also knew Locke\'s temper and didn\'t ask more questions.

In the busy scientific research laboratory, in addition to commander Ma, there is an acquaintance of Locke.

"Is that you?" Locke looked at the mature black haired woman with two reagents and smiled.

The woman was the man who found Locke when he broke into the military base.

The mature woman wearing black spectacle frames also recognized Locke\'s identity. Regardless of commander Ma standing next to him, she directly said to Locke, "I\'m curious about your mental strength. Can I test it with a special instrument?"

"Not interested!" Locke gave the black haired woman a back of the head.