Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 548

"Commander Zhao has a meeting at the Municipal Committee?" In consternation, commander Ma first looked at battalion commander Wang, and then at his wife.

"Well, yesterday\'s notice from the provincial health department asked commander Zhao to meet with the Municipal Committee to talk about the transformation of the health environment in the military and district." His wife Li Yue nodded.

Commander Ma\'s eyes moved and his expression gradually became cloudy and uncertain. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said to his wife, "call the Provincial Committee and make sure to leave commander Zhao in the city committee. It\'s best to let him not get out of Shangyuan city center today!"

This sentence came out, battalion commander Wang was still a little confused, but his wife Li Yue reacted in an instant.

The husband is going to kill with a knife?

From that short video, the more densely populated areas are, the more serious the disaster is, especially those inexplicable terrorist living dead. If commander Zhao is left in Shangyuan City, even if there is a division, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to save him alive.

Of course, the news about the chaos in the southern hemisphere will hide from ordinary people, but it will never hide from people at their level. Commander Zhao will finally know that commander Ma is betting on this time difference.

At that time, commander Zhao, who is in the city center, even if he knows the news, it will not be so easy to leave Shangyuan city and rush to a place protected by the army.

In this family, commander Ma usually listens to his wife Li Yue, but at this time, his life will be threatened and he needs to be a man to pick up the beam.

Moreover, commander Ma didn\'t have time to explain to his wife that the nearest and most effective army in Shangyuan city is the mechanized brigade in Wuxiang. Commander Zhao knew that the world was going to chaos and must be the first choice to go to Wuxiang.

When the time comes, their two commanders are crowded together. Who will the army listen to.

Although most of the officers of that brigade listened to commander Ma, commander Zhao was the head of the Shanxi provincial army, and there would be huge gaps and frictions at that time.

Everything should be prevented. In order to save his wife and daughter\'s life, commander Ma can\'t tolerate any sand in his eyes.

The battalion commander surnamed Wang quickly took the order to leave and called the Department down, while Ma Xiaoxiao, sitting on the sofa, gradually heard something unusual.

To Wuxiang? Bring weapons and equipment to the whole battalion?

No matter how simple MA Xiaoxiao is, he also knows that things are not simple.

"Dad, what happened?" Ma Xiaoxiao shook her father\'s arm.

Commander Ma still planned the upcoming Countermeasures in his heart and didn\'t notice his daughter\'s actions.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoxiao felt that something big was going to happen. After she came back from the wine table between Locke and her father the night before yesterday, she never went to school again. His father asked her for a month\'s holiday at the school.

"Shall we tell brother Locke?" Ma Xiaoxiao said.

"Hum!" On the other side, Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mother Li Yue gave a cold hum.

She has taught her daughter many lessons in the past two days. It is normal for her to fall in love when she goes to college. She would not object, but with strict tutoring and living environment, Li Yue is difficult to accept the violence of the new era Exposure Feel dressed.

Ma Xiaoxiao\'s dress that day was so angry with her.

Fortunately, commander Ma didn\'t tell his wife that the girl still depended on Locke\'s arms when she walked on the road, otherwise his wife would definitely run away.

"Yes, yes, yes, call Linguang Arsenal!" Commander Ma quickly responded that there was a strong man in the foundation period to protect him and others, and their lives would be protected.

It was not enough to invite Locke. Commander Ma was not sure to let the terrible strong man listen to his orders. Then he hurried to send his own guard again to the villas to invite master Duan of Maoshan.

In addition, commander Ma\'s home phone hasn\'t been disconnected this morning.

Baotou, Shuiquan, brown yanggou, Ping An Commander Ma almost sent all the troops he could mobilize to Wuxiang, including some personnel from special departments.

Because it was a personal order, it was impossible to use railway transportation. If these troops wanted to reach Wuxiang, they had to travel at the speed of armored trucks for more than a day and a half.

His wife Li Yue also passed the political examination under the instruction of commander ma Government energy will gather a large number of living materials to Wuxiang.

It happened so suddenly that no one expected that such terrible changes would take place in the southern hemisphere. It was simply purgatory on earth.

When cosmic rays arrive in China in the northern hemisphere, everyone has no bottom in mind. Now time is life.


After working in the arsenal for two days, looking at the two new armor in front of him, a pair of silver gray heavy iron armor and a pair of red leather scale armor, Locke showed a satisfied look.

The main physical defense of iron armor is tested by the special machinery of the arsenal. It can resist the crushing pressure of four tons. The main element defense of scale armor has been tried by Locke himself. The fighting wave blade of the first-class strong stabbed it with only a faint white mark.

It has been comparable to the body surface defense of the original volcanic salamander.

The phone rang. After Locke connected, there was ma Xiaoxiao\'s voice, "brother Locke, where are you? We\'re going to Wuxiang. Come to the expressway intersection in Xicheng District of the original city and meet us!"

After Ma Xiaoxiao\'s voice, her father commander Ma answered the phone and said to Locke, "your prediction is correct. The southern hemisphere has been in chaos and China is about to face a dangerous storm. Our latest prediction is at 12 a.m. this night."

Locke looked at the time, and there were still 12 hours left before the negative energy storm swept through China.

"Tell me what you know." The feeling lingering in his mind is becoming stronger and stronger. Locke must know the situation of the whole world in order to make the most correct choice.

Commander Ma was silent for two seconds and then said, "yes, but you should delete it immediately after reading it. These things can\'t be released to the public for the time being."

Through the Arsenal\'s special computer, Locke first learned that Antarctica has mutated, and now negative energy storms are raging in Africa and South America in the southern hemisphere.

"Is it the plane will of the world that specially pulls the negative energy storm to Antarctica?" Locke murmured.

If he is right, the south pole is the navel of the micro plane world, and the south pole is the least affected by human beings. Only there may be some plane will left.

The energy storms gathered in a small world are equally distributed to a micro world, which can be borne as long as the number is not too large.

After learning about the changes of the whole world, Locke judged that it was the remaining plane will of the world and planned to use the east wind of the negative energy storm to detoxify its body!

The toxin discharged is all living creatures living in it, especially the dominant human force.

In this aspect, the first monastic system born by human beings and the later developed scientific and technological system, without exception, are harmful to the will of the plane.

Any conscious individual takes the continuation of life as the most basic law, and so does the plane will. In order not to dissipate completely in a few years, this micro plane plane will is making its own body undergo a catastrophe that violates the law of biological evolution.

In the photos and videos sent by commander Ma, those mutated creatures and the living dead Locke didn\'t pay attention to them. They were just demonized creatures mutated under some negative energy.

For the ordinary human in this world, it is very powerful. For him, he has not reached the level of a low-level Warcraft.

It was the sharp billed owl in the satellite thumbnail that interested him. It was only one day after the negative energy storm swept Antarctica at the intermediate level of Warcraft that there were mutated creatures at the intermediate level of Warcraft.

Locke wouldn\'t believe it without the will of the plane.

Biological evolution needs to comply with the development law of the endless world and the limitations of the plane law. To promote intermediate Warcraft as an ordinary creature, or is it overdrawing the potential of the whole plane in such a short time according to the law of energy conservation!

"What\'s there at the South Pole? It seems that I have to go and have a look when I find a chance." Locke whispered.

The negative energy storm came to the earth. This micro plane\'s will was like a shot in the arm. Now it\'s the time to reflect the most spirit. Locke can feel that this plane\'s will has no hostility to him.

Moreover, as the plane, the only first-class creature that exists at present, the plane will of the world is also telling Locke that he wants to go to the navel of the world.

The operation mode of the plane will is based on the safe development of the whole plane. Locke didn\'t do anything harmful in this plane, let alone threaten the life safety of this micro plane, so he didn\'t worry that the plane will be unfavorable to him.

Put away the two sets of armor. The iron armor was stored in the space ring, and the leather armor was put on. Locke flew to his community.

Zhang Ling just came back from a walk downstairs. It\'s sunny today. It\'s a rare good weather in the colder winter. Like all the people living in Shangyuan City, she doesn\'t know the danger is coming.

Locke, who hurried home from the arsenal, pulled Zhang Ling out without saying a word, "is something going to happen?" Zhang Ling asked.

He had never seen Locke look so serious.

After seeing Zhang Ling, Locke remembered the short video sent by commander Ma, the living dead who could not bear the transformation of negative energy.

The constitution of the indigenous people in this world is too weak. Plus the will of the superior side, less than 30% of them have successfully survived the baptism of the negative energy storm, and the rest have been demonized by the negative energy overdraft and become the same existence as the living dead.

Although Zhang Ling has been promoted by him once, Locke is still a little worried. He has always been very good to himself.

"Drink this, what\'s about to happen, don\'t ask anything!" Locke threw her a low-grade medicine to increase her physique.

When Zhang Ling was still wondering about Locke\'s nonsense, she saw something amazing happen. Locke, who grabbed her hand, took her directly to fly.

"This... This..." In the sky, looking at the endless flow of roads below, Zhang Ling felt she was living in a dream.


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