Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 545

The middle-aged man in the compartment was ma Yuanhao, deputy commander of the Shanxi military region. After Locke had stormed the military base, he personally ordered to blast his high with ballistic missiles Layer collar Guide people.

Since this autumn, our commander Ma has been very uncomfortable.

First of all, his old partner commander Zhao came back from the EU meeting two months ago.

Researchers all over the world can\'t define what the dark blue meteorite is, and the satellite didn\'t observe where the meteorite fell. It just judged that it was in China, Russia and Japan.

Well, the territorial waters of these three countries together account for one sixth of the global area. Looking for a meteorite with a diameter of several meters is tantamount to look for a needle in a bottle of hay.

Commander Zhao, who returned from the European Union in vain, knew the first thing when he returned to Shanxi province that a surface to air ballistic missile of model ei301 was launched at the end of August this year One Hands don\'t even know this!

How presumptuous! Have you paid attention to me as the commander in chief? You Ma Yuanhao is just a deputy commander. Have you brought your position to the main position?

So within two months, the minions of all forces of commander Zhao began to demonstrate to commander ma.

First, a general staff officer of the horse department was inexplicably dismounted, and then the battalion commander of a border defense regiment was found guilty of corruption.

There are nearly 20 staff officers in the headquarters. The position of staff officer is very embarrassing. You can\'t be the chief of staff and have no position in the army. Therefore, the fall of a staff officer did not cause any waves.

However, the dismissal and investigation of a battalion commander in the back made many people in the army of Shanxi Province worried. People with a clear eye could see that commander Zhao was demonstrating to commander ma.

The battalion commander\'s rank of major is nothing, but he can\'t stop others. He used to be a guard for commander ma. Commander Ma himself ordered him to be a battalion commander.

It\'s hard to say whether he is really corrupt. China has the custom of giving gifts during New Year\'s festivals, so it\'s difficult to define it in general.

But whether he really committed a crime or was falsely framed, the man was indeed transferred to the Military Justice Department, which is a fact.

So an invisible wave surged in the Shanxi military region.

According to the tentacle forces under commander Ma, commander Zhao has begun to suppress him from the government.

Commander Ma\'s wife is the third leader of the provincial Party committee and one of the vice governors, so commander Ma is not afraid of commander Zhao in the Shanxi provincial government.

It\'s not commander Ma\'s character to be beaten passively and not fight back. He also plans several plans one after another. If commander Zhao makes further progress, he will no longer worry about his old feelings.

"Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao, we were brothers who squatted in a trench. How did you change?" This sentence is something commander Ma often talks about these days.

It is believed that it has spread to commander Zhao. Commander Ma intends to reconcile, but there is no news from commander Zhao.

If commander Zhao is not used by people with intentions, he has moved some crooked thoughts.

Yes, people will become. No matter how hard the relationship is, it will corrode and soften one day.

Commander Ma specially came to see Locke today because he just got a message from his wife. Commander Zhao seems to want to poke him up about his private use of ei301 ballistic missiles.

An ordinary missile can\'t bring down a commander, but commander Ma\'s success in letting the man who broke into the barracks run away is his dereliction of duty and disqualification.

This will greatly hinder his future promotion.

You know, commander Ma is only in his early 40s this year, seven years younger than commander Zhao. Youth is his capital, and he has great prospects in the future.

It is the so-called killing people and killing the heart that commander Zhao completely pushed commander Ma to his opposite.

Therefore, after learning from some channels that the strong man in the foundation period who broke into the military camp had a connection with Maoshan, Ma Yuanhao asked master Duan without saying a word.

He didn\'t want master Duan to hand over the man, the ability of a strong man in the foundation period. They all saw that they would resist missiles and not die!

It\'s unrealistic to catch him.

Commander Ma wanted to recruit him. When such a powerful Taoist monk entered the special department of China, he would not risk any mistakes in his position, but also remember his merit.

Senior Chinese officials have always maintained a friendly attitude towards such strange people from the people. After all, no one wants to be wiped by someone while sleeping in the middle of the night.

If Locke joins the special department of China, he will probably become a Chinese The personal bodyguard of a senior member of the central government will be sent out to perform any confidential tasks with a small probability.

Of course, behind Locke\'s efforts, the Chinese Congress gave him unimaginable resources, which can not be given by a small Maoshan.

Commander Ma is confident that he will let this real person in the foundation period work for him.

With this card in hand, commander Zhao will have to weigh it before he starts again.

The waiting time is long. Commander Ma has rarely waited for others for such a long time. In the past, others waited for him.

When all the dishes were served, it was estimated that the people would arrive soon, commander Ma\'s phone rang.

He said hello to master Duan sitting next to him. Commander Ma went to the corridor outside the door to answer the phone.

The caller ID is his wife Li Yue. His wife\'s work in the provincial Party committee is busier than him. It\'s difficult to eat together at home. Why do you have time to call him now.

Commander Ma answered the phone without delay and said calmly, "Yue, what\'s the matter, what\'s the matter?"

"Ma Yuanhao! How did you teach my daughter! Do you know what I heard today!" On the other side of the phone, his wife roared angrily, so that commander Ma almost dropped the phone from his hand.

After looking at the two soldiers on duty outside the door, commander Ma moved to the window and asked the phone, "Xiaoxiao, what\'s the matter with her? Is she in trouble?"

According to the position level, his wife is a little lower than him, but his wife Li Yue is more than a little higher than commander ma. Commander Ma is a typical henpecked wife.

Commander Ma could hear his wife\'s anger. Because of the work of both sides, Ma Xiaoxiao was led by his father most of the time. In his impression, his daughter was not a person who would cause trouble.

Ma Xiaoxiao\'s character is nothing like her father and mother. Her mother comes from a famous family and acts with a rigid and strict character, while her father is more Huairou and has a needle in his hand. This ancient and strange girl worries her elders.

But there was a calm father, and Ma Xiaoxiao also inherited some of her father\'s characteristics, that is, never causing trouble.

Ma Xiaoxiao can say that she has never used her parents\' status advantages to do what she shouldn\'t do. She is different from many children in the courtyard.

Li Yue is sorting out the language over there. Her daughter has done such an immoral thing. The two parents don\'t know it yet. If a colleague hadn\'t gone shopping today and told her after finding it, Li Yue would still be in the dark.

When commander Ma was still surprised by his wife\'s anger, the footsteps of "pedaling, pedaling and pedaling" came. Ma Xiaoxiao leaned in Locke\'s arms and walked into the corridor with Zhang Jiong. He was just hit by commander ma.

Because Ma Xiaoxiao removed the headband and changed the single horsetail into a shawl, commander Ma didn\'t recognize it at first sight. When he took another look and recognized that the woman was his daughter, commander Ma was so hung up that he didn\'t breathe.

"I know what it is. If you don\'t go home tonight, let\'s go home and discuss it." Commander Ma still said peacefully to the phone, but peacefully with a shiver, familiar with his wife, of course, he knew that his husband was as angry as her now.

"Go back! Of course go back! If you don\'t go back, what will you teach my daughter? You ask someone to go to school and take Xiaoxiao home!" His wife Li Yue hung up on the phone.

Ma Xiaoxiao, who didn\'t know the imminent disaster, still felt the good smell of Locke.

When she came back and saw a dark faced middle-aged man blocking in front of them, Ma Xiaoxiao pulled at the corners of his mouth. When Locke and Zhang Jiong didn\'t expect, she shouted to the middle-aged man, "Dad, why are you here?"

What happened next was very mysterious. When Locke, as a guest, was brought to the wine table, only Zhang Jiong and his second martial uncle master Duan accompanied him, while commander Ma took his daughter to the next door to teach a lesson.

It is well known that commander Ma dotes on his daughter, but doting is not connivance.

Shanxi Province is located in the inland of China. The atmosphere here is not as trendy as that of coastal open cities. Let alone short skirts, knee length skirts, women here will not wear them.

This would be called immoral.

Commander Ma finally knows why his wife Li Yue is so angry. The Li family where his wife lives can be called Jin Province, or the most rigid and elegant family in China.

Ma Xiaoxiao did this. If her grandfather, old master Li, knew it, the old man couldn\'t tell what would happen in a fit of anger.

If he only knew why his wife Li Yue was angry, commander Ma would laugh it off. He had drunk foreign ink abroad. He had no critical psychology about the dress of women in this new era, but what he saw was not only Ma Xiaoxiao\'s short winter Skirt silk Socks are so simple.

"When did you know that man! What\'s your relationship with him!" Commander Ma stared at his gorgeous daughter in front of him.

Her daughter seldom dresses up. She has the temperament of a lotus out of water. Now, he suddenly caught her mixing with a strange man. Commander Ma has a kind of suffocation that has been raising cabbage for 20 years and was taken away by others.

Ma Xiaoxiao is most familiar with his father\'s temper. He knows that his father is really angry this time. He looks at his father secretly with his head down, pouts his mouth, and coquettishly says, "he is one of my classmates. Don\'t be angry, Dad ~"

In the past, commander Ma most ate his daughter. As soon as Ma Xiaoxiao spoiled, all his anger would dissipate, but today is different. Commander Ma still has a straight face.

Seeing the failure of the invincible move, Ma Xiaoxiao simply pointed to Locke in the room and said, "didn\'t you tell me to take a boyfriend home last year, that\'s it!"

A joke about drinking during the new year\'s festival. How could commander Ma remember? Looking at this familiar daughter, commander Ma sighed, "women don\'t stay!"


I didn\'t expect Jiageng to come so fast. There are 51 book friends in the group, and there are 49 QAQ from the next Jiageng