Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 546

The atmosphere on the dinner table was very strange. It was originally a wine restaurant for recruiting Na Xiancai. Finally, Leng Shengsheng became a wine table for the old father-in-law to see his son-in-law.

Watching the waiters pour in and put stacks of top dishes on the wine table, commander Ma couldn\'t swallow his meal.

There were only two chopsticks on his plate, but there was a whole hillside on Locke\'s plate, which was sandwiched by Ma Xiaoxiao.

Naked discrimination, when did our commander Ma receive such anger.

Forced down his anger, commander Ma didn\'t know how he finished the meal.

It was originally agreed to talk about bringing Locke into the government. It was a complete mess.

Unlike commander Ma, Locke has a good appetite. Several people know that he is a strong man in the foundation period, so he eats as much as he can without scruples.

Ma Xiaoxiao got along with Zhang Ling for a long time. He knew that Locke could eat, but he didn\'t expect to eat so much, which frightened the little girl in the end.

Finally, with six points full, Locke stopped his chopsticks and waited for commander Ma to say the following.

Commander Ma was not in a hurry to communicate with Locke, but first turned to his daughter sitting between Locke and him and said, "you go home first, your mother will come back tonight, and I\'ll find someone to ask for leave at school."

"Hmm? What time does my mother get home?" Ma Xiaoxiao usually stays in school. It\'s estimated that she hasn\'t seen her mother for more than a month. She also wants to panic.

"At seven, your mother leaves work early today." Commander Ma looked at his watch and said, it\'s 6:30 p.m.

"Oh." Ma Xiaoxiao looked at Locke and her father, moved to commander Ma, pulled commander Ma\'s arm, shook it a few times and said, "don\'t scare my classmates. I like him anyway."

Commander Ma shook his head and smiled bitterly. This silly girl didn\'t even know the details of Locke. She thought she would do something to Locke.

"I see. Go back first. I\'ll have a good talk with your classmates." Commander Ma said in an indisputable tone.

"Oh." Ma Xiaoxiao turned back in three steps before leaving the box.

"Don\'t forget to change your clothes before you go home. Don\'t make your mother angry." Commander Ma reminded Ma Xiaoxiao who didn\'t go far.

Ma Xiaoxiao stuck out his tongue and replied, "I know. I asked brother Chen to take me back to school to get my clothes first!"

With her mother\'s old-fashioned character, if she dares to wear this suit back, she will definitely be chased by her mother.

After Ma Xiaoxiao left, the box became quiet.

Zhang Jiong and his second martial uncle sat aside and couldn\'t talk. Locke and commander Ma collided with each other, and no one fell behind.

Locke relies on his self-confidence in his own strength, while commander Ma has been in a high position and developed momentum for a long time.

"Good boy, have you killed many people?" Commander Ma sneered that he had been on the battlefield, and he could naturally see the blood on Locke.

Locke\'s expression has not changed. His breath is less than one tenth. If it is all unfolded, it does not need spiritual pressure. The momentum developed by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of creatures can make everyone present unable to lift their waist.

"My daughter doesn\'t know who you are, does she?" Commander Ma knocked on the table and asked. From beginning to end, he believed that he was first a husband and father, and then a military leader.

Therefore, in terms of family care, commander Ma is an alternative among the top Chinese leaders.

Locke\'s face is a little loose this time. Ma Xiaoxiao adheres to him so much. He is not an ascetic monk who doesn\'t understand customs. To tell the truth, he is really moved.

"I didn\'t know before. It\'s hard to say now." Locke replied.

Ma Xiaoxiao is not stupid. A deputy commander of her father came to see Locke. How can she see that Locke\'s identity is unusual.

However, Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mood when he went out today was relaxed. Since Locke had the capital to talk face to face with her father, they were at least one level of family. It\'s easy to talk about marriage in the future.

The girl is still living in her own wonderful dream. After all, Locke\'s identity as a strong person is too shocking. Even if Locke says it, ordinary people may not believe it.

Commander Ma continued to point his finger at the table, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

Locke is a little tired of this atmosphere. He has always hated the conspiracy planning. With the strength status of his first-class strong man, there is no need to be affected by such a high-level among indigenous people.

"What\'s the matter with me? Tell me." Locke\'s tone is not good.

Commander Ma looked at Locke and said nothing.

"Hum!" Locke laughed angrily. Those imperial nobles didn\'t dare to hang him like this, a mere aborigine

"Bang!" With one palm, this wine table made of pure marble was chapped by Locke\'s muscle strength without fighting.

A huge palm print appeared on the wine table. Commander Ma\'s eyes jumped.

Is this really human? Thinking of this man\'s hard anti missile immortality, commander Ma felt that he should change his attitude.

At this time, a group of armed soldiers, about 30, were pouring into the door. They were commander Ma\'s personal guard platoon.

They were worried about commander Ma\'s accident because of the loud noise in the room, so they rushed in.

"Go out, don\'t come in without my order!" Commander Ma still has such a bearing. He knows that these thirty guns can\'t be of great use if Locke wants to be bad for him.

Commander Ma\'s royal way was quite profound. The Deputy platoon leader of the guard moved his lips, and finally led all his men out.

This time, commander Ma suddenly felt that he personally appeared and invited a strong person in the foundation period. It was too rash. It felt bad that his life could not be controlled by himself. Commander Ma hated this feeling.

But despite Locke\'s strength, commander Ma said with a straight face, "I hope you don\'t provoke my daughter."

What attracts Naxian and what is strong in the foundation period, let\'s leave aside. Commander Ma should at least be responsible for his daughter. Ma Xiaoxiao is his only daughter!

Locke has no children and doesn\'t feel the kind of care for the calf as a parent, but he is a little moved by the aborigine. Frightened by his release of strength, commander Ma first thinks of his daughter, which Locke is very optimistic about him.

"Yes, I won\'t do anything to Ma Xiaoxiao." Locke said bluntly that if a first-class Knight did anything against an unarmed woman, he didn\'t have to mix in the knight hall.

Commander Ma breathed a sigh of relief. Then he organized the language and considered how to pull Locke into his camp.

Exchange your daughter? Take Locke as a son-in-law? Commander Ma hasn\'t done so yet. We need to sell our daughter to further our official career.

All he knows is that if his daughter follows such a terrible strong man, she will probably suffer in the future. He knows very well that some people start the corrupt life style of three wives and four concubines after they have power and status.

Before commander Ma organized the language, Locke took the lead in saying, "did your government find anything unusual?"

"Exception?" Commander Ma frowned and didn\'t understand what Locke was talking about.

Locke pointed to the sky.

Commander Ma still doesn\'t understand that the cosmic ray sweeping the earth is still hidden from the top group of people in China. As a provincial governor, commander Ma still doesn\'t know the situation.

Locke laughed. "You\'ll know soon." After saying that, he turned and looked at uncle and nephew Zhang Jiong, "do you feel any change?"

Second martial Uncle Zhang Jiong was a kind middle-aged man in white. He didn\'t say much from beginning to end. He spent most of his time looking at Locke, a strong man in the foundation construction period. "Senior, we didn\'t feel any change."

"Me too. What\'s the change?" Zhang Jiong said with a confused face.

Locke sighed. The energy element of this plane has been abnormal since noon today. The concentration has increased by about one percentage point. He found it because he had expected it.

Moreover, in the dark, Locke felt a will concern that came to him. If it was not bad, it should be the remaining plane will of this plane.

Before the negative energy storm was about to sweep the earth, disturbed by the activation of elements, the plane will, which was once practiced against the sky by the people of the standard plane and fell into serious injury and collapse, appeared once like a reflection.

Through the subtle induction, Locke can feel that this plane will is not malicious to him.

Also, among the creatures of this aspect, the indigenous people who created the cultivation system should hate the aspect will most. Moreover, the cultivation is not backward, and the development of science and technology is gradually bringing the aspect will to the abyss of death.

That is, Locke, an "outsider", can give way to his will and not feel bad.

This is really a strange plane, unimaginable to the extreme.

"More than five days, less than three days, the world will definitely be in chaos. I hope you will prepare early." Locke said out of tune.

Including the two masters and disciples of Maoshan school and Ma Xiaoxiao\'s father, they don\'t understand what this sentence means.

Sometimes speaking too much is a bad thing.

Locke turned to Zhang Jiong and said, "you\'d better ask your master to move everyone of Maoshan sect to Shanxi Province within three days, so that I can protect it. Otherwise, don\'t regret what will happen at that time."

Zhang Jiong was worried. People who knew Locke\'s character knew that he wouldn\'t be aimless. He must have found something. But it\'s no joke to bring everyone of Maoshan sect to Shanxi Province. What should Nuo Da\'s Maoshan sect do at that time.

After finishing with Zhang Jiong, Locke turned and said to commander MA in front of him, "you are Xiaoxiao\'s father. I\'ll tell you the truth. You\'d better not let Xiaoxiao go to school these days, just let her stay at home. I believe with your power status, you can protect her well at that time."

Commander Ma was more and more surprised by Locke\'s alarmist remarks. He was not in a hurry to reply, but thinking about the meaning of Locke\'s words.

"I told you in advance that this news is not for nothing. It should be returned to Maoshan. On your side, I hope you can give me a batch of steel ore and a quiet space." Locke said to commander ma.

"OK," commander Ma said quickly. He didn\'t even ask Locke how much steel he needed.


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