Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 544

The deep black bead with starlight has been broken into several pieces. Even if Locke put it together, it is difficult to stimulate the negative energy shield.

Without the protection of negative energy shield, it is unknown whether he can pass through the energy storm and reach the space-time window after the storm.

After changing to the fierce wind fighting, Locke has great confidence in his own strength. Now his total fighting strength is 1.5 times that of the previous one, and his fighting strength is 2.1 times that of the eagle. Now he can\'t fight against the \'black bear\' HALS, but he can at least get a tie.

Not all first-class Knights have the fighting spirit as strong as Locke.

I hope this plane can dilute the negative energy storm to a certain extent. Locke can only hope so.

The energy storm is formed in the low level of the deep blue prison fire world, and the earth is only a micro level. It still needs time to test whether we can eat all this negative energy.

After returning to Shangyuan City, Shanxi Province, ignoring the strange eyes of Zhang Jiong and others, Locke locked himself in his room and didn\'t come out for an afternoon.

At dinner, Locke, who finally came out of the room, asked Zhang Jiong, "can your Maoshan power in Shanxi Province help me get a lot of steel ore, and it\'s best to provide a confined space."

Zhang Jiong was stunned and immediately said, "yes, my second martial uncle is in Shangyuan city. Let me contact him?"

"Well, as soon as possible!" Locke said solemnly.

If he can\'t rely on this broken negative energy fusion bead, he has to rely on his flesh and blood to cross the negative energy storm and reach the position of the space-time window.

He doesn\'t have much confidence in his body surface muscles. There are many materials obtained in the dark blue prison fire world in the space ring, as well as an entire first-class volcanic salamander skin.

Locke wanted to help build a good armor with a large amount of steel ore.

Magic armor Locke can\'t make ordinary armor. Locke doesn\'t know how much help this set of armor with top materials but no magic array pattern can provide.

Something is better than nothing. Locke likes to be prepared.

Zhang Jiong had just finished calling his master here when there was a knock on the door.

He winked at Zhang Ling and asked her to open the door. Locke asked Zhang Jiong, "what did your second martial uncle say?"

"My second martial uncle said he could meet you tonight, but he wants to bring someone. A senior military official wants to see you." Zhang Jiong gave out his second martial uncle\'s original words.

"Military? Is it..." Locke frowned. The Shanxi military was the only force he had provoked in the world.

Zhang Jiong said with a wry smile, "yes, it\'s the military commander. He is very interested in your strength during the foundation period and wants to pull you into a special military department."

"Your second martial uncle gave me up?" Locke said, squinting his eyes.

"My martial uncle Duan is definitely not such a person. I swear, the military should have found something." Zhang Jiong swore.

"Well, it\'s no big deal to see you. I also want to reconcile with the military. I was too rash before." Locke said.

Knowing that he has first-class strength, the military commander still dares to see him. He is either a bold and arrogant man or a man with great mind. If Locke wants to kill him, a hundred special forces are useless at such a close distance.

Seeing that Locke\'s attitude is so good, Zhang Jiong is also relieved. He is also afraid to make the master unhappy. They can\'t hold up the anger of immortal Zhuji with a small Maoshan.

It\'s better to let the government take the lead. Zhang Jiong thought that Locke hung a virtual position as a Dharma protector in Maoshan, which has both advantages and disadvantages for Maoshan. It\'s better to let the Chinese military cooperate directly with Locke and Maoshan mix some soup behind.

Zhang Jiong is very jealous of the endless good things that Locke took out. Zhang Jiong is not willing to use the energy crystal that Locke gave him. He knows what material he is. He is wasting it. He wants to send this energy crystal back to Maoshan for his master to use.

I have to say that Zhang Jiong is a good filial apprentice. He is still thinking about his master at this time.

On the other side, Zhang Ling also opened the door. The people outside made her cover her mouth and be surprised to say nothing.

"Is brother Locke back? I picked out this dress all afternoon before I bought it." Outside the door, Ma Xiaoxiao\'s voice came.

Before Zhang Ling could answer, Ma Xiaoxiao consciously got into the door.

"Pedal, pedal, pedal" the sound of high heels stepping on the ground came, and Locke turned to look.

"Poof! What are you dressed up for!" Locke opened his eyes, pointed to Ma Xiaoxiao and asked in surprise.

"Why, isn\'t it beautiful?" Ma Xiaoxiao shook his single horse tail, put on a charming shape and said.

Short skirt, silk Socks and high-heeled leather boots, it is difficult for Ma Xiaoxiao to wear such a suit for Locke in such a cold season that is about to enter late winter.

Of course, it\'s nice, but Locke won\'t say it. He\'s really going to be defeated by this girl. Pointing to Ma Xiaoxiao, he said, "what do you look like? Isn\'t it cold? Change it back quickly!"

"No change! People know you like this tune." Ma Xiaoxiao said curiously.

She also licked the lipstick on her lips, and said to Rock in a strange tone, "you have just seen three times on my leg."

“......” Ma Xiaoxiao\'s bold provocation made Locke, an old man who lived in his forties, feel overwhelmed.

Perhaps he felt that the single horsetail was a little damaging to the image. Ma Xiaoxiao stepped on her leather boots, walked to Zhang Ling\'s bedroom, took off the hair hoop through the dressing mirror, combed it several times, and became a little Jasper with long hair and shawl.

However, her modeling has nothing to do with her little Jasper. Her hot figure and effective visual impact have made Locke\'s evil fire of abstinence for several years.

With a dry throat, Locke said to Zhang Ling, "Zhang Ji and I are going out. You can have dinner yourself."

"Yes." Zhang Ling nodded. She never asked Locke what to do.

When Ma Xiaoxiao in the bedroom heard that Locke was going out, he immediately ran out and said, "I\'m going too!"

Locke glared at her. "If you wear so much, you won\'t freeze to death when you go out."

Ma Xiaoxiao has neither Locke\'s strong physique nor Zhang Jiong\'s genuine Qi to protect his body.

"Not afraid, you see, plush." Ma Xiaoxiao was so fascinated that he pulled his silk without paying for his life Said the sock.

Locke took a deep breath and turned around to leave with Zhang Jiong.

Ma Xiaoxiao rushed over and stayed in Locke\'s arms. "Hum, you guy, you disappear silently for a long time every time. You\'ll take me anyway this time."

Ma Xiaoxiao is the only Aboriginal who has not been read by him and the only one who is not guided by his subconscious mind.

But the fact is always wonderful. It is such an aborigine who has never touched Locke, but he is most fascinated by him. Locke is not handsome. How can he rely on him.

It seems that Angelina was right to worry about him flirting. Sometimes the charm of an excellent male doesn\'t need him to take the initiative to do anything, and the flower pours on herself.

Feeling the fragrance of the woman in his arms, Locke thought about it for a while and said, "I can take you, but don\'t talk when you go."

"OK." Ma Xiaoxiao smiled like a dimple.

It is undeniable that Locke was moved by Ma Xiaoxiao for such a long time. If he didn\'t have a slim future at home, he really had the idea of bringing the girl back to the three western islands.

Out of the door, the three rode in the black leather car that Locke had bought before.

Locke didn\'t drive for nearly half a year. The surface area was covered with a thick layer of dust. Taking advantage of the gap that Ma Xiaoxiao didn\'t pay attention to, Locke put a fighting spirit in his palm and sent out a whirlwind.

A gust of wind blew, dust drifted, and a new black skin galloped in front of Locke again.

"Wow, brother Locke, is this your car? So you\'re so rich." Ma Xiaoxiao sat in the black leather gallop and was amazed.

Ma Xiaoxiao used to call Locke a classmate. I don\'t know from which day on, he called him big brother again. Locke didn\'t bother to correct.

There is nothing special about black skin running in front of people from Ma Xiaoxiao\'s family, but for ordinary people in Shangyuan City, it is a high-end commodity that is difficult to reach.

When Ma Xiaoxiao says this, she also wants to find out about Locke\'s family. She really likes Locke, but due to the special family environment, Ma Xiaoxiao must find a suitable family in the future.

If Locke\'s family is rich, it will reduce a lot of resistance between them. Her father listens to her at home. If you get through to her mother, you can\'t say anything about Locke! Ma Xiaoxiao thought to himself.

The girl from the courtyard sees very far. She is planning for the future.

In the driver\'s seat, Locke said nothing. He felt that someone was following him. It was the dozen special forces.

After glancing through the rear-view mirror at Ma Xiaoxiao with his little head tilted and thinking about life events, Locke became interested in the girl\'s family background.

Is it also military? Locke thought.

In the cars behind Heipi, a special forces soldier asked the captain in front of him, "Captain, do you want to truthfully report the miss\'s going to the mall today?"

The black faced man in the front row said in a stuffy voice, "you can report that you have gone to the mall, but you can\'t say what you buy unless you want to go to Shatou. Corner to guard the border!"

"Oh." The special forces soldier scratched his head.

Ma Xiaoxiao\'s dress today not only surprised Locke, but also shocked these big soldiers.

If the commander knows what the lady we protect bought in the mall today The black faced man had a chill on his back.

Although he knew that the commander was friendly, it was terrible for people who were friendly to lose their temper.

In the elegant room of a famous four-star hotel in Shangyuan City, Zhang Jiong\'s second martial uncle smiled and said to the middle-aged man sitting next to him, "commander Ma, soon, my martial nephew said he would bring the man right away."

"Well, master Duan, I\'ll trouble you this time." The middle-aged man said faintly.


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