Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 541

In Shangyuan City, Shanxi Province, Locke, who hasn\'t been home for two months, received a big gift as soon as he entered the door.

Pointing to Ma Xiaoxiao lying in her bed and holding her pillow like a sloth, Locke asked Zhang Ling, "what\'s going on?"

Zhang Ling said awkwardly, "Xiaoxiao, after you left, she often came home to relieve my boredom. It was too late for her to leave last night, so I left her at home for one night."

If Ma Xiaoxiao didn\'t sleep soundly and make a leg clamping action against his pillow from time to time, Locke would want to pick up the girl directly.

Of course, the angry Locke also felt the sight of more than ten people watching here. The special forces protecting Ma Xiaoxiao were still nearby.

"Cook me some food. I\'m a little hungry." Locke said to Zhang Ling.

After visiting the stewardess\' legs on the plane, Locke is hungry and has the illusion that he can eat a cow.

"OK, I\'ll go now." Zhang Ling pulled her apron around her waist and went to the kitchen to cook for Locke.

Sitting on the sofa, Locke suddenly remembered the Hellfire giant AI who was still resting in the dimensional bag.

After forcibly descending to this plane, AI\'s body surface fat burned up two-thirds and fell into a severe coma.

Fortunately, the Hellfire giant is not afraid of burns. After nearly a year of recuperation, AI has recovered his body.

Just because AI was too big, Locke never called it out in this plane.

The life of being imprisoned in the laboratory since childhood has made AI develop a submissive character.

If Fermo had been installed in the space flute by him for so long, the scorpion dragon would have shouted to come out for ventilation, but AI wouldn\'t do so.

She was like an insignificant stone, quietly packed in Locke\'s dimensional bag, licking her wound.

Locke considered whether to release AI one day. The environment of this world is very different from that of the dark blue prison fire world. AI likes the sulfur rich volcanic environment.

When you get a chance to go to a crater and let AI out to relax?

Locke was more enlightened than most magicians and knights about his slave creatures.

He signed the most severe master servant contracts with Fermo, the scorpion dragon, and AI, the Hellfire giant, but Locke never regarded them as slaves.

The meal was ready soon. In order to meet Locke\'s iron stomach, Zhang Ling made hot pot this time.

How much to eat, how much to eat, the refrigerator is full of all kinds of meat, and the balcony is also full of all kinds of vegetables. I\'m not afraid Locke doesn\'t eat enough.

The smell of hot pot made Ma Xiaoxiao wake up from his sleep soon.

"Sister Ling, have hot pot today?" Stepping on pink plush slippers and wearing yellow pajamas, Ma Xiaoxiao walked to the dinner table and sat down as casually as if he were at home.

The girl was a little sleepy. After nearly half a minute, she found Locke sitting next to her.

"Ah! Luo, classmate Locke, are you back?" Ma Xiaoxiao said with little stars shining in his eyes.

Locke had no time to take care of the girl and ate for himself.

Seeing Locke coming back, Ma Xiaoxiao put down his chopsticks, supported his small head with his right arm, and looked at Locke eating foolishly.

"Come on, I\'ll clip it for you." Ma Xiaoxiao should have rarely served dishes to others. The hot mutton slices poked Locke on the back of his hand.

Locke didn\'t pay attention to this heat, but Ma Xiaoxiao stuck out his tongue, "I\'m sorry, I\'ll wipe it for you."

The atmosphere at the dinner table was much colder than when we had dinner last time. Only Zhang Ling talked to Ma Xiaoxiao from time to time, while Locke just ate.

"By the way, classmate Locke, where\'s your cousin?" Ma Xiaoxiao had a good impression of Zhang Jiong.

Eating, Locke said vaguely, "he\'s gone to see one of his elders."

"Oh." Biting chopsticks, Ma Xiaoxiao said.

She recently found some friends in the courtyard and asked them about their best ways to pursue male gods.

Several girlfriends with similar or slightly inferior origins to Ma Xiaoxiao suggested that Ma Xiaoxiao start from Locke\'s close people and get Locke\'s preferences from those people\'s mouth.

Several expensive girls change their boyfriends faster than change their clothes. They always dump men. There is no time to paste upside down, so they are very interested in Locke, whom Ma Xiaoxiao admires.

If Ma Xiaoxiao\'s identity had not been there, the group of noble women would have gone to the original University to see what is sacred about Locke, which makes Ma Xiaoxiao unable to find the north.

In the past two months, Ma Xiaoxiao has inquired very little from Zhang Ling. He only knows that Locke likes to eat all kinds of food. In short, Locke is a foodie.

Locke eats so much and doesn\'t look fat. Do you grow muscles? At the dinner table, Ma Xiaoxiao looked at Locke\'s gluttonous eating. Thinking of this, he pinched Locke\'s chest muscles.

Locke stopped eating, glanced at Ma Xiaoxiao from the corner of his eye, and continued to eat with his head down.

According to the logic of the world, Ma Xiaoxiao has become a fact of playing hooligans on him, but Lord Locke doesn\'t remember villains and doesn\'t care about such small things.

"OK. Hard Oh, such a big muscle?" Ma Xiaoxiao covered his mouth and said in surprise.

Her father is a soldier Deputy district manager Division So, the girl has seen not a thousand soldiers, but also hundreds. She has also seen strong soldiers like a bear, but she has never seen a handsome man with such a good body and such developed muscles.

"You, don\'t be ashamed ~" Zhang Ling, with a red face and shyness, smiled at Ma Xiaoxiao.

From the countryside, although she has lived in Shangyuan city for so long, she still can\'t be as open as Ma Xiaoxiao.

"By the way, Zhang Ling, you should buy some clothes. Now you don\'t need money." Locke stopped his chopsticks and said to Zhang Ling.

"My clothes are not broken. I can still wear them. Why waste that money." Zhang Ling said with a smile that she was very economical. Locke stuffed her more than 100000 or 200000, and the woman didn\'t even spend all the change.

Locke thought of looking at the short silk skirt worn by the stewardess on the plane Socks, I wanted to suggest one to Zhang Ling, but when I saw Ma Xiaoxiao sitting next to him, I choked back.

At the same time, in the villas in Xicheng District of Shangyuan City, Zhang Jiong met his second martial uncle.

"Martial uncle, long time no see!" Zhang Jiong smiled and gave a bear hug to the middle-aged man in front of him.

"You boy, come to Shanxi Province and come to see me so late ~" the man called second martial uncle by Zhang Jiong is different from other martial uncles of Zhang Jiong. He doesn\'t wear Taoist clothes or fight floating dust. Instead, he wears home white martial arts clothes and waves a paper fan.

"I went back to Maoshan halfway, so I was late." Zhang explained.

"Martial uncle, you live in a nice place. If I didn\'t have your keepsake and contact information, I wouldn\'t be able to enter this courtyard." Zhang Jiong looked at the furniture and color TV around him and said with a smile.

"It was sent by an old friend of the government. I accepted it without losing face. I prefer to stay in the elegant Pavilion in Maoshan." Zhang Jiong\'s second martial uncle said kindly.

"If I had your treatment, I would not go back to Maoshan." Zhang Jiong knew his second martial uncle\'s character, so he had the courage to joke.

"This is the main reason why you haven\'t been promoted to the Qi training period for so long. You haven\'t honed your mind enough." Zhang Jiong\'s second martial uncle pointed to Zhang Jiong and scolded with a smile.

"By the way, what are you doing back to Maoshan this season?" Second martial Uncle Zhang Jiong said strangely.

"It\'s a long story. When I collected spiritual materials in Zhang village, Shanxi Province a few months ago..." Zhang Jiong is going to tell his second martial uncle the truth.

Although his second martial uncle works in the government, his second martial uncle is first a Maoshan elder and then a government official. Therefore, Zhang Jiong is not afraid to tell him that an elder in the foundation period is now an elder in Maoshan.

Moreover, telling the news to his second martial uncle also means that his master, old man Zhou, knows that among his younger martial brothers, the fifth martial brother has the best cultivation talent, and the second martial brother has the most flexible mind.

Telling the news to the second younger martial brother also means that he can taste Locke, the new foundation building immortal.

Zhang Jiong just opened his mouth to introduce Locke. Suddenly the door opened. A young man in green military uniform and glasses came into the house, handed over a picture and said to his second martial uncle, "master Duan, this is the latest satellite composite picture."

When the conversation was interrupted, the two martial uncles and nephews were not angry. This was originally the boundary of the people\'s government.

Zhang Jiong\'s second martial uncle\'s surname is Duan. Anyone who knows his identity will be respectfully called master Duan.

Master Duan took out a gold rimmed eye from the drawer next to the sofa, put it on and carefully observe the characters in front of him.

Zhang Jiong had nothing to do on the other side. He leaned over his head and wanted to see what it was.

The young military man frowned and wanted to stop it, but from the Taoist clothes Zhang Jiong wore, he knew that Zhang Jiong was from Maoshan sect. In a second or two of hesitation, Zhang Jiong had already seen the picture in his second martial uncle\'s hand.

"Why does this man look so familiar?" Zhang Ji scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Well?" Master Duan looked up at his nephew.

The young military man also widened his eyes to learn the following from Zhang Jiong.

The satellite composite map in master Duan\'s hand shows a huge charred round pit in a dense mountain forest, in which a human with chapped skin was blasted.

"Have you seen the man in the picture? Is he really alive?" The young military man said excitedly, "ballistic missiles can\'t kill him. How is this possible?"

The young military man reacted quickly. Knowing that he had said too much, he shut up immediately, but his eyes were still burning at Zhang Jiong.

Zhang Jiong\'s scalp is numb. He was hit by a ballistic missile once?

This time he was certain that this man in the picture was Locke.

However, the scorched black human in the picture is very different from Locke in height and facial corners. Zhang Jiong can find that this person is Locke, thanks to his familiar feeling after spending more than two months with Locke.

This time master Duan also turned to Zhang Ji and said, "this man is wanted by the military now. Tell me what you know."

Zhang Jiong blushed. What\'s the matter.


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