Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 540

Locke is also very interested in Zhang Jiong\'s fifth martial uncle. As Zhang Jiong said before, his fifth martial uncle Yuanyang has been broken, and it is difficult to make progress in the process of cultivation. However, Locke thinks that there is plenty of Qi in the human body, and he is about to break through the sixth level of Qi practice and step into the threshold of middle-level attendants.

After glancing at Zhang\'s fifth martial uncle, Locke looked at the peasant woman who was talking to Zhang.

Zhang Jiong\'s fifth martial uncle and his wife are both in their fifties. They grew up watching Zhang Jiong. Zhang Jiong is similar to the chief elder martial brother in the next generation of Taoist children, so they especially like this child.

Locke noticed that Uncle Zhang Jiong\'s wife was also a monk.

So they can have a middle-aged face at the age of half a hundred.

Knowing what Locke was curious about, martial Uncle Zhang Jiong stood up and said, "this is my wife Wang Yan, from Emei sect."

When martial Uncle Zhang Jiong said this, Locke nodded suddenly. Maoshan sect doesn\'t accept female disciples. This woman has Taoism and is actually a female disciple of Emei sect, another three sects in China.

"I want to see your iron body. I don\'t know if it\'s convenient." Locke said to Zhang Jiong\'s fifth martial uncle that his name was Zhao Zheng, and Zhang Jiong sometimes became his martial uncle Zhao.

Zhao Zheng nodded and agreed, "if you want to see it, you can move with me to the post of random burial in the village."

It\'s an era of peace. The world is peaceful. This mass burial post is left over from the previous dynasty. Usually, the villagers will not come near here. They will summon iron corpses here and will not scare others.

Only Zhao Zheng inherited Maoshan\'s corpse driving skill. Other Taoists didn\'t know how to drive corpses, but there were no suitable zombies for them to drive.

The downturn of the vitality of heaven and earth makes all the corpses in the world disappear immediately after they are buried, and even the zombie species is about to become extinct.

"Now there may still be zombies. Only those imperial pits have a certain chance of being born." Zhao Zheng sighed.

Zhao Zheng is an alternative among Taoists. He married a daughter-in-law. I heard him introduce himself. When he was young, this guy also played a guest role as a tomb robber for more than ten years. His wife Wang Yan met at that time.

His iron body was obtained by breaking into an emperor\'s mausoleum.

"My iron body was obtained from the tailing Mausoleum of Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. Now the tailing mausoleum has been accepted as a key cultural heritage protection place by the state of China." Zhao Zheng explained faintly.

"Come out, General Wang!" Walking to a cold place behind the village, Zhao Zheng said to a flat ground.

A burst of "rope, rope, rope" digging sound sounded. I saw a small earth bag arched on the ground soon. Two minutes later, a pale body dressed in black armor appeared in front of Locke.

Seeing the iron corpse, Zhang Jiong was curious and afraid. He had rarely seen the fifth martial uncle summon his own iron corpse before, but Locke and Zhao Zheng looked as usual.

Locke pinched the armor of the iron corpse with great interest and tested the muscle hardness of the iron corpse.

"Yes, I have the physical strength of low-level attendants." Locke nodded.

On the other hand, Zhao Zheng\'s mouth twitched. He intersected with the life of the iron corpse, and he could sense part of the emotions and feelings of the iron corpse. In the past, the iron corpse often said to him that he was hungry or cold.

But just now, the iron corpse showed pain to him!

Zhao Zheng hardly knew what to say.

When Locke tested the iron corpse\'s defense, he used two or three points of real strength and almost crushed a muscle on the iron corpse\'s right arm. No wonder the iron corpse would react with pain.

What makes Locke more satisfied with this iron corpse is not the performance strength of the iron corpse, but that the iron corpse still has some sense of autonomy.

From this point of view, there are some differences between Maoshan corpse driving and necromancer magic.

Powerful necromancers, such as those at level 1 and level 2, may have simple wisdom, while all those below level 1 are rigid skeletons.

Just like the Black Warrior, a quasi first-class necromancer killed by Locke, there is almost no wisdom..

The iron corpse "General Wang" has only the strength of a low-level attendant, and has the wisdom that does not correspond to him. Over time, if he can go further and have the strength of silver corpses or gold corpses, he is bound to be stronger than the level-1 and level-2 dead creatures in the wizard world.

"General Wang needs to absorb more than seven hours underground every day to ensure the minimum demand. I seldom call him." Zhao Zheng explained.

"I heard that zombies need to drink blood. Is there such a thing?" Locke asked with interest.

Zhao Zheng shook his head and said, "the low-level green hair stiff and red hair stiff will need the blood essence of living creatures to maintain physical consumption. The higher-level black hair stiff and iron corpses no longer need blood circulation. The earth Qi contained in the ground is enough for them to absorb."

"Copy your Maoshan corpse driving skill experience and practice it for me." Locke said to Zhao Zheng.

"OK." A real person in the foundation period is here, and there is a vague introduction from the eldest martial brother. Of course, Zhao Zheng will not refuse.

What\'s more, there are only a few zombies in the imperial cave pit in China, which has been stolen in recent decades. I\'m afraid there are only a few zombies. Even if Locke obtains the essence of corpse removal, it\'s difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

Locke thought that if he could return to the three western islands in the future, the Maoshan corpse driving technique could also be regarded as one of the necromancer magic. Lord Ashar, the dark element master, has always been interested in this strange power and knowledge rules. It is just right to give it to the mage Ashar.

Before leaving Lijia village, Locke took Zhao Zheng aside and expressed his curiosity about why he could maintain the strength and progress of Yuanyang.

After faltering twice, Zhao Zheng explained, "it\'s the Emei sect where her wife Wang Yan belongs. There is a double cultivation skill, so that his strength can slowly continue to improve."

Double repair? Locke\'s eyes lit up and reached out to ask Zhao Zheng for help.

Double cultivation is a unique means of cultivation in the world. Locke only mentioned it lightly in the Maoshan Taoist Scripture. He thought it was another lost skill. Unexpectedly, there were sects handed down.

Zhao Zheng didn\'t agree to Locke\'s request this time. "Yan\'er, she has betrayed the sect for me. If she betrays Emei\'s unique school again, I\'m afraid there will be no place for me in the world."

Zhao Zheng\'s firm and incomparable refusal did not make Locke angry, but had a good impression on this life.

Locke himself has women. He also stands from the perspective of men. If anything will hurt Angelina and other women, Locke can\'t promise even if he loses his head.

"Well, when will I go to Emei sect?" Locke said.

The tradition of Emei sect and Maoshan sect is the opposite.

The whole Emei sect is supported by more than 30 Taoist nuns. They also want to improve their cultivation and maintain the body of Yuan Yin all their life. Unexpectedly, they still have the skill of double cultivation.

This skill will not be practiced in Emei sect unless it is used by a female Taoist like Wang Yan who betrays the sect. Locke feels it necessary to carry forward this skill.

In terms of blood gas and Yuanyang, I dare to ask which race in the world can compare with the knights who have practiced Qi fighting skills. Locke has been worried about the weak physique of Angelina and other women for a long time.

If this double cultivation method is really the same as that described in the Taoist classics, Angelina and other women can improve their physique to a higher level with the help of Locke\'s Knight strength.

Of all the women, the most profitable, Locke guessed was Christine.

This girl also has fighting spirit. If Locke makes a cauldron for her and promotes her to the next level, it\'s a bit exaggerated, but it\'s possible to speed up her breakthrough into the category of quasi level knights.

After staying in Maoshan for nearly two months, what you can get has reached the extreme. After saying hello to old man Zhou, Locke plans to go back to Shanxi Province first.

Before leaving, Zhang Jiong, the Taoist child of old man Zhou, was forced by old man Zhou to Locke.

The old man also found that Locke, an elder in the foundation period, was good at talking, depended on the old and sold the old, and dragged Zhang Jiong to Locke Teach.

Zhang Jiong\'s strength is fairly good among ordinary Taoist children, but he just doesn\'t enter the stream without stepping into the Qi training stage.

Old man Zhou\'s abacus crackled. He thought that there was an elder in the foundation period nearby. Even if Zhang Jiong got something from Locke\'s fingers, it was enough for him to break through the current stage.

If old man Zhou didn\'t boast that he was old and a little embarrassed, and Maoshan couldn\'t go up and down without him, I\'m sure old man Zhou would catch up with him.

Locke didn\'t pay attention to old man Zhou\'s careful thinking. He had planned to give Maoshan some energy spars. It could be regarded as their selfless reward for consulting the sect\'s Classics. This time, it was saved.

Where did old man Zhou know that Locke had an unheard of energy spar? In the monastic system, this treasure that can accelerate the rate of cultivation is called spirit stone.

There has been no Lingshi mine on the earth for more than 2000 years. The Maoshan sect has only a history of more than 1000 years. Old man Zhou has never heard of the name of Lingshi.

On this journey back, Locke took the plane, the unique alchemy product of the world.

The flying altitude is lower than that of the floating ship, and there is no energy shield in the outer layer and no weapons. This is just a civil airliner.

When Locke broke into the military base in Shanxi Province, he had seen an armed helicopter. There were two missiles hanging under it. It is estimated that, like a single soldier bazooka, it has the power of intermediate apprentice fireball. Locke has never experienced it personally and is not sure of its real power.

The plane is very boring. Locke has seen the scenery in the sky many times, but there is nothing that can attract him. He simply closes his eyes and refreshes himself. Zhang Jiong is almost the same. He is still looking forward to when Locke will take him to fly again.

During this period, a civil aviation attendant came and asked him what service he needed.

The first time Locke took a plane, he didn\'t understand anything. He turned to Zhang Jiong. Zhang Jiong said, "two glasses of juice, thank you."

Staring at the good-looking stewardess for a while, Locke couldn\'t move his eyes. To be exact, he couldn\'t move his legs.

"I thought you liked the smaller Lori, elder." Zhang Jiong said hip-hop next to him. He always thought Ma Xiaoxiao and Locke had an affair.

"What\'s that?" Locke pointed to the stewardess\' legs, to be exact, to the things on the stewardess\' legs.

Zhang Jiong turned his head and looked, "silk socks, haven\'t you seen them before?"

Silk Socks are still fashionable items in China these days. They are rarely seen on the streets. Only women in some cities in the South can wear them. Inland provinces in the north, such as Jin Province, have never appeared. No wonder Locke came to this position for so long to see them for the first time.

Locke was silent. What he actually thought was that if he could return to the three western islands, he must bring some to Angelina and others.

The strong willpower of first-class Knights has not been nearly female for nearly six years Color Locke was almost killed by a silk just now The stockings aroused desire Fire.

"Human beings in this world can really enjoy it ~" with his eyes closed, Locke sighed without looking at the sky, leaving Zhang Jiong at a loss.