Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 542

A week later, Zhang Jiong returned from his second martial uncle.

"Senior." Zhang Jiong walked up to Locke and stopped talking.

"Say anything." Locke was embarrassed to see him as a big man.

"You, did you break through the military base in Shanxi Province?" Zhang Jiong asked boldly.

When Locke heard this, he was unmoved on the surface, but seven or eight thoughts flashed in his heart.

Zhang Jiong looks serious. He should have got some news.

Locke simply sat on the sofa, crossed his legs and said, "yes, he has been to a military base."

The reason why he can be so frank comes from his trust in his own strength.

After staying in this position for so long, Locke has a basic understanding of the general scientific and technological power of the earth. All the threats to him are heavy weapons.

Those intercontinental missiles and nuclear missiles do have the terrorist power of the full strike of the second and third level strong, but each launch requires repeated consultations within the governments of various countries.

Moreover, the coverage of this weapon is very large. As long as Locke drills into a densely populated place, the authorities will have to catch him blind.

Unless Locke makes the world\'s top leaders anxious, they can\'t take a whole city and bury nearly a million people for Locke alone.

The world of science and technology also has the benefits of the world of science and technology. In this position, the leaders at the upper level are the most important to them.

Once the people are dissatisfied with the leader, the day when the leader will step down is not far away.

This is very different from the aristocratic civilian society in the three western islands. The aristocrats command the civilians with powerful Knight power. Disobedience is bloody repression. Few aristocrats will talk to you about human rights.

Getting the answer from Locke, Zhang Jiong\'s face was surprised and deserved it.

Also, if someone else is suspected of breaking into a regiment level military base, there will be two real people in China during the foundation period. How can this be possible.

"What, did you tell the military?" Locke narrowed his eyes and asked carelessly.

He knew that the Maoshan faction had close ties with the Chinese government.

"Of course not, but I saw a satellite cloud picture of a ballistic missile from the second martial uncle. I recognized you from the picture." Zhang Jiong hurried to show his loyalty and said, "I didn\'t reveal you. You are now the Dharma protector of our Maoshan sect. If the government knows, our Maoshan sect can\'t get well."

Locke nodded. Zhang Jiong had been with him for some time. He could see that this boy was very naughty, but he was not a villain who would betray others.

"But." Zhang Jiong said, "my second martial uncle wants to see you."

Locke glanced at Zhang Jiong. It seemed that the boy didn\'t supply Locke to the Chinese government, but told his second martial uncle his identity.

But it doesn\'t matter. His second martial uncle is an elder of Maoshan sect. It\'s sooner or later to know Locke\'s identity.

And Locke doesn\'t want to get too stiff with the government of the world. If he wants to return to the wizard world, he may have to borrow the power of the world government.

"OK, I can see you sometime." Locke nodded.

He didn\'t worry that it was a Hongmen banquet, that is, the military arranged a division around him. With ordinary humans, he couldn\'t hold Locke who was at the first level.

This is also the reason why the holy pagoda and knight palace of the three western islands strictly restrict knights and magicians above level 1. The strong at this level have too strong suppression on ordinary people.

Without strict rules to restrict them, the whole three western islands will be in a mess.

And can this micro plane be compared with the three western islands?

We should know that the number of ordinary humans in the three western islands and three continents is tens of billions, while the number of humans in this micro plane is less than 6 billion.

Moreover, there are several low-level planes under the control of the three western islands, and there are many micro planes.

The two are not at the same level at all.

It is not Locke\'s blind expansion of his strength, but his confidence.

"Did your second martial uncle say what to do with me?" Locke asked casually.

Zhang Jiong said, "my second martial uncle wants to introduce you to the government department, a real person in the foundation period. I believe the Chinese government will welcome a strong man like you to take the seat."

"I won\'t be investigated for breaking into the military base?" Locke was surprised.

Zhang Ji smiled bitterly. "It\'s not too early to make a conclusion. If your attitude is good enough, second martial uncle can operate it. I\'m not sure it can be done."

Locke agreed that he has excellent senses for the second martial Uncle Zhang Jiong he has never met. No wonder this man can pull Maoshan to this extent. He is indeed a wise and courageous man.

Two weeks later, without waiting for a message from second martial Uncle Zhang Jiong, Locke, who was tired of staying at home, took Zhang Jiong to go to Emei sect to ask for the double cultivation skill.

In the past half a month, Ma Xiaoxiao ran to Locke\'s house when he had nothing to do, which annoyed him.

Especially these two days, Locke\'s eyelids jump. It\'s really what Zhang Jiong secretly said to Ma Xiaoxiao. At lunch, Ma Xiaoxiao always looks at Locke with a strange look.

Knowing that the family could no longer stay, Locke immediately took Zhang Ji to Emei sect in Sichuan Province in the afternoon.

Emei sect is located in the mountains of Sichuan Province, starting from the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is not much different from the origin history of Maoshan sect.

Since ancient times, this sect has only recruited women. It has always had a far-reaching influence in China, where men are superior to women.

Throughout the dynasties, there were many times when Emei sect dominated Taoism. The most prosperous period was in the Tang Dynasty, when a female emperor ascended the throne. It is said that the female emperor had great relationship with Emei sect.

Walking on the dangerous mountain road, Locke flew and jumped, and finally took Zhang Jiong to the gate of Emei sect.

Sichuan and Shu people are simple and tough. During the turbulent years of the previous dynasty, the Sichuan army was the backbone of the Chinese army.

After entering modern times, Sichuan and Shu gradually declined relative to coastal cities. When walking on rugged mountain roads, Locke couldn\'t even see a stone and Youbai Road, not to mention the flow of cars.

Emei sect is located at the top of Mount Emei. Many sects of Taoism like to place their own sects in some famous mountains and rivers. According to Zhang Zhu, these mountains and rivers have strong vitality.

Sichuan Province is much lower than the Soviet province where Maoshan sect is located, and Emei sect is also eighteen thousand miles worse than Maoshan.

When he reached the sect gate, Locke saw a woman of about 40 sweeping leaves in front of the sect gate of Emei.

"Are you two pilgrims coming to play?" Asked the woman in the Taoist robe.

The man didn\'t practice Taoism, and Locke and Zhang Jiong were also dressed in ordinary clothes, so the woman didn\'t recognize them.

"The present monastic system has indeed declined." Locke sighed.

Maoshan sect has set aside a special area for tourists to visit and earn a ticket. Emei sect is just like that.

In Locke\'s opinion, if it wasn\'t for the situation of last resort, which Taoism would trample on itself like this.

Without talking too much with the woman, neither admitting nor denying it, Locke and Zhang Jiong walked to Emei sect.

The sect of Emei sect covers an area less magnificent than that of Maoshan sect. There is a whole range of mountains. Emei sect only occupies a part of the top of Emei Mountain. The land in the middle and foot of Emei Mountain is also owned by the local government.

However, there are almost virgin forests below the middle of Mount Emei, and there is no trace of people all year round, so that the mountain streams and paths hundreds of years ago are gradually covered by mossy trees.

On his way up the mountain, Locke even saw a lovely wild giant panda.

With Locke\'s help to cover their breath, they didn\'t stop until they reached the sect Hall of Emei sect.

Sure enough, Emei sect is like the information collected by Maoshan sect. There are only about 30 female Taoist nuns left to maintain the dignity of the sect.

Among these more than 30 people, more than 10 people have no real Qi reaction, which is similar to the existence of external disciples.

Emei sect may be located in a remote area, so the government cannot control it too much. There are also positions similar to the leader of Emei sect.

The contemporary leader of Emei sect is an old woman who is nearly 70 years old.

The old woman meditated on the bright yellow Futon in the main hall of the zongmen. She looked average. Because she was nourished by genuine Qi, she looked only 40 years old.

The strength surprised Locke a little. The old woman was only one notch worse than old man Zhou. The strength of the fifth level of Qi practice was deeper than Zhang Jiong\'s fifth martial uncle, and there was only one foot left from the sixth level of Qi practice.

Since he came to ask for something, Locke didn\'t beat around the Bush and showed up directly.

The prestige of the real person during the foundation period almost surprised the old woman who was practicing Emei jade lady Sutra in the futon.

Fortunately, the mind developed by the old woman for decades was there. After forcibly suppressing the real anger of riots in her body, she carefully looked at the two Lockes who suddenly appeared.

The old woman quickly recognized the details of Zhang Jiong. As the leader of Emei sect, she should not be too familiar with the special Qi of Maoshan Taoist Scripture, while Locke made her unable to see through.

"I heard that Emei sect has a double cultivation method? I\'m here today to ask for it." When saying this, Locke used the unique spiritual shock method of first-class knights.

Huang Zhong Da Lu\'s words shocked the old woman, "how is it possible to build the foundation period!"

From the performance of the old woman, she was much worse than the old man Zhou of Maoshan school. For a moment, she was shocked by Locke\'s strength.

However, Locke\'s spiritual power was so strong that after a while, more than a dozen women with true Qi gathered outside the sect Hall of Emei sect.

These female Taoists are all the only remaining Qi practitioners of Emei sect. There are only five in the Qi training period, and the rest are all monks in the Qi feeling stage.

"I just want the double cultivation method of your Emei sect. You won\'t let me do it." Locke sat impolitely on a stone pier in the hall and looked at the old woman.

He didn\'t pay attention to those women outside. The powerful aura and deterrence of first-class creatures. These women who don\'t even have the strength of middle-level servants are nothing but local chickens and dogs in front of him.

The old woman\'s face was blue and purple. She didn\'t know whether she was angry or frightened.