Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 539

For Felix\'s harvest, Jose was not as greedy as the other four level three strong men.

He is a demigod himself, and he is also the best of the demigods. Naturally, he will not like Felix\'s two energy bodies.

After use, it is very strong to have both level 3 sky knight and level 3 great magician, but to make Jos match, he will try his best to survive Felix\'s explosive period.

As long as the increasing effect brought to him by the energy body is over, Felix will not let Jos pinch flat and round.

The Panamanian master met Felix in person and sent him to the fourth level Knight Odyssey.

Panama believes that Odyssey will make the right choice.

Sure enough, just two days later, Felix was escorted by Odyssey again and sent to the knight palace where the fourth level Knight Gaia was located.

Several level-4 knights on the three western islands were companions who had worked together and fought for thousands of years. This was unpleasant. After both sides had steps, they laughed away.

The final result is fair. First of all, Felix needs to work for level 4 Knight Gaia for 500 years. His level 3 day Knight\'s life span is only 1000 years, which means that Felix is likely to have to work for Gaia until he dies.

Felix has no complaints about this punishment result. What he wants to do now is not to improve his strength, not to pursue a higher realm, but to live well with Garcia knights.

When his life was threatened, Garcia Knight\'s perseverance finally moved Felix, an old antique who had lived for 2000 years.

The age difference between the two people is more than 1000 years, but this can not stop the two people\'s love for each other.

The Gaea Knight\'s face finally slowed down after he got all the service of a three-day knight for the second half of his life.

It can\'t be said that he lost or earned. Felix\'s two semi divine use times, if used well, will be another card under Gaia.

You know, there are only two strong demigods in Gaia\'s Knight palace.

After completing the task successfully and leaving the Panamanian master, the master of the Santa tower left Jos for a while to talk.

"In another year, the Dragon warlock family will launch an offensive against the digital world. At that time, our three western islands will also be involved. You should be ready." Panama said to Jos.

The Dragon warlock family is the strongest family among the blood warlock families on the west coast. Its patriarch is one of the top powerful wizards in the world. Level 6 dragon warlock - dragon mother.

It\'s just a small world. The Dragon warlock family can solve it with their fingers. Why pull up the three western islands.

Jos\'s doubt was expected in Panama. "There is a level 4 creature on that side. I\'m very interested, and it\'s not the master of the Dragon warlock who cooperates with us this time." Panama Master explained.

"I see." Jos said in a deep voice.

Panamanian master told him so much that he hoped that he would go there as the main pioneer of the Santa towers on the three western islands and participate in the attack and plunder.

Now there are three strong semi gods in Santa, including the dean of Santa College - mister, Masquerade - Jos, and ice fire demon flame - brand.

Ice fire magic flame brand is a three-level magician who has only been promoted to semi God in recent ten years. The harvest of activating the goblin world has greatly improved the strength of this great magician who urgently needs activated substances to stabilize the body of ice fire elements.

At present, Jos is the strongest demigod in the tower, followed by miest, and brand is the weakest demigod.

A year later, the main forces attacking the digital world should be him, Jos and brand. As the dean of Santa college, Mister will mostly stay on the three western islands.

When everyone thought it was settled.

Dark blue prison fire world, above the navel of the world.

The element extraction array was broken, and two light and dark energy bodies as energy sources were taken away. Two huge positive and negative energy storms, like a rootless Ping, are slowly dissipating.

The positive energy storm gradually melts into invisibility with the passage of time, while the corresponding negative energy storm also shrinks from outside to inside after shrinking for a period of time.

The Knights left at the navel of the world only thought that the negative energy storm was dissipating by itself. Unexpectedly, these violent negative energy were impacting a space-time window in the center of the storm.

The energy Storm follows the criterion of transition from high concentration to low concentration. On the side of the space-time window is the negative energy storm with extremely high concentration, while on the other side of the window is the micro world with almost invisible energy concentration - the earth.

Joss thought that Locke was passing through a space crack, but he didn\'t know that there was a very deep hidden space-time window here.

Also, if Locke passes through a space crack, the powerful space wave blade contained in the light space crack has a great probability of breaking him into pieces.

The stability of space-time window becomes weaker and weaker with the squeeze of negative energy storm, as if it could be washed out by this powerful negative energy storm at any time.


After staying in Maoshan for more than a month, Locke finally turned over the Taoist classics collected by the Chinese dynasties.

As a unique cultivation system of this plane, Taoism, in Locke\'s view, not only has the element control ability of magicians, but also has the strong physique of knights, which is an extremely excellent method of energy utilization.

If the essence of practicing Taoism was not against the plane will, Locke might have dabbled a little.

But knowing that the essence of Taoism was to go against the sky, he resolutely gave up this cultivation system.

The plane will of the wizard world is not comparable to that of the weak earth. If he dares to have such a rebellious idea in the wizard world, it is likely that the strong plane will of the wizard world will directly show lightning punishment and bomb him to slag.

Even if he is lucky enough to escape, he will become a wanted target of the black magicians and others in the future, and will be surrounded, suppressed and pursued by major forces in the whole wizard world.

"Go against the sky, tut tut." Locke smacked his mouth and, led by Zhang Jiong, walked to a village at the foot of Maoshan mountain.

Many Maoshan Taoists would respectfully shout "Uncle Luo" to Locke, Zhang Jiong is "elder martial brother Zhang."

After staying in Maoshan for so long, old man Zhou has already arranged an identity for Locke - the Dharma protector of the sect for many years.

Under the pressure of the government, the Maoshan faction from the generation of old master Zhou In the beginning, the position of leader was not set up. Only the seven elders held joint discussions. At ordinary times, the elder Zhou was in charge of all things of Maoshan sect, big and small. In fact, the other six elders were all his junior brothers.

Seven of their martial brothers came from the same master.

Under the elders, there are all the disciples. The position of "Dharma protector" was specially set up by old man Zhou for Locke.

Now Locke and Zhang Jiong are going to find Zhang Jiong\'s fifth martial uncle at the foot of Maoshan.

At the end of the law, Maoshan\'s corpse driving skill almost broke its inheritance. Now, only the fifth martial uncle of Zhang Jiong is still practicing corpse driving skill and has his own iron corpse.

This time, Locke wants to see the difference between the so-called corpse driving technique and the necromancer magic he has been in contact with.

"Shifu once said that the fifth martial uncle is the Taoist with the strongest potential in Maoshan. It\'s a pity..." Zhang Jiong was on the mountain road, showing off to Locke.

"What a pity?" Locke was really interested.

Zhang Jiong\'s face was slightly red. He seemed to say that martial uncle\'s gossip was not very good, but the real person in front of him asked about the foundation period. Zhang Jiong said honestly, "unfortunately, my martial uncle\'s congenital Yuanyang has been broken. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to make progress in the future."

Congenital Yuanyang is broken Locke looked at Zhang Ji speechless.

In order to keep Huigen quiet, practitioners can\'t touch women before building the foundation. Therefore, among the hundreds of people up and down Maoshan, there are dozens of Taoists, all of whom have never been married, except 30 odd factotum.

Locke can\'t imagine how these monastic people can bear it if they don\'t touch women for decades.

No wonder people who practice Taoism dare to oppose God. Indeed, they have great perseverance and wisdom. Locke is ashamed.

As Zhang Jiong said, the fifth martial uncle should be a Taoist who can\'t stand his desire.

"Tell me about your fifth martial uncle." After staying in Maoshan for more than a month, Locke was getting sick and asked casually.

"I\'ll go to Lijia village then. Ask yourself." Zhang Jiong said hurriedly.

His fifth martial uncle looks like a honest character, but Zhang Jiong, who grew up in Maoshan, knows that his fifth martial uncle is actually jealous of evil and tough.

If you let the fifth martial uncle know that Zhang Jiong made a small report and publicized his shortcomings everywhere, you can\'t say that the fifth martial uncle will let his iron corpse chase Zhang Jiong all over the mountains.

Zhang Jiong at the stage of talent can\'t beat the powerful iron corpse that is invulnerable and powerful.

At the foot of Maoshan mountain, Locke saw the Lijia village, which was like a paradise.

Go back dozens of steps and suddenly see the light. The land is flat and open, and the houses are like, with a good field, a beautiful pond and mulberry and bamboo. Traffic in the fields, chickens and dogs hear each other. Among them, men and women dress like outsiders. Yellow hair drooping and happy

In fact, it\'s all bullshit. This is a broken village with dozens of trees. The poverty level in the village is close to that of Zhang village where Locke went last time.

It\'s winter now. The dozens of ornamental trees in the village are bald and look dry. At the entrance of the village is a middle-aged man in Taoist clothes. His left arm is held by an ordinary looking peasant woman.

"Fifth martial uncle! Martial aunt!" Zhang Jiong shouted to the two people standing at the entrance of the village.

Locke and Zhang Jiong stepped forward. Zhang Jiong was pulled aside by the peasant woman to ask questions, while Locke and the fifth martial uncle looked at each other.

"Are you a real person in the foundation period?" Although Zhang Jiong\'s fifth martial uncle lives in this small village at the foot of Maoshan mountain, he can often get outside information from firewood woodcutters and disciples outside Maoshan mountain.

Therefore, the fifth martial uncle was quite modern. Locke saw that there was a brick sized telephone in his right pocket.

Locke didn\'t speak, just a little breath.

"Such a powerful authority can only be owned by real people during the foundation period." The fifth martial uncle was shocked. He learned the identity of Locke from the eldest martial brother, old man Zhou. At first, he didn\'t believe it.

However, the solid aura of first-class creatures was there, and only a trace of breath leaked, which made the fifth martial uncle, who practiced five levels of Qi, terrified.