Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 538

The terrible energy storm that blocked the four level-3 strong men gradually dissipated in front of the crowd after the semi God level strong man Jos exercised some mysterious powers.

A little reduction in energy level is enough for the three-level strong to pass safely.

Jos took the lead in entering the element absorption array. Then the old woman of the third level fire element division and the other three sky Knights looked at each other and followed.

The magic just performed by Jos is the shadow of some of the silence skills that Panamanian masters are famous for. Also, Jos must have received some guidance from Panamanian masters if he can be sent here by Panamanian masters.

It\'s not terrible to gather a large array of plane fire elements. What\'s terrible is the storm of positive and negative elements overhead caused by these irresistible fire elements.

The plane will of the dark blue prison fire world has shrunk by one seventh in just a week. If it goes on like this, it won\'t take a month. The dark blue prison fire world will lead to the second wave of catastrophe.

At that time, I\'m afraid no creatures will survive except creatures above level 1.

In the center of the element absorption array, Jos and his party saw their target mission, Felix.

Felix is in a bad state now. There has been a large area of fire elementalization in his body, which is different from the body elementalization of level 2 magicians. The former is passive and the latter is active.

It seems that in order to survive in the element extraction array, Felix forcibly elementalizes his body and integrates with the burst fire elements gathered.

This is quite a gamble. In doing so, he can only maintain a temporary balance. Once the fire element absorbed by his body reaches saturation, he will turn into a gorgeous fireworks, that is, his body will explode.

In the center of the huge fire element body composed of Felix, a female knight in green armor was unconscious.

The female Knight\'s condition is similar to that of Felix, but she doesn\'t have the ability of body element of the second-class magician. The female knight can now live by wrapping Felix in her body and sparing no effort to protect her.

One third of the female Knight\'s right arm has been burned. In the red Mars, a green cuticle appears on the female Knight\'s body surface, making the female Knight look like a half man and half lizard monster. This is the transformation ability obtained by the land Knight by integrating powerful biological blood.

"Here you are." Below the positive and negative energy storm, Felix, who turned into a fire giant, said in a flat tone, as if he had expected someone to save them.

"Felix, do you know what danger your actions have caused to the dark blue prison fire world!" The old woman on the broom shrieked, and the power of the level three magician swept away at Felix.

Felix, who was incarnated as a fire giant, was at the end of a powerful crossbow when he could last so long in the element storm. When the old woman did this, the element drive shell had to spread.

"Forget it, let him go. His disposal is decided by several adults." Jos raised his hand and blocked the power released by the old woman.

After getting Jose\'s eyes, several sky Knights flew forward to bear the element storm squeeze in one direction, saving Felix and Garcia in his element incarnation.

"Felix, you\'re killing me this time." Among the three heavenly knights, the heavenly Knight of iron fortress said.

He is the garrison Knight sent by odyssey in the deep blue prison fire world. He has a good relationship with Felix, but this time Felix\'s basket is too big for him as a knight.

"What happened to the Knights and magicians involved in the mission?" Felix couldn\'t help asking, although he had a guess in his mind.

"All but one of the little ones were killed." The heavenly Knight approached and whispered with spiritual strength.

Felix sniffed and sighed, "I hurt them."

In terms of character and affinity, Felix is definitely a good man among all the three-level sky knights on the three western islands. There are countless low-level knights who have been saved by him directly and indirectly in the war.

But it was such a good man who eventually lost himself on the way of strength and tried to absorb the power of fire in a plane to force himself to advance.

There are two main reasons why the three western islands want to severely punish Felix this time. One is that someone needs to pay for the disaster caused to the dark blue prison fire world. The other is that Felix must explain to the suffering knights and Magicians for such a large-scale mission failure.

The death of nearly 100 level-1 knights and magicians is unimaginable. Even if so much combat power is suddenly lost in the plane war, the level-3 knights in charge of the theater will also be punished.

The number of first-class knights on the three western islands is only 120000. Each of them is a valuable resource of the knight palace. If possible, the knight palace would rather exchange the lives of ten slave creatures of the same level for the lives of one knight.

Jos looked coldly at the busy people. Through the sound wave magic brought by the faceless mask, he didn\'t find his nephew\'s husband.

The semi divine strong man has been able to cover his spiritual power, including the navel of the whole plane. This has not been found, which can only show that the little guy has left the navel of the world.

Jos looked up at the positive and negative energy storm above his head. Through the turbulent element storm, Jos could feel many spatial cracks contained in it.

"Is it through the space crack, flowing into the unknown time and space?" Jos thought.

Space crack is one of the dangerous places that he, a semi God strong man, doesn\'t want to provoke too much.

He is not afraid of the cutting effect of the space crack. He is afraid of being sucked away by the space crack because of his excessive gravity. Who knows which powerful creature\'s nest is behind the space crack or an unknown space-time.

If the other side of the space crack is the boundless starry sky, it is not easy to find a low level of intelligent life, and even if you find a place to stay, how can you come back.

If you want to travel a long distance, you must have a life intensity of more than four levels in order to calmly face all kinds of possible crises.

Wandering gods often pass by the wizard world. These extremely powerful wandering gods all have strength above level 4. If it is not necessary, the powerful wizard world does not want to provoke these wandering gods.

Of course, the vast majority of wandering gods are self aware. With the current strength of the wizard world, life individuals below level 5 will not even approach. Only some level 6 life bodies with great confidence in their own strength will complete some transactions with several top players in the wizard world from time to time.

Once the transaction is completed, they leave immediately. These wandering gods who leave their birth plane are more and more chicken thieves.

Jos, who had predicted the fate of his nephew husband, stopped in midair for a moment.

There are too many cracks in the space above his head. He checked them one by one at the demigod level, and he didn\'t know which year or month to complete them.

Even if through the subtle residual life information, it is found that Locke passes through the space crack, Jos will never easily pass through it.

If there is a low-level plane or an intermediate level plane behind it, Qiao Jin will die without life if he goes in rashly.

The energy fluctuation of the demigod level is a pillar of fire in the night on the ectopic side. If the level 4 strong and guardian of that side are not stupid, it is estimated that they will arrive at the first time and strangle him.

After a moment of hesitation, Jos finally looked at the energy storm above his head and left the navel of the plane.

If Angelina was in danger, he would try to have a look. Locke, forget it.

The long life has made Jos look down on the human feelings in the world. He cares about only a limited number. Locke is not worth his risk.

"But knowing that the boy is not dead and his possible whereabouts is enough for Ashar." Jos murmured.

Angelina and Kayla won\'t be back in a year. Even if they do, they will immediately join battle of the plane found on west coast.

And Jos knows that Locke has his negative energy fusion beads in his hand. If Locke can activate the negative energy fusion beads again and be sensed by him, Jos doesn\'t mind spending huge energy to summon Locke back to space-time.

Jos is a strange man. Say he\'s ruthless. He\'s willing to spend a lot of energy to pull Locke back from the unknown time and space. Say he\'s righteous. He doesn\'t want to be in danger for Locke.

What a strange man.

Not only is Jos strange, but there seems to be a law among magicians. The more powerful a magician is, the more strange and changeable his character is. The lower a magician is, the more like a person.

Finally, he looked at the navel of the dark blue prison fire world, and Felix left with complex eyes under the escort of several level three strong men.

Did Felix succeed? Of course not. The element body passively accepted so many violent fire elements. If it weren\'t for the foundation of his third-class sky knight, the ordinary second-class magician would have been burst.

But in a sense, Felix did not fail.

He survived the elemental storm and gained some benefits.

Two three-level energy essences, one bright and one dark, fell from the positive and negative energy storm overhead and fell into Felix\'s hands.

All the people present, except Jos, looked envious.

"This is..." A level 3 sky Knight stared at the two energy essence.

Through the baptism of huge energy, the two tertiary energy essences have been born out of their usual definition.

Even the old woman who had been unhappy with Felix said in a sour tone, "with these two things, even if Felix became a disabled man, he also had two semi divine power releases."

After spending so much, losing nearly 100 knights and magicians, causing such great turbulence in the dark blue prison fire world, Felix finally got only two energy bodies that can temporarily bring him semi divine strength.

One light and one dark. Once used by Felix, these two energy bodies will have demigod strength in a short time, and they are far more powerful than ordinary demigods.

After all, there are too few individuals with level 3 sky knights and level 3 magicians at the same time.

The combination of the two is not as simple as one plus one.