Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 537

"Who will do the investigation?" In the laboratory, he was dressed in black and looked like a level 4 magician covered by thick dark clouds.

Suddenly, the crystal ball in his hand lit up.

"Well, Jos? What\'s this little guy looking for me?" The Panamanian master revealed his dry palm from his magic robe, rubbed the crystal ball and muttered.

A week later, Jos, the semi divine power of the holy tower, came to the dark blue prison fire world.

"Is that little guy still alive? Why does Ashar care so much about this boy?" With a smooth face and such a strange mask, Jos flew in the headspace of the dark blue prison fire world and muttered.

Kayla and Angelina went to the west coast a few months ago. After Locke\'s accident, the first to receive the news was the second-class magician Ashar.

Because of the failure of the mission involving a level 3 sky knight in the knight palace, assar was not qualified to participate in this event despite his successful promotion to the level 2 dark element division.

As a last resort, she found Jos.

Jos is her sister\'s senior brother. They have had a good relationship for hundreds of years. Otherwise, the last time Angelina\'s teacher banquet was not just Locke and Ashar, two "outsiders".

ASAR himself went to the door and shut himself in the laboratory all day to study the mysteries of magic. Jos immediately went out to understand the situation of the dark blue prison fire world.

I don\'t know. I\'m shocked. There are really knights who are not afraid of death. They dare to call the element energy of the first small plane to improve their level.

If it\'s a micro plane that can mobilize one or two tenths of the elemental energy, there\'s still some permission from the perspective of the semi divine Jos.

But the dark blue prison fire world was a solid low-level level. Before the invasion of the three western islands, there was a strong level of level 4 Hellfire giant king.

Felix\'s approach is no different from looking for death.

At the second-class Knight stationed in iron fortress, Jos obtained the list of missing persons for the mission.

Unfortunately, he saw the name of his nephew Angelina\'s husband Locke.

"What\'s the matter with this knight?" Jos asked, pointing to the white Locke name on the list.

In addition to Locke\'s name, there are two people whose names are white, Garcia and Felix respectively. The rest, including level-1 and level-2 knights and Santa magician, are all red.

The knight stationed at the second level knew the identity in front of him, and hurriedly said, "the white name represents that the mental power mark left in the headquarters has not dissipated, indicating that these people are not dead, and the red name represents the collapse of the remaining mental power, which can preliminarily prove the fall."

Seeing the names of Garcia and Felix show that they are not dead, Jos is not surprised. One is a second-class knight and the other is a third-class knight. It is possible to survive in the energy storm.

But seeing that Locke was not dead, Jos\'s expression fluctuated a little.

He was not impressed by Locke. Although he had seen the young man many times, he mainly paid attention to Angelina, their successor. For Angelina\'s husband, he just knew this man.

Jos didn\'t even look at Locke at the last teacher\'s banquet.

This time, Jos became interested in Locke.

"Is it the credit of the negative energy fusion bead?" Jos thought to himself that the negative energy fusion bead was a relic given to him by his mentor together with the "faceless mask", and later he gave it to Michelle for self-defense.

At the last banquet, Michelle saw that the little guy was good, so she gave him the negative energy fusion bead. Maybe it was the energy shield of the negative energy fusion bead that let the little guy survive.

In a flash, Jos thought about the situation.

"Take me to the navel of the world!" Jos said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The second level Knight immediately went to prepare the fastest floating ship.

A day later, at the navel of the world, in addition to Jos, who had just arrived, four third-class creatures had gathered here.

Three male sky knights are the left behind Knights of the three Knight palaces in the dark blue prison fire world, and one is a female. She is the third-class magician left behind by the holy tower in the world.

"Jose, I didn\'t expect the Panamanian master to send you." The grey haired old woman was stunned.

She was a little older than Jos by age and knew the famous demigod strongman in the holy tower.

Jos nodded at the old woman, then looked around at the other three heavenly knights, and finally focused on the huge conical energy storm in front of him.

"What\'s going on inside, you know?" Jos asked.

One of the three-level sky Knights shook his head, "this degree of energy storm, even if we break in, also has the risk of falling. Now we can only know that there are three people alive through the remaining energy marks."

"What did the Panamanian master say? Let\'s save them?" The old woman\'s tone was not good. When she knew that someone wanted to break through the realm with the power of face fire element, she almost ran away. There were plenty of fire elements in the dark blue prison fire world, which was very suitable for her fire element master to practice.

Among the people who will not let Felix go now, Gaia, the fourth level knight, is one, and another is her.

You know, because of the turmoil in the whole dark blue prison fire world, one of her important experiments was forced to stop, which was even worse than killing her.

"It is necessary to save people. The Panamanian master asked me to take Felix back and hand it over to three level four knights." Jos said slowly.

After listening to this, the old woman hummed softly and didn\'t speak much.

After hearing this, the other three heavenly Knights changed their expressions, not the same.

Felix\'s action, the complexity of the things involved, is no longer a simple mission failure.

The three western islands and three continents seem to be monolithic, but there are also various contradictions within them.

However, most of these contradictions were forced down by a number of four knights, and the master of the four magic of Panama was reconciled. In the thousands of years, the western three islands were also stable.

And successively won several small and micro planes and gradually occupied a place in the whole wizard world.

All this should benefit from the offensive, defensive and joint efforts of several level 4 strong men.

Throughout the whole wizard world, there are many large organizations that can cooperate closely with the three western islands. The blood warlocks on the west coast are counted as one, the Beren empire in the southeast of the wizard mainland is counted as one, and the sky city with Douglas, the strongest level 6 power, is counted as one. That\'s all.

The blood warlock family on the west coast is a blood family established with blood inheritance as the link, respecting the original blood.

Each level 4 and level 5 strong person represents the starting point of a warlock family, so the families on the west coast are very close.

The Belem empire is the most perfect presentation of Knight Power in the wizard world.

This is a huge Knight Empire beyond imagination. Compared with omor, the strongest empire in Mercia, it is only equivalent to a larger province within the Belem empire.

The Belem emperor seiffel himself was a level 5 knight, with six imperial generals under his command, including sun feldspar Glen, moon feldspar Volta, tiger eye stone kaiserda, obsidian Dussel, fluorite Selena, and blood Jasper avi.

Each of the six generals of the empire is a powerful individual above level 4, which together constitutes the prosperity of the Belem empire.

As for the city of the sky, there is Douglas, the strongest level 6 wizard in terms of standard. His status as a level 6 wizard, level 6 astrologer and level 7 magician has attracted countless magicians who yearn for truth and wisdom to visit and study.

It is also said that Mr. Douglas is the most promising individual in the wizard world to be promoted to level 7. Once promoted to level 7, the wizard world will break through the shackles of the medium-sized world and become a super large plane because of the birth of a level 7 life body!

The wizard is obviously an antique tens of thousands of years ago. Now it is an era of contention among elemental masters, summoners, blood magicians, astrologers and even knights. Why is the name of the standard also called the wizard world? Mr. Douglas has a great factor on his own.

The three western islands do look very weak now, not as terrible as the three forces mentioned above, but their advanced cooperation system and development process may not be able to play a pivotal role as the three forces in the wizard world in the future.

The premise of all this is win-win cooperation!

Now Felix\'s incident has risen from the incident of a three-level sky knight to a game between several four-level strong men on the three western islands.

The Panamanian master, as the leader of the three western islands, must solve this matter perfectly. The three level-4 knights are his right-hand men. No matter who he favors, he will chill the hearts of the other two.

From now on, Odyssey and Zachary stand together, while Gaia, as the party with the greatest loss, opposes the other two.

Before leaving the Santa tower, the Panamanian master had talked with josmi for a long time. The key point of this task was that Felix, as determined by the Panamanian master, wanted to return him to Odyssey first.

Then Odyssey took the initiative to escort this man to Gaia. Several level 4 Knights have been fighting together for thousands of years. They won\'t really tear their face because of this little thing.

Everyone is just looking for a step down.

However, in order to appease Gaia, who lost the most in this incident, Odyssey and Zachary must make concessions to Gaia in the exchange of interests in other aspects.

Achieving level 4 and having a life of tens of thousands of years, no one is stupid. Combining benefits both sides and dividing hurts both sides. The special geographical factors of the three western islands have completely tied several level 4 strong people together from the beginning.

You can\'t break up if you want to.

Jos hates those conspiracies at the top. He has no heart to worry about the future direction of the three western islands. His goal is very clear, that is to catch Felix and save his nephew Angelina\'s husband Locke.


I have a little cold today. It\'s cold and cold. You should take care of your health. You envy that a big brother next door has the physical quality of a knight. He\'s still chewing popsicles all day this season