Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 536

The upper bound Locke can guarantee that it does not exist, but in this plane history, in the era before the first emperor, Locke believes that there are secondary and even tertiary life bodies.

However, the life span of secondary life is only a few hundred years, and that of tertiary life is only a few thousand years. These powerful life individuals can be accepted even if they are forgotten in the long history.

After all, no new secondary and tertiary life bodies were born. The great power recorded in those records was eventually understood as myth and fantasy by later generations and gradually left behind.

So that even a first-class creature was not born in 2000 years in modern times.

Perhaps in the past few hundred years, even the existence of first-class organisms will be denied by the creatures in the world. At that time, everyone believes in science, and science and technology is the first productivity and driving force in the world.

Locke, who is exposed to the development of the world, has to admit that science and technology is also a miracle of climbing the peak in the history of biological evolution.

This plane is still a micro plane, and the strength of the indigenous people can be the middle and upper reaches of the micro plane. If the three western islands take out the power to attack and activate the goblin world to deal with the world.

Victory will definitely be won. Tens of thousands of first-class knights, nearly 1000 second-class knights, and dozens of third-class knights, as well as several demigods, cooperate with the equally powerful Santa magicians, countless slave biological legions, and the indigenous humans in this position can never be stopped.

But the cost is much higher than before.

Locke judged that the world\'s nuclear weapons were comparable to the curse of the third-class magician. At that time, the indigenous people of the world were anxious. Thousands of nuclear bombs exploded and one third of the whole plane was estimated to be sunk.

The knight\'s palace and the holy tower invaded the ectopic side in order to plunder the precious resources of the ectopic side and feed back the wizard world. At that time, there will only be a piece of debris in the world. What\'s the use of the knight\'s palace for him.

And with so many level 3 forbidden spells, it is estimated that level 4 creatures will capsize if they are not careful.

The fantasy was broken, and old man Zhou\'s eyebrows were full of depression and decay.

He hated why he didn\'t live thousands of years ago. With the strong vitality of the weather at that time, old man Zhou was fully confident that he could go further.

"Explain this sentence to me!" Suddenly, Locke found a passage in a scripture in his hand that he couldn\'t understand.

Locke pointed to the paragraph, marked: Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are ruminant dogs!

"Hum, heaven and earth are changeable. A Taoist should act against heaven and fight for life with heaven in order to win that glimmer of vitality." The old Taoist said boldly after reading that sentence.

Thinking that the vitality of the world was getting lower and lower, and it was more and more difficult for practitioners to enter inch by inch, old man Zhou thought of the pain and scolded "thief God!"

"Don\'t you pay attention to self-cultivation? Why are you so radical about \'heaven\'?" Locke asked without a trace.

After reading so many classics, Locke, who has a deep understanding of the world, certainly knows that the "heaven" of the world is actually the plane will of the world.

What kind of cultivation system is this? It is actually to complete the breakthrough by fighting against its own plane will.

Is it because the plane will of the world is so weak, even almost none

"Man will conquer heaven. We cultivate Taoism with a pure heart and few desires in order to maintain the stability of the Taoist heart. Cultivating self-cultivation and character is to ensure that the divine mind will not decline. All Qi practitioners in all dynasties know that we are competing with heaven to cultivate true Qi and obtain a longer life and opportunity."

"The old saying goes: fight with the sky, fight with the earth, fight with people."

Old man Zhou read almost all the collections of Chinese Taoism. Of course, he was familiar with the attitude of Qi practitioners towards heaven for a long time.

He never even doubted these words, because he also felt that his practice of Taoism was actually going against the sky.

Otherwise, why is the weather less and less vigorous.

After listening to the old Taoist explanation, Locke fell into a long meditation.

He felt as if he knew why the element concentration in the world was so low, there was no plane suppression effect, there was no plane guardian, and even the plane will was small and invisible.

If what he expected was right, I\'m afraid the plane will of the world would have been practiced alive by these friars fighting with heaven!

"You were born more than two thousand years ago without a foundation period?" Asked Locke.

"Well, there are no records in the historical records of major sects. There are records of great power during the foundation period. You are the only one." Old man Zhou nodded.

Locke held his shoulder and thought, "it\'s OK for you to hold on for so many years without completely dissipating the plane will of the world. If the plane will disappear completely one day, I\'m afraid the monastic system will collapse completely."

Maybe a few years later, the practice will become a myth, and the weather vitality of the world will completely disappear, then the plane will of the world will also be declared dead.

If you think about it in this way and think about it in reverse, that is to say, the will of the world still exists, but it is weak and abnormal, and is about to die?

Locke doesn\'t know what will happen if the will of a world plane dies completely. At least the only thing that can be confirmed is that the world will lose the space to rise.

It is never possible to ascend from the micro level to the low, intermediate or even higher level.

However, judging from the current major development of science and technology in the world, the indigenous people of the world have embarked on another path of progress.

Perhaps the energy level of the plane will not rise, but this plane has endless vitality. As long as their creative enthusiasm remains unchanged and innovative thinking continues to germinate, it is not impossible to have the power of the low-level world or even the middle-level world one day.

Although it is only a micro bit plane in terms of bit plane size.

Locke, who figured it all out, couldn\'t help lamenting the magical beauty of the endless world and the countless billions of planes. Who knows what kind of power system they have developed.

Well, now it seems that the most painful aspect of this plane is "heaven", which is the worst plane will Locke has ever seen.

The creatures raised by themselves are about to die. Needless to say, the newly developed human system does not need its plane will to do anything.

The responsibility of the guardian of the plane is borne by mankind. The plane barrier only needs the existence of that layer of atmosphere. The deeper protection force is still left to mankind.

The only disadvantage to human beings is that ectopic intruders like Locke will not be suppressed by the plane and can give play to 99% of their strength.

Whether the world without plane consciousness is good or bad requires human beings to verify and try.

From Locke\'s mouth that day, he was not a visitor from the upper world. After that, old man Zhou was much depressed.

He also asked Locke where he came from, but Locke remained silent and did not reveal any news.

The old Taoist is old and sees too many things, so he doesn\'t hold on to this problem.

The Maoshan sect is no different from the previous few months. All the disciples do not know that there is a great power during the foundation building period who is "hungry" to absorb knowledge and supplies in their Sutra Pavilion.

Locke, who had been "hungry" for a month and a half in the Sutra Pavilion, lost a lot of weight. Reading is really not his strong point. If an old man Zhou and Zhang Jiong were not around him from time to time, Locke would not be able to stand it.

"This is definitely the last time I read." Locke swore fiercely.

I knew I wouldn\'t take part in the mission of the deep blue prison fire world. Honestly, after ten years of compulsory mission on the three western islands, I indulge with my women every year. How natural and unrestrained! Locke thought.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

It has been more than half a year since Locke entered this micro plane, and what he doesn\'t know is that it has been two years since the moment he passed through the time and space window.

According to the powerful and learned level five magician of the space Department in the wizard world, master Einstein said in the theory of Relativity: time and space are relative.

Locke came to the micro world of the earth across endless space and distance, so the time he spent must not be the moment he thought through the window of time and space.

That is to say, it has been two and a half years since the three western islands of the wizard world became turbulent and the will of the dark blue prison fire world contracted.

The time was set two and a half years ago.

Felix, the heavenly knight, mobilized 13% of the fire elements of the dark blue prison fire world with his own selfish desire, gathered energy at the navel of the world, causing the turbulence of the elements of the dark blue prison fire world, and countless creatures suffered.

Within five hours after the incident, four cities in the dark blue prison fire world, including iron fortress and Bono City, sent level-3 sky knights to the navel of the world to catch Felix.

The movement is too big this time. The four forces must explain to the bottom knights and magicians.

"The impact is extremely bad! 75 first-class knights, 5 second-class knights and 10 first-class magicians of Santa tower were all killed! This is the largest mission failure in recent ten years!" This is the personal words of Lord zekley, the fourth level Knight of the three western islands.

"Is Felix dead or not? Get him back! I\'ll ask him myself what\'s going on!" This is the personal words of Lord Odyssey, a level Four knight on the western three islands.

These two are the bosses who knew the details of Felix\'s task in advance and the top figures who acquiesced in him. Now something happened, the two immediately expressed their attitude and wanted to severely punish Felix.

In addition, Gaia, the fourth level knight who suffered the most loss, was silent in this matter.

Silence represents the determination of level 4 Knight Gaia - this matter can\'t be exposed like this!

Finally, three level four knights from the three western islands stood up for the Panamanian master.

"Leave the investigation of this matter to Santa Fe." The Panamanian master in the 410 floor laboratory on the high floor of the holy tower said this to the three level four knights in the magic light curtain.


(PS: of course, I know that "heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are ruminant dogs" is Lao Tzu\'s benevolent thought, but for the sake of the logical stability of this book, let\'s misinterpret its meaning. Let\'s only understand its surface meaning.)

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