Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 535

"What is your realm?" Lao Dao claims to be the leader of Taoism in the world and the elder of Maoshan sect. Although he can see that Locke is several levels better than him, he still talks with his peers.

"Why? You can see it, but you can\'t see it?" Locke joked that the old Taoist priest\'s strength is general, and his mentality and willpower are superior. No wonder he can cultivate to the sixth level of Qi.

"Is the elder really powerful during the foundation period?" The old Taoist priest is still a little incredible.

For thousands of years, there have been no friars in the foundation period in the whole country of China. The ability to destroy mountains and rivers and lingxu resist the sky only exists in all the classics and assumptions collected by Qi practitioners.

After all, the Maoshan faction is the largest faction in China, and it is also in harmony with politics There is a close relationship with the government. Locke can\'t do too much to this sect. He wants to get what he wants. It seems that he has a good relationship with the old Taoist priest.

Of course, it\'s OK to plunder directly. Locke should be prepared to be an enemy of China.

I\'ve broken into the barracks and pawned it If the bureau recruit evil and fight against this door again, Locke doesn\'t want to be the target of public criticism.

There was no positive answer to the old man\'s question. Locke just released all his momentum and pressure, which has proved all this.

The terror of the first-class Knight reverberated in the ancestral hall. Locke, who had a very precise control of power, did not leak any energy outside the ancestral hall.

The solid foundation period Friar\'s power shocked the old Taoist priest beyond measure, and what cooled his back was the blood gas as terrible as the first-class biological power after Locke killed countless creatures.

Practitioners pay attention to self-cultivation. They rarely fight with others. They like to kill countless people. They are careless about human life. Among practitioners, they call these people magicians, which is very similar to the black magicians in the wizard world.

The Taoist priest only thought that Locke had developed such great vitality by slaughtering a small country and killing countless creatures. Unexpectedly, Locke\'s blood was killed.

Of course, Locke also killed Warcraft, ordinary people, knights and magicians in the wizard world, but it was a legitimate attack with restraint and reason.

If Locke dares to kill and kill in his own position, his will will will reduce his attention. Needless to say, he will be given the title of "black magician" and subjected to the pursuit, encirclement and suppression of all major forces in the wizard world.

But the Taoist priest doesn\'t know. The person in front of him is likely to be a demon monk. The Taoist priest has a sudden heart.

And this man can practice until the foundation period. Who knows how many people he killed, so he accumulated so much resentment.

The origin history of Maoshan school cannot be studied. It is recorded in the history that the ancestor of the early generation was the real king of Sanmao in the Han Dynasty.

The Taoist priest knows that their three ancestors are only twelve layer round friars. Even if the grandfather appears, he may not be able to defeat the strong man in front of him, not to mention the declining Maoshan sect.

Locke was so upset that he slaughtered more than a hundred people up and down Maoshan. The Taoist priest thought it was possible.

The older you live, the less enthusiasm you had for cultivation. The old Taoist can practice Qi up to now. He is in charge of the world\'s leading position. He depends on the energy of cultivation when he was young.

Now I\'m old, and the way of cultivation has come to an end. The old Taoist just wants to pass on the Maoshan sect.

Don\'t break the incense in your own hands. You can stand tall when you see the leaders and martial uncles of previous dynasties in the future.

"Elder, is there anything you need me to do?" Although this Taoist priest seems to be a rigid person, he actually has the same virtue as his second martial brother and knows the current affairs, otherwise he can\'t support such a big Maoshan sect.

The old man\'s instantaneous attitude change made Locke have a good impression on him. Locke is not a murderous person. It\'s best to get what he wants in Maoshan sect without blood.

"I want to see all the scriptures of your Maoshan sect, can I?" Locke said.

If you want to understand the cultivation system of this plane as quickly as possible, it is the quickest and most convenient way to consult the archives of Maoshan school, the largest school in China.

Of course, there is another place that may be recorded in more detail than the Maoshan faction, that is, the special confidential Department of the government, but Locke does not want to put himself in danger because he has a large amount of nuclear weapons that can threaten himself.

It\'s two o\'clock in the morning. All Taoists practicing in the Maoshan sect practice hall go back to their rooms to rest after the last bell two hours ago.

In Maoshan Sutra Pavilion, the old and the young are facing more than ten bookshelves of classics.

Zhang Jiong was put back by Locke. It was the old Taoist priest who sought love. He was a teacher for one day and a father for life. The old Taoist priest had long regarded Zhang Jiong as his son.

If a Taoist wants to break through to a higher level, he needs to ensure that there is no leakage. The old Taoist has never married a wife and had children all his life. Zhang Jiong is his will successor.

The Taoist surname is Zhou. Locke calls him old man Zhou.

"The Taoist classics in this bookshelf were collected by Maoshan sect during the turmoil in the late years of the previous dynasty. In addition to the 61 scriptures belonging to Maoshan, there are 36 Taoist classics from other sects, a total of 97 Taoist classics." Old man Zhou proudly introduced.

China has a long history and culture of thousands of years. In such a long period of time, countless sects have been born.

Some sects, such as Maoshan sect, have remained prosperous.

Some sects, such as Longhu sect, Tianshan sect and Emei sect, are in decline.

There are other sects, which have dissipated directly in the long river of history. Only this scripture collected by Maoshan sect can prove their existence.

Every Taoist Scripture integrates the profound wisdom and memory of predecessors. Looking at Locke, there is no book less than 30 cm high, which is thicker than a few turned heads

Locke took a puff from the corner of his mouth. It would take him at least two months to finish reading these scriptures.

Fortunately, he didn\'t read it alone. With old man Zhou\'s living dictionary next to him, Locke believes that the time spent reading these classics will be much earlier.

One question and one answer, time flies by.

A month later, in Maoshan Sutra Pavilion, Locke with a circle of beard was shaking his head and looking at the big dark blue brick in his hand.

The first book that can smash people\'s brains is as light as nothing in Locke\'s hands.

"Senior, how much energy is there in today\'s world with the foundation building period at your level?" He was familiar. Old man Zhou didn\'t have the prudence and fear in the first month. He often asked Locke other questions.

Locke glanced at him and said in a casual tone, "none."

With the energy concentration of the world, gathering all the micro elements can barely achieve two or three first-class creatures, but is that possible.

Gathering the energy elements of a plane, Locke remembered the culprit who banished him from time and space - the element extraction array. As expected, ordinary people can\'t play with that level of handwriting.

The third level sky Knight Felix is alive or dead. Locke can\'t guarantee it. If he wants to use the energy of a plane, Locke conservatively estimates that he must be above level 4 to do it.

"How... How did you break through?" Old man Zhou looked at Locke stealthily.

Without Locke, old man Zhou would focus on Maoshan sect in his last 30 years of life. Suddenly, an elder in the foundation period appeared. Can\'t old man Zhou calm his heart for decades and get restless again.

Old man Zhou is a genius once seen in a century in China. He achieved six levels of Qi practice at the age of 60, but in the next 20 years, he didn\'t make any progress due to the tiny environmental energy.

Old man Zhou wanted to break his head. He couldn\'t think of how he broke through the foundation period, and why he had never heard of his name in the previous decades.

"I\'m not from this world." Thinking that the plane suppression of the world was almost zero and the plane will was vague and invisible, Locke guessed that even the plane Guardian might not exist, so he showed his identity in a big way.

Visitors from outside? The strong in the world? Locke let old man Zhou guess.

"Does... Does... Does there really exist an upper bound?" Old man Zhou\'s eyes shone like a forbidden man For decades, I suddenly saw a coyote who was as beautiful as a flower.

Regardless of the identity of Locke\'s predecessor during the foundation period, he asked when he pulled Locke\'s sleeve.

"Are you from the upper boundary?" Old man Zhou seems to have found something amazing.

"Can you go back?"

"Can you take someone back?"

"I\'m willing to die if I can see the upper world once."

Mr. Zhou looked like a freak and walked around for a long time.

Since the first emperor swept Liuhe two thousand years ago and the world became one, there have been no real people above the foundation period in the world.

Throughout the dynasties, all Qi practitioners speculated that those powerful monks were breaking the void and going to the upper world.

But there is no clear literature record to verify it.

It is recorded in unofficial history that ah Qing, the yuenu sword, was a friar during the foundation period, but old man Zhou, the most orthodox successor of Maoshan, knew that ah Qing was not during the foundation period. Like the founder of Maoshan sect, she was just a friar who practiced great Qi and perfection.

It seems normal for Locke to match the quasi level knights in the knight level with the twelve level perfect realm of Qi training. Those levels kill more than 3000 weak aborigines in their own standard.

In this plane, human physique is too poor, and his mental power is poor. Otherwise, Locke can\'t use the domineering means of soul searching and memory reading just by virtue of his strong mental power.

After reading so many classics of Maoshan sect, Locke also knew what old man Zhou meant. He shook his head. "I\'m not from the upper boundary, and I doubt whether there is an upper boundary."

With the powerful medium-sized world on the side of the wizard world as a contrast, this plane called the earth is indeed a micro plane.

According to the development track of the endless world, it is impossible for this plane to give birth to life above level 4. The idea of breaking the void and emigrating to the upper world is ridiculous to Locke.

And why this plane has no plane will and why the element concentration is so low, Locke needs to solve it step by step.


There is no more. It will become another shift from tomorrow. I have to code in the examination room.

I\'ll see you next Thursday!