Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 529

Then there was chaos.

The above directly managed the military base by leaps and bounds through some control channels. Not only did all kinds of large equivalent weapons greet Locke after exposure, but also through communication with the supreme military commander of Shanxi Province, and was authorized to use ei301 surface to air ballistic missiles.

It\'s also an escape from this danger that allows Locke to find out the real power of the world.

The first thing he suffered was a remote-controlled hidden mine in the barracks. The explosion and killing of hidden mines was only the fireball skill level released by the middle-level apprentice, and even Locke\'s morale shield was not broken.

The second wave of attack was three shoulder RPG rocket propelled grenades. The firepower of this level was difficult. Locke\'s morale shield was almost broken, which scared him into a cold sweat. It was preliminarily judged that there was a quasi level.

Knowing that the situation was bad, Locke ran and did not hesitate to expose his ability to fly, but the result was still very tragic.

An ei301 surface to air ballistic missile directly sent him home. It should be satellite navigation. You can\'t hide it. Locke simply hid in the clouds and inspired all the fighting spirit to resist.

The first level of energy!

Fortunately, Locke\'s fierce wind fighting spirit is one of the best fighting spirit types in the wizard world. After being hit by a missile, Locke\'s fighting spirit shield was broken and the fighting spirit content in his body decreased by one third.

Fortunately, I didn\'t suffer any serious injury this time. I was covered with scorched black skin. It just looked scary. In fact, it didn\'t matter.

He consumed the most fighting spirit. After he poured two bottles of recovery medicine into his stomach, he was much better.

He didn\'t dare to stay here for a long time. His appearance changed after it was exposed last night. It\'s really smart. The army of this plane should not know all Locke\'s abilities, and there is no new attack coming.

Moreover, after the extreme outbreak of the wind system, he was as fast as a missile and quickly got rid of the satellite lock through thick clouds.

"First go home and cultivate for a while. After the limelight has passed, go and try again." Locke murmured that he didn\'t give up.

He knew there were intercontinental missiles and nuclear missiles on top of ballistic missiles Although those in power are unlikely to use these weapons in China, who knows.

Locke was convinced this time that intercontinental missiles definitely have the power explosion level of secondary organisms, and represent the nuclear power of the world\'s cutting-edge power According to the development track of micro plane, weapons must have the power level of three-level creatures.

"Cough." Finally, he vomited blood sputum. Locke hurried up the original city. He didn\'t fly this time. He was afraid of being exposed again.

At the same time, in a group of mountain villas in Xicheng District, Shangyuan City, Ma Xiaoxiao, dressed in civilian clothes, is lying on the sofa and boring pressing the TV remote control in a mid mountain villa located in one of the best locations of the villa group.

"Xiaoxiao, school starts tomorrow. Don\'t you go to school to report?" On the other side of the sofa, a middle-aged man with glasses said.

The middle-aged man\'s face was yellowish and his hair was combed meticulously. He held a morning paper in his hand and looked at her baby daughter.

"Oh, school starts tomorrow, not today." Ma Xiaoxiao rolled around on the sofa and said with his feet.

The middle-aged man had nothing to do with this ancient and strange daughter. He pretended to read the newspaper for a while, then raised his arm to look at his watch and said, "I remember. Today, your mother came back from a meeting in Hebei Province. Let\'s go out for a good meal at noon and pick up the wind and wash the dust for your mother."

"Ah! My mother is back today!" Ma Xiaoxiao jumped up.

In this family, the head of the family is not the father with a higher position in the bureaucracy of Shanxi Province, nor her Ma Xiaoxiao, but Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mother.

As soon as her mother comes home, she and her father have to listen to her mother.

If you let mom know she hasn\'t gone to school today, she\'ll never have good fruit to eat.

"Dad, I\'ll go back to school now!" Ma Xiaofeng ran back to his small bedroom to pack up.

"This girl ~" the middle-aged man chuckled.

Quickly packed up, Ma Xiaoxiao took his suitcase and went out. When he came to the door, Ma Xiaoxiao stretched out his small head with a single horsetail and said, "Dad, why don\'t you let uncle Liu send me? So I can report peace to you at school at noon."

"Your uncle Liu still has a job. How can he have time to send you to school." The middle-aged man said kindly, and his speech was always so slow.

But then he remembered something. The middle-aged man said, "I\'ll let Xiao Chen see you off."

"Brother Chen ~" Ma Xiaoxiao tooted his mouth, a little unhappy.

"Go quickly. Remember to call me when you get to school to report peace." The middle-aged man waved and said to his daughter.

"All right." Carrying his schoolbag and suitcase, Ma Xiaoxiao walked out of the house.

At the door of the house stood two young people with straight waist. They had calluses on their hands and bulging waist. Their identity was self-evident.

"Brother Chen, my father asked you to take me to school." Ma Xiaoxiao naturally handed the suitcase lever in his hand to one of the young men.

"Yes!" The man replied flatly.

Ma Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and the stuffy oil bottle.

An ordinary looking car drove out of the villa group. At the exit of the villa group, there were enough 20 armed guards. This was mingka, and there were many unknown secret outposts.

Sitting in the back of the car, Ma Xiaoxiao looked bored at the driver, brother Chen, who took out a red skin pass before he was allowed to drive away from the villas.

The car drove on the ring expressway of Shangyuan city and went to Shangyuan university where Ma Xiaoxiao was located.

Ma Xiaoxiao, sitting in the back row, saw that the time was ripe, so he said, "brother Chen, can I ask you a favor?"

Ma Xiaoxiao said in a coquettish tone that this move would do no harm to his father, but in the driver Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen didn\'t move his face.

Ma Xiaoxiao wasted a word and was not angry. Then he said, "brother Chen, your sister has graduated from college. My mother and their provincial committee are just about to recruit people. Let me ask my mother for you?"

From childhood, Ma Xiaoxiao was born in a large courtyard. Although she looks like an ordinary student, she has learned 30% of the behavior of her father and mother.

The driver Xiao Chen\'s face did not change much, but his lips moved, which was not found.

Ma Xiaoxiao, regardless of whether Xiao Chen listened to her or not, said to himself, "someone in our school bullied me. I can\'t find my parents. Can you check it for me?"

"It\'s a piece of cake for you, brother Chen, and you don\'t violate discipline. I won\'t say it."

"The man is dead. I\'m going to teach him a lesson."

"His name is Locke. I just want a little information about him. I\'ll never do anything else."

Ma Xiaoxiao\'s eyes are wide open.

The driver Xiao Chen still only stared at the road in front of him without much change.

"Brother Chen, don\'t you think about your sister? I know you have only one relative left." Ma Xiaoxiao coquettishly said.

After a moment of silence, the driver Xiao Chen said, "I\'ll try."

This person should not talk much at ordinary times, and his tone is very hoarse.

"Yeah! Thank you, brother Chen! I\'ll tell my mother about your sister tonight." Ma Xiaoxiao said happily.

The driver, Xiao Chen, is actually the guard platoon leader of her father. Although it\'s just a platoon leader, it\'s the army that can\'t stand it Deputy district manager Commander, Xiao Chen can use a lot of relationships to help her check her personal information. It can\'t be simpler.

Ma Xiaoxiao would have preferred to send her to school to \'uncle Liu\'. Uncle Liu is the deputy chief of staff under her father. He has more energy than Xiao Chen. He doesn\'t know how many times. He is also easier to talk than Xiao Chen. There was no thing Ma Xiaoxiao couldn\'t do before.

On the other side, in the mid level villa.

After his daughter left, the middle-aged man read the newspaper for another five minutes. When his watch reached a quarter past nine, he got up and walked to the study.

Close the study door, and the middle-aged man pulls down a blue electronic panel from a small edge on the top of the bookshelf.

Input a string of passwords on the electronic panel, and identify the fingerprint and pupil. Several video boxes pop up in the panel.

Inside the frames, many people in white coats or other uniforms walk around. They all have a common feature, that is, they are quite tough and resolute in the military.

In one of the frames, a mature woman with black framed glasses and a black suit is operating some instruments. If Locke is here, he will find that this woman is the one who exposed him in the military camp before.

"Cough, how\'s it going?" Ma Xiaoxiao\'s father coughed and said to the people working on the screen.

The staff in the other windows continued to work and did not respond. The woman with black frame glasses held the glasses, took out a stack of white paper from her side and said, "commander Ma, I have some clues."

"Say." Ma Xiaoxiao\'s father leaned back on the study chair and narrowed his eyes.

"According to the preliminary judgment, it has been ruled out that it is an enemy agent. There is no such person in the entry-exit screening in the last five years." The mature woman said, and a photo was displayed on the light screen on Ma Xiaoxiao\'s father\'s side.

The photo is exactly what Locke looked like that night, but the photo is rough, and there is only half of the effect picture of his face, which is not so true.

Ma Xiaoxiao\'s father didn\'t speak, but gently lit the table with his index finger. He was waiting for the following of a mature woman.

"At present, our understanding of the mysterious man who broke into the 186th regiment is limited to his ability last night."

"The skin comparable to the five centimeter thick synthetic metal, ignoring the bullets with a caliber of less than 7.62 mm, the hard anti 084 hidden mine was unharmed, and three shoulder RPG rocket propelled grenades could only cause slight vibration to him."

"And... The latest investigation report shows that the mysterious man may not have died after being directly bombarded by ei301 surface to air ballistic missile."

The mature woman picked up the important and finished the three statements in her hand. She didn\'t say many details, because those were more detailed predictions about the intruder\'s terrorist ability. She knew that the commander didn\'t like to listen to them.

"It\'s all rubbish!" The middle-aged man smashed the table angrily. One second ago, he was gentle and elegant. This second seemed like a beast who chose people and loved them.

"The strength of a regiment! More than 2000 guns! Just let him run away?! what to eat!" The momentum developed by being in a high position all year round makes the mature woman with some special abilities dare not try the commander\'s edge lightly.